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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • ...it's great bit of levity in a grim situation....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotarocat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...soooo, Flakes....much leg spreading going on today in Kiwiland????....... :D :D :D :D :D
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...what a great Freudian slip....
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...it's great bit of levity in a grim situation....

    NotaroKurbencatGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesydoyoulove19
  • I had to watch that clip 2x to figure out what the heck. 😄😄
    GNTLGNTKurbenMarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • A relatively calm day ahead today. Just school to worry about. No soccer practice tonight or band practice, either! Woo-hoo! 

    I have slept like a rock the last 2 nights. I guess the cure to my insomnia is little people! 😄😄
    GNTLGNTKurbenMarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesydoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    A relatively calm day ahead today. Just school to worry about. No soccer practice tonight or band practice, either! Woo-hoo! 

    I have slept like a rock the last 2 nights. I guess the cure to my insomnia is little people! 😄😄
    The Funniest Grandparent Memes Ever - It39s Rosy
    KurbencatMarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesydoyoulove19
  • edited August 2021
    Got my Covid booster yesterday, arm is sore but that’s about it. 
  • cat said:
    I had to watch that clip 2x to figure out what the heck. 😄😄
    There's more to this story, 😁 I'll tell it a bit later.
    Hedda GablerNotarocatMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • FlakeNoir said:
    cat said:
    I had to watch that clip 2x to figure out what the heck. 😄😄
    There's more to this story, 😁 I'll tell it a bit later.
    I think I figured it out...he meant stretch your legs as in walk, right? But it came out wrong. 

    But if I'm not right, yes I want to know the rest!
    KurbenNotaroMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    cat said:
    I had to watch that clip 2x to figure out what the heck. 😄😄
    There's more to this story, 😁 I'll tell it a bit later.
    I think I figured it out...he meant stretch your legs as in walk, right? But it came out wrong. 

    But if I'm not right, yes I want to know the rest!
    Yeah that's what happened in the video, but there is backstory, or rather... another story. 

    About a year ago I was attending some work based training, during one of the days our manager was running a workshop and we'd been sitting for a couple of hours (yep, you see where this is going) so at lunch time he suggested we "spread" our legs instead of "stretch" them. Of course we all lost it. 😄

    Fast forward a year to our current lockdown, Chris as you see in the video there, made the same mistake.
    The next day my coworker, our client and I had to meet our manager at head office to pick up some more PPE, so I sent him a txt message:

    "We've just hit town, meet you at the front door if you're feeling up to some exercise. "
    And I attached one of the aforementioned COVID-19 images. (the less racy one ! 😳😁)
    NotaroMarshacatHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTNeesydoyoulove19
  • Today they have turned off water and heat in the apartment. The are changing the pumpengine or whatever that drives it. So no shower yet today....  The heat is no problem since its still warm outside. An hour left until its said to be turned back on. I must use the water then to flush the system through because in the beginning the water might have a another color....
    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • Kurben said:
    Today they have turned off water and heat in the apartment. The are changing the pumpengine or whatever that drives it. So no shower yet today....  The heat is no problem since its still warm outside. An hour left until its said to be turned back on. I must use the water then to flush the system through because in the beginning the water might have a another color....
    ...here's a good way to enjoy a cool shower....

    Only way to have a cold shower in Arizona during the summer months - Album  on Imgur
    Hedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    Today they have turned off water and heat in the apartment. The are changing the pumpengine or whatever that drives it. So no shower yet today....  The heat is no problem since its still warm outside. An hour left until its said to be turned back on. I must use the water then to flush the system through because in the beginning the water might have a another color....
    ...here's a good way to enjoy a cool shower....

    Only way to have a cold shower in Arizona during the summer months - Album  on Imgur
    Or, just turn the knob to cold. 😂🤣😂🥰😂
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    Today they have turned off water and heat in the apartment. The are changing the pumpengine or whatever that drives it. So no shower yet today....  The heat is no problem since its still warm outside. An hour left until its said to be turned back on. I must use the water then to flush the system through because in the beginning the water might have a another color....
    ...here's a good way to enjoy a cool shower....

    Only way to have a cold shower in Arizona during the summer months - Album  on Imgur
    Or, just turn the knob to cold. 😂🤣😂🥰😂
    ...well sure, when ya want to be all logical and stuff....
    Hedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirMarshaNeesydoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    Today they have turned off water and heat in the apartment. The are changing the pumpengine or whatever that drives it. So no shower yet today....  The heat is no problem since its still warm outside. An hour left until its said to be turned back on. I must use the water then to flush the system through because in the beginning the water might have a another color....
    ...here's a good way to enjoy a cool shower....

    Only way to have a cold shower in Arizona during the summer months - Album  on Imgur
    Or, just turn the knob to cold. 😂🤣😂🥰😂
    ...well sure, when ya want to be all logical and stuff....
  • edited August 2021
    You know when you’re out driving and some dumbass does something and you think, “where’s a cop?”

    i just had the most glorious where’s-a-cop moment.  I am sitting in our local Michaels craft store parking lot relaying this to you in real time, like those helicopter guys who report traffic news during gridlocked morning rush hour. 

    I’ve mentioned before that I’m a beast in a car. I’m raging like a bad case of V.D. at every idiot who doesn’t know how to drive— know the laws or get out of my damn way. That’s all I ask. Just know the laws and buy some common sense. I’m not asking anyone to do anything illegal. 

    I don’t honk or flip anyone off, because in today’s world that could get you seriously dead, but I am cussing like a cussing person.

    Anyway, i’m driving down the road, 2 lanes same way. I’m going speed limit.  And what happens? Speed racer comes zooming up on my ass. So, guess what i do? I pace the car next to me also going the speed limit. Get the picture? We’re blocking Andretti behind us.  He’s drafting my 35 mile per hour wind. 

    And to my great and total satisfaction, guess who comes up on Andretti’s ass?  That’s right. One of our fine boys in blue.  Pull over to the side, numbnutz. 

    One step for drivers, one giant leap for mankind.
  • You know when you’re out driving and some dumbass does something and you think, “where’s a cop?”

    i just had the most glorious where’s-a-cop moment.  I am sitting in our local Michaels craft store parking lot relaying this to you in real time, like those helicopter guys who report traffic news during gridlocked morning rush hour. 

    I’ve mentioned before that I’m a beast in a car. I’m raging like a bad case of V.D. at every idiot who doesn’t know how to drive— know the laws or get out of my damn way. That’s all I ask. Just know the laws and buy some common sense. I’m not asking anyone to do anything illegal. 

    I don’t honk or flip anyone off, because in today’s world that could get you seriously dead, but I am cussing like a cussing person.

    Anyway, i’m driving down the road, 2 lanes same way. I’m going speed limit.  And what happens? Speed racer comes zooming up on my ass. So, guess what i do? I pace the car next to me also going the speed limit. Get the picture? We’re blocking Andretti behind us.  He’s drafting my 35 mile per hour wind. 

    And to my great and total satisfaction, guess who comes up on Andretti’s ass?  That’s right. One of our fine boys in blue.  Pull over to the side, numbnutz. 

    One step for drivers, one giant leap for mankind.
    I understand the rage part. I've never had a driving license put when i go watching archaological sites or tv-series based on the viking age i go absolute livid if they have drawn a pic or portrayed a character as wearing a helmet with horns. There has never ever existed a viking helmet that had horns! It completely, for me, breaks the believability (is that a word?) of the drawing or the tv-series. I saw one on this little roadtrip we made. It was a sign on the site of a big viking age gravesite and they had drawn the viking with horns!!! Idiots. If they are trying to convey info about that time to people that stops it should be the correct info not something picked up from Hägar or wherever he got it from. 
  • You know when you’re out driving and some dumbass does something and you think, “where’s a cop?”

    i just had the most glorious where’s-a-cop moment.  I am sitting in our local Michaels craft store parking lot relaying this to you in real time, like those helicopter guys who report traffic news during gridlocked morning rush hour. 

    I’ve mentioned before that I’m a beast in a car. I’m raging like a bad case of V.D. at every idiot who doesn’t know how to drive— know the laws or get out of my damn way. That’s all I ask. Just know the laws and buy some common sense. I’m not asking anyone to do anything illegal. 

    I don’t honk or flip anyone off, because in today’s world that could get you seriously dead, but I am cussing like a cussing person.

    Anyway, i’m driving down the road, 2 lanes same way. I’m going speed limit.  And what happens? Speed racer comes zooming up on my ass. So, guess what i do? I pace the car next to me also going the speed limit. Get the picture? We’re blocking Andretti behind us.  He’s drafting my 35 mile per hour wind. 

    And to my great and total satisfaction, guess who comes up on Andretti’s ass?  That’s right. One of our fine boys in blue.  Pull over to the side, numbnutz. 

    One step for drivers, one giant leap for mankind.
    🤭🤭🤭 So glad there was a cop. That never happens!!!

    Not exactly the same thing but Scott got into it with some lady at Walmart yesterday. He took my car and parked behind a big suv of some kind. They had pulled through the spot, so the front of my car was facing the back of their suv. But not close, there was room between the vehicles.

    When he came back out, the lady who belonged to the suv was standing there, fuming. She says to him, "Why would you park there? Did you not see my vehicle? Did you not think that maybe I might need to get the back open?" 

    He shot back at her that she was the one who had pulled through into that spot and that she had plenty of room to open the back of her vehicle to get her groceries in. She gave him the finger. Sigh. When did we all become so entitled? I just don't get it. 

    And in other news, Evan got rear ended at a red light yesterday. He is fine, the other kid is fine. His car will need some work but it really was not much more than a fender bender. He was hot under the collar, let me tell you. 

    Spencer fell asleep on the couch. Gave him a bath this morning. I need to do a few chores, maybe run out for a new coffee pot. Ours quit Monday. Been using a little 4 cup one out of the camper but missing a nice 12 cup one. And both my kids need dividers for binders for school but that is all the "extra" school stuff they need. 

    Need to pick Ali up from band later and get Sage to soccer. Brandon and Marti had a great time at the concert. They will be headed home tomorrow. 
  • Kurben said:
    You know when you’re out driving and some dumbass does something and you think, “where’s a cop?”

    i just had the most glorious where’s-a-cop moment.  I am sitting in our local Michaels craft store parking lot relaying this to you in real time, like those helicopter guys who report traffic news during gridlocked morning rush hour. 

    I’ve mentioned before that I’m a beast in a car. I’m raging like a bad case of V.D. at every idiot who doesn’t know how to drive— know the laws or get out of my damn way. That’s all I ask. Just know the laws and buy some common sense. I’m not asking anyone to do anything illegal. 

    I don’t honk or flip anyone off, because in today’s world that could get you seriously dead, but I am cussing like a cussing person.

    Anyway, i’m driving down the road, 2 lanes same way. I’m going speed limit.  And what happens? Speed racer comes zooming up on my ass. So, guess what i do? I pace the car next to me also going the speed limit. Get the picture? We’re blocking Andretti behind us.  He’s drafting my 35 mile per hour wind. 

    And to my great and total satisfaction, guess who comes up on Andretti’s ass?  That’s right. One of our fine boys in blue.  Pull over to the side, numbnutz. 

    One step for drivers, one giant leap for mankind.
    I understand the rage part. I've never had a driving license put when i go watching archaological sites or tv-series based on the viking age i go absolute livid if they have drawn a pic or portrayed a character as wearing a helmet with horns. There has never ever existed a viking helmet that had horns! It completely, for me, breaks the believability (is that a word?) of the drawing or the tv-series. I saw one on this little roadtrip we made. It was a sign on the site of a big viking age gravesite and they had drawn the viking with horns!!! Idiots. If they are trying to convey info about that time to people that stops it should be the correct info not something picked up from Hägar or wherever he got it from. 
    It’s frustrating isn’t it?
  • edited August 2021
    cat said:
    You know when you’re out driving and some dumbass does something and you think, “where’s a cop?”

    i just had the most glorious where’s-a-cop moment.  I am sitting in our local Michaels craft store parking lot relaying this to you in real time, like those helicopter guys who report traffic news during gridlocked morning rush hour. 

    I’ve mentioned before that I’m a beast in a car. I’m raging like a bad case of V.D. at every idiot who doesn’t know how to drive— know the laws or get out of my damn way. That’s all I ask. Just know the laws and buy some common sense. I’m not asking anyone to do anything illegal. 

    I don’t honk or flip anyone off, because in today’s world that could get you seriously dead, but I am cussing like a cussing person.

    Anyway, i’m driving down the road, 2 lanes same way. I’m going speed limit.  And what happens? Speed racer comes zooming up on my ass. So, guess what i do? I pace the car next to me also going the speed limit. Get the picture? We’re blocking Andretti behind us.  He’s drafting my 35 mile per hour wind. 

    And to my great and total satisfaction, guess who comes up on Andretti’s ass?  That’s right. One of our fine boys in blue.  Pull over to the side, numbnutz. 

    One step for drivers, one giant leap for mankind.
    🤭🤭🤭 So glad there was a cop. That never happens!!!

    Not exactly the same thing but Scott got into it with some lady at Walmart yesterday. He took my car and parked behind a big suv of some kind. They had pulled through the spot, so the front of my car was facing the back of their suv. But not close, there was room between the vehicles.

    When he came back out, the lady who belonged to the suv was standing there, fuming. She says to him, "Why would you park there? Did you not see my vehicle? Did you not think that maybe I might need to get the back open?" 

    He shot back at her that she was the one who had pulled through into that spot and that she had plenty of room to open the back of her vehicle to get her groceries in. She gave him the finger. Sigh. When did we all become so entitled? I just don't get it. 

    And in other news, Evan got rear ended at a red light yesterday. He is fine, the other kid is fine. His car will need some work but it really was not much more than a fender bender. He was hot under the collar, let me tell you. 

    Spencer fell asleep on the couch. Gave him a bath this morning. I need to do a few chores, maybe run out for a new coffee pot. Ours quit Monday. Been using a little 4 cup one out of the camper but missing a nice 12 cup one. And both my kids need dividers for binders for school but that is all the "extra" school stuff they need. 

    Need to pick Ali up from band later and get Sage to soccer. Brandon and Marti had a great time at the concert. They will be headed home tomorrow. 
    So glad evan wasn’t hurt, or the other kid. 

    And i cannot believe that lady had the nerve to flip him off. Scott should’ve gotten in his vehicle and just sat there on his phone. 🤣 f***ing Karen. 

    I told my kid my story and he was like”mom!”

    i told him, i did absolutely nothing wrong. I can’t help it that me and the guy next to me decided to go the speed limit. Actually, the guy next to me was about 37 miles per hour because my front end was even with his back end — no way Andretti was getting through that. 

    Andretti risked getting; speeding ticket, reckless driving, following too close and probably some others.  Depending on his record, that could be jail time and thousands in fines. 

    I hope it was worth it. Harassing poor little old ladies like me on the roads of America. 😈
  • You know when you’re out driving and some dumbass does something and you think, “where’s a cop?”

    i just had the most glorious where’s-a-cop moment.  I am sitting in our local Michaels craft store parking lot relaying this to you in real time, like those helicopter guys who report traffic news during gridlocked morning rush hour. 

    I’ve mentioned before that I’m a beast in a car. I’m raging like a bad case of V.D. at every idiot who doesn’t know how to drive— know the laws or get out of my damn way. That’s all I ask. Just know the laws and buy some common sense. I’m not asking anyone to do anything illegal. 

    I don’t honk or flip anyone off, because in today’s world that could get you seriously dead, but I am cussing like a cussing person.

    Anyway, i’m driving down the road, 2 lanes same way. I’m going speed limit.  And what happens? Speed racer comes zooming up on my ass. So, guess what i do? I pace the car next to me also going the speed limit. Get the picture? We’re blocking Andretti behind us.  He’s drafting my 35 mile per hour wind. 

    And to my great and total satisfaction, guess who comes up on Andretti’s ass?  That’s right. One of our fine boys in blue.  Pull over to the side, numbnutz. 

    One step for drivers, one giant leap for mankind.
    Oh brilliant, take that you worthless little snot. 😄

    And I am all that you described behind the wheel when it comes to dickhead drivers, but throw in the odd horn barp and bird flip too... though, these are reserved for the pricks that constantly try to take me out on one particular intersection.
    The same intersection that nearly got my kid killed walking to school one day.
    The same intersection that did get my 2nd cousin killed about 30 years ago. 
    We don't have every 3rd person packing heat here, so there's probably a fair amount more verbalising and gesturing going on.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    You know when you’re out driving and some dumbass does something and you think, “where’s a cop?”

    i just had the most glorious where’s-a-cop moment.  I am sitting in our local Michaels craft store parking lot relaying this to you in real time, like those helicopter guys who report traffic news during gridlocked morning rush hour. 

    I’ve mentioned before that I’m a beast in a car. I’m raging like a bad case of V.D. at every idiot who doesn’t know how to drive— know the laws or get out of my damn way. That’s all I ask. Just know the laws and buy some common sense. I’m not asking anyone to do anything illegal. 

    I don’t honk or flip anyone off, because in today’s world that could get you seriously dead, but I am cussing like a cussing person.

    Anyway, i’m driving down the road, 2 lanes same way. I’m going speed limit.  And what happens? Speed racer comes zooming up on my ass. So, guess what i do? I pace the car next to me also going the speed limit. Get the picture? We’re blocking Andretti behind us.  He’s drafting my 35 mile per hour wind. 

    And to my great and total satisfaction, guess who comes up on Andretti’s ass?  That’s right. One of our fine boys in blue.  Pull over to the side, numbnutz. 

    One step for drivers, one giant leap for mankind.
    Oh brilliant, take that you worthless little snot. 😄

    And I am all that you described behind the wheel when it comes to dickhead drivers, but throw in the odd horn barp and bird flip too... though, these are reserved for the pricks that constantly try to take me out on one particular intersection.
    The same intersection that nearly got my kid killed walking to school one day.
    The same intersection that did get my 2nd cousin killed about 30 years ago. 
    We don't have every 3rd person packing heat here, so there's probably a fair amount more verbalising and gesturing going on.
    Yep. We have a insane shooty problem here. 
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