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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • FlakeNoir said:
    I just finished Walter Mosley Masterclass and i’m halfway through RLStein’s.   

    First, walter’s class was very informative.   Second, RL Stein is adorably geeky awkward hilarious but smart and interesting. 

    I’m watching all the writing ones, even the categories i’m not interested in.  I think there is a fresh way to look at things no matter the writer or their type of writing. Lots to learn. Tips and ideas, techniques. 

    what i’ve always known, and which is very obvious in these classes:

    You do you, boo. 

    Many of these authors contradict other author’s ways.  Not in any critical way by any means, just the way they do it is different than another author’s way of doing it.   If it feels good to you, it’s right for you. 
    Quoting myself, bwhaha.

    I am continuing with my R.L. Stine MasterClass (Just realized I spelled his name wrong earlier, duh.). Anyway, R.L. is doing a fantastic job with his class.  I have no desire to write for children, but I do believe he is giving some terrific information that can apply to any writing.  Some things are specific to kids, but so much can be used in whatever kind of writing you do.

    He tells a little story about all his books.  Every single book has new kids.  It isn't the same kids like a Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew -- it's new kids.  And he said he needed a lot of kid names, 5 or 6 per book. So, he had his son's school directory and he said that he used every single kid's name at his son's school.  

    And, what's super hilarious about this, his son would come home from school and say, paraphrasing names, "Dad, you have to put Sam in the next book" or, "Dad, you have to put Jason in the next book."  The reason why?  His kid was charging these kids ten bucks to get their names in a Goosebumps book!  

    Damn kids.  I am loving his class.
    My kids really cut their horror fiction teeth on the Goosebumps books. Lots of fond memories. 
    I went to war for R.L. Stine and my kid with a 5th grade teacher.

    I'm sure I've told this before --  They had a reading program in place where the kids had to read so many books a month.  And they had to read from different genres.  But then they also got 2 free reads.

    I totally support getting kids to step out of their comfort zone and read things in a genre they might not normally choose, but when it comes to those free reads -- stand by your word.  It's free read.  They get to choose what they want.

    My son chose Goosebumps.  She told him that she would not accept those because they were not literary.   Hell hath no fury like a Dana Jean fighting the good fight.  

    I was in to speak to her immediately.  With respect absolutely.  I have many teachers in my family.  I respect a treacher.  But, we needed to have a nice chat about the curriculum and the wording of "free read."    I told her, he loves these books and isn't the point to get them to read?  Isn't that the goal?  My kid hated to read. But he loved reading these. I told her, just because you don't think they are worthy doesn't mean they aren't worthy to my son.   

    I won the battle and the war.  
    ....Deej....Wonder Warrior!!!........oooooorah!!.....

    Trevco - Wonder Woman Movie - Warrior Emblem - Bandana - 22 x 22 -  Walmartcom - Walmartcom
    NotaroHedda Gablerspideymancat
  • ...that story about his kid is hilarious....little racketeer......wish Stine had been around when I was a kid.....he would've been a staple in the GNT library....
    Hedda Gablerspideymancat
  • Notaro said:
    Doing sweet FA,

    Those are nice "sh*t kickers" (don't worry - it's a compliment ☺

    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerspideymanGNTLGNTcat
  • Organized a little at home, Took a relaxing walk in the sunshine, stopped for a bite halfway and planning to watch a game in the hockey playoffs this evening. 
    NotaroNeesyHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTcat
  • Picked up a couple of things in the hardware store, and now it's time to relax,
    this is a delicious coffee flavoured non alcoholic beer.... 

    NeesyHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTcat
  • edited April 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...that story about his kid is hilarious....little racketeer......wish Stine had been around when I was a kid.....he would've been a staple in the GNT library....
    He also tells a story about his wife locking him in a closet for half an hour.   And then he said, “i probably shouldn’t tell that story .”    It’s hilarious. 

    He and his wife were trying to write something together and their working styles weren’t meshing well.   🤣😂🤣😂🥰 
  • Notaro said:
    Picked up a couple of things in the hardware store, and now it's time to relax,
    this is a delicious coffee flavoured non alcoholic beer.... 

    This looks delicious! 🤤
    Hedda GablerNotarospideymanGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • .....FINALLY!!!......found an eagle nest...........whaHOOOOO!!!!....got some great pics, which I'll throw into the photo thread when Tracy gets them downloaded....Mom and Pop eagle AND baby eagle......I was so excited I nearly squeeeed.......and no making bunny ears or waving me big belly around necessary.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirKurbennot_nadineNeesycat
  • Got a new printer today - the kind where you fill up reservoirs with ink - hoping it will cost less in the long run now that I don't need to purchase expensive cartridges

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTcat
  • Anyone know the author NK Jemisin? Sci fi/ fantasy writer?
  • Anyone know the author NK Jemisin? Sci fi/ fantasy writer?
    Nope. I'm guessing they have a large body of work though? (just read a previous post of yours)
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Anyone know the author NK Jemisin? Sci fi/ fantasy writer?
    Nope. I'm guessing they have a large body of work though? (just read a previous post of yours)
    No.  She just dropped as a new instructor on Masterclass. 
  • All i know is that she wrote a "Broken Earth" Trilogy. Hasn't read anything though.....
    FlakeNoirNeesyHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTcat
  • Kurben said:
    All i know is that she wrote a "Broken Earth" Trilogy. Hasn't read anything though.....
    Yeah, the name is not even familiar to me.
  • edited April 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...that story about his kid is hilarious....little racketeer......wish Stine had been around when I was a kid.....he would've been a staple in the GNT library....
    He also tells a story about his wife locking him in a closet for half an hour.   And then he said, “i probably shouldn’t tell that story .”    It’s hilarious. 

    He and his wife were trying to write something together and their working styles weren’t meshing well.   🤣😂🤣😂🥰 
    Harping on....

    RL Stine also says he made a huge mistake in his career early on.  He said he included pop culture references which really dated his work.  He said not to do this.  His example was Walkmans.  And Rick Astley.  (I beg to differ on Rick Astley.  I think kids might know him because of his now-until-the-end-of-time Rick Roll.)

    Now, Stephen King loads his work with pop culture references and I've always loved that! Love it.  i love being "in" on the info.  I like understanding what he's referring to.  It still works for those who don't get it, but it feels like this private little connection when I do get it.

    And the thing is, he would make references to things not from my time -- before my time but I still got them because I made it a point to learn about the ghosts of pop culture before.  

    Kids aren't stupid.  Make them learn something they might not know.  

    But, I get it.  He's trying to get kids nowadays to read.  So, he needs to make it personal to them.  Connect to them.  But even still, he says don't use pop culture references from now that aren't going to work 5 years from now.  

    I don't know.  Maybe it's me.  But I think that's sad to write to the attention span and curiosity of a gnat.  

    But, also, given the conversations I listened in on at The Clubhouse, I am worried that when us old Stephen Kingers die, they might give him a nod as a grandpa of horror, but he won't be on their radar as far as movies and reading and maybe that is because he's dated himself with references.  

    Yes, he's making money hand over fist now, because his old fan base is drooling for him.  But when we're gone?  
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...that story about his kid is hilarious....little racketeer......wish Stine had been around when I was a kid.....he would've been a staple in the GNT library....
    He also tells a story about his wife locking him in a closet for half an hour.   And then he said, “i probably shouldn’t tell that story .”    It’s hilarious. 

    He and his wife were trying to write something together and their working styles weren’t meshing well.   🤣😂🤣😂🥰 
    Harping on....

    RL Stine also says he made a huge mistake in his career early on.  He said he included pop culture references which really dated his work.  He said not to do this.  His example was Walkmans.  And Rick Astley.  (I beg to differ on Rick Astley.  I think kids might know him because of his now-until-the-end-of-time Rick Roll.)

    Now, Stephen King loads his work with pop culture references and I've always loved that! Love it.  i love being "in" on the info.  I like understanding what he's referring to.  It still works for those who don't get it, but it feels like this private little connection when I do get it.

    And the thing is, he would make references to things not from my time -- before my time but I still got them because I made it a point to learn about the ghosts of pop culture before.  

    Kids aren't stupid.  Make them learn something they might not know.  

    But, I get it.  He's trying to get kids nowadays to read.  So, he needs to make it personal to them.  Connect to them.  But even still, he says don't use pop culture references from now that aren't going to work 5 years from now.  

    I don't know.  Maybe it's me.  But I think that's sad to write to the attention span and curiosity of a gnat.  

    But, also, given the conversations I listened in on at The Clubhouse, I am worried that when us old Stephen Kingers die, they might give him a nod as a grandpa of horror, but he won't be on their radar as far as movies and reading and maybe that is because he's dated himself with references.  

    Yes, he's making money hand over fist now, because his old fan base is drooling for him.  But when we're gone?  
    I love this. I would say more but a) you've said what I feel and b) I haven't really got a "b"... ok I have, I'm lacking energy this morning. 
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbencat
  • ...spot on Deej.....the world is moving on and we are the graybeards attempting to pass down SK stone tablets to the Millennial Mowgli's......
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerNeesycat
  • Going to the library to drop off two books and pick up one

    Then I have to pick up a cupcake holder I purchased online at a local hardware store co-op:

    It's an old-timey type of hardware that has been there a very long time - maybe I will get lucky and they will have some 'pumpkin-on-a-stick' seeds (that's where I got them last year)

  • edited April 2021
    Neesy said:
    Going to the library to drop off two books and pick up one

    Then I have to pick up a cupcake holder I purchased online at a local hardware store co-op:

    It's an old-timey type of hardware that has been there a very long time - maybe I will get lucky and they will have some 'pumpkin-on-a-stick' seeds (that's where I got them last year)

    I hope you find the seeds, they are cool!

    I’m gonna see if i can order some.   I’ll throw them  out there and they are on their own. 
  • ....Hardware store AND Perogy Planet.....awesome!!!!!....

    Hedda GablerNeesycat
  • Neesy said:
    Going to the library to drop off two books and pick up one

    Then I have to pick up a cupcake holder I purchased online at a local hardware store co-op:

    It's an old-timey type of hardware that has been there a very long time - maybe I will get lucky and they will have some 'pumpkin-on-a-stick' seeds (that's where I got them last year)

    I hope you find the seeds, they are cool!

    I’m gonna see if i can order some.   I’ll throw them  out there and they are on their own. 

    Here's a link but it looks like they are currently out of stock :'(


  • Neesy said:
    Neesy said:
    Going to the library to drop off two books and pick up one

    Then I have to pick up a cupcake holder I purchased online at a local hardware store co-op:

    It's an old-timey type of hardware that has been there a very long time - maybe I will get lucky and they will have some 'pumpkin-on-a-stick' seeds (that's where I got them last year)

    I hope you find the seeds, they are cool!

    I’m gonna see if i can order some.   I’ll throw them  out there and they are on their own. 

    Here's a link but it looks like they are currently out of stock :'(


    Dammit is right! Were you able to find any at the hardware place?  My zone isn’t a good one to grow them in so you’ll just have to share photos of yours. 
  • Neesy said:
    Neesy said:
    Going to the library to drop off two books and pick up one

    Then I have to pick up a cupcake holder I purchased online at a local hardware store co-op:

    It's an old-timey type of hardware that has been there a very long time - maybe I will get lucky and they will have some 'pumpkin-on-a-stick' seeds (that's where I got them last year)

    I hope you find the seeds, they are cool!

    I’m gonna see if i can order some.   I’ll throw them  out there and they are on their own. 

    Here's a link but it looks like they are currently out of stock :'(


    Dammit is right! Were you able to find any at the hardware place?  My zone isn’t a good one to grow them in so you’ll just have to share photos of yours. 

    No unfortunately they had a limited selection of seeds this year (it seems everywhere you go there are shortages of everything) damn Covid is to blame I fear

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gablercat
  • ....been putting these nifty new lights up.....depending on the lumens, they could irradiate you.....DAMN, they're bright....and use hella less power.....

    2-Pack Garage Lights 60W LED Garage Lighting - 6000LM 6500K LED Three-Leaf  Garage Ceiling Light Fixtures LED Shop Light with Adjustable  Multi-Position Panels LED Glow Light for Garage Workshop - - Amazoncom
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesycat
  • ....and it doesn't hurt that they look like some kinda alien shuttle......
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerNeesycat
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