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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....found just the thing for ya Flakes.....
    9GAG - For you to stay connected while having a shower  Facebook

    Good lord no. 😄 My phone was on the window sill with the window cracked so I didn't kill it with steam and condensation. 😁
    GNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerKurbenNotaroNeesycat
  • ....while I was waiting foe the Keurig to spat out another cup of Death Wish coffee-I watched squirrels playing tag in the trees and about 6 different varieties of birds grab some breakfast at the feeders....never gets old....
    FlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerKurbenNotaroNeesycat
  • Day 3 of dollar babies
    Watch next Resident Evil 8 demo. I think the game drops next Saturday.
    will be tuning in for The Oscars
    Next episode of The Gloaming
    Next episode of serial killer sam little

  • ....another in a series of record low viewership for the Golden Boy's show....I have to applaud the effort being expended in a losing effort....

    Baby Boomer Alert Who Remembers Clara Pellers Wheres The Beef

    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroMarshacat
  • Trying to figure out how to make money on dandelions.

    Yep. I'm that damn neighbor. The one who has a bazillion dandelions in her yard that all turn to those puffy balls of fluff that infect my neighbor's yards.  I passive/agressively pray to the wind Gods to spread my seed and giggle with evil intent.

    When they get jabbed for Covid and stop the spread, I'll get my lawn treated and stop the spread.

    I'm just shittin' ya.  I have the lawn people coming in 7 to 10 days.  My infection will be contained, but theirs is just beginnning.  Mwuuuuhahahahahaha!  (This is sinister laughter)

  • Trying to figure out how to make money on dandelions.

    Make dandelion wine.  ;)   You'll have to harvest the blossoms before they're sprayed, though.

  • Morning walk while listening to more of The Ridge. Not sure what happens after that but tonight my cousin and I are going to a mini-workshop for making pottery using a wheel. My cousin has done this before but it's one of my bucket list items. Should be fun although I'm prepared for it to be harder than it looks.
    Hedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Neesycat
  • Marsha said:
    Morning walk while listening to more of The Ridge. Not sure what happens after that but tonight my cousin and I are going to a mini-workshop for making pottery using a wheel. My cousin has done this before but it's one of my bucket list items. Should be fun although I'm prepared for it to be harder than it looks.
    Too much work.  Plus, I think they actually have to be the flower.  Mine are long past flower. Long past seed stage.  Now, they are bare stalks standing tall like stiff middle fingers sending the message out:   They may take our lives but they will never take our FREEDOM!”
  • Marsha said:
    Morning walk while listening to more of The Ridge. Not sure what happens after that but tonight my cousin and I are going to a mini-workshop for making pottery using a wheel. My cousin has done this before but it's one of my bucket list items. Should be fun although I'm prepared for it to be harder than it looks.
    Marsha said:
    Morning walk while listening to more of The Ridge. Not sure what happens after that but tonight my cousin and I are going to a mini-workshop for making pottery using a wheel. My cousin has done this before but it's one of my bucket list items. Should be fun although I'm prepared for it to be harder than it looks.
    You need to watch The Great Pottery Throw Down.  It's a terrific show on pottery using many beautiful techniques.
  • Marsha said:
    Morning walk while listening to more of The Ridge. Not sure what happens after that but tonight my cousin and I are going to a mini-workshop for making pottery using a wheel. My cousin has done this before but it's one of my bucket list items. Should be fun although I'm prepared for it to be harder than it looks.
    Marsha said:
    Morning walk while listening to more of The Ridge. Not sure what happens after that but tonight my cousin and I are going to a mini-workshop for making pottery using a wheel. My cousin has done this before but it's one of my bucket list items. Should be fun although I'm prepared for it to be harder than it looks.
    You need to watch The Great Pottery Throw Down.  It's a terrific show on pottery using many beautiful techniques.

    I've heard of it and would love to see it but don't have HBO. :/
    Hedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoircat
  • Cutting down Dandelions?? Bloody murder!! I always thought Dandelions are beautiful little yellow ornaments in a lawn that ought not to be brutally slaughtered with regular intervals. I have found that i'm fairly lonesome in that view....
    MarshaNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gablercat
  • Trying to figure out how to make money on dandelions.

    Yep. I'm that damn neighbor. The one who has a bazillion dandelions in her yard that all turn to those puffy balls of fluff that infect my neighbor's yards.  I passive/agressively pray to the wind Gods to spread my seed and giggle with evil intent.

    When they get jabbed for Covid and stop the spread, I'll get my lawn treated and stop the spread.

    I'm just shittin' ya.  I have the lawn people coming in 7 to 10 days.  My infection will be contained, but theirs is just beginnning.  Mwuuuuhahahahahaha!  (This is sinister laughter)

    ....I wanted to execute mine, until Tracy reminded me that they are the first source of energy for the honey bees-until the flowers and trees bloom.....
    FlakeNoirMarshaKurbenNeesyHedda Gablercat
  • Marsha said:
    Morning walk while listening to more of The Ridge. Not sure what happens after that but tonight my cousin and I are going to a mini-workshop for making pottery using a wheel. My cousin has done this before but it's one of my bucket list items. Should be fun although I'm prepared for it to be harder than it looks.
    ....too bad Mr. Swayze has passed into the clearing, he could have ummmmm, "backed you up" as it were.....
    FlakeNoirMarshaKurbenHedda Gablercat
  • Kurben said:
    Cutting down Dandelions?? Bloody murder!! I always thought Dandelions are beautiful little yellow ornaments in a lawn that ought not to be brutally slaughtered with regular intervals. I have found that i'm fairly lonesome in that view....
    Memebase - dandelions - All Your Memes In Our Base - Funny Memes -  Cheezburger
    FlakeNoirMarshaKurbendoyoulove19Neesynot_nadineHedda Gablercat
  • edited April 2021
    Oh, we have plenty of flowers  out now, so no honey bees starved.  And who hasn’t given their mum a beautiful bouquet of dandelions? 

    Alas, my gladys kraviitz neighbor turns people in for anything. I have no doubt she has called on me a time or two.  

    And how i know she does it? She asked me one time to call something in on a neighbor because she did it so much, they weren’t listening to her anymore.  

    She is the single most reason i learned to say the word NO.  That’s a fact.  People have trouble saying no. I do not because of her. Thank you batshit crazy neighbor. 
  • Oh, we have plenty of flowers  out now, so no honey bees starved.  And who hasn’t given their mum a beautiful bouquet of dandelions? 

    Alas, my gladys kraviitz neighbor turns people in for anything. I have no doubt she has called on me a time or two.  

    And how i know she does it? She asked me one time to call something in on a neighbor because she did it so much, they weren’t listening to her anymore.  

    She is the single most reason i learned to say the word NO.  That’s a fact.  People have trouble saying no. I do not because of her. Thank you batshit crazy neighbor. 
    11 Neighbors ideas  bones funny funny humor
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenMarshadoyoulove19Neesycat
  • My family is officially jabbed up. My youngest is a passer- outter when it comes to shots so i had to come with him to make sure they didn’t call an ambulance if he went down. 

    Big shot-baby. 
  • My family is officially jabbed up. My youngest is a passer- outter when it comes to shots so i had to come with him to make sure they didn’t call an ambulance if he went down. 

    Big shot-baby. 
    ....same story at work.....all these "bad ass" Inmates, and they get all whoopsy-woozy when they have to get blood drawn.....mind you, they have as much ink on their bodies as The Illustrated Man......
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroMarshadoyoulove19Neesycat
  • My kid wouldn’t go near a tattoo needle.
  • My youngest is similar with needles, his whole life I've had to negotiate, cajole, at times just hold him down. 😳
    I did all of his immunizations up until about last year, when he outgrew me I told his dad, "you're up".
    This kid is 13, is he going to fecking try and fight off the nurse when he's an adult?! 🥺😳
    KurbenHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTMarshadoyoulove19Neesycat
  • edited May 2021
    ...I was picking on the Inmates...but it's a real phobia, trypanophobia, and like others-those of us that don't experience it, have no idea how anxiety to downright abject fear producing it is....I'm the same way with heights.....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...I was picking on the Inmates...but it's a real phobia, trypanophobia, and like others-those of us that don't experience it, have no idea how anxiety to downright abject fear producing it is....I'm the same way with heights.....
    Oh me too... I can't do heights. 😬
  • Oh, we have plenty of flowers  out now, so no honey bees starved.  And who hasn’t given their mum a beautiful bouquet of dandelions? 

    Alas, my gladys kraviitz neighbor turns people in for anything. I have no doubt she has called on me a time or two.  

    And how i know she does it? She asked me one time to call something in on a neighbor because she did it so much, they weren’t listening to her anymore.  

    She is the single most reason i learned to say the word NO.  That’s a fact.  People have trouble saying no. I do not because of her. Thank you batshit crazy neighbor. 

    I don't know about your community but here the city is promoting the use of all natural all the time i.e. no chemicals to be used, even on city property

    I think Andy doesn't like this idea - he would like every lawn to look like a golf course.

    Me (I think I am actually an indigenous person underneath) - I don't even rake the leaves in the fall. I've read that it's better for the birds in the spring as they can find little critters more easily

  • My family is officially jabbed up. My youngest is a passer- outter when it comes to shots so i had to come with him to make sure they didn’t call an ambulance if he went down. 

    Big shot-baby. 
    Jeeeze... I read this totally picturing liquor shots, not having read the rest of the thread.
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