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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • FlakeNoir said:
    Oh M, that is scary! I had a moment like that a few weeks ago when some dick turned in front of the car in front of me in a 100 km zone in the rain. A$$hole!

    I'm glad you're okay... and that you had a great time. Good luck with your list! 

    Very glad you're ok after your experience with this, too. That could have caused multiple crashes at those speeds. Maybe one day blind spot monitors will be standard equipment on cars which might help keep this from happening as often. I had my cruise control on so was going about 73 (117 km)  when it happened adding to the excitement factor.

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesycat
  • Marsha said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Oh M, that is scary! I had a moment like that a few weeks ago when some dick turned in front of the car in front of me in a 100 km zone in the rain. A$$hole!

    I'm glad you're okay... and that you had a great time. Good luck with your list! 

    Very glad you're ok after your experience with this, too. That could have caused multiple crashes at those speeds. Maybe one day blind spot monitors will be standard equipment on cars which might help keep this from happening as often. I had my cruise control on so was going about 73 (117 km)  when it happened adding to the excitement factor.

    It's bloody scary isn't it? 😳😬 Jeez M, that's fast for something to be going wrong, your heart would have been pounding!

    The car was coming toward me from the opposite direction and just literally turned... across both lanes right in front of the car ahead of me and into a driveway, I don't know how the car in front didn't hit them. 
    The total muppet then immediately backed out of the driveway into traffic that was following me... and then began driving in the same direction as us.. f*****ccck! Unbelievable. 
    NotaroMarshaKurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Marsha said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Oh M, that is scary! I had a moment like that a few weeks ago when some dick turned in front of the car in front of me in a 100 km zone in the rain. A$$hole!

    I'm glad you're okay... and that you had a great time. Good luck with your list! 

    Very glad you're ok after your experience with this, too. That could have caused multiple crashes at those speeds. Maybe one day blind spot monitors will be standard equipment on cars which might help keep this from happening as often. I had my cruise control on so was going about 73 (117 km)  when it happened adding to the excitement factor.

    It's bloody scary isn't it? 😳😬 Jeez M, that's fast for something to be going wrong, your heart would have been pounding!

    The car was coming toward me from the opposite direction and just literally turned... across both lanes right in front of the car ahead of me and into a driveway, I don't know how the car in front didn't hit them. 
    The total muppet then immediately backed out of the driveway into traffic that was following me... and then began driving in the same direction as us.. f*****ccck! Unbelievable. 
    Must have seen a car action movie too much or something.... You know Can they can I-syndrome.
    NotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshacat
  • Flake and Marsha -- yikes!  Those scary near misses are little mini heart stress tests.  

    You passed!
  • Flake and Marsha -- yikes!  Those scary near misses are little mini heart stress tests.  

    You passed!
    Kinda wish I'd get to just have the hospital run ones...🤔😄
    NotaroHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTcat
  • edited July 2021
    Well, I'm going to nap.  I hurt myself cleaning my yard.  Something kerplunked in my back and down my side from shoulder to waist, I don't know what I did.  I think I walked.  Old people walking is just a disaster waiting to happen.

    I took today to run (and I mean drive and then hobble) to the book store.  I've started Xmas shopping. 

    AND, big news .... I turned in my library book that I kept checking out.  I finished it.  And it was good.  I didn't want to say the name -- shhhhh, don't tell Kurben -- it was Sovereign by CJ Sansom.  I think you asked doyou the title and that was the one.  I will get the next one in the series soon, but first, I'm going to read a few smaller books.  I don't want my forearms to bulk up too much, too soon.  I'm not a shower or a grower.  

  • Well, I'm going to nap.  I hurt myself cleaning my yard.  Something kerplunked in my back and down my side from shoulder to waist, I don't know what I did.  I think I walked.  Old people walking is just a disaster waiting to happen.

    I took today to run (and I mean drive and then hobble) to the book store.  I've started Xmas shopping. 

    AND, big news .... I turned in my library book that I kept checking out.  I finished it.  And it was good.  I didn't want to say the name -- shhhhh, don't tell Kurben -- it was Sovereign by CJ Sansom.  I think you asked doyou the title and that was the one.  I will get the next one in the series soon, but first, I'm going to read a few smaller books.  I don't want my forearms to bulk up too much, too soon.  I'm not a shower or a grower.  

    Ouch.. sorry to hear about your injury 😟 I hope it improves very soon.
    KurbenNotaroMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • Well, I'm going to nap.  I hurt myself cleaning my yard.  Something kerplunked in my back and down my side from shoulder to waist, I don't know what I did.  I think I walked.  Old people walking is just a disaster waiting to happen.

    Be careful Hedda, if it's still sore later put an ice pack on it, that will help. And these are an anti-inflammatory is you can get them over there.... 

    FlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • Well, I'm going to nap.  I hurt myself cleaning my yard.  Something kerplunked in my back and down my side from shoulder to waist, I don't know what I did.  I think I walked.  Old people walking is just a disaster waiting to happen.

    I took today to run (and I mean drive and then hobble) to the book store.  I've started Xmas shopping. 

    AND, big news .... I turned in my library book that I kept checking out.  I finished it.  And it was good.  I didn't want to say the name -- shhhhh, don't tell Kurben -- it was Sovereign by CJ Sansom.  I think you asked doyou the title and that was the one.  I will get the next one in the series soon, but first, I'm going to read a few smaller books.  I don't want my forearms to bulk up too much, too soon.  I'm not a shower or a grower.  

    Hope that feels better soon. Getting older sucks sometimes but beats the alternative.
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • Today: Virtual Necon!
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNeesycat
  • Today: Virtual Necon!
    Now, we can tune into this, yes? Where, link? And your panel is tomorrow ?
  • You have to pay $25 to join the convention. And, yes, my panel is tomorrow.
  • edited July 2021
    While it’s still cool this morning, i got gas in my car, starbucks run, grocery shopped. Bought a lottery ticket. Hope i win. I’m tired of dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight. 

    I set up a birthing center for my feral. I don’t think she’ll use it but it’s safe and fresh water and food right there. She’d be loco not to. She was doing a lot of private part washing this morning, twisting around. I think it will be soon. 
  • You have to pay $25 to join the convention. And, yes, my panel is tomorrow.
    Ah dang. Will your panel be available for later viewing ? I’d rather spend 25$ on your books. 
  • "What happens at NECON stays at NECON" -- I don't expect it will be available 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshaNotarocat
  • While it’s still cool this morning, i got gas in my car, starbucks run, grocery shopped. Bought a lottery ticket. Hope i win. I’m tired of dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight. 

    I set up a birthing center for my feral. I don’t think she’ll use it but it’s safe and fresh water and food right there. She’d be loco not to. She was doing a lot of private part washing this morning, twisting around. I think it will be soon. 
    Will you let me know when she's starting?
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNotarocat
  • Yes. I keep checking my nest but so far, nothing. Maybe when it’s time she will come here to safety.  
  • I hope she will.
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNotarocat
  • Well, I'm going to nap.  I hurt myself cleaning my yard.  Something kerplunked in my back and down my side from shoulder to waist, I don't know what I did.  I think I walked.  Old people walking is just a disaster waiting to happen.

    I took today to run (and I mean drive and then hobble) to the book store.  I've started Xmas shopping. 

    AND, big news .... I turned in my library book that I kept checking out.  I finished it.  And it was good.  I didn't want to say the name -- shhhhh, don't tell Kurben -- it was Sovereign by CJ Sansom.  I think you asked doyou the title and that was the one.  I will get the next one in the series soon, but first, I'm going to read a few smaller books.  I don't want my forearms to bulk up too much, too soon.  I'm not a shower or a grower.  

    ....well Popeye, ya done popped a vertebrae and caused one hell of a muscle lock-up for yourself....probably nothing you did today-more than likely set the stage with yard work previously....this from a guy who knows about run down no-account spines....ice only!! for the first 48 hours, then alternate heat and ice....no more than 10 minutes at a rip....Ibuprofen 600mg every 4-6 hours.....and move as much as you can to keep the muscles limbered up....if you can easily find one, buy a home TENS unit...will do wonders.....
    FlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNotarocat
  • While it’s still cool this morning, i got gas in my car, starbucks run, grocery shopped. Bought a lottery ticket. Hope i win. I’m tired of dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight. 

    I set up a birthing center for my feral. I don’t think she’ll use it but it’s safe and fresh water and food right there. She’d be loco not to. She was doing a lot of private part washing this morning, twisting around. I think it will be soon. 
    ...what the hell?....I do a lot of private part washing too...mean I'm gonna have kittens???...

    Frightened GIF - Find on GIFER
    FlakeNoirKurbenMarshaHedda GablerNotarocatdoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Well, I'm going to nap.  I hurt myself cleaning my yard.  Something kerplunked in my back and down my side from shoulder to waist, I don't know what I did.  I think I walked.  Old people walking is just a disaster waiting to happen.

    I took today to run (and I mean drive and then hobble) to the book store.  I've started Xmas shopping. 

    AND, big news .... I turned in my library book that I kept checking out.  I finished it.  And it was good.  I didn't want to say the name -- shhhhh, don't tell Kurben -- it was Sovereign by CJ Sansom.  I think you asked doyou the title and that was the one.  I will get the next one in the series soon, but first, I'm going to read a few smaller books.  I don't want my forearms to bulk up too much, too soon.  I'm not a shower or a grower.  

    ....well Popeye, ya done popped a vertebrae and caused one hell of a muscle lock-up for yourself....probably nothing you did today-more than likely set the stage with yard work previously....this from a guy who knows about run down no-account spines....ice only!! for the first 48 hours, then alternate heat and ice....no more than 10 minutes at a rip....Ibuprofen 600mg every 4-6 hours.....and move as much as you can to keep the muscles limbered up....if you can easily find one, buy a home TENS unit...will do wonders.....
    I used a TENS machine during labour with my 2nd (and posterior facing) baby.
    GNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNotarocat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Well, I'm going to nap.  I hurt myself cleaning my yard.  Something kerplunked in my back and down my side from shoulder to waist, I don't know what I did.  I think I walked.  Old people walking is just a disaster waiting to happen.

    I took today to run (and I mean drive and then hobble) to the book store.  I've started Xmas shopping. 

    AND, big news .... I turned in my library book that I kept checking out.  I finished it.  And it was good.  I didn't want to say the name -- shhhhh, don't tell Kurben -- it was Sovereign by CJ Sansom.  I think you asked doyou the title and that was the one.  I will get the next one in the series soon, but first, I'm going to read a few smaller books.  I don't want my forearms to bulk up too much, too soon.  I'm not a shower or a grower.  

    ....well Popeye, ya done popped a vertebrae and caused one hell of a muscle lock-up for yourself....probably nothing you did today-more than likely set the stage with yard work previously....this from a guy who knows about run down no-account spines....ice only!! for the first 48 hours, then alternate heat and ice....no more than 10 minutes at a rip....Ibuprofen 600mg every 4-6 hours.....and move as much as you can to keep the muscles limbered up....if you can easily find one, buy a home TENS unit...will do wonders.....
    Thanks. Did the ice, then ice and heat and ibuprofens — it’s better but i still have a nag there so am taking it slow— don’t want to flare up the nag. 
  • ....keep up the therapy....the more often you ice and heat, the better you will feel...slow moving as fine, just have to keep at it....the attack happens quickly, but subsides over days.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirMarshacatdoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....keep up the therapy....the more often you ice and heat, the better you will feel...slow moving as fine, just have to keep at it....the attack happens quickly, but subsides over days.....
    Yep, still moving just doing things slower and more careful. 
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