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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • GNTLGNT said:
    Finished amy tan’s masterclass.  Wow. What a life to draw stories from. 

    She is an unbelievable artist too — her drawings of birds are exceptional. Very talented.

    i think i’ll start Walter Mosley’s class today. 
    ....my Gan she's good!!!.....

    Sparrow from Amy Tans garden-her lovely drawing  httpswwwfacebookcomAuthorAmyTanphotosa6789563287924311073741833210665552288   People art Drawings Art
    Look at that detail!  So beautiful.
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Finished amy tan’s masterclass.  Wow. What a life to draw stories from. 

    She is an unbelievable artist too — her drawings of birds are exceptional. Very talented.

    i think i’ll start Walter Mosley’s class today. 
    ....my Gan she's good!!!.....

    Sparrow from Amy Tans garden-her lovely drawing  httpswwwfacebookcomAuthorAmyTanphotosa6789563287924311073741833210665552288   People art Drawings Art
    Look at that detail!  So beautiful.
    ....it is nearly photo-realistic.....
    Hedda GablercatspideymanKurbenFlakeNoirNotaro
  • I’m feeling fragmented. At loose ends.  I want to do so many things, but what? Which thing?
  • I’m feeling fragmented. At loose ends.  I want to do so many things, but what? Which thing?
    Process of elimination Hedda, decide what you don't want to do and cross them off today's list. When you have it narrowed down to two things flip a coin. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTcatNeesy
  • I’m feeling fragmented. At loose ends.  I want to do so many things, but what? Which thing?
    ....close your eyes and the first "thing" that surfaces from your thought pool is it....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarocat
  • I’m feeling fragmented. At loose ends.  I want to do so many things, but what? Which thing?
    Let it include chocolate. 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablercatKurbenNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I’m feeling fragmented. At loose ends.  I want to do so many things, but what? Which thing?
    Let it include chocolate. 
    10 Times Chocolate Memes Justified Your Chocolate Addiction
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoircatKurbenNeesy
  • Doing sweet FA,

  • Notaro said:
    Doing sweet FA,

    😁 Couldn't be more perfect. Okay it could, I don't see any chocolate here. 
  • Notaro said:
    Doing sweet FA,

    That looks like close to
  • ....that looks like a still from a beer commercial.....and I can almost taste the chip/fermented beverage combo.....dammit, now my fat gut is growling again.....
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroFlakeNoircat
  • edited April 2021
    I just finished Walter Mosley Masterclass and i’m halfway through RLStein’s.   

    First, walter’s class was very informative.   Second, RL Stein is adorably geeky awkward hilarious but smart and interesting. 

    I’m watching all the writing ones, even the categories i’m not interested in.  I think there is a fresh way to look at things no matter the writer or their type of writing. Lots to learn. Tips and ideas, techniques. 

    what i’ve always known, and which is very obvious in these classes:

    You do you, boo. 

    Many of these authors contradict other author’s ways.  Not in any critical way by any means, just the way they do it is different than another author’s way of doing it.   If it feels good to you, it’s right for you. 
  • edited April 2021
    Out walking earlier, lovely day if a tad chilly....... -1C/30F....

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirspideymancatSundrop
  • edited April 2021
    Welp... i listened to 33 people on microphones discuss good and evil in movies. I’ll be paraphrasing all this.  

    Long story short — someone asked, “is Cujo evil?”  people were unsure because it was a dog. The topic changed to Jason. Was Jason pure evil?  

    So, people are weighing in on that and about ten minutes goes by when a guy cuts in to say, “ Cujo was definitely evil .  He was possessed. In the movie they just made him rabid. But in the book, he was possessed by a demon.”

    thirty two other people did not correct this numbnutz.  This is the closest i’ve come to miccing up to say, “in the book Einstein, he is chasing a rabbit and ends up bitten by a bat, many bats.  Cujo did NOT want to be a baddog.”  He wasn’t evil— he was a victim whose brain turned to mush. He was dangerous , but not evil. 

    When we sk fans, the ones that brought him to this dance, die — will Stephen King be remembered in such a respected way?   I don’t think so.  

    What the hell — 

  • Notaro said:
    Out walking earlier, lovely day if a tad chilly....... -1C/30F....

    ...nice view from the ramparts Colonel!.....

    Monty Python Lol GIF - Find  Share on GIPHY
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotarocat
  • Welp... i listened to 33 people on microphones discuss good and evil in movies. I’ll be paraphrasing all this.  

    Long story short — someone asked, “is Cujo evil?”  people were unsure because it was a dog. The topic changed to Jason. Was Jason pure evil?  

    So, people are weighing in on that and about ten minutes goes by when a guy cuts in to say, “ Cujo was definitely evil .  He was possessed. In the movie they just made him rabid. But in the book, he was possessed by a demon.”

    thirty two other people did not correct this numbnutz.  This is the closest i’ve come to miccing up to say, “in the book Einstein, he is chasing a rabbit and ends up bitten by a bat, many bats.  Cujo did NOT want to be a baddog.”  He wasn’t evil— he was a victim whose brain turned to mush. He was dangerous , but not evil. 

    When we sk fans, the ones that brought him to this dance, die — will Stephen King be remembered in such a respected way?   I don’t think so.  

    What the hell — 

    ....rabies is what caused Cujo's devolution, still-I posit that there was an elemental evil lurking about, which happened to take on the "form" of Cujo in Tad's closet...not that it was the dog himself....after all, Castle Rock was a cauldron of dark energy and hatefulness....
  • edited April 2021
    Right, but they were talking the dog. You could say castle rock was evil, or tad’s closet had evil in it — but cujo wasn’t.  He was a gooddog. 

    Or am i the numbnutz who needs to read the book again?
  • Right, but they were talking the dog. You could say castle rock was evil, or tad’s closet had evil in it — but cujo wasn’t.  He was a gooddog. 

    Or am i the numbnutz who needs to read the book again?
    ....nooooooo, I'm agreeing with you....Cujo was the victim of nature.....
  • edited April 2021

    i was totally offended for cujo! How dare they!  😂😂😂
  • 🤣🤣🤣 

    i was totally offended for cujo! How dare they!  😂😂😂
    August 10The Undead Meme Zombie Crew  MEME ON MEME ACTION
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarocat
  • edited April 2021
    These groups i’m listening to — mostly 20 ish 30 ish year old people. They are not talking Stephen king.  At all. Just a brief mention maybe. He doesn’t seem to be on their radar.

    maybe if a group talked horror fiction i would hear more. Surely i would.  Right? 
  • These groups i’m listening to — mostly 20 ish 30 ish year old people. They are not talking Stephen king.  At all. Just a brief mention maybe. He doesn’t seem to be on their radar.

    maybe if a group talked horror fiction i would hear more. Surely i would.  Right? 
    ....like I always say.....whatever gets ya through the night..... :s
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbencat
  • edited April 2021
    I just finished Walter Mosley Masterclass and i’m halfway through RLStein’s.   

    First, walter’s class was very informative.   Second, RL Stein is adorably geeky awkward hilarious but smart and interesting. 

    I’m watching all the writing ones, even the categories i’m not interested in.  I think there is a fresh way to look at things no matter the writer or their type of writing. Lots to learn. Tips and ideas, techniques. 

    what i’ve always known, and which is very obvious in these classes:

    You do you, boo. 

    Many of these authors contradict other author’s ways.  Not in any critical way by any means, just the way they do it is different than another author’s way of doing it.   If it feels good to you, it’s right for you. 
    Quoting myself, bwhaha.

    I am continuing with my R.L. Stine MasterClass (Just realized I spelled his name wrong earlier, duh.). Anyway, R.L. is doing a fantastic job with his class.  I have no desire to write for children, but I do believe he is giving some terrific information that can apply to any writing.  Some things are specific to kids, but so much can be used in whatever kind of writing you do.

    He tells a little story about all his books.  Every single book has new kids.  It isn't the same kids like a Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew -- it's new kids.  And he said he needed a lot of kid names, 5 or 6 per book. So, he had his son's school directory and he said that he used every single kid's name at his son's school.  

    And, what's super hilarious about this, his son would come home from school and say, paraphrasing names, "Dad, you have to put Sam in the next book" or, "Dad, you have to put Jason in the next book."  The reason why?  His kid was charging these kids ten bucks to get their names in a Goosebumps book!  

    Damn kids.  I am loving his class.
  • I just finished Walter Mosley Masterclass and i’m halfway through RLStein’s.   

    First, walter’s class was very informative.   Second, RL Stein is adorably geeky awkward hilarious but smart and interesting. 

    I’m watching all the writing ones, even the categories i’m not interested in.  I think there is a fresh way to look at things no matter the writer or their type of writing. Lots to learn. Tips and ideas, techniques. 

    what i’ve always known, and which is very obvious in these classes:

    You do you, boo. 

    Many of these authors contradict other author’s ways.  Not in any critical way by any means, just the way they do it is different than another author’s way of doing it.   If it feels good to you, it’s right for you. 
    Quoting myself, bwhaha.

    I am continuing with my R.L. Stine MasterClass (Just realized I spelled his name wrong earlier, duh.). Anyway, R.L. is doing a fantastic job with his class.  I have no desire to write for children, but I do believe he is giving some terrific information that can apply to any writing.  Some things are specific to kids, but so much can be used in whatever kind of writing you do.

    He tells a little story about all his books.  Every single book has new kids.  It isn't the same kids like a Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew -- it's new kids.  And he said he needed a lot of kid names, 5 or 6 per book. So, he had his son's school directory and he said that he used every single kid's name at his son's school.  

    And, what's super hilarious about this, his son would come home from school and say, paraphrasing names, "Dad, you have to put Sam in the next book" or, "Dad, you have to put Jason in the next book."  The reason why?  His kid was charging these kids ten bucks to get their names in a Goosebumps book!  

    Damn kids.  I am loving his class.
    My kids really cut their horror fiction teeth on the Goosebumps books. Lots of fond memories. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I just finished Walter Mosley Masterclass and i’m halfway through RLStein’s.   

    First, walter’s class was very informative.   Second, RL Stein is adorably geeky awkward hilarious but smart and interesting. 

    I’m watching all the writing ones, even the categories i’m not interested in.  I think there is a fresh way to look at things no matter the writer or their type of writing. Lots to learn. Tips and ideas, techniques. 

    what i’ve always known, and which is very obvious in these classes:

    You do you, boo. 

    Many of these authors contradict other author’s ways.  Not in any critical way by any means, just the way they do it is different than another author’s way of doing it.   If it feels good to you, it’s right for you. 
    Quoting myself, bwhaha.

    I am continuing with my R.L. Stine MasterClass (Just realized I spelled his name wrong earlier, duh.). Anyway, R.L. is doing a fantastic job with his class.  I have no desire to write for children, but I do believe he is giving some terrific information that can apply to any writing.  Some things are specific to kids, but so much can be used in whatever kind of writing you do.

    He tells a little story about all his books.  Every single book has new kids.  It isn't the same kids like a Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew -- it's new kids.  And he said he needed a lot of kid names, 5 or 6 per book. So, he had his son's school directory and he said that he used every single kid's name at his son's school.  

    And, what's super hilarious about this, his son would come home from school and say, paraphrasing names, "Dad, you have to put Sam in the next book" or, "Dad, you have to put Jason in the next book."  The reason why?  His kid was charging these kids ten bucks to get their names in a Goosebumps book!  

    Damn kids.  I am loving his class.
    My kids really cut their horror fiction teeth on the Goosebumps books. Lots of fond memories. 
    I went to war for R.L. Stine and my kid with a 5th grade teacher.

    I'm sure I've told this before --  They had a reading program in place where the kids had to read so many books a month.  And they had to read from different genres.  But then they also got 2 free reads.

    I totally support getting kids to step out of their comfort zone and read things in a genre they might not normally choose, but when it comes to those free reads -- stand by your word.  It's free read.  They get to choose what they want.

    My son chose Goosebumps.  She told him that she would not accept those because they were not literary.   Hell hath no fury like a Dana Jean fighting the good fight.  

    I was in to speak to her immediately.  With respect absolutely.  I have many teachers in my family.  I respect a treacher.  But, we needed to have a nice chat about the curriculum and the wording of "free read."    I told her, he loves these books and isn't the point to get them to read?  Isn't that the goal?  My kid hated to read. But he loved reading these. I told her, just because you don't think they are worthy doesn't mean they aren't worthy to my son.   

    I won the battle and the war.  
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