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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Home from work, dinner almost sorted, preparing to watch the match point race in the America's Cup (sailing) race.
    We're racing against Italy's Luna Rossa boat and (dare I say it, we've lost from this position in the past 😳) ... if we win the next race (20 minutes from now) New Zealand will win the America's cup. 

    Totally not stressed at all. 😳 😬 

    Go NZ!!!! 
    NotarocatHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTspideyman
  • Annnd... racing was postponed until tomorrow as there was a wind shift and the officials ran out of time to change the racing course. 
    NotarocatHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTspideyman
  • Has been an interesting morning. We did not get any snow from the weekend's massive storm, but it rained last night, then kept up a steady drizzle/fog, so everything is a nice sheet of ice this morning.

     Scott was on nights and made it back to town ok but then couldn't get into our driveway. We're on a hill and the ice just wanted to sling him sideways, even in that big truck and in 4x4! So he parked it blocking our driveway, and just then the city came by with sand and stuff so he waited just long enough for that to start working and went all the way around the loop to try again and he got in the driveway. 

    Now he is sleeping for a few hours. I am taking him to the hospital lab at 1:30. He has very high iron so he needs to dump some blood. None of the blood drive dates were working with his days off until May so the Dr just ordered it done thru the hospital. Hopefully by then the ice is gone, it seems to be melting off already. I am going so I can drive him home, last time he did this he got pretty loopy feeling. 

    Lily made me giggle...I was up about an hour before Scott got home. Let her out to potty and she did her thing, turned around and headed back to the door at a dead run from the lawn.  Hopped up on our porch and slid allllll the way across it. She was skating! 😆 She got stopped before she went over the steps on the other side but it was pretty funny. 

    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesyMarshaspideyman
  • cat said:
    Has been an interesting morning. We did not get any snow from the weekend's massive storm, but it rained last night, then kept up a steady drizzle/fog, so everything is a nice sheet of ice this morning.

     Scott was on nights and made it back to town ok but then couldn't get into our driveway. We're on a hill and the ice just wanted to sling him sideways, even in that big truck and in 4x4! So he parked it blocking our driveway, and just then the city came by with sand and stuff so he waited just long enough for that to start working and went all the way around the loop to try again and he got in the driveway. 

    Now he is sleeping for a few hours. I am taking him to the hospital lab at 1:30. He has very high iron so he needs to dump some blood. None of the blood drive dates were working with his days off until May so the Dr just ordered it done thru the hospital. Hopefully by then the ice is gone, it seems to be melting off already. I am going so I can drive him home, last time he did this he got pretty loopy feeling. 

    Lily made me giggle...I was up about an hour before Scott got home. Let her out to potty and she did her thing, turned around and headed back to the door at a dead run from the lawn.  Hopped up on our porch and slid allllll the way across it. She was skating! 😆 She got stopped before she went over the steps on the other side but it was pretty funny. 

    Safe journey Cat. 
    Hedda GablercatKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesyMarshaspideyman
  • cat said:
    Has been an interesting morning. We did not get any snow from the weekend's massive storm, but it rained last night, then kept up a steady drizzle/fog, so everything is a nice sheet of ice this morning.

     Scott was on nights and made it back to town ok but then couldn't get into our driveway. We're on a hill and the ice just wanted to sling him sideways, even in that big truck and in 4x4! So he parked it blocking our driveway, and just then the city came by with sand and stuff so he waited just long enough for that to start working and went all the way around the loop to try again and he got in the driveway. 

    Now he is sleeping for a few hours. I am taking him to the hospital lab at 1:30. He has very high iron so he needs to dump some blood. None of the blood drive dates were working with his days off until May so the Dr just ordered it done thru the hospital. Hopefully by then the ice is gone, it seems to be melting off already. I am going so I can drive him home, last time he did this he got pretty loopy feeling. 

    Lily made me giggle...I was up about an hour before Scott got home. Let her out to potty and she did her thing, turned around and headed back to the door at a dead run from the lawn.  Hopped up on our porch and slid allllll the way across it. She was skating! 😆 She got stopped before she went over the steps on the other side but it was pretty funny. 

    Check Lily’s toe beans for splinters — just thinking of kurben’s latest run-in with ice!
  • I've been working in my yard the last couple days. I'm going to be taking out more landscape, getting rid of knickknacks.  Just preparing a nice clean palette with minimal future care.  Have to work smart, not hard. 

    Need a starbucks, might get a sausage biscuit from Mickey D's.  Sit in the grocery store parking lot and read. Watch people.

    I want to go to Michael's and get a canvas.  I have my next artist to copy.  This is the painting I want to copy, anyone recognize it without googling.?  Don't cheat. Either you know it or you don't.  This is very much how I'm feeling these days. 

  • I've been working in my yard the last couple days. I'm going to be taking out more landscape, getting rid of knickknacks.  Just preparing a nice clean palette with minimal future care.  Have to work smart, not hard. 

    Need a starbucks, might get a sausage biscuit from Mickey D's.  Sit in the grocery store parking lot and read. Watch people.

    I want to go to Michael's and get a canvas.  I have my next artist to copy.  This is the painting I want to copy, anyone recognize it without googling.?  Don't cheat. Either you know it or you don't.  This is very much how I'm feeling these days. 

    Not 100% sure but if memory serves...

  • That’s it!
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Neesy said:
    I'm thinking of calling a company that does sunrooms - with summer coming it would be nice to have a place to go sit and enjoy the nicer weather without worrying about the bugs.

    Will have to wait until Monday.

    Plus - I really need to go to H & R Block - have not done taxes for 2019 AND 2020 - yikes!

    ....if you go that way, make sure it's well-sealed, and that there is a heat source....you can then enjoy it year round....

    I just called this morning and they will be returning my call soon (going to have someone over to take a look);

    Yes - definitely - in this climate it would have to be heated; plus I could start some plants in there early so it would essentially extend my gardening season :)

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatMarshaspideyman
  • @cat - looks great! A Volkswagon Jetta sounds like an awesome choice

    Plus it looks very stylish - is there a lot of room in the trunk?

    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNotarocatMarshaspideyman
  • ....didn't recognize the canvas right off, but oddly enough it gave me a memory vibe back to this album cover....

    News of the World album - Wikipedia
    NeesyFlakeNoirNotaroKurbenHedda GablercatMarshaspideyman
  • Neesy said:
    @cat - looks great! A Volkswagon Jetta sounds like an awesome choice

    Plus it looks very stylish - is there a lot of room in the trunk?

    Thanks! Yes, the trunk is very roomy. I would say it is equal to the space I had in the back of the Edge. 

    The inside is roomier than you'd think, too. Brandon drove it the other night, Marti sat in the front passenger seat. I sat in the back behind Brandon. He is 6'3" so he had the seat back all the way. I'm 5'7" and even with seat back all the way I had ample leg room, sitting behind him. No knees touching the back of the seat!! 😄 I am very pleased with it so far! 
    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesyGNTLGNTMarshaspideyman
  • Prepping my canvas. Which my canvas is pre gessoed, but my artist teacher says you should add a couple more layers of gesso to even a pre gessoed canvas.  If you  don’t treat your art professionally or seriously, no one else will.  She goes by the rule of 100 years. Create art that will last you or your recipients a hundred years. 

    Starbucks — need to cut back

    grocery store

    getting pizza — yum
  • .....gotta admit....had no clue what gesso was.....hadda get a primer on primer....

    Amazoncom Pro Art Premium Gesso Canvas Primer
    catFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaNotaroNeesy
  • edited March 2021
    Today i am going to get my recent hair job “toned.”  Even though i use blonde enhancing shampoo, if i let it go, it can end up very coppery looking or worse, really ugly yellow.

    “ I see London, I see France, I see someone pee peed on your head dana and it’s super unattractive”  yellow.  You know the color.   

    I’ll start my robot maid painting today. I’ll try to get a good background but i will lighten it up a smidge. While the original’s background is dark for a reason— showing this person is just part of the background, losing themselves in the shadows   as  a mechanical domestic servant  (you know, all those arty meanings that speak to humanity) i want my maid to not blend so much with the background. While she is nothing more than a blender, or toaster or garage door opener — my maid is still fighting to stand out from the crowd. She hasn’t lost herself yet.

    and, for two dollars and forty three cents —  or free— you too can sign up for my class, 

    Art Philosophy and the Juggernaut of Home Economics. 
  • Today i am going to get my recent hair job “toned.”  Even though i use blonde enhancing shampoo, if i let it go, it can end up very coppery looking or worse, really ugly yellow.

    “ I see London, I see France, I see someone pee peed on your head dana and it’s super unattractive”  yellow.  You know the color.   

    I’ll start my robot maid painting today. I’ll try to get a good background but i will lighten it up a smidge. While the original’s background is dark for a reason— showing this person is just part of the background, losing themselves in the shadows   as  a mechanical domestic servant  (you know, all those arty meanings that speak to humanity) i want my maid to not blend so much with the background. While she is nothing more than a blender, or toaster or garage door opener — my maid is still fighting to stand out from the crowd. She hasn’t lost herself yet.

    and, for two dollars and forty three cents —  or free— you too can sign up for my class, 

    Art Philosophy and the Juggernaut of Home Economics. 
    Yes, I know of the yellow...I just have to look in the mirror.  🙄

    Can't wait to see your robot maid in all her glory. I like how you're going to lighten her background, there is currently far too much misery in the darkness of domiciliary servitude.
    KurbenNotaroGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablercatNeesy
  •  darkness of domiciliary servitude.

    ....this will be the most impressive phrase I read all day.... <3 
    MarshaHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoircat
  • Put a hashtag in front of that and we’ve got a movement.
  • I've been writing about the so called adoptive emperors of Rome. Also called the good emperors. Part of an article i'm writing. I've tried before but then it did not feel right but today the words came out right. felt good.
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTcatNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I've been writing about the so called adoptive emperors of Rome. Also called the good emperors. Part of an article i'm writing. I've tried before but then it did not feel right but today the words came out right. felt good.
    I’d love to read it if you are sharing. 
  • Kurben said:
    I've been writing about the so called adoptive emperors of Rome. Also called the good emperors. Part of an article i'm writing. I've tried before but then it did not feel right but today the words came out right. felt good.
    I’d love to read it if you are sharing. 
    Of course. Its about the emperors of Rome from beginning to end. But how to we arrange it? I can hardly post it here can I? or can you send me your e-mail then i can send it to you. Anyway right now its not done. Some chapters left. In the meantime are you interested in an article about the Roman Republic which are done? From the foundation of Rome to Caesar.
  • GNTLGNT said:
     darkness of domiciliary servitude.

    ....this will be the most impressive phrase I read all day.... <3 
    😄 I basically took the phrase directly from Deejers post, just reworked a few words. She gets the credit for this, not I, said the cat.
    KurbenNotaroHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTcat
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