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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Biggest hugs and only positive vibes to @FlakeNoir and @Notaro as your beloved family members fight. Thinking and praying for you all. ❤
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    Biggest hugs and only positive vibes to @FlakeNoir and @Notaro as your beloved family members fight. Thinking and praying for you all. ❤
    Thanks Cat, I appreciate this.  :)
    catHedda GablerNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Yesterday (your today) I travelled down country a bit while one of my grown up kids looked after my youngest kiddo.
    We're losing a family member to cancer, my partner has been away all week with his brothers and sisters, they're providing round the clock care, work and childcare have me separated from them all which is very difficult, so catching up and sitting with them all for a few hours was cathartic yesterday. 

    Today is Mother's Day here, my kids got a wee tote full of goodies yesterday while I was away,  so I see a pajama day unfolding before me. I'm thankful for so much. 💜

    So sorry you're all having to go through this. Lots of love being sent your way.
    GNTLGNTKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19catHedda Gabler
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Yesterday (your today) I travelled down country a bit while one of my grown up kids looked after my youngest kiddo.
    We're losing a family member to cancer, my partner has been away all week with his brothers and sisters, they're providing round the clock care, work and childcare have me separated from them all which is very difficult, so catching up and sitting with them all for a few hours was cathartic yesterday. 

    Today is Mother's Day here, my kids got a wee tote full of goodies yesterday while I was away,  so I see a pajama day unfolding before me. I'm thankful for so much. 💜
    Sorry to hear of your family member battling cancer Flakes, I hope it will not be too painful for her at the end. My sister in law is in a similar position, we don't know for sure yet if it's terminal but we're hoping so can pull through.

    Enjoy your lazy pajamas day🙂

    Sending positive healing vibes for your SIL and family.
    GNTLGNTKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19catHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Yesterday (your today) I travelled down country a bit while one of my grown up kids looked after my youngest kiddo.
    We're losing a family member to cancer, my partner has been away all week with his brothers and sisters, they're providing round the clock care, work and childcare have me separated from them all which is very difficult, so catching up and sitting with them all for a few hours was cathartic yesterday. 

    Today is Mother's Day here, my kids got a wee tote full of goodies yesterday while I was away,  so I see a pajama day unfolding before me. I'm thankful for so much. 💜
    So sorry to hear  this news,@Flake.  My prayers and thoughts are with you and family. A candle will be lit. 

    Happy Mother's Day.  Your boys are special.
    NotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19catMarshaHedda Gabler
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Yesterday (your today) I travelled down country a bit while one of my grown up kids looked after my youngest kiddo.
    We're losing a family member to cancer, my partner has been away all week with his brothers and sisters, they're providing round the clock care, work and childcare have me separated from them all which is very difficult, so catching up and sitting with them all for a few hours was cathartic yesterday. 

    Today is Mother's Day here, my kids got a wee tote full of goodies yesterday while I was away,  so I see a pajama day unfolding before me. I'm thankful for so much. 💜
    Sorry to hear of your family member battling cancer Flakes, I hope it will not be too painful for her at the end. My sister in law is in a similar position, we don't know for sure yet if it's terminal but we're hoping so can pull through.

    Enjoy your lazy pajamas day🙂
    Prayers and positive thoughts sent your way.Candle will be lit.
    NotaroGNTLGNTKurbenFlakeNoirdoyoulove19catMarshaHedda Gabler
  • Thanks M and Spidey, I appreciate your thoughts and words.💜💚
    NotaroGNTLGNTdoyoulove19catMarshaHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Thanks M and Spidey, I appreciate your thoughts and words.💜💚
    Ditto that, many thanks for your kind words and wishes everyone. ❤️
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTdoyoulove19catMarshaHedda Gabler
  • .....Steve's stellar prose came to mind for you both....with love..... <3

    “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

    FlakeNoirKurbendoyoulove19catMarshaHedda Gabler
  • Today i am going to get my first vaccine shot. Hopefully all goes well.
    FlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19catGNTLGNTMarshaHedda Gabler
  • Kurben said:
    Today i am going to get my first vaccine shot. Hopefully all goes well.
    .....lots of water....Tylenol....Ibuprofen....lather, rinse, repeat.....
    doyoulove19FlakeNoircatKurbenMarshaHedda Gabler
  • My clinic phoned yesterday as they had a spare few appointments for the covid vaccine today, but I just can't fit it in today so they'll get back to me with the next available clinic.
    Frigging typical the one day that I won't have a spare 5 minutes. 🙄
    NotarocatMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    Today i am going to get my first vaccine shot. Hopefully all goes well.
    .....lots of water....Tylenol....Ibuprofen....lather, rinse, repeat.....
    So far i havent had any special reactions. Just a little tender in the spot they injected me and got a headache in the afternoon that passed away now. I got Pfizer it turned out. In sweden 4 vaccines are distrubuted, Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen (on a temporary? hold at the moment) and AstraZeneca. Next shot in 6 weeks they said.
    catNotaroFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • Scott's gall bladder surgery is set for the 20th. Don't have a time yet, they are calling with details in a few days. 
    NotaroFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • I hope all goes well for Scott’s surgery.
    Good hob in the jab kurben and you’ll get the perfect shot in the perfect day flakers. 
    I am so sorry about SIL, nb. I hope she feels good and responds well to treatment. 

  • I hope all goes well for Scott’s surgery.
    Good hob in the jab kurben and you’ll get the perfect shot in the perfect day flakers. 
    I am so sorry about SIL, nb. I hope she feels good and responds well to treatment. 

    Holy hell.  some of that was Klingon.  I hope you all know what I meant.
  • edited May 2021
    Okay, I'm going to tell you my random of act of kindness for today.  Please know, I don't tell you these things for glory, power or to scream, "I'm amazing!"  If it was about that, I would tell you the random acts of kindness I do every single day.  I do one every single day because it helps me.  It uplifts me.  I am struggling and I need a purpose -- this is my purpose.  

    So, having said that, I'm telling you about this particular random act of kindness because it is so off-the-wall.  It's an odd one.  But it made me smile, and it made them smile. 

    If your bank is like my bank during The Scourge,  they shut the lobby to walk-in business.  Appt. only stuff.  Everyone was lined up at that drive-thru.  I'm sure you saw the crazy lines at banks.  Well, today, I pulled into the window -- NO ONE WAS THERE!  I was thrilled and surprised.  Anyway, I pull up and the drive thru window is filthy dirty.  Just so splattered with dirty splotches.  I don't know how we could see each other.  

    I put my business in the drawer and she pulls it in and I say, "send out the window cleaner and I'll clean your window."  She just looked baffled.  I said, "Honest.  Send out the window cleaner and I'll clean this window." She kept saying, "no that's okay."  But, I hung in there.  She said, "Our cleaner is downstairs and I can't go get it, but I can send out a paper towel."  I said, no.  A towel isn't going to touch this.  Then I remembered.  I had just bought some window cleaner towels for my car and they were on my back floor boards.  So, I reached down and got them, she's starring at me and I said, "Go ahead and do what you have to do, I'll just clean now."

    She starts processing and I get out of my car and I cleaned this whole big window.  Not one car pulled in behind me.  So I wasn't holding anyone up.  

    I got done, she said, "We're all applauding you in here. Thank you. "  I laughed and told her, it was my random act of kindness for the day.  She said she hoped I received one back.  

    Reap what you sow people.  The energy you put out is what you are going to get back.  If you do these things expecting cheers and thanks yous and pats on the back, you will many times be disappointed.  But the point of them is to do them for yourself.  Don't expect a damn thing back.  It feels great.  I encourage you to do them too.  They can be such small little things that no one sees.  No one knows.  But, it makes a difference.  
  • Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    Today i am going to get my first vaccine shot. Hopefully all goes well.
    .....lots of water....Tylenol....Ibuprofen....lather, rinse, repeat.....
    So far i havent had any special reactions. Just a little tender in the spot they injected me and got a headache in the afternoon that passed away now. I got Pfizer it turned out. In sweden 4 vaccines are distrubuted, Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen (on a temporary? hold at the moment) and AstraZeneca. Next shot in 6 weeks they said.
    ....I hope you get along as well with #2 Kurb......
    NotaroFlakeNoirKurbenMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerNeesycat
  • cat said:
    Scott's gall bladder surgery is set for the 20th. Don't have a time yet, they are calling with details in a few days. 
    ....most excellent!.....

    ....here's a sticker for his toolbox....after the deed is done...

    Surgery Meme Stickers  Redbubble
    NotaroFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerNeesycat
  • I hope all goes well for Scott’s surgery.
    Good hob in the jab kurben and you’ll get the perfect shot in the perfect day flakers. 
    I am so sorry about SIL, nb. I hope she feels good and responds well to treatment. 

    Holy hell.  some of that was Klingon.  I hope you all know what I meant.
    ...hob in the jab....

    With 100 jobs to fill start-up seeks Klingon speakers  The Times of Israel
    NotaroFlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerNeesycat
  • Okay, I'm going to tell you my random of act of kindness for today.  Please know, I don't tell you these things for glory, power or to scream, "I'm amazing!"  If it was about that, I would tell you the random acts of kindness I do every single day.  I do one every single day because it helps me.  It uplifts me.  I am struggling and I need a purpose -- this is my purpose.  

    So, having said that, I'm telling you about this particular random act of kindness because it is so off-the-wall.  It's an odd one.  But it made me smile, and it made them smile. 

    If your bank is like my bank during The Scourge,  they shut the lobby to walk-in business.  Appt. only stuff.  Everyone was lined up at that drive-thru.  I'm sure you saw the crazy lines at banks.  Well, today, I pulled into the window -- NO ONE WAS THERE!  I was thrilled and surprised.  Anyway, I pull up and the drive thru window is filthy dirty.  Just so splattered with dirty splotches.  I don't know how we could see each other.  

    I put my business in the drawer and she pulls it in and I say, "send out the window cleaner and I'll clean your window."  She just looked baffled.  I said, "Honest.  Send out the window cleaner and I'll clean this window." She kept saying, "no that's okay."  But, I hung in there.  She said, "Our cleaner is downstairs and I can't go get it, but I can send out a paper towel."  I said, no.  A towel isn't going to touch this.  Then I remembered.  I had just bought some window cleaner towels for my car and they were on my back floor boards.  So, I reached down and got them, she's starring at me and I said, "Go ahead and do what you have to do, I'll just clean now."

    She starts processing and I get out of my car and I cleaned this whole big window.  Not one car pulled in behind me.  So I wasn't holding anyone up.  

    I got done, she said, "We're all applauding you in here. Thank you. "  I laughed and told her, it was my random act of kindness for the day.  She said she hoped I received one back.  

    Reap what you sow people.  The energy you put out is what you are going to get back.  If you do these things expecting cheers and thanks yous and pats on the back, you will many times be disappointed.  But the point of them is to do them for yourself.  Don't expect a damn thing back.  It feels great.  I encourage you to do them too.  They can be such small little things that no one sees.  No one knows.  But, it makes a difference.  
    ...true wisdom and this made my day....thanks for the share Deej....hugs <3
    FlakeNoirMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerNeesycat
  • edited May 2021
    Love it, keep the stories coming DJ. @Hedda Gabler

    @cat all the best for Scott's surgery and speedy recovery. 

    @Kurben great job, each story I hear about people getting vaccinated against this gigantic b1tch of a virus, just lifts me up.
    NotaroKurbenMarshadoyoulove19GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesycat
  • Okay, I'm going to tell you my random of act of kindness for today.  Please know, I don't tell you these things for glory, power or to scream, "I'm amazing!"  If it was about that, I would tell you the random acts of kindness I do every single day.  I do one every single day because it helps me.  It uplifts me.  I am struggling and I need a purpose -- this is my purpose.  

    So, having said that, I'm telling you about this particular random act of kindness because it is so off-the-wall.  It's an odd one.  But it made me smile, and it made them smile. 

    If your bank is like my bank during The Scourge,  they shut the lobby to walk-in business.  Appt. only stuff.  Everyone was lined up at that drive-thru.  I'm sure you saw the crazy lines at banks.  Well, today, I pulled into the window -- NO ONE WAS THERE!  I was thrilled and surprised.  Anyway, I pull up and the drive thru window is filthy dirty.  Just so splattered with dirty splotches.  I don't know how we could see each other.  

    I put my business in the drawer and she pulls it in and I say, "send out the window cleaner and I'll clean your window."  She just looked baffled.  I said, "Honest.  Send out the window cleaner and I'll clean this window." She kept saying, "no that's okay."  But, I hung in there.  She said, "Our cleaner is downstairs and I can't go get it, but I can send out a paper towel."  I said, no.  A towel isn't going to touch this.  Then I remembered.  I had just bought some window cleaner towels for my car and they were on my back floor boards.  So, I reached down and got them, she's starring at me and I said, "Go ahead and do what you have to do, I'll just clean now."

    She starts processing and I get out of my car and I cleaned this whole big window.  Not one car pulled in behind me.  So I wasn't holding anyone up.  

    I got done, she said, "We're all applauding you in here. Thank you. "  I laughed and told her, it was my random act of kindness for the day.  She said she hoped I received one back.  

    Reap what you sow people.  The energy you put out is what you are going to get back.  If you do these things expecting cheers and thanks yous and pats on the back, you will many times be disappointed.  But the point of them is to do them for yourself.  Don't expect a damn thing back.  It feels great.  I encourage you to do them too.  They can be such small little things that no one sees.  No one knows.  But, it makes a difference.  

    You're my hero and inspiration! <3
    doyoulove19KurbenNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesycat
  • Buying stuff because I got accepted into a NEW APARTMENT!!  whoopwhoop.
    The place is beautiful, it has tennis courts (not that I play) Golf course (not that I play) Two pools (might get there) Hockey rink (um, no) basketball court (nope) and more.

    I need everything, from a new bed to dishes.  I'll be sitting on that new bed eating hot-water soup in an emply apt before long.  


    doyoulove19KurbenNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshaNeesycat
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