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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Cleaning up tree mess. They do a pretty good job, but there was still a bit to rake. 

    I gave away my kayak today.  I will miss her but i am unable to do kayaking now.  But, she went to my nephew who is young and strong and goes to the lake every weekend. 

    He got roof rack , life vest, whistle, wheels — it’s not fancy but it’s free and gets him out on the water. 

    “Good evening Mr. and Mrs. America, from border to border and coast to coast and all the ships at sea….”

    sigh. We were Old Dana and the Lake for quite a long time. 
    This makes me sad, :'( but glad for your nephew.  
    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTcatMarsha
  • edited July 2021
    FlakeNoir said:
    Cleaning up tree mess. They do a pretty good job, but there was still a bit to rake. 

    I gave away my kayak today.  I will miss her but i am unable to do kayaking now.  But, she went to my nephew who is young and strong and goes to the lake every weekend. 

    He got roof rack , life vest, whistle, wheels — it’s not fancy but it’s free and gets him out on the water. 

    “Good evening Mr. and Mrs. America, from border to border and coast to coast and all the ships at sea….”

    sigh. We were Old Dana and the Lake for quite a long time. 
    This makes me sad, :'( but glad for your nephew.  
    “All things must pass 
    all things must pass away.”

    —George Harrison
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Kayaking for Beginners An Essential Checklist  GearJunkie
    So pretty snd peaceful
  • edited August 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kayaking for Beginners An Essential Checklist  GearJunkie
    A story just came across my feed — Kayak Court —  where homeless people get justice????

    i haven’t read article so don’t have a clue what that’s all about. 
  • I am watching lollapalooza in between reading stories waiting for The Foo— there is a band on now called The Front Bottoms. 

    Is not carrying a tune a type of singing now?  Seriously. Is it a thing to sing flat and off key? If so, I am starting a band.  I have finally found what i was put on earth to do. I will finally fit in and make a dollar.   
  • Just hanging out with my special friend before work. ❤

    NotaroHedda GablerKurbendoyoulove19GNTLGNTcatMarshaNeesy
  • edited August 2021
    I am absolutely traumatized . 

    Some idiot known as JPEGMafia just “performed” if you want to call it that. 

    He went out in the audience and some guy was screaming close to him (as everyone was screaming around him) but he chose this guy to spit in his open mouth.  I mean, a shot glass of spit went in this guy’s mouth. 

    I just saw a covid up-close and personal transmission.  Oh my god. 


  • FlakeNoir said:
    Just hanging out with my special friend before work. ❤

    Beautiful beautiful boy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Just hanging out with my special friend before work. ❤

    Beautiful beautiful boy
    He really is. ❤⚘
    Trouble though... 😄😍
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenGNTLGNTcatMarsha
  • Oh lord, now i have to listen some rappers — these black guys need to dump their drugged-up eminem with a mullet and porn stache — street cred is tankin’. 

    what kind of name is brockhampton? 

  • I like when they show the crowd.  Debauchery is going down in that sweaty mess. And i’m looking for it. 
  • edited August 2021
     i think  we’re having some sharks and jets dance off — or cock fights. I’m not sure what is going on. 

    Fuuuu, white drugged up mullet man was twerking.  I don’t feel so good. 
  • Band of Horses and then the Foo. 
  • I hope you woke up for your Foo fix, you certainly worked for it! 😄💜
  • OK, that repair of the cord to my laptop was not longlasting....  I should have gone and bought a new cord straight away. But it was difficult to track down the right kind, not just so it fitted the port but it had to have the right Ampere and Volt strength too apparently. Otherwise too much might fry the computer and then you're really cooked. At the third store, finally i found what i'm looking for (hopefully anyway, for all i know it might work a week and then die dramatically) but it took some serious legwork running around in town. So on my way home with a laptop and the cord i was caught in a major downpour and the thunder closed in on me. I protected my laptop with every piece of clothing i had (almost, decency was preserved) for i was not gonna let my computer get drenched and reached home wetter than a drenched rat. My laptop survived, i have dried and is now resting. Why the heck did i not bring a parachute, sorry umbrella (in swedish it is paraply). Ah, well, we all survived, thats the main thing.
  • Hey folks, remember me?  :)  I left for a little vacay in early July, never to be seen again.  On our way home, still technically on vacay, got a call from work that a coworker had given notice.  Spent the next week figuring out what I could pull off of my desk to give to other people, so I could free up space to take over his accounts.  This is supposed to be temporary.  It better be!  Le sigh!

    On a better note, we took a few days off at the end of July and all went down to see my mom!  She is about 5 hours away.  She and a dear friend are building new adjoining town homes in the development where she lives now and she hopes to be in by Thanksgiving, selling her 2nd floor unit and transitioning to a one-story life!  But now, back to Month End reporting and account filling in.  Bah humbug!
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoircatMarshaNeesy
  • Nice to see your happy face!
  • Hey folks, remember me?  :)  I left for a little vacay in early July, never to be seen again.  On our way home, still technically on vacay, got a call from work that a coworker had given notice.  Spent the next week figuring out what I could pull off of my desk to give to other people, so I could free up space to take over his accounts.  This is supposed to be temporary.  It better be!  Le sigh!

    On a better note, we took a few days off at the end of July and all went down to see my mom!  She is about 5 hours away.  She and a dear friend are building new adjoining town homes in the development where she lives now and she hopes to be in by Thanksgiving, selling her 2nd floor unit and transitioning to a one-story life!  But now, back to Month End reporting and account filling in.  Bah humbug!
    Its great to see you again!!!
    Hedda Gablerdoyoulove19NotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoircatMarshaNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I hope you woke up for your Foo fix, you certainly worked for it! 😄💜
    I’m all foo’d up. 
  • Nice to see your happy face!
    ...she has quite a nice smile...not as good as Flake's furfaces, but close.... :D
    FlakeNoircatdoyoulove19Hedda GablerMarsha
  • Kurben said:
    OK, that repair of the cord to my laptop was not longlasting....  I should have gone and bought a new cord straight away. But it was difficult to track down the right kind, not just so it fitted the port but it had to have the right Ampere and Volt strength too apparently. Otherwise too much might fry the computer and then you're really cooked. At the third store, finally i found what i'm looking for (hopefully anyway, for all i know it might work a week and then die dramatically) but it took some serious legwork running around in town. So on my way home with a laptop and the cord i was caught in a major downpour and the thunder closed in on me. I protected my laptop with every piece of clothing i had (almost, decency was preserved) for i was not gonna let my computer get drenched and reached home wetter than a drenched rat. My laptop survived, i have dried and is now resting. Why the heck did i not bring a parachute, sorry umbrella (in swedish it is paraply). Ah, well, we all survived, thats the main thing.
    ...should have put yourself and the laptop in a huge bowl of rice....
    KurbenFlakeNoircatdoyoulove19Hedda GablerMarshaNeesy
  • Oh lord, now i have to listen some rappers — these black guys need to dump their drugged-up eminem with a mullet and porn stache — street cred is tankin’. 

    what kind of name is brockhampton? 

    Enter the Brockhampton Dream Factory  SSENSEChoking Season 1 GIF - Find amp Share on GIPHY
    FlakeNoircatdoyoulove19Hedda GablerNotaroMarshaNeesy
  • Looking forward to my new SK book today. It is out for delivery! But it won't be here til dinnertime. I don't know how UPS determines their driver routes but it does not seem efficient to me. I see UPS trucks on my street, sometimes 2-3x a day. But my packages are always delivered between 5:30-6 pm. Seems like it would be more efficient to go by address but what do I know. 

    So until then, will take Ali to school for band camp. Do a few chores. Twiddle my thumbs. 😉🙃 
    doyoulove19Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • I just got a wonderful surprise!  Hubby came home with a copy of Billy Summers!  Unfortunately, I doubt I will have any time to read until this weekend.  But then I shall carve out massive hours to binge read!!  

    Happy Tuesday all!  Love and green lights!
    catNotaroHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
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