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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Notaro said:
    And another trail was a bit different 🤔

    Totally different! Lush.
  • edited July 2021
    Lush and full of little biting midges... 
    KurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTcat
  • Notaro said:
    Lush and full of little biting midges... 
    First i thought you said midgets....  
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTcatdoyoulove19
  • Two completely different worlds Irish... both beautiful.
    The rocky terrain, is it geothermal? Are those little pools of water? (we sometimes call them tarns here) My eyes might be deceiving me... but if it's water, is it hot/warm?

    KurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTcat
  • Don't think it's geothermal Flakes, I didn't test the water but the park guide at the entrance never said anything about hot springs or anything like that. 
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTcat
  • I will be doing some research so we, my brother and I, have some stops we certainly dont wanna miss on the roadtrip. 
    MarshaNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTcat
  • Today our daughter, granddaughter and grandson (who we're meeting for the first time) arrived back from Okinawa after six years. They're moving into a house just up the street from us. Our son-in-law, who successfully defended his PhD thesis a couple of weeks ago, will be arriving shortly. We are delighted to be able to see them in person again -- it's been two years!
    MarshaNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbencatdoyoulove19
  • Today our daughter, granddaughter and grandson (who we're meeting for the first time) arrived back from Okinawa after six years. They're moving into a house just up the street from us. Our son-in-law, who successfully defended his PhD thesis a couple of weeks ago, will be arriving shortly. We are delighted to be able to see them in person again -- it's been two years!

    Oh, what great news! I'm so happy for you all. <3
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTBevVincentKurbencat
  • Thank you! It was quite a journey -- they flew from Okinawa to Tokyo to Chicago (with two cats, mind you), where they were met by our daughter's parents-in-law, who drove them to Texas in a Volvo with 200,000 miles on it, plus a U-haul trailer! Took them two days to get here from Chicago! My wife and I have been setting up their rental house for the past couple of months, moving all their stored things out of our attic and closets, plus handling all of our daughter's ordered stuff. It's been an adventure.

    Now to get everyone un-jetlagged (including the cats)!
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenMarshacatdoyoulove19
  • Wonderful Bev, I hope it all goes smoothly for everyone. 
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTBevVincentMarshacat
  • edited July 2021
    The little ones will keep you busy!  I’m smiling just thinking about their little-kid  energy.

    And what a good family — no one left behind.  A lot of effort and love to bring those fur babes. 

    Have so much fun Bev and Mrs/Dr Bev. 
  • Notaro said:
    Lush and full of little biting midges... 
    ....a study in polar opposites old buddy!....this is quite the walkabout you're on....
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacat
  • Kurben said:
    Notaro said:
    Lush and full of little biting midges... 
    First i thought you said midgets....  
    Scotfax Scottish Midges on Undiscovered Scotland  Scotland funny  Scotland Scottish
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacat
  • ...outstanding Bev!....oh the conversations and tales that will fly...(tails as well, ya know-with the cats and all)....
    Hedda GablerBevVincentNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacat
  • Had a guy tree out to give me estimate on taking out huge tree. Two weeks from now i will eliminate a nonillion of leaves i will have to rake in the fall.  
  • Had a guy tree out to give me estimate on taking out huge tree. Two weeks from now i will eliminate a nonillion of leaves i will have to rake in the fall.  
    Guy tree? That’s some dyslexic shenanigans for sure.  
  • Had a guy tree out to give me estimate on taking out huge tree. Two weeks from now i will eliminate a nonillion of leaves i will have to rake in the fall.  
    Who39s Counting  Commonplace Fun Facts
  • Had a guy tree out to give me estimate on taking out huge tree. Two weeks from now i will eliminate a nonillion of leaves i will have to rake in the fall.  
    Guy tree? That’s some dyslexic shenanigans for sure.  
    ...so yer cutting down Groot?????....

    Groot 3D Print 5 Best Curated Models  All3DP
  • Going through some of the cliffs of Moher snaps and remembered this, we went into a small light house/lookout type building....

    The guy on duty told the wife and I that the exterior of the building was just exposed rock which when it rained it seeped through and destroyed the interior, so it was decided to render the exterior to make it waterproof, during the preparation of the exterior a paper scroll wrapped in plastic was found stuffed into a crevice of the brickwork, when they unrolled it they found this.....

  • Notaro said:
    Going through some of the cliffs of Moher snaps and remembered this, we went into a small light house/lookout type building....

    The guy on duty told the wife and I that the exterior of the building was just exposed rock which when it rained it seeped through and destroyed the interior, so it was decided to render the exterior to make it waterproof, during the preparation of the exterior a paper scroll wrapped in plastic was found stuffed into a crevice of the brickwork, when they unrolled it they found this.....

    Ohh, this made me cry. So beautiful. 

  • edited July 2021
    I went to the bank today and walked in. Doing my business and another two customers come in.   The woman customer starts a conversation with me after eavesdropping  on the convo i was having with my teller about high school. 

    This lady looks at me and says, well you haven‘t been out of high school  that long and she guesses my age 21 years younger than i am. I look at her to see if she’s f’ing with me and she appears very sincere. I tell her my age and she said, wow you look great!   I thank her and tell her she is my new best friend. 

    Now, i could leave that right there. Such a nice compliment — but i must tell you this with full disclosure. 

    The woman had a very obvious and severe looking head injury scar.  And while I want to take her compliment and run to the goal line where i can jump, spin, kick and spike the ball — i must take it with a very skull-trauma grain of salt. 

    I did get my hair blonded today so i do look 2 years and 3 months younger, so there’s that. 
  • Notaro said:
    Going through some of the cliffs of Moher snaps and remembered this, we went into a small light house/lookout type building....

    The guy on duty told the wife and I that the exterior of the building was just exposed rock which when it rained it seeped through and destroyed the interior, so it was decided to render the exterior to make it waterproof, during the preparation of the exterior a paper scroll wrapped in plastic was found stuffed into a crevice of the brickwork, when they unrolled it they found this.....

    Ohh, this made me cry. So beautiful. 

    Yep, ditto... beautiful. Reminded me of my little Nana.
    NotaroHedda GablerMarshacatdoyoulove19
  • I went to the bank today and walked in. Doing my business and another two customers come in.   The woman customer starts a conversation with me after eavesdropping  on the convo i was having with my teller about high school. 

    This lady looks at me and says, well you haven‘t been out of high school  that long and she guesses my age 21 years younger than i am. I look at her to see if she’s f’ing with me and she appears very sincere. I tell her my age and she said, wow you look great!   I thank her and tell her she is my new best friend. 

    Now, i could leave that right there. Such a nice compliment — but i must tell you this with full disclosure. 

    The woman had a very obvious and severe looking head injury scar.  And while I want to take her compliment and run to the goal line where i can jump, spin, kick and spike the ball — i must take it with a very skull-trauma grain of salt. 

    I did get my hair blonded today so i do look 2 years and 3 months younger, so there’s that. 
    Ah f'k it, take it. Maybe her skull trauma gave her super-enhanced vision? 😊
    You're still a contender, you'll always be a top contender. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshacatdoyoulove19
  • I'm sitting in a (lately) rare ray of sunshine, watching the Olympics and painting my toenails. For now ignoring life's troubles. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenMarshacatdoyoulove19
  • Notaro said:
    Going through some of the cliffs of Moher snaps and remembered this, we went into a small light house/lookout type building....

    The guy on duty told the wife and I that the exterior of the building was just exposed rock which when it rained it seeped through and destroyed the interior, so it was decided to render the exterior to make it waterproof, during the preparation of the exterior a paper scroll wrapped in plastic was found stuffed into a crevice of the brickwork, when they unrolled it they found this.....

    Ohh, this made me cry. So beautiful. 

    ....me too.....damn that's wonderful.....
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshacat
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