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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • There’s trouble right here in River City and I’m gonna get me some — headed to the book store. 
  • It has been a fast, yet lazy weekend here. We had some unneeded excitement Thursday night. Remember me telling you guys about the guy who backed into Evan's truck? Well he has a son living with him (and wife). We have never spoken to him, had any interaction whatsoever, except for right after we got Raven, he asked Ty where we got her. 

    Scott was getting ready to go on nights, Friday night. Usually he sits up until around 2 am to switch over. But, we were tired and I went to bed around 9:30 and he followed around 10:30. 

    At midnight, both our phones started ring a ling a linging. It was the doorbell camera notification. I don't know why but I thought I'd better look so I pulled it up. Not expecting to see anything but maybe a car driving by. But there was someone on my porch. Sitting on the steps, so his back was to the camera. 

    Long story short, it was the guy across the street, his kid. He was drunk or high, something. Scott confronted him. He was belligerent but making no sense. He grabbed a stepstool we had in the driveway and we thought he was going to attack Scott first. Then he thought about hitting my car with it. Then our tree. Then he took off across the street with it. Put it in their garage. 

    By now the cops were on the way. One came here and talked to Scott and watched the video. The other went there and talked to the kid. Got our stepladder back. Scott told the police he wanted him trespassed from our property. We found out later they cited him for larceny. But it was a freaky situation and I have been uneasy since. Especially with Scott on nights. It has been quiet but I am still uneasy about it. What was he doing? Why? 

    Have been lazy all weekend. Wanted to read but I can't seem to shut my brain off. Can't concentrate. 

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Ready for a new week. 🙂 Big hugs and positive vibes to all. ❤ 

  • Cat! This is so scary! Yes, what was he doing. Get a restraining order. At least it is in place. Do everything by the book and document things. Watch your pets.  Crazy bastards.  It’s not right you should feel unsafe in your home. 
  • Cat! This is so scary! Yes, what was he doing. Get a restraining order. At least it is in place. Do everything by the book and document things. Watch your pets.  Crazy bastards.  It’s not right you should feel unsafe in your home. 
    We do not have a fence, so the dogs never go out unaccompanied. One of us is always right there. The cats never go out at all.  And we are armed. I know not everyone agrees with that choice but we are. Scott was armed when he confronted the guy. The cops were 100% aware of that, Scott told the dispatcher he was armed.  I say "kid" but he is an adult. The blotter blurb about it said he is 29. Plenty old enough to know better. I just don't know. 

    It was scary and I do not appreciate bring made feel that way. All I could think about were the littles and my kids all sleeping upstairs. The littles slept through all of it thank goodness. 

    I just wish I knew wtf he was doing. He was sitting there, throwing his hands up in the air and talking to himself before Scott confronted him. It was all just very scary. 
    GNTLGNTMarshaNotarospideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • ...no one 100% agrees with firearms, but y'all know I do, and if it comes to that-do what needs done.....never shoot in the back though....I don't know about the status of "stand your ground" there, but in Ohio the Governor recently signed into law that you no longer have to back away/retreat...if you feel that your person, or someone about you is in danger and you have legal right to be where you are and take the shot....sucks to be the scumbag....
    catMarshaNotarospideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...no one 100% agrees with firearms, but y'all know I do, and if it comes to that-do what needs done.....never shoot in the back though....I don't know about the status of "stand your ground" there, but in Ohio the Governor recently signed into law that you no longer have to back away/retreat...if you feel that your person, or someone about you is in danger and you have legal right to be where you are and take the shot....sucks to be the scumbag....
    It is the same here, on your property or in your house you have no obligation to stand down if you feel threatened. This guy was in danger only when he picked that stepstool up. Thank goodness he did not decide to swing at Scott with it. He tried to use that as an excuse or whatever with the cops, that Scott had a gun and the cops told him he was lucky Scott didn't use it, that he would have been within his rights. 
    GNTLGNTMarshaNotarospideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...no one 100% agrees with firearms, but y'all know I do, and if it comes to that-do what needs done.....never shoot in the back though....I don't know about the status of "stand your ground" there, but in Ohio the Governor recently signed into law that you no longer have to back away/retreat...if you feel that your person, or someone about you is in danger and you have legal right to be where you are and take the shot....sucks to be the scumbag....
    It is the same here, on your property or in your house you have no obligation to stand down if you feel threatened. This guy was in danger only when he picked that stepstool up. Thank goodness he did not decide to swing at Scott with it. He tried to use that as an excuse or whatever with the cops, that Scott had a gun and the cops told him he was lucky Scott didn't use it, that he would have been within his rights. 
    ....I'm glad to hear it, and pray you never have to test it out.....buncha friggin' wingnuts!....
    catMarshaKurbenNotarospideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • Sounds a lot like our street on a normal night. (minus the firearms... okay sometimes there are guns but not out in the open and not very often)

    I wonder if he's mental health? 
    MarshacatNotarospideymanGNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Sounds a lot like our street on a normal night. (minus the firearms... okay sometimes there are guns but not out in the open and not very often)

    I wonder if he's mental health? 
    We have never seen anything that made us wonder about his mental state. Up until the other night, anyway. 
    FlakeNoirKurbenNotarospideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshadoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Sounds a lot like our street on a normal night. (minus the firearms... okay sometimes there are guns but not out in the open and not very often)

    I wonder if he's mental health? 
    We have never seen anything that made us wonder about his mental state. Up until the other night, anyway. 
    Maybe something brought on by alcohol or drugs as you say? 
    It's not a nice feeling being afraid at night, I'm sorry you're going through this. I understand the nightshift thing.
    KurbenNotarospideymancatGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshadoyoulove19
  • ....I've seen drugs produce this type of behavior, almost sounds like a synthetic marijuana trip, especially if it was cut with something....
    Hedda GablerKurbencatMarshaFlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19
  • Scott and I had a lunch date today. We try to do that once in a while. Went to Ruby Tuesday's. I had a parmesan Mac n cheese dish with a breaded chicken breast, the chicken was smothered in marinara. It was delicious! Brought half home. Very filling. I think I can recreate it easy enough for a family dinner. 
    FlakeNoirKurbenNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    Scott and I had a lunch date today. We try to do that once in a while. Went to Ruby Tuesday's. I had a parmesan Mac n cheese dish with a breaded chicken breast, the chicken was smothered in marinara. It was delicious! Brought half home. Very filling. I think I can recreate it easy enough for a family dinner. 
    ....it's nice to just be a couple huh?....nice break from our yokes as parents and grandparents.....
    Hedda GablerKurbencatNotaroFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19
  • Dentist appt. 

    i like my appts because my hygienist is a really friendly guy.  He actually schedules more time so we can chat.  I don’t know him at all outside the office, but he has a great sense of humor. 

  • Grabbing my Sedaris and headed for coffee.   What windmills can I tilt at today? 
  • Grabbing my Sedaris and headed for coffee.   What windmills can I tilt at today? 
    Don Quixote always find one! Who is your Sancho Panza? Or are you the embodiment of both characters?
  • Kurben said:
    Grabbing my Sedaris and headed for coffee.   What windmills can I tilt at today? 
    Don Quixote always find one! Who is your Sancho Panza? Or are you the embodiment of both characters?
    I think a bit of both, just to keep things interesting. 😉
  • I still have not gotten a new coffee pot. We have been using the small one from the camper, which is fine but we need a full size one. Might venture out to get one today. 

    Went last night to watch Riddik play football. It was fun but it is still so so smoky here. Got cool enough towards the end, I needed my sweater. And I am seeing a few leaves starting to turn. Definitely the start of fall here. 
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshaNotaro
  • cat said:
    I still have not gotten a new coffee pot. We have been using the small one from the camper, which is fine but we need a full size one. Might venture out to get one today. 

    Went last night to watch Riddik play football. It was fun but it is still so so smoky here. Got cool enough towards the end, I needed my sweater. And I am seeing a few leaves starting to turn. Definitely the start of fall here. 
    Quotes Coffee Pot QuotesGram
    catKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaHedda Gablernot_nadineNotaro
  • I think everyone is good at something. Apparently my skill is collagen-ing.  

    I go every year for skin checks at my dermatologist. He told me I had great collagen for someone 85 1/3.  
  • Heading to MA in a couple hours to try to beat the Labor Day traffic. Grandson's second birthday is on Sunday and my granddaughter started kindergarten yesterday so celebration of a rite of passage for her as well. She couldn't wait to get on the bus. :D I'm curious to find out if she was equally as excited about the rest of her school day.
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbencatdoyoulove19
  • Safe trip Marsha. 
    MarshaFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatdoyoulove19
  • Notaro said:
    Safe trip Marsha. 

    Thanks! Looks like it will be cloudy/partly sunny for most of the trip but at least no rain to deal with and I have a new audiobook queued up to help the miles go by.
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatdoyoulove19
  • Marsha said:
    Heading to MA in a couple hours to try to beat the Labor Day traffic. Grandson's second birthday is on Sunday and my granddaughter started kindergarten yesterday so celebration of a rite of passage for her as well. She couldn't wait to get on the bus. :D I'm curious to find out if she was equally as excited about the rest of her school day.
    Oh there's no way T is 2-years-old already! 😳 If somebody doesn't tap the brakes on this ride it'll soon be time for me to get off! 

    Be safe M, have fun... enjoy the time with your grandbabies.💜
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbencatdoyoulove19
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