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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • FlakeNoir said:
    I went to the bank today and walked in. Doing my business and another two customers come in.   The woman customer starts a conversation with me after eavesdropping  on the convo i was having with my teller about high school. 

    This lady looks at me and says, well you haven‘t been out of high school  that long and she guesses my age 21 years younger than i am. I look at her to see if she’s f’ing with me and she appears very sincere. I tell her my age and she said, wow you look great!   I thank her and tell her she is my new best friend. 

    Now, i could leave that right there. Such a nice compliment — but i must tell you this with full disclosure. 

    The woman had a very obvious and severe looking head injury scar.  And while I want to take her compliment and run to the goal line where i can jump, spin, kick and spike the ball — i must take it with a very skull-trauma grain of salt. 

    I did get my hair blonded today so i do look 2 years and 3 months younger, so there’s that. 
    Ah f'k it, take it. Maybe her skull trauma gave her super-enhanced vision? 😊
    You're still a contender, you'll always be a top contender. 

    Contender39s serves up pizza with a side of fun  Carroll News
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I'm sitting in a (lately) rare ray of sunshine, watching the Olympics and painting my toenails. For now ignoring life's troubles. 
    ...careful, painting the piggies could be picked up as an Olympic event....

    Why You Should Give Your Toenails A Break From Polish In Winter  HuffPost  Australia Style

    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacat
  • edited July 2021
     I am still trying to get it together in the new place.  So many deliveries that  my debit card is on fire.
    Burn baby burn
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19
  •  I am still trying to get it together in the new place.  So many deliveries that  my debit card is on fire.
    Burn baby burn
    I bet it looks fantastic.
  • edited July 2021
    It's getting there. I have been struggling with putting together a loveseat.  I think it will stay unassembled.  Till MYBOYFIEND comes over again.

    I have one!  I have one!   Just thought you all would like to know B)
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • edited July 2021
    It's getting there. I have been struggling with putting together a loveseat.  I think it will stay unassembled.  Till MYBOYFIEND comes over again.

    I have one!  I have one!   Just thought you all would like to know B)
    Oh my gosh!!!!! I am so happy for you and I hope he treats you with the love and  respect you deserve. This is really terrific news. 
  • edited July 2021
    It's getting there. I have been struggling with putting together a loveseat.  I think it will stay unassembled.  Till MYBOYFIEND comes over again.

    I have one!  I have one!   Just thought you all would like to know B)
    Oh my gosh!!!!! I am so happy for you and I hope he treats you with the love and  respect you deserve. This is really terrific news. 
    He does, he does.  The most kindent gentlman I've ever met.  He's huge.  Like our GNT.
    6'4 and a million pounds of love.
     Am I gushing?  OK..  I gushed.   
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • It's getting there. I have been struggling with putting together a loveseat.  I think it will stay unassembled.  Till MYBOYFIEND comes over again.

    I have one!  I have one!   Just thought you all would like to know B)
    Oh my gosh!!!!! I am so happy for you and I hope he treats you with the love and  respect you deserve. This is really terrific news. 
    He does, he does.  The most kindent gentlman I've ever met.  He's huge.  Like our GNT.
    6'4 and a million pounds of love.


    Maybe now momma will ring those chimes to tell you this is the life that’s been looking for you. 
  • Thank you for remembering.  The same ones are here - waiting to be hung up.
  • Thank you for remembering.  The same ones are here - waiting to be hung up.
  • It's getting there. I have been struggling with putting together a loveseat.  I think it will stay unassembled.  Till MYBOYFIEND comes over again.

    I have one!  I have one!   Just thought you all would like to know B)
    Oh my gosh!!!!! I am so happy for you and I hope he treats you with the love and  respect you deserve. This is really terrific news. 
    He does, he does.  The most kindent gentlman I've ever met.  He's huge.  Like our GNT.
    6'4 and a million pounds of love.
     Am I gushing?  OK..  I gushed.   
    This is fantastic! I am very happy for you N... I hope you both live happily ever after. 💜
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNT
  • It was a late night last night so I'd like to think I'll be doing sweet FA today but I have a sneaky feeling there's a to do list with my name on it that I haven't been told about yet🤔
    FlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencat
  • Notaro said:
    It was a late night last night so I'd like to think I'll be doing sweet FA today but I have a sneaky feeling there's a to do list with my name on it that I haven't been told about yet🤔
    Perhaps the list writer will sleep in a little after her late night? 🤔 I'd put my feet up now while I could were I you. 😁
    NotaroMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencatdoyoulove19
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    It was a late night last night so I'd like to think I'll be doing sweet FA today but I have a sneaky feeling there's a to do list with my name on it that I haven't been told about yet🤔
    Perhaps the list writer will sleep in a little after her late night? 🤔 I'd put my feet up now while I could were I you. 😁
    Sounds like a plan Flakes 🤔

    FlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencatdoyoulove19
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    It was a late night last night so I'd like to think I'll be doing sweet FA today but I have a sneaky feeling there's a to do list with my name on it that I haven't been told about yet🤔
    Perhaps the list writer will sleep in a little after her late night? 🤔 I'd put my feet up now while I could were I you. 😁
    Sounds like a plan Flakes 🤔

    You'd better get your shoes off the table before she comes out, or the list will be hiiiuggge! 😄😜
    NotaroMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbencatdoyoulove19
  • It's getting there. I have been struggling with putting together a loveseat.  I think it will stay unassembled.  Till MYBOYFIEND comes over again.

    I have one!  I have one!   Just thought you all would like to know B)
    Oh my gosh!!!!! I am so happy for you and I hope he treats you with the love and  respect you deserve. This is really terrific news. 
    He does, he does.  The most kindent gentlman I've ever met.  He's huge.  Like our GNT.
    6'4 and a million pounds of love.
     Am I gushing?  OK..  I gushed.   

    So happy for you! <3
    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurben
  • It's getting there. I have been struggling with putting together a loveseat.  I think it will stay unassembled.  Till MYBOYFIEND comes over again.

    I have one!  I have one!   Just thought you all would like to know B)
    Oh my gosh!!!!! I am so happy for you and I hope he treats you with the love and  respect you deserve. This is really terrific news. 
    He does, he does.  The most kindent gentlman I've ever met.  He's huge.  Like our GNT.
    6'4 and a million pounds of love.
     Am I gushing?  OK..  I gushed.   
    Top 30 Cute Little Girl Laughing GIFs  Find the best GIF on Gfycat...good on you Nottie!!!.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Notaro said:
    It was a late night last night so I'd like to think I'll be doing sweet FA today but I have a sneaky feeling there's a to do list with my name on it that I haven't been told about yet🤔
    To do list Memes
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacatdoyoulove19
  • ....cleaning the basement AGAIN....been here two years, if it ain't seen the light of day in that time, we're either chucking holy water at it or flipping it into a dumpster....
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacatdoyoulove19
  • edited July 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....cleaning the basement AGAIN....been here two years, if it ain't seen the light of day in that time, we're either chucking holy water at it or flipping it into a dumpster....
    Every single time i clean my garage, every. Single. Time. I get it spotless and then my family clean out their things and fill it back up within a couple days. Makes me furious.  

    But, i am getting really good at letting go of stuff. I donate, giveaway or just throw it out. Perfectly good stuff .    I’m not leaving this mess for my kids to sort when I’m dead. Why would i want to put people i love through that?  So, i’m starting to take care of it now.  

    The stuff i might use again that i haven’t touched in 5 years? If it’s good stuff, maybe even expensive stuff,  i give it away and if i need it, i’ll borrow it from them. Best of both worlds. I borrow, they store it.  And if they no longer have it when i need it, oh well. I’ll deal with it when that time comes. 

    People fill their void with stuff — I’m embracing the emptiness. It feels great not to feel that burden.  My chi is so much freer. 

  • I've done some shopping. Fluid stuff almost out and i saw disaster looming in the horizon....  On the way home i saw a strange bird, the size of a gull but it was not white and it was kind of speckled in white, grey, brown and black. It also had a neck that wasn't really gullike, it was a bot crocked, not straight as a gull. So i was curious and asked "And what the heck are you my friend?" and the bird just looked at me, flew away while sounding like i was in the process of cutting his trout. Definitely not a gull sound. I'm still curious. Usually i recognize the birds around here but that was a new aqquintance.
    NotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshacat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....cleaning the basement AGAIN....been here two years, if it ain't seen the light of day in that time, we're either chucking holy water at it or flipping it into a dumpster....
    Every single time i clean my garage, every. Single. Time. I get it spotless and then my family clean out their things and fill it back up within a couple days. Makes me furious.  

    But, i am getting really good at letting go of stuff. I donate, giveaway or just throw it out. Perfectly good stuff .    I’m not leaving this mess for my kids to sort when I’m dead. Why would i want to put people i love through that?  So, i’m starting to take care of it now.  

    The stuff i might use again that i haven’t touched in 5 years? If it’s good stuff, maybe even expensive stuff,  i give it away and if i need it, i’ll borrow it from them. Best of both worlds. I borrow, they store it.  And if they no longer have it when i need it, oh well. I’ll deal with it when that time comes. 

    People fill their void with stuff — I’m embracing the emptiness. It feels great not to feel that burden.  My chi is so much freer. 

    ....same thing Tracy told the kids....you want any of this detritus, take it now-get your use from it and then either pass it on again, or chuck it....we have given them most of what they want and the rest they have bluntly told us-they don't wish to be saddled with...sad in it's way, that kids don't give a damn about sentimental things anymore....the world has moved on....
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshacatdoyoulove19
  • Kurben said:
    I've done some shopping. Fluid stuff almost out and i saw disaster looming in the horizon....  On the way home i saw a strange bird, the size of a gull but it was not white and it was kind of speckled in white, grey, brown and black. It also had a neck that wasn't really gullike, it was a bot crocked, not straight as a gull. So i was curious and asked "And what the heck are you my friend?" and the bird just looked at me, flew away while sounding like i was in the process of cutting his trout. Definitely not a gull sound. I'm still curious. Usually i recognize the birds around here but that was a new aqquintance.
    ...don't think it's a Tern from the description, possibly a passer-by of a Gull, not often seen in your area?.....
    NotaroKurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshacat
  • Might be. I am a bit inland and this might be a species that only like the seacoasts...? The common Gull we see a lot of here and also some other species but it was the sound of it that made me sure it was a new one to me. If i had heard inside, while reading a book say, i would been convinced that it was a deathrattle of my neighbor, not a birdcry.
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTcat
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