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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • I am feeling so bone tired. I’m going to go back to sleep — i love my dream worlds. i’m a very active dreamer. 

    I actually dreamed smell the other night. Can’t remember what it was, but in my dream it was good.  I woke up being fascinated that i was smelling something that was part of my dreams.

     See you in the wake-up time. 
  • I'm smelling toast cooking right now. Everyone's in bed. 🤔 It's probably a brain tumour.  Or the house is on fire. Or I'm hungry. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencatspideyman
  • I'm smelling a yankee candle I'm burning. - fresh cotton.  It's because I've been too lazy to do laundry.
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirspideymandoyoulove19
  • I think everyone is good at something. Apparently my skill is collagen-ing.  

    I go every year for skin checks at my dermatologist. He told me I had great collagen for someone 85 1/3.  
    If you ever have a moment of self-doubt just remember that Kanye rhymed quot collagenquot with quotapologi39nquot so you can do anything  Funny Tweeter
    Hedda GablerNotarocatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19
  • Marsha said:
    Heading to MA in a couple hours to try to beat the Labor Day traffic. Grandson's second birthday is on Sunday and my granddaughter started kindergarten yesterday so celebration of a rite of passage for her as well. She couldn't wait to get on the bus. :D I'm curious to find out if she was equally as excited about the rest of her school day.
    ....good lawd!....he's two already?!?!.....someone call the mortician, it's time for my make-up....
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotarocatFlakeNoirspideyman
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I'm smelling toast cooking right now. Everyone's in bed. 🤔 It's probably a brain tumour.  Or the house is on fire. Or I'm hungry. 
    ....oh sweet jeebus, almost choked on the coffee on this one.... :D :D :D :D :D.....Johnny Smith is yer Aunt's second cousin twice removed eh?....
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotarocatFlakeNoirspideymandoyoulove19
  • I am feeling so bone tired. I’m going to go back to sleep — i love my dream worlds. i’m a very active dreamer. 

    I actually dreamed smell the other night. Can’t remember what it was, but in my dream it was good.  I woke up being fascinated that i was smelling something that was part of my dreams.

     See you in the wake-up time. 
    My strange dreams  Weird dreams Very funny memes Funny pix
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotarocatFlakeNoir
  • I'm smelling a yankee candle I'm burning. - fresh cotton.  It's because I've been too lazy to do laundry.
    ...aren't candles a wonderfully versatile object?......they work well in a dresser drawer to add fragrance to items that you don't wear often....AND they do great at masking the aroma of a dumpster fire pizza....or so my wife tells me......ahem.......
    Hedda GablerKurbennot_nadineNotarocatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19
  • edited September 2021
    I might go to red lobster for lobster. 

    I’m still so tired. So might just dream about going to red lobster to eat lobster.   🦞 
  • I used to dream that I was partying all night, and would wake up with a hangover.
    Dreaming of lobsters is much better.
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotarocatFlakeNoirGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • I used to dream that I was partying all night, and would wake up with a hangover.
    Dreaming of lobsters is much better.
    I decided against the trip. I forgot it was friday of a 3 day weekend. Too many people. 
  • Marsha said:
    Heading to MA in a couple hours to try to beat the Labor Day traffic. Grandson's second birthday is on Sunday and my granddaughter started kindergarten yesterday so celebration of a rite of passage for her as well. She couldn't wait to get on the bus. :D I'm curious to find out if she was equally as excited about the rest of her school day.
    Aww! Happy 1st day of kindergarten to your granddaughter and Happy 2nd birthday to your grandson! Travel safe!
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTspideymandoyoulove19
  • catcat
    edited September 2021
    I used to dream that I was partying all night, and would wake up with a hangover.
    Dreaming of lobsters is much better.
    I decided against the trip. I forgot it was friday of a 3 day weekend. Too many people. 
    I went to get groceries and holy cow was the store busy. Not sure if it was because of the 3 day weekend, just because it is Friday or because of the sale. They are doing a case lot sale, so most canned goods, pantry stock up kind of things are on sale. But there were lots of traffic jams today. Not much fun. 

    Now I'm eating a roast beef sammie that I picked up at the store deli. It is 2 pm my time, so I'm ruining my supper but I haven't eaten anything yet today. 

    Playing taxi tonight, 1st home football game and the band is playing. 
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTspideymandoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    I used to dream that I was partying all night, and would wake up with a hangover.
    Dreaming of lobsters is much better.
    I decided against the trip. I forgot it was friday of a 3 day weekend. Too many people. 
    I went to get groceries and holy cow was the store busy. Not sure if it was because of the 3 day weekend, just because it is Friday or because of the sale. They are doing a case lot sale, so most canned goods, pantry stock up kind of things are on sale. But there were lots of traffic jams today. Not much fun. 

    Now I'm eating a roast beef sammie that I picked up at the store deli. It is 2 pm my time, so I'm ruining my supper but I haven't eaten anything yet today. 

    Playing taxi tonight, 1st home football game and the band is playing. 
    ....and here it was the holiday weekend tradition of jacking up gas prices.....
    KurbenHedda GablercatFlakeNoirspideymandoyoulove19
  • Did a few chores. Not nearly enough. 😄 

    I am really excited, though. I scored a box of 25 OLD Nancy Drew books. All from the '30s and '40s and really, in pretty decent shape. For $50! 

    It was a total nostalgia purchase for me, I devoured Nancy Drew books when I was young. Borrowed from the library, I never had any of my own copies.  Now I have half of them in one swoop, and the fact that they are OLD only adds to the charm for me. So excited!! 

    **now I just have to figure out where to put them.** 

    KurbenNotarospideymanGNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    Did a few chores. Not nearly enough. 😄 

    I am really excited, though. I scored a box of 25 OLD Nancy Drew books. All from the '30s and '40s and really, in pretty decent shape. For $50! 

    It was a total nostalgia purchase for me, I devoured Nancy Drew books when I was young. Borrowed from the library, I never had any of my own copies.  Now I have half of them in one swoop, and the fact that they are OLD only adds to the charm for me. So excited!! 

    **now I just have to figure out where to put them.** 

    Excellent 😎
    spideymancatGNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    Did a few chores. Not nearly enough. 😄 

    I am really excited, though. I scored a box of 25 OLD Nancy Drew books. All from the '30s and '40s and really, in pretty decent shape. For $50! 

    It was a total nostalgia purchase for me, I devoured Nancy Drew books when I was young. Borrowed from the library, I never had any of my own copies.  Now I have half of them in one swoop, and the fact that they are OLD only adds to the charm for me. So excited!! 

    **now I just have to figure out where to put them.** 

    20 Memes Of Nancy Drew Title Covers Re-Imagined - Ultima Status :D 
    catHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • I read a huge amount of both Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys in my youth. Wonder where they are now....
    catHedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    Did a few chores. Not nearly enough. 😄 

    I am really excited, though. I scored a box of 25 OLD Nancy Drew books. All from the '30s and '40s and really, in pretty decent shape. For $50! 

    It was a total nostalgia purchase for me, I devoured Nancy Drew books when I was young. Borrowed from the library, I never had any of my own copies.  Now I have half of them in one swoop, and the fact that they are OLD only adds to the charm for me. So excited!! 

    **now I just have to figure out where to put them.** 

    Great score! My sister had all those old originals which i read, her daughter read and now her granddaughter has them. 

    About a year or so ago, i checked one out from the library to give myself a walk down memory lane. 
  • I've been trying to do as little as possible but friday i got the message: The drain people will try to conquer my apartment on tuesday and kitchen and bathroom must be decent. Also they must have accent between 7.30 AM to 16.00 PM! Heck, i am not even awake at 7.30 AM. Thats beautysleep time. Sigh, i guess i must adjust somehow.......
    Hedda GablerspideymancatGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • Kurben said:
    I've been trying to do as little as possible but friday i got the message: The drain people will try to conquer my apartment on tuesday and kitchen and bathroom must be decent. Also they must have accent between 7.30 AM to 16.00 PM! Heck, i am not even awake at 7.30 AM. Thats beautysleep time. Sigh, i guess i must adjust somehow.......
    At least you’ll get it done.  
  • edited September 2021
    I’m embracing my inner squirrel today. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. 

    I’m working on Aaron Sorkin’s Masterclass— 8 hour class! It’s the longest one i’ve done so far and absolutely full of information.  Big tips to little things, just full of great stuff. 

    I have absolutely no interest in play writing/screenplays of any kind, but i am intrigued how they do that.  I wish i could read the Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid screenplay. 

    I think by casting my net wide and listening to people from all sorts of fields and genres of writing — that can help me be a better writer and communicator in general.  So, I love these classes.

    one big thing he brings up frequently — the rules of writing drama are in Aristotle’s Poetics. He says, if your drama story isn’t working, you’ve broken one of those rules.  Go back and find which one.

    a small tip — and I loved this one — when writing a screenplay, give everyone a name.  No matter how small the part. 

    Don’t have someone called “Elevator Operator” or “Lunch Counter Girl #2.”   Give everyone a name and give the actors dignity so they can go home and tell family, I play Sheila (who just happens to run the elevator).  I thought that was such a small kindness to give someone working so hard to realize their dreams. 
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