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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
     darkness of domiciliary servitude.

    ....this will be the most impressive phrase I read all day.... <3 
    😄 I basically took the phrase directly from Deejers post, just reworked a few words. She gets the credit for this, not I, said the cat.
    Nope, that's your wording.  We shall unite!
  • Kurben said:
    Kurben said:
    I've been writing about the so called adoptive emperors of Rome. Also called the good emperors. Part of an article i'm writing. I've tried before but then it did not feel right but today the words came out right. felt good.
    I’d love to read it if you are sharing. 
    Of course. Its about the emperors of Rome from beginning to end. But how to we arrange it? I can hardly post it here can I? or can you send me your e-mail then i can send it to you. Anyway right now its not done. Some chapters left. In the meantime are you interested in an article about the Roman Republic which are done? From the foundation of Rome to Caesar.
    You can copy and paste it in a pm here.  I think I may have read that one Kurben, was that one you did a few years ago?  I know you shared another paper you did with me.
  • Today I had to go to the post office.  

    waiting in line, a man with a box got called up to the counter.  Just watching, they slapped a huge orange CREMATED REMAINS sticker on it.

    I heard the post guy ask him, "do you want insurance?"  The guy said no.  The post guy told him that it was insured up to $100.

    I'm thinking, nope.  Those contents are worth way more than that.   Maybe.  If it's a wonderful grandma, or a super dad -- someone worth losing. Priceless.

    Of course, if it's some serial killer a-hole or a child molester. -- that person ain't worth a plug nickel.

  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
     darkness of domiciliary servitude.

    ....this will be the most impressive phrase I read all day.... <3 
    😄 I basically took the phrase directly from Deejers post, just reworked a few words. She gets the credit for this, not I, said the cat.vitude
    Nope, that's your wording.  We shall unite!
    I read that as, "We shall untie!" Which might go some way toward alleviating the darkness within the domiciliary servitude. I'd say your girl has renewed hope, maybe?
    Paint her a future, Deejers. 
  • Today I'm binging on S1 of The Sinner.

    Thank you Irish and Deejers for pointing me yet again toward another great distraction. 😍
    MarshaKurbenGNTLGNTcatHedda Gabler
  • Kurben said:
    Kurben said:
    I've been writing about the so called adoptive emperors of Rome. Also called the good emperors. Part of an article i'm writing. I've tried before but then it did not feel right but today the words came out right. felt good.
    I’d love to read it if you are sharing. 
    Of course. Its about the emperors of Rome from beginning to end. But how to we arrange it? I can hardly post it here can I? or can you send me your e-mail then i can send it to you. Anyway right now its not done. Some chapters left. In the meantime are you interested in an article about the Roman Republic which are done? From the foundation of Rome to Caesar.
    You can copy and paste it in a pm here.  I think I may have read that one Kurben, was that one you did a few years ago?  I know you shared another paper you did with me.
    OK. I'll do that when its ready.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshacatHedda Gabler
  • edited March 2021
    Someone tried to scam me yesterday.  I got a recorded voice from 'amazon' saying that there was some unusual activity on my acct.  Push 2 to report it.
    Well, someone gets on the phone and wants me to download something to my computer in order to get a refund.  Access to my computer. 
      Nope Nope.  I almost fell for it.
    I called amazon and it's a known thing that scammers do.
    KurbenGNTLGNTMarshacatHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Today I had to go to the post office.  

    waiting in line, a man with a box got called up to the counter.  Just watching, they slapped a huge orange CREMATED REMAINS sticker on it.

    I heard the post guy ask him, "do you want insurance?"  The guy said no.  The post guy told him that it was insured up to $100.

    I'm thinking, nope.  Those contents are worth way more than that.   Maybe.  If it's a wonderful grandma, or a super dad -- someone worth losing. Priceless.

    Of course, if it's some serial killer a-hole or a child molester. -- that person ain't worth a plug nickel.

    ....I used to put stickers like that on my ex-wife's cooking.....
    catHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoir
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
     darkness of domiciliary servitude.

    ....this will be the most impressive phrase I read all day.... <3 
    😄 I basically took the phrase directly from Deejers post, just reworked a few words. She gets the credit for this, not I, said the cat.vitude
    Nope, that's your wording.  We shall unite!
    I read that as, "We shall untie!" Which might go some way toward alleviating the darkness within the domiciliary servitude. I'd say your girl has renewed hope, maybe?
    Paint her a future, Deejers. 
    Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls  Know Your Meme
    MarshacatHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirKurben
  • Someone tried to scam me yesterday.  I got a recorded voice from 'amazon' saying that there was some unusual activity on my acct.  Push 2 to report it.
    Well, someone gets on the phone and wants me to download something to my computer in order to get a refund.  Access to my computer. 
      Nope Nope.  I almost fell for it.
    I called amazon and it's a known thing that scammers do.
    Scam or Die  The New Inquiry
    MarshacatHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirKurben
  • The kids have been home on spring break this week and it has flown by!! We have been so busy. 

    We are doing our part to stimulate the economy. 😉 Planning some home improvements. Getting new flooring in the living room. Yay no more crappy, always dingy no matter what I do, berber carpet. Have narrowed it down to 2 choices. One is laminate and a golden oak color like my banister on my stairs. The other is vinyl and just a bit darker. I am going to buy one box of each and lay them out to get an idea of what they look like in the room before making the final decision. Any recommendations on laminate vs vinyl? The salesperson told us the vinyl is more durable and said Lily would not scratch it. We have seen pros and cons on both, reading reviews. 

    The kitchen is also getting a face-lift. Got a new faucet for the sink. New lighting. New trim. And will be painting it. Scott has installed the faucet. We needed 2 of the light fixtures and they only had one so we ordered the 2nd and he will do that when it arrives. 

    Pretty excited, we have been planning and then putting some of these things off, for one reason or another, for a lonnnng time. 

    Today, a few chores and then taking the kids to get new pants. Ty is really going through a growth spurt and the pants he got for Christmas are already too small. He is as tall as me now. 

    Have a great day!! ❤
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirMarsha
  • ....we have laminate here at The Ranch Cat, and we really like it.....I would see if they have samples available, instead of buying the box....plus, flooring stores around here will let you take home a sample book, that has actual strips of the various sizes and styles to let you lay them on your floor and see what might work/look the best....and if you keep Lily's nails trimmed, there shouldn't be an issue with either material......Tracy and I went price shopping yesterday for our exterior improvements this year...we have the Contractor quote and we are buying the product.....also, began investigating for OUR kitchen re-model....last room inside that hasn't been done and it will be an expensive bi*ch to re-work....has to be done though.....hasn't been updated since Mom & Dad built in 1964....we are basically going to gut and go in a few months.....
    Hedda GablerNotarocatFlakeNoirMarsha
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Today I'm binging on S1 of The Sinner.

    Thank you Irish and Deejers for pointing me yet again toward another great distraction. 😍
    I have not seen season 1 or 2 and i cannot give an endorsement of season 3. 
  • ....went to Redneck Wal-Mart today....new store opened here in town.....

    Rural King now open in Bristol Va  News Break....great prices on bird seed and the like.....so the local feathered denizens will soon be celebrating......"the sparrows are having a rave again Scott"....
  • Today i am going to get my recent hair job “toned.”  Even though i use blonde enhancing shampoo, if i let it go, it can end up very coppery looking or worse, really ugly yellow.

    “ I see London, I see France, I see someone pee peed on your head dana and it’s super unattractive”  yellow.  You know the color.   

    I’ll start my robot maid painting today. I’ll try to get a good background but i will lighten it up a smidge. While the original’s background is dark for a reason— showing this person is just part of the background, losing themselves in the shadows   as  a mechanical domestic servant  (you know, all those arty meanings that speak to humanity) i want my maid to not blend so much with the background. While she is nothing more than a blender, or toaster or garage door opener — my maid is still fighting to stand out from the crowd. She hasn’t lost herself yet.

    and, for two dollars and forty three cents —  or free— you too can sign up for my class, 

    Art Philosophy and the Juggernaut of Home Economics. 

    I use that purple shampoo too - it does seem to help

    Good luck with the "toning"

    (That's much better than a "Toni"

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTcat
  • Neesy said:
    Today i am going to get my recent hair job “toned.”  Even though i use blonde enhancing shampoo, if i let it go, it can end up very coppery looking or worse, really ugly yellow.

    “ I see London, I see France, I see someone pee peed on your head dana and it’s super unattractive”  yellow.  You know the color.   

    I’ll start my robot maid painting today. I’ll try to get a good background but i will lighten it up a smidge. While the original’s background is dark for a reason— showing this person is just part of the background, losing themselves in the shadows   as  a mechanical domestic servant  (you know, all those arty meanings that speak to humanity) i want my maid to not blend so much with the background. While she is nothing more than a blender, or toaster or garage door opener — my maid is still fighting to stand out from the crowd. She hasn’t lost herself yet.

    and, for two dollars and forty three cents —  or free— you too can sign up for my class, 

    Art Philosophy and the Juggernaut of Home Economics. 

    I use that purple shampoo too - it does seem to help

    Good luck with the "toning"

    (That's much better than a "Toni"

    Oh my lord, remember those Toni perms?
  • Never heard of this Toni thing. 🤔
    NotaroMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • edited March 2021
    Today I went and got my first Covid vaccine shot.  I'm not hearing anyone else talk about this, but surely I'm not the only one.  The emotional relief.

    I'm one of the vulnerables.  I have done my part all year to stay safe and keep my fellow man safe.  I've made sure that I have been nothing but positive, cooperative and compassionate to those around me.  I've followed the guidelines of smart people.

    Every physical interaction I have had this whole year, I've made sure it was a positive encounter.  I did not want to add to anyone's misery.  I would not be the cause of someone's sadness, suffering, anger, sickness.  

    My father enlisted in WWII to fight for America.  Covid was another war that Americans were asked to sacrifice for like during WWII.  We were asked to sit our asses on the couch and wear a mask and stay the f*** away from people if we went out.  I did my utmost best.  The world had to keep moving, but there was a way to do that safely and with compassion.  But, the ME ME ME's weren't having that.  And months went by and a very sick, swayback horse got out of the barn.  I know where the blame lies.  And if you're smart, you know it too.

    When my group opened up, I pre-registered and when that email came that I could pick an appointment, I sobbed.  I cried so hard.  I didn't realize how anxious I was.  I didn't realize how lonely I've been.  I didn't realize how much I missed being free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.  I became very emotional about this.  I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it wasn't the deadlights.  It was lights of hope and happiness.  

    I got choked up when I pulled into the parking lot of the vaccine site.  A man was walking out as I was walking in.  I applauded him and told him "good job" as we passed each other.  He laughed.

    I walked in and within 10 minutes, I had a shot in my arm.  A young serviceman gave it to me (with a partner adding information to my card I had gotten from the desk people). 

    Before I headed to the 15 minute wait area, I told them, "I appreciate your time here today; I thank you (pointing at the young man) for your service; and I thank you for saving my life."   They were both so sweet and wonderful. 

    I have seen the two very different faces of Character this year.  You have too.  Which face were you?

  • Today I went and got my first Covid vaccine shot.  I'm not hearing anyone else talk about this, but surely I'm not the only one.  The emotional relief.

    I'm one of the vulnerables.  I have done my part all year to stay safe and keep my fellow man safe.  I've made sure that I have been nothing but positive, cooperative and compassionate to those around me.  I've followed the guidelines of smart people.

    Every physical interaction I have had this whole year, I've made sure it was a positive encounter.  I did not want to add to anyone's misery.  I would not be the cause of someone's sadness, suffering, anger, sickness.  

    My father enlisted in WWII to fight for America.  Covid was another war that Americans were asked to sacrifice for like during WWII.  We were asked to sit our asses on the couch and wear a mask and stay the f*** away from people if we went out.  I did my utmost best.  The world had to keep moving, but there was a way to do that safely and with compassion.  But, the ME ME ME's weren't having that.  And months went by and a very sick, swayback horse got out of the barn.  I know where the blame lies.  And if you're smart, you know it too.

    When my group opened up, I pre-registered and when that email came that I could pick an appointment, I sobbed.  I cried so hard.  I didn't realize how anxious I was.  I didn't realize how lonely I've been.  I didn't realize how much I missed being free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.  I became very emotional about this.  I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it wasn't the deadlights.  It was lights of hope and happiness.  

    I got choked up when I pulled into the parking lot of the vaccine site.  A man was walking out as I was walking in.  I applauded him and told him "good job" as we passed each other.  He laughed.

    I walked in and within 10 minutes, I had a shot in my arm.  A young serviceman gave it to me (with a partner adding information to my card I had gotten from the desk people).  Before I headed to the 15 minute wait area, I told them, "I appreciate your time here today; I thank you (pointing at guy) for your service; and I thank you for saving my life."   They were both so sweet and wonderful. 

    I have seen the faces of character this year.  You have too.  Which face were you?

    Hedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTNeesycatKurbenNotaro
  • I'd say more, but I'm in work. Hugging you girl...
    Hedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTNeesycatKurbenNotarodoyoulove19
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I'd say more, but I'm in work. Hugging you girl...
    Oh my lord, I'm just full of all sorts of feels.

     :D :D :D  
  • Today I went and got my first Covid vaccine shot.  I'm not hearing anyone else talk about this, but surely I'm not the only one.  The emotional relief.

    I'm one of the vulnerables.  I have done my part all year to stay safe and keep my fellow man safe.  I've made sure that I have been nothing but positive, cooperative and compassionate to those around me.  I've followed the guidelines of smart people.

    Every physical interaction I have had this whole year, I've made sure it was a positive encounter.  I did not want to add to anyone's misery.  I would not be the cause of someone's sadness, suffering, anger, sickness.  

    My father enlisted in WWII to fight for America.  Covid was another war that Americans were asked to sacrifice for like during WWII.  We were asked to sit our asses on the couch and wear a mask and stay the f*** away from people if we went out.  I did my utmost best.  The world had to keep moving, but there was a way to do that safely and with compassion.  But, the ME ME ME's weren't having that.  And months went by and a very sick, swayback horse got out of the barn.  I know where the blame lies.  And if you're smart, you know it too.

    When my group opened up, I pre-registered and when that email came that I could pick an appointment, I sobbed.  I cried so hard.  I didn't realize how anxious I was.  I didn't realize how lonely I've been.  I didn't realize how much I missed being free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.  I became very emotional about this.  I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it wasn't the deadlights.  It was lights of hope and happiness.  

    I got choked up when I pulled into the parking lot of the vaccine site.  A man was walking out as I was walking in.  I applauded him and told him "good job" as we passed each other.  He laughed.

    I walked in and within 10 minutes, I had a shot in my arm.  A young serviceman gave it to me (with a partner adding information to my card I had gotten from the desk people). 

    Before I headed to the 15 minute wait area, I told them, "I appreciate your time here today; I thank you (pointing at the young man) for your service; and I thank you for saving my life."   They were both so sweet and wonderful. 

    I have seen the two very different faces of Character this year.  You have too.  Which face were you?

    So very happy you were able to get your shot. I've been worried about you knowing how vulnerable you are and how much you could be affected by the actions of others. In another few weeks, you'll be fully vaccinated which will put the icing on the cake.

    I have my second shot appointment at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon and cannot wait. With that shot and the 2 weeks they say before it fully kicks in, I will now be able to travel to MA to see my grandkids without having to get a COVID test both before I go and then when I get back to my home and feel fairly confident that I won't be putting them in harm's way either. I'll still be wearing my mask and practicing safe distancing but the sense of anxiety that comes with people getting too close when I am out and about will be greatly reduced. I might even feel safe to go into a grocery store again although, truth be told, I'm really liking the online order and curbside pick up so might keep doing that.
    GNTLGNTNeesycatNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerSundropdoyoulove19
  • Today I went and got my first Covid vaccine shot.  I'm not hearing anyone else talk about this, but surely I'm not the only one.  The emotional relief.

    I'm one of the vulnerables.  I have done my part all year to stay safe and keep my fellow man safe.  I've made sure that I have been nothing but positive, cooperative and compassionate to those around me.  I've followed the guidelines of smart people.

    Every physical interaction I have had this whole year, I've made sure it was a positive encounter.  I did not want to add to anyone's misery.  I would not be the cause of someone's sadness, suffering, anger, sickness.  

    My father enlisted in WWII to fight for America.  Covid was another war that Americans were asked to sacrifice for like during WWII.  We were asked to sit our asses on the couch and wear a mask and stay the f*** away from people if we went out.  I did my utmost best.  The world had to keep moving, but there was a way to do that safely and with compassion.  But, the ME ME ME's weren't having that.  And months went by and a very sick, swayback horse got out of the barn.  I know where the blame lies.  And if you're smart, you know it too.

    When my group opened up, I pre-registered and when that email came that I could pick an appointment, I sobbed.  I cried so hard.  I didn't realize how anxious I was.  I didn't realize how lonely I've been.  I didn't realize how much I missed being free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.  I became very emotional about this.  I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it wasn't the deadlights.  It was lights of hope and happiness.  

    I got choked up when I pulled into the parking lot of the vaccine site.  A man was walking out as I was walking in.  I applauded him and told him "good job" as we passed each other.  He laughed.

    I walked in and within 10 minutes, I had a shot in my arm.  A young serviceman gave it to me (with a partner adding information to my card I had gotten from the desk people). 

    Before I headed to the 15 minute wait area, I told them, "I appreciate your time here today; I thank you (pointing at the young man) for your service; and I thank you for saving my life."   They were both so sweet and wonderful. 

    I have seen the two very different faces of Character this year.  You have too.  Which face were you?

    ...this was simply.......beautiful.......I've had my vaccines and agree with your summation....carpe shotem Deej.... <3
  • Marsha said:
    Today I went and got my first Covid vaccine shot.  I'm not hearing anyone else talk about this, but surely I'm not the only one.  The emotional relief.

    I'm one of the vulnerables.  I have done my part all year to stay safe and keep my fellow man safe.  I've made sure that I have been nothing but positive, cooperative and compassionate to those around me.  I've followed the guidelines of smart people.

    Every physical interaction I have had this whole year, I've made sure it was a positive encounter.  I did not want to add to anyone's misery.  I would not be the cause of someone's sadness, suffering, anger, sickness.  

    My father enlisted in WWII to fight for America.  Covid was another war that Americans were asked to sacrifice for like during WWII.  We were asked to sit our asses on the couch and wear a mask and stay the f*** away from people if we went out.  I did my utmost best.  The world had to keep moving, but there was a way to do that safely and with compassion.  But, the ME ME ME's weren't having that.  And months went by and a very sick, swayback horse got out of the barn.  I know where the blame lies.  And if you're smart, you know it too.

    When my group opened up, I pre-registered and when that email came that I could pick an appointment, I sobbed.  I cried so hard.  I didn't realize how anxious I was.  I didn't realize how lonely I've been.  I didn't realize how much I missed being free to do what I want, when I want, how I want.  I became very emotional about this.  I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it wasn't the deadlights.  It was lights of hope and happiness.  

    I got choked up when I pulled into the parking lot of the vaccine site.  A man was walking out as I was walking in.  I applauded him and told him "good job" as we passed each other.  He laughed.

    I walked in and within 10 minutes, I had a shot in my arm.  A young serviceman gave it to me (with a partner adding information to my card I had gotten from the desk people). 

    Before I headed to the 15 minute wait area, I told them, "I appreciate your time here today; I thank you (pointing at the young man) for your service; and I thank you for saving my life."   They were both so sweet and wonderful. 

    I have seen the two very different faces of Character this year.  You have too.  Which face were you?

    So very happy you were able to get your shot. I've been worried about you knowing how vulnerable you are and how much you could be affected by the actions of others. In another few weeks, you'll be fully vaccinated which will put the icing on the cake.

    I have my second shot appointment at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon and cannot wait. With that shot and the 2 weeks they say before it fully kicks in, I will now be able to travel to MA to see my grandkids without having to get a COVID test both before I go and then when I get back to my home and feel fairly confident that I won't be putting them in harm's way either. I'll still be wearing my mask and practicing safe distancing but the sense of anxiety that comes with people getting too close when I am out and about will be greatly reduced. I might even feel safe to go into a grocery store again although, truth be told, I'm really liking the online order and curbside pick up so might keep doing that.
    ....goood on you Gma...... <3
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