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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • cat said:
    So, our (Wyoming) Senator Mike Enzi passed away on 7-26. He was not Senator any more, he retired in January. He was from here, was mayor for a time, how he got his public service start, and had moved back after retiring.  He had a freak bicycle accident on the 23rd and never regained consciousness. Very sad. 

    Today was his funeral. The town went all out, had signs up along the procession route, the fire dept hung a huge American flag over the intersection/drive into the college, where his funeral was held. The streets the procession took were shut down when it came time for that part of his service. I read all sorts of people were supposed to be attending. I am interested to read about it later, see who all came to pay respects. 

    Anyway, we always liked him. And it is just really sad, he retires and then boom, gone. He didn't get to enjoy! Makes me feel bad for his family and for him. 

    Maybe should have posted in random thoughts, or the RIP thread. But I have been thinking of him and his family a lot today. 
    ....you posted where your heart took you, simple as that.....may he rest well and kudos to the town for remembering him so fondly.....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesydoyoulove19Marsha
  • ......I did some weedeating about The Ranch after work yesterday, and have decided that not only is the light brush harder than a whore's heart, but the grass and other accumulata must be as well....I bought a tempered steel brush wheel for my weedeater, like this....
    99944200131 Echo 8quot Steel Brushcutter Blade 20 mm Bore 22 Tooth Fits SRM-210 SRM-225 SRM-230 SRM-260 SRM-265 SRM-280 SRM-311 SRM-340 SRM-400 SRM-410 Trimmers...and I've already worn it down to nothing......I think investing in goats will be easier....

    Wild Weed-Whackers

    catHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroNeesydoyoulove19Marsha
  • Have been reading and enjoying the day. 🙂 It is only 82 here, would like to go and sit outside but we have tons of smoke from the west in the air so staying in. 

    Did a few light chores this morning but have been mostly taking it easy. 
    NotaroNeesyHedda GablerFlakeNoirdoyoulove19MarshaGNTLGNT
  • Kurben said:
    OK, that repair of the cord to my laptop was not longlasting....  I should have gone and bought a new cord straight away. But it was difficult to track down the right kind, not just so it fitted the port but it had to have the right Ampere and Volt strength too apparently. Otherwise too much might fry the computer and then you're really cooked. At the third store, finally i found what i'm looking for (hopefully anyway, for all i know it might work a week and then die dramatically) but it took some serious legwork running around in town. So on my way home with a laptop and the cord i was caught in a major downpour and the thunder closed in on me. I protected my laptop with every piece of clothing i had (almost, decency was preserved) for i was not gonna let my computer get drenched and reached home wetter than a drenched rat. My laptop survived, i have dried and is now resting. Why the heck did i not bring a parachute, sorry umbrella (in swedish it is paraply). Ah, well, we all survived, thats the main thing.

    How's the laptop? In French an umbrella is a parapluie (didn't know the correct name in Swedish was similar!)

    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirNotaroKurbenMarshaGNTLGNT
  • edited August 2021
    Recovering. My brother and i took out a tree yesterday and i am stiff and achey. I might have misrepresented this tree as “small.”

    Everything is chopped up neat and in very organized piles ready to go out with the trash. It will take a few weeks for it all, but easy peasy to load the bins. 

    Slowly but surely i’m ticking things off my worry list. 
  • Sorry you're suffering deejers, rest girl... I bet it looks so lovely there. 

    I'm falling asleep on the couch, hurt my back at work on Friday, it wasn't too bad but started spasming this morning. Took some of my partner's muscle relaxants and anti-flamms and have just listened to Bev's interview with Funk - TDT Explained, it was really good. 
    It's raining, I'm not moving. 
    catNotaroKurbendoyoulove19MarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Neesy said:
    Kurben said:
    OK, that repair of the cord to my laptop was not longlasting....  I should have gone and bought a new cord straight away. But it was difficult to track down the right kind, not just so it fitted the port but it had to have the right Ampere and Volt strength too apparently. Otherwise too much might fry the computer and then you're really cooked. At the third store, finally i found what i'm looking for (hopefully anyway, for all i know it might work a week and then die dramatically) but it took some serious legwork running around in town. So on my way home with a laptop and the cord i was caught in a major downpour and the thunder closed in on me. I protected my laptop with every piece of clothing i had (almost, decency was preserved) for i was not gonna let my computer get drenched and reached home wetter than a drenched rat. My laptop survived, i have dried and is now resting. Why the heck did i not bring a parachute, sorry umbrella (in swedish it is paraply). Ah, well, we all survived, thats the main thing.

    How's the laptop? In French an umbrella is a parapluie (didn't know the correct name in Swedish was similar!)

    The laptop doing great again!! All is well that ends well, right??
    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesy
  • Recovering. My brother and i took out a tree yesterday and i am stiff and achey. I might have misrepresented this tree as “small.”

    Everything is chopped up neat and in very organized piles ready to go out with the trash. It will take a few weeks for it all, but easy peasy to load the bins. 

    Slowly but surely i’m ticking things off my worry list. 

    FlakeNoir said:
    Sorry you're suffering deejers, rest girl... I bet it looks so lovely there. 

    I'm falling asleep on the couch, hurt my back at work on Friday, it wasn't too bad but started spasming this morning. Took some of my partner's muscle relaxants and anti-flamms and have just listened to Bev's interview with Funk - TDT Explained, it was really good. 
    It's raining, I'm not moving. 

    Take it easy and let your bodies heal. Hope you feel better soon. (((DJ & Flakes))) <3 <3
    FlakeNoirKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesy
  • edited August 2021
    Recovering. My brother and i took out a tree yesterday and i am stiff and achey. I might have misrepresented this tree as “small.”

    Everything is chopped up neat and in very organized piles ready to go out with the trash. It will take a few weeks for it all, but easy peasy to load the bins. 

    Slowly but surely i’m ticking things off my worry list. 
    This is how big a redwood is pics...tis but a sapling.....
    catNotaroHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19
  • ....I'll get the liniment out girls.....

    Vintage 1880 Horse Liniment Pratts Horse Ointment Poster  Zazzlecom in  2021  Healing ointment Funny vintage ads Poster
    catNotaroHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19
  • ...went to a Drive-In movie with the kids and grandkids last night....hadn't been to one in a coon's age, and the littles of course had never heard of one....this is the place, about 45 minutes to our North...the Lynn Auto Theatre.....

    LandmarkHuntercom  Lynn Drive-In Theatre....oldest in Ohio, operating since 1937, and I believe it's the second oldest in the world.....
    KurbencatNotaroHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Sorry you're suffering deejers, rest girl... I bet it looks so lovely there. 

    I'm falling asleep on the couch, hurt my back at work on Friday, it wasn't too bad but started spasming this morning. Took some of my partner's muscle relaxants and anti-flamms and have just listened to Bev's interview with Funk - TDT Explained, it was really good. 
    It's raining, I'm not moving. 
    Oh no, protect that back!!!  Check in so i know you didn’t overdo the muscle  relaxants. 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...went to a Drive-In movie with the kids and grandkids last night....hadn't been to one in a coon's age, and the littles of course had never heard of one....this is the place, about 45 minutes to our North...the Lynn Auto Theatre.....

    LandmarkHuntercom  Lynn Drive-In Theatre....oldest in Ohio, operating since 1937, and I believe it's the second oldest in the world.....
    That is awesome. Were the kids all squirmy giggly messes until they fell asleep 30 minutes in?
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Recovering. My brother and i took out a tree yesterday and i am stiff and achey. I might have misrepresented this tree as “small.”

    Everything is chopped up neat and in very organized piles ready to go out with the trash. It will take a few weeks for it all, but easy peasy to load the bins. 

    Slowly but surely i’m ticking things off my worry list. 
    This is how big a redwood is pics...tis but a sapling.....
    It looked small. And then we both stood under it and obviously it was much bigger. Weird how that happened. 

  • I usually try to get my short story submissions organized on the first weekend of the month. As of today, I have 20 stories out in the wild. I'll be very happy if I get two acceptance letters from the batch. A lot of them are with markets I've either never submitted to before or haven't in a long time. 
    NeesyHedda GablercatKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroMarshadoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...went to a Drive-In movie with the kids and grandkids last night....hadn't been to one in a coon's age, and the littles of course had never heard of one....this is the place, about 45 minutes to our North...the Lynn Auto Theatre.....

    LandmarkHuntercom  Lynn Drive-In Theatre....oldest in Ohio, operating since 1937, and I believe it's the second oldest in the world.....

    Wow that is so cool - it really brings back memories of the 'old days' i.e. the 70s :)

    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirNotaroMarsha
  • Recovering. My brother and i took out a tree yesterday and i am stiff and achey. I might have misrepresented this tree as “small.”

    Everything is chopped up neat and in very organized piles ready to go out with the trash. It will take a few weeks for it all, but easy peasy to load the bins. 

    Slowly but surely i’m ticking things off my worry list. 

    Sounds like you need some old fashioned TLC - a full body massage might be just the ticket!

    Hedda GablercatKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroMarsha
  • I usually try to get my short story submissions organized on the first weekend of the month. As of today, I have 20 stories out in the wild. I'll be very happy if I get two acceptance letters from the batch. A lot of them are with markets I've either never submitted to before or haven't in a long time. 
    I don’t think you are real.  You are some robotic overlord. 

    Good luck with them all.  
  • I usually try to get my short story submissions organized on the first weekend of the month. As of today, I have 20 stories out in the wild. I'll be very happy if I get two acceptance letters from the batch. A lot of them are with markets I've either never submitted to before or haven't in a long time. 
    I don’t think you are real.  You are some robotic overlord. 

    Good luck with them all.  
    Exactly my thought as well. I have seen pics and videos but perhaps he is an android??
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarocatBevVincentMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • Definitely at least a hybrid. 💚
    Good luck Bev! 
    KurbencatBevVincentMarshaHedda Gablerdoyoulove19
  • Best of luck Bev🤞
    FlakeNoirKurbencatBevVincentMarshaHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • I usually try to get my short story submissions organized on the first weekend of the month. As of today, I have 20 stories out in the wild. I'll be very happy if I get two acceptance letters from the batch. A lot of them are with markets I've either never submitted to before or haven't in a long time. 

    20?!!!!  Please tell me you've had some of those in the queue for a while now, not that you wrote them all this year. :)   Best of luck on the submissions getting accepted!
    NotaroFlakeNoirBevVincentcatKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Marsha said:
    I usually try to get my short story submissions organized on the first weekend of the month. As of today, I have 20 stories out in the wild. I'll be very happy if I get two acceptance letters from the batch. A lot of them are with markets I've either never submitted to before or haven't in a long time. 

    20?!!!!  Please tell me you've had some of those in the queue for a while now, not that you wrote them all this year. :)   Best of luck on the submissions getting accepted!
    Not all this year, for sure. Some of them date back several years -- and I have easily another 20-30 sitting on my hard drive waiting for the right market to come along.

    I've had good luck recently with stories that were initially written as much as 10-15 years ago, but I also wrote a story a couple of weeks ago, in two days, and sold it the next day. I've had stories accepted after nearly 20 rejections. You just never know! 

    I've been shying away from long-response markets like AHMM (which can take up to a year) and EQMM but I decided to put a couple of stories in their queues again, too. I've been published once in each, but it'd be nice to get some more with them.
    NotarocatKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesyMarsha
  • Marsha said:
    I usually try to get my short story submissions organized on the first weekend of the month. As of today, I have 20 stories out in the wild. I'll be very happy if I get two acceptance letters from the batch. A lot of them are with markets I've either never submitted to before or haven't in a long time. 

    20?!!!!  Please tell me you've had some of those in the queue for a while now, not that you wrote them all this year. :)   Best of luck on the submissions getting accepted!
    Not all this year, for sure. Some of them date back several years -- and I have easily another 20-30 sitting on my hard drive waiting for the right market to come along.

    I've had good luck recently with stories that were initially written as much as 10-15 years ago, but I also wrote a story a couple of weeks ago, in two days, and sold it the next day. I've had stories accepted after nearly 20 rejections. You just never know! 

    I've been shying away from long-response markets like AHMM (which can take up to a year) and EQMM but I decided to put a couple of stories in their queues again, too. I've been published once in each, but it'd be nice to get some more with them.
    That is great!  Keep us posted! Fingers crossed
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoircatBevVincentNeesyMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...went to a Drive-In movie with the kids and grandkids last night....hadn't been to one in a coon's age, and the littles of course had never heard of one....this is the place, about 45 minutes to our North...the Lynn Auto Theatre.....

    LandmarkHuntercom  Lynn Drive-In Theatre....oldest in Ohio, operating since 1937, and I believe it's the second oldest in the world.....
    That is awesome. Were the kids all squirmy giggly messes until they fell asleep 30 minutes in?
    ....Mom, Dad, MiMi and Pap sat in lawn chairs, while Landon sat in the back of Dad's truck on his toolbox and Bryson flipped his stroller upside down and used it as a recliner until he snuggled up with Tracy and did his best Rip Van Winkle for the rest of the evening....
    NotaroKurbenFlakeNoirHedda Gablercatdoyoulove19NeesyMarsha
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