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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Can I ask Marsha, Hedda, Scott, did any of you feel any side effects from the vaccine, I've heard the 2nd dose can sometimes have an effect. 
  • edited March 2021
    So far, i’ve just had the one. My arm is sore,  but just like with any other shot. 

    If something new develops, i’ll be sure to let you know.  Hmmm, i hope one of the side effects is playing the mandolin with great skill and aplomb . 
  • Notaro said:
    Can I ask Marsha, Hedda, Scott, did any of you feel any side effects from the vaccine, I've heard the 2nd dose can sometimes have an effect. 

    Will let you know tomorrow. I've heard that as well so made a point of not having anything scheduled just in case. My daughter said it didn't exactly kick her ass but she had body aches and felt really tired. My cousin who is a couple years younger than I only had the sore arm just like with the first shot. Some articles I've read said that older folks might not have as strong a response to the second shot which is why I mention the age.
    NotarocatHedda GablerNeesyFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Marsha said:
    Today I went and got my first Covid vaccine shot.  I'm not hearing anyone else talk about this, but surely I'm not the only one.  The emotional relief.

    I'm one of the vulnerables.  I have done my part all year to stay safe and keep my fellow man safe.  I've made sure that I have been nothing but positive, cooperative and compassionate to those around me.  I've followed the guidelines of smart people.

    Every physical interaction I have had this whole year, I've made sure it was a positive encounter.  I did not want to add to anyone's misery.  I would not be the cause of someone's sadness, suffering, anger, sickness.  

    My father enlisted in WWII to fight for America.  Covid was another war that Americans were asked to sacrifice for like during WWII.  We were asked to sit our asses on the couch and wear a mask and stay the f*** away from people if we went out.  I did my utmost best.  The world had to keep moving, but there was a way to do that safely and with compassion.  But, the ME ME ME's weren't having that.  And months went by and a very sick, swayback horse got out of the barn.  I know where the blame lies.  And if you're smart, you know it too.

    When my group opened up, I pre-registered and when that email came that I could pick an appointment, I sobbed.  I cried so hard.  I didn't realize how anxious I was.  I didn't realize how lonely I've been.  I didn't realize how much I missed being free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.  I became very emotional about this.  I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it wasn't the deadlights.  It was lights of hope and happiness.  

    I got choked up when I pulled into the parking lot of the vaccine site.  A man was walking out as I was walking in.  I applauded him and told him "good job" as we passed each other.  He laughed.

    I walked in and within 10 minutes, I had a shot in my arm.  A young serviceman gave it to me (with a partner adding information to my card I had gotten from the desk people). 

    Before I headed to the 15 minute wait area, I told them, "I appreciate your time here today; I thank you (pointing at the young man) for your service; and I thank you for saving my life."   They were both so sweet and wonderful. 

    I have seen the two very different faces of Character this year.  You have too.  Which face were you?

    So very happy you were able to get your shot. I've been worried about you knowing how vulnerable you are and how much you could be affected by the actions of others. In another few weeks, you'll be fully vaccinated which will put the icing on the cake.

    I have my second shot appointment at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon and cannot wait. With that shot and the 2 weeks they say before it fully kicks in, I will now be able to travel to MA to see my grandkids without having to get a COVID test both before I go and then when I get back to my home and feel fairly confident that I won't be putting them in harm's way either. I'll still be wearing my mask and practicing safe distancing but the sense of anxiety that comes with people getting too close when I am out and about will be greatly reduced. I might even feel safe to go into a grocery store again although, truth be told, I'm really liking the online order and curbside pick up so might keep doing that.
    I’ve been shopping this whole time. But, i’ve been very safe about it and when others chose to show their selfish  faces, i steered clear. 

    So glad you have second tomorrow . You’re in the home stretch.  We still have to be safe and vigilant for ourselves and for others, but definitely making huge strides in the right direction. 
  • Marsha said:
    Notaro said:
    Can I ask Marsha, Hedda, Scott, did any of you feel any side effects from the vaccine, I've heard the 2nd dose can sometimes have an effect. 

    Will let you know tomorrow. I've heard that as well so made a point of not having anything scheduled just in case. My daughter said it didn't exactly kick her ass but she had body aches and felt really tired. My cousin who is a couple years younger than I only had the sore arm just like with the first shot. Some articles I've read said that older folks might not have as strong a response to the second shot which is why I mention the age.

    Was talking to the guy who came over to measure for our proposed sunroom yesterday. His wife is in health care (in her 40s) - he said the second shot laid her out flat. Fingers crossed that you come through without a hitch; this must be one of those times when it's good to be a senior citizen! ♥
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNotarocatMarsha
  • Notaro said:
    Can I ask Marsha, Hedda, Scott, did any of you feel any side effects from the vaccine, I've heard the 2nd dose can sometimes have an effect. 
    ....I felt very wiped out, some body aches and on the edge of a fever....just dosed with Ibuprofen & Tylenol in rotation about every 4 hours....after about 24 hours I was back to what passes for normal with me....
    NotaroFlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablercatMarshaNeesy
  • So far, i’ve just had the one. My arm is sore,  but just like with any other shot. 

    If something new develops, i’ll be sure to let you know.  Hmmm, i hope one of the side effects is playing the mandolin with great skill and aplomb . 
    ....didn't make me look or sound like Sam Elliott dammit.....
    NotaroFlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablercatMarsha
  • Thanks for the feedback folks, my dad is due his second dose and I wanted to give him a heads up of what side effects he might encounter. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablercatMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Dropped the car in for a service, probably cost an arm and a leg as usual, have an extra shirt with me in case they want the one off my back. 
    Hedda GablercatMarshaFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Thanks for the feedback folks, my dad is due his second dose and I wanted to give him a heads up of what side effects he might encounter. 
    I hope he does very well.
  • Knocking on wood as I guess it's still possible to have side effects show up, but it's been 15 hours since my shot and so far, so good. The sore arm at injection site as expected and very slight headache that might not even require any meds are my only side effects.
    Hedda GablerKurbencatNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesydoyoulove19
  • Super, hope that lack of anything more severe holds.
  • Super, hope that lack of anything more severe holds.

    Me, too! I do not want to be feeling under the weather when I fly to Boston tomorrow to visit the grandkids and their parents for the Easter holiday. My 4 year-old granddaughter is "jacked" (my daughter's description) that I'm coming. She'd told my SIL's parents that they weren't invited for Easter because I was going to be there and we'd be too busy. :D Fortunately, they said something to him and he assured them that was all on her and, of course, they're invited. So much for her Machiavellian attempt.
    Hedda GablercatKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • I love that!!! 💙

    she wants you all to herself, no distractions. 

    What does she call you? Grandma? Granny? Memaw? Hey you? 😜
  • I love that!!! 💙

    she wants you all to herself, no distractions. 

    What does she call you? Grandma? Granny? Memaw? Hey you? 😜

    None of those. I'm Nana. I let my daughter decide as it didn't matter to me. My kids had called my mom Nana, so that's what she chose.
  • Notaro said:
    Dropped the car in for a service, probably cost an arm and a leg as usual, have an extra shirt with me in case they want the one off my back. 
    Please don’t give them your first born — i’ll help you. 

  • Notaro said:
    Dropped the car in for a service, probably cost an arm and a leg as usual, have an extra shirt with me in case they want the one off my back. 
    Funny car repair Memes
    NotaroMarshaHedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Marsha said:
    I love that!!! 💙

    she wants you all to herself, no distractions. 

    What does she call you? Grandma? Granny? Memaw? Hey you? 😜

    None of those. I'm Nana. I let my daughter decide as it didn't matter to me. My kids had called my mom Nana, so that's what she chose.
    Nana quote Linen cushion
    NotaroMarshaHedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ....ever since I was but a wee GNT, my Uncle Bill and I have always called each other "Unc", now a new tradition has begun.....my youngest grandboy Bryson is a fan of "Puppy Dog Pals" on Disney and their owner is "Bob", so he's started to call me "Bob" and I in kind-hit him back.....it's no longer going to "Mimi & Pap's House"....it's "Mimi & Bob's"....
    NotaroMarshaHedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirNeesySundropdoyoulove19
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....ever since I was but a wee GNT, my Uncle Bill and I have always called each other "Unc", now a new tradition has begun.....my youngest grandboy Bryson is a fan of "Puppy Dog Pals" on Disney and their owner is "Bob", so he's started to call me "Bob" and I in kind-hit him back.....it's no longer going to "Mimi & Pap's House"....it's "Mimi & Bob's"....
    I absolutely love this story. That tugs my sentimental heart yarn ball. 
  • Just a heads up that I won't be around much for the next 3 weeks. I'm heading to MA today for the Easter visit with the grandkids and the day after I return another cousin from Maine will be coming to visit in AZ for 2 weeks. She was supposed to come last year but the lockdown prevented that from happening. I haven't set up my phone to log in as, quite frankly, I'm too lazy to figure it out and I do not enjoy using my mobile for that kind of activity. That's my one area of resistance to technology that is not likely to change. So I'll be thinking of you and will be back on Board ASAP. Stay safe, stay healthy and be good, or if you can't be good, be careful. ;)
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbencatFlakeNoirNeesySundrop
  • Have ever so much fun!
  • edited March 2021
    Be safe and if any wild travel stories happen, you must find a way to us, posthaste!
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....ever since I was but a wee GNT, my Uncle Bill and I have always called each other "Unc", now a new tradition has begun.....my youngest grandboy Bryson is a fan of "Puppy Dog Pals" on Disney and their owner is "Bob", so he's started to call me "Bob" and I in kind-hit him back.....it's no longer going to "Mimi & Pap's House"....it's "Mimi & Bob's"....
    I absolutely love this story. That tugs my sentimental heart yarn ball. 
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....ever since I was but a wee GNT, my Uncle Bill and I have always called each other "Unc", now a new tradition has begun.....my youngest grandboy Bryson is a fan of "Puppy Dog Pals" on Disney and their owner is "Bob", so he's started to call me "Bob" and I in kind-hit him back.....it's no longer going to "Mimi & Pap's House"....it's "Mimi & Bob's"....
    I absolutely love this story. That tugs my sentimental heart yarn ball. 
    ........Hi Bob!.....
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