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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....
    It's hard sometimes, but there's quite a bit I don't miss too. 💚

    Amen, sistah!
    ....I spoke just as a member, not one of those that had to do all the heavy lifting.... :)

    Absolutely understood that's where you were coming from.  :)   I suspect, though, some of the parts that Flake and I don't miss might also be on your don't miss list. I'm looking at you Hot Topics. ;)
    NotaroKurbenspideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Neesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....
    It's hard sometimes, but there's quite a bit I don't miss too. 💚

    Amen, sistah!
    ....I spoke just as a member, not one of those that had to do all the heavy lifting.... :)
    I know, I definitely get it.. it broke my heart when it went away, but time has been a great healer for me and I really like this place.
    Looking back some of that heavy lifting permanently changed the curve of my spine, it's finally starting to try and right itself and I'm thankful for this. 💚 
    ....understood....I like our little nest here as well......except for Irish and Ghost....they keep pooping on things.... :D
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Marsha said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....
    It's hard sometimes, but there's quite a bit I don't miss too. 💚

    Amen, sistah!
    ....I spoke just as a member, not one of those that had to do all the heavy lifting.... :)

    Absolutely understood that's where you were coming from.  :)   I suspect, though, some of the parts that Flake and I don't miss might also be on your don't miss list. I'm looking at you Hot Topics. ;)
    Look at me GIFs - Get the best gif on GIFER
    KurbenHedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • ....ain't that always the case Cat?.....there is no such thing as a "simple project" in home improvement, anybody that says there is, is trying to blow happy smoke up our ass....
    KurbenHedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • ....dreading work....I'm stuck for 16 hours-2 pm today till 6am tomorrow....might get 4 hours of sleep, then back in at 2pm again....it's rare, but it still heartily sucks-especially since I've never worked Thirds in my short time there.....oh well, look at all the money I'm making....
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • My sun is red today — seeing it through horribly smoky skies. 

    What’s that song about smoke from a distant fire from the 70s?  Although i don’t think he was referring to smokey the bear smoldering away in some burning campsite. 

  • edited August 2021

    My sun is red today — seeing it through horribly smoky skies. 

    What’s that song about smoke from a distant fire from the 70s?  Although i don’t think he was referring to smokey the bear smoldering away in some burning campsite. 

  • edited August 2021
    GNTLGNT said:

    My sun is red today — seeing it through horribly smoky skies. 

    What’s that song about smoke from a distant fire from the 70s?  Although i don’t think he was referring to smokey the bear smoldering away in some burning campsite. 

    I would have never in a million years got the artist. 
  • edited August 2021

    My sun is red today — seeing it through horribly smoky skies. 

    What’s that song about smoke from a distant fire from the 70s?  Although i don’t think he was referring to smokey the bear smoldering away in some burning campsite. 

    Wth, double post 
  • Cleaned up my kitchen. Got ready and went to vote in a special election. For/against taking local control of our community college. It is a "satellite" college right now. 

    I can see definite pros to having control over how the money is spent but it would come with a hefty price tag. Increased property taxes for homeowners and increased taxes on businesses. I voted no. The property taxes were reasonable but for places like where my husband works, it would mean an additional 8 million/annually in taxes. Which would probably translate into jobs lost. There were other reasons too, but that was my primary one. 

    I think the town is pretty split over it so it will be interesting to see whether it passes or not. 

    Have to take the kids to their orientation tonight for school. Ty needs to be able to find his way around the big bad high school next week. 😉 
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • My daughter Virginia is interviewed starting at 1:03 in this clip. She's become a social activist in the past few weeks. (My wife says she took her to her first protest when she was three, so she comes by it honestly!)
  • My daughter Virginia is interviewed starting at 1:03 in this clip. She's become a social activist in the past few weeks. (My wife says she took her to her first protest when she was three, so she comes by it honestly!)
    She did great! I'm very proud of her and others like her. 💜
  • She is correct.  Why do these arrogant parents remain so determined to play Russian roulette with their children’s health and safety? Their very lives?  Biting their noses off to spite their faces?  This is the hill they are willing to die on? And take out as many as they can with them?  

    It boggles me. Like your daughter said, err on the side of caution and care about someone besides yourself. Lots of faux christianity on display along with the content of character. 
  • GNTLGNT said:

    My sun is red today — seeing it through horribly smoky skies. 

    What’s that song about smoke from a distant fire from the 70s?  Although i don’t think he was referring to smokey the bear smoldering away in some burning campsite. 

    I would have never in a million years got the artist. 
    ....spun the vinyl plenty of times in my on-air days.... :)
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • ....agreed....points were valid.....people need to quite trying to dicker with other's lives...you want to run the risk of getting infected, and bringing it to those close to you-that's on your conscience....just don't try to add our bodies to the funeral pyre.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....agreed....points were valid.....people need to quite trying to dicker with other's lives...you want to run the risk of getting infected, and bringing it to those close to you-that's on your conscience....just don't try to add our bodies to the funeral pyre.....
    Here’s the thing — even if you don’t believe one thing about this — which that is mind blowing in and of itself — why not err on the side of caution? Like bev’s daughter said? It’s such a simple thing to do. So simple. So kind to yourself and kind to others.  SelfLESS.   

    I would never risk my children.  

  • ....I'm always curious when that one link dropped off the DNA chain in these whackadoos...
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • It’s cooled down noticeably this morning. A light breeze blowing that will hopefully take the smoke with it. 

    Grocery shopping.
    post office. 
    continuing to clear out accumulated junk from a life poorly lived. 

    Kicking around another story for another publication.  Before i die — just one little story God….
  • ...bitchin'....just had our A/C checked before season, and it stopped working last night....humid as hell out, can't get service till tomorrow....Russian hacking I'm bettin'....
    NotaroKurbenOut of OrderFlakeNoirMarshacatNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...bitchin'....just had our A/C checked before season, and it stopped working last night....humid as hell out, can't get service till tomorrow....Russian hacking I'm bettin'....
    Be grateful for tomorrow !  My AC bit it during 100 degree steady temps for 2 weeks before my guy could get out.  I was very ill for that 2 weeks.  Of course, my whole unit had to be replaced-  hopefully yours is an easy fix.  Icepacks!!!!! They help!
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...bitchin'....just had our A/C checked before season, and it stopped working last night....humid as hell out, can't get service till tomorrow....Russian hacking I'm bettin'....
    Meh, sleep in the raw like OoO does. Guaranteed to get the whole bed to yourself!!👍
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTcatNeesydoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Had a guy tree out to give me estimate on taking out huge tree. Two weeks from now i will eliminate a nonillion of leaves i will have to rake in the fall.  
    Guy tree? That’s some dyslexic shenanigans for sure.  
    ...so yer cutting down Groot?????....

    Groot 3D Print 5 Best Curated Models  All3DP
    On geez, just saw this — no! I would never cut down groot.  This was groots’s twisted and hateful third cousin. 
    KurbenOut of OrderFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTcatNeesydoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...bitchin'....just had our A/C checked before season, and it stopped working last night....humid as hell out, can't get service till tomorrow....Russian hacking I'm bettin'....
    Meh, sleep in the raw like OoO does. Guaranteed to get the whole bed to yourself!!👍
    ...raw....like a side of beef.....
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirNeesyOut of OrderMarshadoyoulove19
  • Doing bugger all today, we're still in lockdown and I don't work weekends so can't go anywhere. 
    I am going to go to the river though... the eels are a no show, so social distancing from them won't be a problem.  I'll be on the lookout for that b1tch Rose the Hat and her Overlook friends though, I may need to blow off steam and they're not welcome to it.

    This will make zero sense if you lot read this post before my movie one. 😄
    NotaroMarshaKurbenHedda GablerDebbie913Neesycat
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