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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Ali and I knocked out the school supply shopping this afternoon. They go back 2 weeks from today. Then got a few groceries. Scott is grilling tonight, so might get some reading in. 🙂🙂
    GNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerKurbendoyoulove19NeesyMarsha
  • ....I grilled all day at work it's so damn hot here, and as I type this-a good old Ohio toad drowner is blowing it's way in...
    catNotaroHedda GablerNeesyMarsha
  • I got a message that some guys gonna come and inspect the drains in bathroom and kitchen so i have spent the day , and tomorrow too, cleaning. I don't know if its sensible or not but i dont like to let people in unless the apartment is very nice. When i'm alone its different. I'm probably overreacting but its the same every time and its not that the apartment looks like a pigstye, it doesn't, but there it is. 
  • Kurben said:
    I got a message that some guys gonna come and inspect the drains in bathroom and kitchen so i have spent the day , and tomorrow too, cleaning. I don't know if its sensible or not but i dont like to let people in unless the apartment is very nice. When i'm alone its different. I'm probably overreacting but its the same every time and its not that the apartment looks like a pigstye, it doesn't, but there it is. 
    I understand. I’ve always said that if i hired a maid crew to come clean  my house, i would clean my house before they got there . 
  • ....like washing your dishes before they go in the dishwasher.....
    doyoulove19KurbenHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoircatGazmanMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....like washing your dishes before they go in the dishwasher.....
    Which I also do! :blush:
    GNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoircatMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....like washing your dishes before they go in the dishwasher.....
    Which I also do! :blush:
    .....you're nuttier than a squirrel turd.... :D
    KurbenHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoirdoyoulove19catNotaroMarsha
  • Now both the kitchen and the bathroom looks halfdecent... But there is still the other half!!! And the hall!!!!!!!!!
    doyoulove19FlakeNoircatNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • All I've done today is read. 

    Going to go cook now, because of night shifts. 
    FlakeNoirKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyMarsha
  • Kurben said:
    Now both the kitchen and the bathroom looks halfdecent... But there is still the other half!!! And the hall!!!!!!!!!
    6 Cleaning Memes That Will Make Your Day  The Maids Blog
    catKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    All I've done today is read. 

    Going to go cook now, because of night shifts. 
    20 Awesome Memes For The Ultimate Book Enthusiast - AmReading
    catKurbenNotarodoyoulove19FlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....
    Neesycatdoyoulove19KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....

    I know how you feel ((((Scott))))

    I like this song - it's sort of haunting

    catKurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • We're going to head over to Canadian Blood Services in about one hour (okay - make that 45 minutes) I'm procrastinating again.

    Josh has an appointment to donate blood, so I guess I should get off this computer and get ready to go

    Happy Friday the 13th!

    catdoyoulove19KurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarsha
  • I had to go get more groceries this afternoon. I was just there! But, I have a story. 

    I was sitting at the light, in the left turn lane. The light was red. I see out my windshield, an Itty bitty mouse! Crossing the street, in the crosswalk, like he knew just what he was doing. I pointed and say to Ali, look there is a mouse! 

    Then, he turns and starts towards the car next to me, in the straight lane. There are actually 2 straight lanes. I said oh no. He is going to get run over as soon as the light changes. 

    So then the light changes. I still had to wait, I just had the blinking yellow arrow, the 2 straight lanes had green...Ali starts whooping and hollering, the mouse was zig zagging thru the traffic. I started laughing like a loon. Ali was laughing and screaming.

    The mouse made it all the way across to safety, never got ran over! Then, just as my arrow turned green...Ali says oh no! A bird came along and snatched him up! 

    It is not funny, the poor little mouse. It was a flat out miracle he made it across...and then bam out of nowhere, the bird. But yet it made me laugh so hard. I laughed and laughed and laughed until my stomach hurt. 

    It probably makes me an awful person. But it was truly hilarious. I think the people going past me and the people to my left, who then had the red light, probably thought I was a loony-tunes, I was laughing so hard. 

    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshaKurbendoyoulove19GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    I had to go get more groceries this afternoon. I was just there! But, I have a story. 

    I was sitting at the light, in the left turn lane. The light was red. I see out my windshield, an Itty bitty mouse! Crossing the street, in the crosswalk, like he knew just what he was doing. I pointed and say to Ali, look there is a mouse! 

    Then, he turns and starts towards the car next to me, in the straight lane. There are actually 2 straight lanes. I said oh no. He is going to get run over as soon as the light changes. 

    So then the light changes. I still had to wait, I just had the blinking yellow arrow, the 2 straight lanes had green...Ali starts whooping and hollering, the mouse was zig zagging thru the traffic. I started laughing like a loon. Ali was laughing and screaming.

    The mouse made it all the way across to safety, never got ran over! Then, just as my arrow turned green...Ali says oh no! A bird came along and snatched him up! 

    It is not funny, the poor little mouse. It was a flat out miracle he made it across...and then bam out of nowhere, the bird. But yet it made me laugh so hard. I laughed and laughed and laughed until my stomach hurt. 

    It probably makes me an awful person. But it was truly hilarious. I think the people going past me and the people to my left, who then had the red light, probably thought I was a loony-tunes, I was laughing so hard. 

    So torn... I need more than one emoji to get me through this.
    catNotaroMarshaKurbendoyoulove19GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....
    It's hard sometimes, but there's quite a bit I don't miss too. 💚
    catNotaroMarshaKurbendoyoulove19GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    I had to go get more groceries this afternoon. I was just there! But, I have a story. 

    I was sitting at the light, in the left turn lane. The light was red. I see out my windshield, an Itty bitty mouse! Crossing the street, in the crosswalk, like he knew just what he was doing. I pointed and say to Ali, look there is a mouse! 

    Then, he turns and starts towards the car next to me, in the straight lane. There are actually 2 straight lanes. I said oh no. He is going to get run over as soon as the light changes. 

    So then the light changes. I still had to wait, I just had the blinking yellow arrow, the 2 straight lanes had green...Ali starts whooping and hollering, the mouse was zig zagging thru the traffic. I started laughing like a loon. Ali was laughing and screaming.

    The mouse made it all the way across to safety, never got ran over! Then, just as my arrow turned green...Ali says oh no! A bird came along and snatched him up! 

    It is not funny, the poor little mouse. It was a flat out miracle he made it across...and then bam out of nowhere, the bird. But yet it made me laugh so hard. I laughed and laughed and laughed until my stomach hurt. 

    It probably makes me an awful person. But it was truly hilarious. I think the people going past me and the people to my left, who then had the red light, probably thought I was a loony-tunes, I was laughing so hard. 

    I'm with Flakes on this one. Funny (and you're not a bad person for laughing) but also circle of life. At least if it was mouse's time, it meant survival for another creature not just a splotch on the road.
    NotaroFlakeNoirKurbendoyoulove19catGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....
    It's hard sometimes, but there's quite a bit I don't miss too. 💚

    Amen, sistah!
    FlakeNoirKurbencatGNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroNeesy
  • I had planned to do something today but somehow that plan turned out to be bad. I have really enjoyed not doing anything. Just reading a book, having an occasional little meal and a little to drink to keep the hydration level steady. Isn't it strange that when all your great plans fall apart you can still enjoy yourself doing nothing??
    catGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • Marsha said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....
    It's hard sometimes, but there's quite a bit I don't miss too. 💚

    Amen, sistah!
    ....I spoke just as a member, not one of those that had to do all the heavy lifting.... :)
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirNotaroMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • cat said:
    I had to go get more groceries this afternoon. I was just there! But, I have a story. 

    I was sitting at the light, in the left turn lane. The light was red. I see out my windshield, an Itty bitty mouse! Crossing the street, in the crosswalk, like he knew just what he was doing. I pointed and say to Ali, look there is a mouse! 

    Then, he turns and starts towards the car next to me, in the straight lane. There are actually 2 straight lanes. I said oh no. He is going to get run over as soon as the light changes. 

    So then the light changes. I still had to wait, I just had the blinking yellow arrow, the 2 straight lanes had green...Ali starts whooping and hollering, the mouse was zig zagging thru the traffic. I started laughing like a loon. Ali was laughing and screaming.

    The mouse made it all the way across to safety, never got ran over! Then, just as my arrow turned green...Ali says oh no! A bird came along and snatched him up! 

    It is not funny, the poor little mouse. It was a flat out miracle he made it across...and then bam out of nowhere, the bird. But yet it made me laugh so hard. I laughed and laughed and laughed until my stomach hurt. 

    It probably makes me an awful person. But it was truly hilarious. I think the people going past me and the people to my left, who then had the red light, probably thought I was a loony-tunes, I was laughing so hard. 

    ....nothing wrong with laughing at the sheer absurdity of a situation....I just it had the chance to do this:

    I like the way this poster sums up the concept of DEFIANCE  Defiance  Funny toons Acting
    Hedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirNotaroMarshaspideymandoyoulove19Neesy
  • Kurben said:
    I had planned to do something today but somehow that plan turned out to be bad. I have really enjoyed not doing anything. Just reading a book, having an occasional little meal and a little to drink to keep the hydration level steady. Isn't it strange that when all your great plans fall apart you can still enjoy yourself doing nothing??
    Funny greeting card - May look like I39m doing nothing  Comedy Card Company
    Hedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirNotaroMarshaspideymandoyoulove19Neesy
  • edited August 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...I'm having a sad right now....I've said it before and have been dealing with it emotionally, but get blindsided every once in a blue moon....I miss the SKMB....
    It's hard sometimes, but there's quite a bit I don't miss too. 💚

    Amen, sistah!
    ....I spoke just as a member, not one of those that had to do all the heavy lifting.... :)
    I know, I definitely get it.. it broke my heart when it went away, but time has been a great healer for me and I really like this place.
    Looking back some of that heavy lifting permanently changed the curve of my spine, it's finally starting to try and right itself and I'm thankful for this. 💚 
    NotarocatMarshaKurbenspideymanGNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • We did great at first with keeping the new fridge cleaned out, but it needed cleaned out. I did that today, plus made another trip to store for dog food, that no one told me we needed before I went yesterday. 🙄 

    Scott decided a week or so ago that he wanted to replace the baseboard trim in the bathroom. We bought a piece, stained it like the doors and today he put it in. But the piece behind the toilet was like all the trim in the kitchen, had never been sealed. (And, as we found out with the doors, the wall behind is uneven as F! Ugh!)  So we did have a little bit of drywall that had gotten wet under the old trim and crumbled...he fixed that, put the new trim in and caulked everything. 

    What started out as an easy project turned into more, like usual. But we're done for the meantime. Bathroom remodel is next. Hopefully in just a few months. 

    Have had chicken marinating in lemon pepper and garlic and herb seasoning all day, Scott is going to grill those up soon. Yum. 

    Hope you all had a great Saturday. Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤ 
    NotaroFlakeNoirMarshaKurbenspideymanGNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
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