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Absolutely understood that's where you were coming from.
I can see definite pros to having control over how the money is spent but it would come with a hefty price tag. Increased property taxes for homeowners and increased taxes on businesses. I voted no. The property taxes were reasonable but for places like where my husband works, it would mean an additional 8 million/annually in taxes. Which would probably translate into jobs lost. There were other reasons too, but that was my primary one.
I think the town is pretty split over it so it will be interesting to see whether it passes or not.
Have to take the kids to their orientation tonight for school. Ty needs to be able to find his way around the big bad high school next week. 😉
post office.
continuing to clear out accumulated junk from a life poorly lived.
I am going to go to the river though... the eels are a no show, so social distancing from them won't be a problem. I'll be on the lookout for that b1tch Rose the Hat and her Overlook friends though, I may need to blow off steam and they're not welcome to it.
This will make zero sense if you lot read this post before my movie one. 😄