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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...the last of this season's Monarch babies are being born and I think we will have had about 17 butterflies to release this year....less than normal because the oddball weather had everything delayed....
    Thank you guys for helping our little planet. 
  • Smokey skies, trying to rain. Please rain — I nap so great when it rains. 

  • edited September 2021
    Got a pedicure today.  Man what a treat.  I was looking all raptor toe like.  I put it off. They massage your back!   put hot rocks on, oil up yer heels all whle sitting in a massage chair.    sigh.

    Yes I know I spoiled mesel@GNTLGNT Hey, I have that new man sleeping in the other room.  @gnt ; the breathing has started.  Day 3 :) :)
    KurbenNotaroMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    You know when you’re out driving and some dumbass does something and you think, “where’s a cop?”

    i just had the most glorious where’s-a-cop moment.  I am sitting in our local Michaels craft store parking lot relaying this to you in real time, like those helicopter guys who report traffic news during gridlocked morning rush hour. 

    I’ve mentioned before that I’m a beast in a car. I’m raging like a bad case of V.D. at every idiot who doesn’t know how to drive— know the laws or get out of my damn way. That’s all I ask. Just know the laws and buy some common sense. I’m not asking anyone to do anything illegal. 

    I don’t honk or flip anyone off, because in today’s world that could get you seriously dead, but I am cussing like a cussing person.

    Anyway, i’m driving down the road, 2 lanes same way. I’m going speed limit.  And what happens? Speed racer comes zooming up on my ass. So, guess what i do? I pace the car next to me also going the speed limit. Get the picture? We’re blocking Andretti behind us.  He’s drafting my 35 mile per hour wind. 

    And to my great and total satisfaction, guess who comes up on Andretti’s ass?  That’s right. One of our fine boys in blue.  Pull over to the side, numbnutz. 

    One step for drivers, one giant leap for mankind.
    🤭🤭🤭 So glad there was a cop. That never happens!!!

    Not exactly the same thing but Scott got into it with some lady at Walmart yesterday. He took my car and parked behind a big suv of some kind. They had pulled through the spot, so the front of my car was facing the back of their suv. But not close, there was room between the vehicles.

    When he came back out, the lady who belonged to the suv was standing there, fuming. She says to him, "Why would you park there? Did you not see my vehicle? Did you not think that maybe I might need to get the back open?" 

    He shot back at her that she was the one who had pulled through into that spot and that she had plenty of room to open the back of her vehicle to get her groceries in. She gave him the finger. Sigh. When did we all become so entitled? I just don't get it. 

    And in other news, Evan got rear ended at a red light yesterday. He is fine, the other kid is fine. His car will need some work but it really was not much more than a fender bender. He was hot under the collar, let me tell you. 

    Spencer fell asleep on the couch. Gave him a bath this morning. I need to do a few chores, maybe run out for a new coffee pot. Ours quit Monday. Been using a little 4 cup one out of the camper but missing a nice 12 cup one. And both my kids need dividers for binders for school but that is all the "extra" school stuff they need. 

    Need to pick Ali up from band later and get Sage to soccer. Brandon and Marti had a great time at the concert. They will be headed home tomorrow. 
    I put italics and bold on the part I wanted to comment on - if they were concerned about having enough room to get stuff into the back, they could have just moved their SUV forward a couple of feet - would that be so hard to do?

    Glad they didn't get mad enough to go at each other. I guess giving him the finger somehow made her feel better, but that's sad.

    NotaroMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatdoyoulove19
  • Got a pedicure today.  Man what a treat.  I was looking all raptor toe like.  I put it off. They massage your back!   put hot rocks on, oil up yer heels all whle sitting in a massage chair.    sigh.

    Yes I know I spoiled mesel@GNTLGNT Hey, I have that new man sleeping in the other room.  @gnt ; the breathing has started.  Day 3 :) :)
    45 Funniest Nail MEMEs to lift your mood - Lucy39s Stash
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbennot_nadineMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • We had a busy day today. Ali played with the band in a parade today. Part 9-11 memorial, part honoring our veterans. 

    Then after we picked her up, we went to see a traveling memorial called The Price of Freedom. I did not take any pictures there, it felt disrespectful. But I will attach this article about it, and there is a photo gallery at the bottom. It was very sobering and I feel, important. You hear the numbers on the news or by studying history but to see the names all together and just the sheer size...it really did make me thankful for each and every soul. Every name of every soldier lost from Vietnam right up to and including the 13 we just lost. Also everyone lost on 9-11.  I am glad we went to see it. 

    I hope the pictures show up for you guys. 

    GNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • ...that's flat out awesome Cat.....the details of that day are as heartcrushingly vivid now as in 2001.....it was our "Where were you when Kennedy was assassinated" event....
    catHedda GablerKurbenMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • ...yesterday was an emotional stew....sadness because of the anniversary of 9/11...as a family we visited and laid flowers at the local memorial...the fire department, on the 10th anniversary had erected a beautifully carved stone and procured a large piece of twisted steel from the site....I only just found out that Tracy has been taking flowers every year since, just her small/personal way of honoring the lost and we thanked her for including us....counterbalancing the somber affair, we just found out-we're gonna be grandparents again!!!!.....Seth & CiCI are due in April.......another Roller.....be afraid, be very afraid....
    catHedda GablerKurbenNotaroMarshaspideymandoyoulove19Neesy
  • ....I was too upset and out of sorts to post anything yesterday, so belatedly.....

    ....created from the pictures of all the souls lost.......nothing more powerful have I found....

    Portrait of the twin towers made out of 911 victims interestingasfuck
    catHedda GablerNotaroMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...yesterday was an emotional stew....sadness because of the anniversary of 9/11...as a family we visited and laid flowers at the local memorial...the fire department, on the 10th anniversary had erected a beautifully carved stone and procured a large piece of twisted steel from the site....I only just found out that Tracy has been taking flowers every year since, just her small/personal way of honoring the lost and we thanked her for including us....counterbalancing the somber affair, we just found out-we're gonna be grandparents again!!!!.....Seth & CiCI are due in April.......another Roller.....be afraid, be very afraid....
    Congrats! Happy news!
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Neesy
  • edited September 2021
    Do they know what it is yet? Congrats!!!!
  • Congrats Grandpa Scott😀🎉🎊
    KurbenMarshaGNTLGNTHedda Gablercatdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Congrats Scott!! I'm sure you are a terrific grandpa!
    NotaroMarshaGNTLGNTHedda Gablercatdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Congratulations to the Roller clan!

    GNTLGNTHedda Gablercatdoyoulove19NotaroNeesy
  • Do they know what it is yet? Congrats!!!!
    ,,,,I have confirmed that it's not a puppy, which is what I requested....uncooperative shites.....
    Hedda Gablercatdoyoulove19KurbenNotaroMarshaNeesy
  • ....thanks everybody!.....no, they don't know as yet.....since Roller men don't seem to be able to produce girls-Imma guess it'll be another lil feller.....I like being a Pap, not sure how good I am at it....but I know I love em.....
    not_nadineHedda Gablercatdoyoulove19KurbenNotaroMarshaNeesy
  • Building an ark

    GNTLGNTHedda Gablercatspideymandoyoulove19NotaroMarshaNeesy
  • ...good vibes for your area and the rest of the South Bev....
    Hedda GablercatBevVincentdoyoulove19KurbenNotaroMarshaNeesy
  • Be safe. Higher ground? Grandaughter’s play set !!!
  • Had a blood draw this morning. Now I am having a little breakfast and coffee. I am going to try getting the "big room" downstairs cleaned up. It is where we stored everything we were buying for the remodel and it is a royal mess. 
    GNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19KurbenNotaroMarshaNeesy
  • cat said:
    Had a blood draw this morning. Now I am having a little breakfast and coffee. I am going to try getting the "big room" downstairs cleaned up. It is where we stored everything we were buying for the remodel and it is a royal mess. 
    Mini Excavator Manufacturers Discuss their Top Selling Models
    Hedda Gablercatdoyoulove19KurbenNotaroMarshaNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...yesterday was an emotional stew....sadness because of the anniversary of 9/11...as a family we visited and laid flowers at the local memorial...the fire department, on the 10th anniversary had erected a beautifully carved stone and procured a large piece of twisted steel from the site....I only just found out that Tracy has been taking flowers every year since, just her small/personal way of honoring the lost and we thanked her for including us....counterbalancing the somber affair, we just found out-we're gonna be grandparents again!!!!.....Seth & CiCI are due in April.......another Roller.....be afraid, be very afraid....

    Congratulations @GNTLGNT. An easy pregnancy and healthy baby. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTdoyoulove19catKurbenNotaroMarshaNeesy
  • Building an ark

    Safety Shield in place. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTdoyoulove19catKurbenNotaroMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....thanks everybody!.....no, they don't know as yet.....since Roller men don't seem to be able to produce girls-Imma guess it'll be another lil feller.....I like being a Pap, not sure how good I am at it....but I know I love em.....
    Please just make sure they don’t do some stupid  gender reveal stunt that lights Seth’s ass hairs on fire and permanently dyes cici’s skin pink or blue.   

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