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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • cat said:
    Looking forward to my new SK book today. It is out for delivery! But it won't be here til dinnertime. I don't know how UPS determines their driver routes but it does not seem efficient to me. I see UPS trucks on my street, sometimes 2-3x a day. But my packages are always delivered between 5:30-6 pm. Seems like it would be more efficient to go by address but what do I know. 

    So until then, will take Ali to school for band camp. Do a few chores. Twiddle my thumbs. 😉🙃 
    I agree! Same thing happens here.  You would think they would wisely make all the deliveries in one area. Save time, save gas.

  • I got my copy of Billy Summers today!! So far, and i only read like 40 pages, i love it!
    catHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • I have it in my hands — must put Brodart on it first and off we go. 
  • Enjoy, both of you! 
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarsha
  • edited August 2021
    Went to book store and got Billy as noted above. I also purchased two books that I already have. What made me buy them is:

    1. It had this beautiful cover and probably the first book I can remember to turn me on to Gothic lit.   Jane Eyre. On SKMB in my profile, I went by Bertha Mason from Thornfield.  Only the true Eyreites got it. 

    2. Don Quixote. Own a very old copy of it. But this was new and vibrant — cloth bound with gold edging. This is one of the classics I have never read — this cover inspired me to finally read it. 

    I must stay away from the book store. My precious, my weakness. 

  • Went to book store and got Billy as noted above. I also purchased two books that I already have. What made me buy them is:

    1. It had this beautiful cover and probably the first book I can remember to turn me on to Gothic lit.   Jane Eyre. On SKMB in my profile, I went by Bertha Mason from Thornfield.  Only the true Eyreites got it. 

    2. Don Quixote. Own a very old copy of it. But this was new and vibrant — cloth bound with gold edging. This is one of the classics I have never read — this cover inspired me to finally read it. 

    I must stay away from the book store. My precious, my weakness. 

    I feel you. Bookstores are deadly, They have no mercy and go for the jugular! No matter what your intentions were going in they sedate you and make you buy books. 
    catHedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • I miss having a bookstore I can go to. 😪
    KurbenHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • edited August 2021
    cat said:
    I miss having a bookstore I can go to. 😪
    Oh cat! I hate you don’t have a book store! I can just wander for hours, no exaggeration, hours in a book store. 

    When I walk into someone’s  home and there are no books around, i pay close attention to what they  say and how they say it. There are a lot of reasons people might not have books— i am aware— and they are still avid and well-read, voracious readers , but I watch like a spider  to figure out who i’m dealing with. 

    Keep your book friends close, but your half wits closer. 
  • cat said:
    I miss having a bookstore I can go to. 😪
    Oh cat! I hate you don’t have a book store! I can just wander for hours, no exaggeration, hours in a book store. 

    When I walk into someone’s  home and there are no books around, i pay close attention to what they  say and how they say it. There are a lot of reasons people might not have books— i am aware— and they are still avid and well-read, voracious readers , but I watch like a spider  to figure out who i’m dealing with. 

    Keep your book friends close, but your half wits closer. 
    Yeah it sucks. We had Hastings until they shut all their stores. I could and did wander in there for hours! Now it's a Marshall's. 😑 Then a really nice young lady opened one downtown. She had it open only about a year. Not because she wasn't doing well, she was doing excellent. But the bookstore was just a stepping stone for her, she used the money she made to open her real heart's desire, some web design thing. So now we're without one again. 

     I guess I could go to the dreaded Walmart but I avoid it like the plague. They are not on top of things, so I bet they don't have it out on the shelves yet, anyway. They only have a very small selection and 75% are children's books. 

    I wish I was business-savvy because I always thought having a bookstore would be the perfect job. And judging by the last young lady's success, it is something wanted here. But now is a really awful time to try to start a business, even if I did know what I was doing. 
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • ...I ordered my copy thru CD, so will probably get it by the time my toenails fall off...and I miss the undying aroma of paper, bindings and glue as well...Wal-Fart is worthless for books anymore, and besides-they smell of tawdry capitalism....
    catFlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • ...I have been "awarded" my own cottage at the Developmental Center....I'll be responsible for all souls therein on Second Shift.... good vibes welcome, cuz this is a quantum change for my way of working....as I say, I love the clients for the most part, just gotta keep on learnin'....
    FlakeNoirNotarocatKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...I have been "awarded" my own cottage at the Developmental Center....I'll be responsible for all souls therein on Second Shift.... good vibes welcome, cuz this is a quantum change for my way of working....as I say, I love the clients for the most part, just gotta keep on learnin'....
    That's fantastic Scott! All the very best, you will be fine, remember they are people first, challenges second... let protocols back you up, but rely on your gut feelings and good judgement, I know you have both.
    You can do this! 💚
    catNotaroGNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...I have been "awarded" my own cottage at the Developmental Center....I'll be responsible for all souls therein on Second Shift.... good vibes welcome, cuz this is a quantum change for my way of working....as I say, I love the clients for the most part, just gotta keep on learnin'....
    That is excellent news Scott, you are going to knock it out of the park my friend, just be yourself, they will respond to your natural warmth and kindness. You got this👍
    catGNTLGNTFlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...I have been "awarded" my own cottage at the Developmental Center....I'll be responsible for all souls therein on Second Shift.... good vibes welcome, cuz this is a quantum change for my way of working....as I say, I love the clients for the most part, just gotta keep on learnin'....
    Yay! Congrats! 
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • ...thank you all so much....does my heart good...I just lack confidence because it's out of my comfort zone, but it will come....
    NotarocatFlakeNoirKurbenHedda Gablerdoyoulove19MarshaNeesy
  • Yes, to what everyone said. 

    I can’t wait for you to see your full potential!
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...thank you all so much....does my heart good...I just lack confidence because it's out of my comfort zone, but it will come....
    Comfort Zone, Shumumfort Zone!  You got this, my giant friend with a heart to match!   <3
    catKurbenNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • Thank you! It was quite a journey -- they flew from Okinawa to Tokyo to Chicago (with two cats, mind you), where they were met by our daughter's parents-in-law, who drove them to Texas in a Volvo with 200,000 miles on it, plus a U-haul trailer! Took them two days to get here from Chicago! My wife and I have been setting up their rental house for the past couple of months, moving all their stored things out of our attic and closets, plus handling all of our daughter's ordered stuff. It's been an adventure.

    Now to get everyone un-jetlagged (including the cats)!
    How are kit and kin adjusting? 
    Hope your family is loving being close. And i hope  you are having great fun with kids. Are you grandpa? Granddad? Papa? 
  • ...thanks everybody, it helps a lot.....
    FlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19catMarshaNeesy
  • Hey folks, remember me?  :)  I left for a little vacay in early July, never to be seen again.  On our way home, still technically on vacay, got a call from work that a coworker had given notice.  Spent the next week figuring out what I could pull off of my desk to give to other people, so I could free up space to take over his accounts.  This is supposed to be temporary.  It better be!  Le sigh!

    On a better note, we took a few days off at the end of July and all went down to see my mom!  She is about 5 hours away.  She and a dear friend are building new adjoining town homes in the development where she lives now and she hopes to be in by Thanksgiving, selling her 2nd floor unit and transitioning to a one-story life!  But now, back to Month End reporting and account filling in.  Bah humbug!
    Was great seeing you again DoYa, I hope you'll get some good reading time in this weekend. 💜
    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTdoyoulove19catMarshaNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Hey folks, remember me?  :)  I left for a little vacay in early July, never to be seen again.  On our way home, still technically on vacay, got a call from work that a coworker had given notice.  Spent the next week figuring out what I could pull off of my desk to give to other people, so I could free up space to take over his accounts.  This is supposed to be temporary.  It better be!  Le sigh!

    On a better note, we took a few days off at the end of July and all went down to see my mom!  She is about 5 hours away.  She and a dear friend are building new adjoining town homes in the development where she lives now and she hopes to be in by Thanksgiving, selling her 2nd floor unit and transitioning to a one-story life!  But now, back to Month End reporting and account filling in.  Bah humbug!
    Was great seeing you again DoYa, I hope you'll get some good reading time in this weekend. 💜
    ….awwww, tah hell with her and her new book!…ain’t she just grand, strutting about-with her “Lady Library” fragrance wafting in the wind?…. 😁😇🥸
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Hey folks, remember me?  :)  I left for a little vacay in early July, never to be seen again.  On our way home, still technically on vacay, got a call from work that a coworker had given notice.  Spent the next week figuring out what I could pull off of my desk to give to other people, so I could free up space to take over his accounts.  This is supposed to be temporary.  It better be!  Le sigh!

    On a better note, we took a few days off at the end of July and all went down to see my mom!  She is about 5 hours away.  She and a dear friend are building new adjoining town homes in the development where she lives now and she hopes to be in by Thanksgiving, selling her 2nd floor unit and transitioning to a one-story life!  But now, back to Month End reporting and account filling in.  Bah humbug!
    Was great seeing you again DoYa, I hope you'll get some good reading time in this weekend. 💜
    ….awwww, tah hell with her and her new book!…ain’t she just grand, strutting about-with her “Lady Library” fragrance wafting in the wind?…. 😁😇🥸
     :D  Lady Library..... this is me! wafting!!   B)

    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbencatGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • I finished painting my kitchen today. Whoohoo!! I love it. I will post pics once I get everything put back where it belongs. 

    I am only 40 pages into the new book. 😒 Have been so busy all week. Those 40 pages were hard won...a couple here, a couple there and I don't like to read that way, so have decided to just not pick it up until I can devote some actual time. Hoping maybe tomorrow afternoon. 

    Have some cute new pics of Raven and Lily too, bit need to resize them before I can post them. 

    Hope everyone is enjoying Friday! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesydoyoulove19
  • catcat
    edited August 2021
    So, our (Wyoming) Senator Mike Enzi passed away on 7-26. He was not Senator any more, he retired in January. He was from here, was mayor for a time, how he got his public service start, and had moved back after retiring.  He had a freak bicycle accident on the 23rd and never regained consciousness. Very sad. 

    Today was his funeral. The town went all out, had signs up along the procession route, the fire dept hung a huge American flag over the intersection/drive into the college, where his funeral was held. The streets the procession took were shut down when it came time for that part of his service. I read all sorts of people were supposed to be attending. I am interested to read about it later, see who all came to pay respects. 

    Anyway, we always liked him. And it is just really sad, he retires and then boom, gone. He didn't get to enjoy! Makes me feel bad for his family and for him. 

    Maybe should have posted in random thoughts, or the RIP thread. But I have been thinking of him and his family a lot today. 
    NotaroFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesydoyoulove19
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