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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • I went and bought myself some new nylon tipped drumsticks.   I have no idea what that means.  Or what they will do for me.  Perhaps my career as a drummer will take off now that I have nylon tipped drumsticks.   bwhoaheohaoheaha!!  

    Did you know that there are about 5 bazillion different types of drumsticks?  You probably did.  I did not.  Imagine me standing there looking at a wall of drumsticks trying to tell this musician why I want drumsticks.  I lied.  I just said I was buying them as a gift.  I don't think me beating around on all available surfaces like a BOSS -- LIKE. A. BOSS. -- qualifies me to know exactly what sticks are best for me. But,  these are shorter, lighter and have a nylon tip.  And I'm going to smell like teen spirit all over this place.

    ewww.  That could mean all sorts of musky things, but I'm going to go with AXE body spray smell.  That's still ewww, but a more respectable ewwwww.
    I'm glad you edited the end of this post, because I was getting ready to tell you to go have a shower. 😄
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablercatGNTLGNT
  • I was just trying to eat a chocolate chip cookie, got some fragments of it stuck in my throat and spent awhile in the bathroom trying to cough it up. The throat feels kind a raw now... Its just not my day today!!!
  • Kurben said:
    I was just trying to eat a chocolate chip cookie, got some fragments of it stuck in my throat and spent awhile in the bathroom trying to cough it up. The throat feels kind a raw now... Its just not my day today!!!
    Ouch!  Get a good night sleep, tomorrow will turn completely around.  
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Grocery shopping.

    B & N trip.

    Car Wash.

    Forgot a bag of ice at grocery store (ice machine can't keep up with our daily dietary intake of ice) and was already driving before I realized that, so I stopped at gas station to get ice.

    I walk to the counter.  I have a mask on.  She has a mask on.  There's this plexiglass shield between us.  Which translates to:  I can't hear shit.

    I tell her I want a bag of ice.  She said something back to me that sounded very much like, "Do you want fresh?"  I look at her and said, "Hell yes I want fresh ice. I don't want that old crap ice you guys are trying to sell."  She laughed so hard.  And she said without missing a beat, "well, today we will sell you fresh ice, but tomorrow? Not sure about that."  I say back, "I will come purchase my fresh ice when you aren't working.  The other workers won't know I got my allotment of fresh ice for the week."

     Then she said, "Do you want crushed ice" which was her original question.  

    I then tell her, "no, I want fresh, cubed iced."

    We both are laughing, playing along and then I apologize to her and she said, "No, don't apologize, this has been great."  So, my little contribution to happy out there in the world.

    If this story teaches you anything, it should be, PLEASE SPEAK UP BEHIND YOUR MASK.

    Faaaarrrrrrrr******k. Sometimes I just wish I could astral travel. 😄
    We should do distance coffee, or tea, or Dr. Pepper. Still haven't had one of those. 
    You've never had a Dr Pepper?!? Oh my gosh. We must remedy this. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I was just trying to eat a chocolate chip cookie, got some fragments of it stuck in my throat and spent awhile in the bathroom trying to cough it up. The throat feels kind a raw now... Its just not my day today!!!
    As basically the ambassador of all things chocolate, I formally apologise on behalf of the now deceased aforementioned chocolate chip cookie. May you feel better soon... and it... rest in pieces. 
    Hedda GablerKurbencatNotaroGNTLGNTNeesy
  • cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Grocery shopping.

    B & N trip.

    Car Wash.

    Forgot a bag of ice at grocery store (ice machine can't keep up with our daily dietary intake of ice) and was already driving before I realized that, so I stopped at gas station to get ice.

    I walk to the counter.  I have a mask on.  She has a mask on.  There's this plexiglass shield between us.  Which translates to:  I can't hear shit.

    I tell her I want a bag of ice.  She said something back to me that sounded very much like, "Do you want fresh?"  I look at her and said, "Hell yes I want fresh ice. I don't want that old crap ice you guys are trying to sell."  She laughed so hard.  And she said without missing a beat, "well, today we will sell you fresh ice, but tomorrow? Not sure about that."  I say back, "I will come purchase my fresh ice when you aren't working.  The other workers won't know I got my allotment of fresh ice for the week."

     Then she said, "Do you want crushed ice" which was her original question.  

    I then tell her, "no, I want fresh, cubed iced."

    We both are laughing, playing along and then I apologize to her and she said, "No, don't apologize, this has been great."  So, my little contribution to happy out there in the world.

    If this story teaches you anything, it should be, PLEASE SPEAK UP BEHIND YOUR MASK.

    Faaaarrrrrrrr******k. Sometimes I just wish I could astral travel. 😄
    We should do distance coffee, or tea, or Dr. Pepper. Still haven't had one of those. 
    You've never had a Dr Pepper?!? Oh my gosh. We must remedy this. 
    Did I once hear that it tastes like a cherry cola drink? If so, Houston we're going to have a problem. I don't like anything cherry flavoured, other than, well... cherries. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Grocery shopping.

    B & N trip.

    Car Wash.

    Forgot a bag of ice at grocery store (ice machine can't keep up with our daily dietary intake of ice) and was already driving before I realized that, so I stopped at gas station to get ice.

    I walk to the counter.  I have a mask on.  She has a mask on.  There's this plexiglass shield between us.  Which translates to:  I can't hear shit.

    I tell her I want a bag of ice.  She said something back to me that sounded very much like, "Do you want fresh?"  I look at her and said, "Hell yes I want fresh ice. I don't want that old crap ice you guys are trying to sell."  She laughed so hard.  And she said without missing a beat, "well, today we will sell you fresh ice, but tomorrow? Not sure about that."  I say back, "I will come purchase my fresh ice when you aren't working.  The other workers won't know I got my allotment of fresh ice for the week."

     Then she said, "Do you want crushed ice" which was her original question.  

    I then tell her, "no, I want fresh, cubed iced."

    We both are laughing, playing along and then I apologize to her and she said, "No, don't apologize, this has been great."  So, my little contribution to happy out there in the world.

    If this story teaches you anything, it should be, PLEASE SPEAK UP BEHIND YOUR MASK.

    Faaaarrrrrrrr******k. Sometimes I just wish I could astral travel. 😄
    We should do distance coffee, or tea, or Dr. Pepper. Still haven't had one of those. 
    You've never had a Dr Pepper?!? Oh my gosh. We must remedy this. 
    Did I once hear that it tastes like a cherry cola drink? If so, Houston we're going to have a problem. I don't like anything cherry flavoured, other than, well... cherries. 
    I think there is cherry flavored dr pepper but regular dr pepper— no. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Grocery shopping.

    B & N trip.

    Car Wash.

    Forgot a bag of ice at grocery store (ice machine can't keep up with our daily dietary intake of ice) and was already driving before I realized that, so I stopped at gas station to get ice.

    I walk to the counter.  I have a mask on.  She has a mask on.  There's this plexiglass shield between us.  Which translates to:  I can't hear shit.

    I tell her I want a bag of ice.  She said something back to me that sounded very much like, "Do you want fresh?"  I look at her and said, "Hell yes I want fresh ice. I don't want that old crap ice you guys are trying to sell."  She laughed so hard.  And she said without missing a beat, "well, today we will sell you fresh ice, but tomorrow? Not sure about that."  I say back, "I will come purchase my fresh ice when you aren't working.  The other workers won't know I got my allotment of fresh ice for the week."

     Then she said, "Do you want crushed ice" which was her original question.  

    I then tell her, "no, I want fresh, cubed iced."

    We both are laughing, playing along and then I apologize to her and she said, "No, don't apologize, this has been great."  So, my little contribution to happy out there in the world.

    If this story teaches you anything, it should be, PLEASE SPEAK UP BEHIND YOUR MASK.

    Faaaarrrrrrrr******k. Sometimes I just wish I could astral travel. 😄
    We should do distance coffee, or tea, or Dr. Pepper. Still haven't had one of those. 
    You've never had a Dr Pepper?!? Oh my gosh. We must remedy this. 
    Did I once hear that it tastes like a cherry cola drink? If so, Houston we're going to have a problem. I don't like anything cherry flavoured, other than, well... cherries. 
    They advertise 23 different flavors. All I know is, it's the BEST. 😄
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTNeesy
  • cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Grocery shopping.

    B & N trip.

    Car Wash.

    Forgot a bag of ice at grocery store (ice machine can't keep up with our daily dietary intake of ice) and was already driving before I realized that, so I stopped at gas station to get ice.

    I walk to the counter.  I have a mask on.  She has a mask on.  There's this plexiglass shield between us.  Which translates to:  I can't hear shit.

    I tell her I want a bag of ice.  She said something back to me that sounded very much like, "Do you want fresh?"  I look at her and said, "Hell yes I want fresh ice. I don't want that old crap ice you guys are trying to sell."  She laughed so hard.  And she said without missing a beat, "well, today we will sell you fresh ice, but tomorrow? Not sure about that."  I say back, "I will come purchase my fresh ice when you aren't working.  The other workers won't know I got my allotment of fresh ice for the week."

     Then she said, "Do you want crushed ice" which was her original question.  

    I then tell her, "no, I want fresh, cubed iced."

    We both are laughing, playing along and then I apologize to her and she said, "No, don't apologize, this has been great."  So, my little contribution to happy out there in the world.

    If this story teaches you anything, it should be, PLEASE SPEAK UP BEHIND YOUR MASK.

    Faaaarrrrrrrr******k. Sometimes I just wish I could astral travel. 😄
    We should do distance coffee, or tea, or Dr. Pepper. Still haven't had one of those. 
    You've never had a Dr Pepper?!? Oh my gosh. We must remedy this. 
    Did I once hear that it tastes like a cherry cola drink? If so, Houston we're going to have a problem. I don't like anything cherry flavoured, other than, well... cherries. 
    They advertise 23 different flavors. All I know is, it's the BEST. 😄
    Dr pepper has 23 flavors? I had no idea. 
  • 23?! Good Lord. 😄 Ok, I really want to try a regular Dr. Pepper now.
    Hedda GablerKurbencatNotaroGNTLGNT
  • I was trying to get a pic here, but can't find one small enough. But yeah, they have "23" right on the can/bottle. 23 flavors. I don't know what they are, I just love me a Dr Pepper. Had one today! Scott took me to lunch at my fav Mexican place. ❤
  • Love dr pepper and love mexican food — perfect combo. 
  • Love dr pepper and love mexican food — perfect combo. 
    Mmmm-hmmm. Perfect!
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Uh-oh... almond, 🤢 cherry, 🤢 and black liquorice? 🤮
    So...I like almonds, but not almond flavour, ditto cherries/not cherry flavour. And black liquorice makes me want to yark.
    And they say all these flavours are together and that's what makes the taste of Dr. Pepper? Kinda like the 11 herbs and spices of KFC?
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTcatNotaro
  • Well, you fon’t even taste all that, seriously. I’m getting a dr pepper today now. Thanks a lot guys. 
  • I went and bought myself some new nylon tipped drumsticks.   I have no idea what that means.  Or what they will do for me.  Perhaps my career as a drummer will take off now that I have nylon tipped drumsticks.   bwhoaheohaoheaha!!  

    Did you know that there are about 5 bazillion different types of drumsticks?  You probably did.  I did not.  Imagine me standing there looking at a wall of drumsticks trying to tell this musician why I want drumsticks.  I lied.  I just said I was buying them as a gift.  I don't think me beating around on all available surfaces like a BOSS -- LIKE. A. BOSS. -- qualifies me to know exactly what sticks are best for me. But,  these are shorter, lighter and have a nylon tip.  And I'm going to smell like teen spirit all over this place.

    ewww.  That could mean all sorts of musky things, but I'm going to go with AXE body spray smell.  That's still ewww, but a more respectable ewwwww.
    Drummer Drumsticks Funny Quote - Drummer Gifts - Sticker  TeePublic
    Hedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoir
  • edited March 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    I went and bought myself some new nylon tipped drumsticks.   I have no idea what that means.  Or what they will do for me.  Perhaps my career as a drummer will take off now that I have nylon tipped drumsticks.   bwhoaheohaoheaha!!  

    Did you know that there are about 5 bazillion different types of drumsticks?  You probably did.  I did not.  Imagine me standing there looking at a wall of drumsticks trying to tell this musician why I want drumsticks.  I lied.  I just said I was buying them as a gift.  I don't think me beating around on all available surfaces like a BOSS -- LIKE. A. BOSS. -- qualifies me to know exactly what sticks are best for me. But,  these are shorter, lighter and have a nylon tip.  And I'm going to smell like teen spirit all over this place.

    ewww.  That could mean all sorts of musky things, but I'm going to go with AXE body spray smell.  That's still ewww, but a more respectable ewwwww.
    Drummer Drumsticks Funny Quote - Drummer Gifts - Sticker  TeePublic
    You got that right. And hey! This is a closed set, how did you get my photo?
  • Kurben said:
    I was just trying to eat a chocolate chip cookie, got some fragments of it stuck in my throat and spent awhile in the bathroom trying to cough it up. The throat feels kind a raw now... Its just not my day today!!!
    ....if you had just sent ME the cookie, your near death experience could have been avoided.....(glad you're OK)......
    Hedda GablercatNotaroKurbenFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    I went and bought myself some new nylon tipped drumsticks.   I have no idea what that means.  Or what they will do for me.  Perhaps my career as a drummer will take off now that I have nylon tipped drumsticks.   bwhoaheohaoheaha!!  

    Did you know that there are about 5 bazillion different types of drumsticks?  You probably did.  I did not.  Imagine me standing there looking at a wall of drumsticks trying to tell this musician why I want drumsticks.  I lied.  I just said I was buying them as a gift.  I don't think me beating around on all available surfaces like a BOSS -- LIKE. A. BOSS. -- qualifies me to know exactly what sticks are best for me. But,  these are shorter, lighter and have a nylon tip.  And I'm going to smell like teen spirit all over this place.

    ewww.  That could mean all sorts of musky things, but I'm going to go with AXE body spray smell.  That's still ewww, but a more respectable ewwwww.
    Drummer Drumsticks Funny Quote - Drummer Gifts - Sticker  TeePublic
    You got that right. And hey! This is a closed set, how did you get my photo?
    ....ninja paparazzi skills.....

    Ninja Taking Photograph Paparazzi Stock Photo Edit Now 1224084343
    Hedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoir
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Id like a Dr Pepper please Is Mr Pibb okay Is Monopoly money  okay  Funny confessions Ecards funny E cards
    Now, if i roll into a place that only sells the Pibb, i will buy it. I like it too. 
  • Love dr pepper and love mexican food — perfect combo. 
    ....Dr. Pepper burritos for everybody!!!....
  • edited March 2021
  • ....first time I ever had a Dr.'s appointment for my tastebuds, I was homesick and at Boy Scout camp.....permanent cure of the deelish kind....
    Hedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoir
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