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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Something for @GNTLGNT

    catNotaroKurbendoyoulove19GNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • spideyman said:
    Something for @GNTLGNT

    ....Holy Hell!!, that's awesome!!!!!!...gotta see if it's available in a tee shirt....
    catKurbendoyoulove19spideymanFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    spideyman said:
    Something for @GNTLGNT

    ....Holy Hell!!, that's awesome!!!!!!...gotta see if it's available in a tee shirt....
    It is.  qwertee.com  ck your message.
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTdoyoulove19MarshacatHedda GablerNeesy
  • Bev, would you care to elaborate on receiving emails from deceased friends? 
  • edited May 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    Huh GIFs  Tenor
    He dropped the comment on twitter. I don’t twitter so i can’t read any conversation that might have taken place. I click on the comment cloud and it just tells me to sign in. 
  • ....now I unnerstan....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaNeesyspideyman
  • My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    NotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19KurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatNeesyspideyman
  • Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    Welcome back, M... 💜 sorry about your homecoming. 😬
    doyoulove19KurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatMarshaNeesyspideyman
  • Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
    I don’t know if you’ve eaten a deer — but they say deer meat tastes can be greatly affected by what their diet is. What they’ve been grazing on.  

    If i was made into a bag of soylent green chips, they would taste like coffee, gummi bears and failure. 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
    I don’t know if you’ve eaten a deer — but they say deer meat tastes can be greatly affected by what their diet is. What they’ve been grazing on.  

    If i was made into a bag of soylent green chips, they would taste like coffee, gummi bears and failure. 
    Failure?? Anyone who can do such amazing artwork that you do can never have a taste of failure!! 
  • Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
    I don’t know if you’ve eaten a deer — but they say deer meat tastes can be greatly affected by what their diet is. What they’ve been grazing on.  

    If i was made into a bag of soylent green chips, they would taste like coffee, gummi bears and failure. 
    Failure?? Anyone who can do such amazing artwork that you do can never have a taste of failure!! 
    Oh thanks. I didn’t live up to my potential— i could’ve been somebody Kurben, i could’ve been a contender. 

  • GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
    I don’t know if you’ve eaten a deer — but they say deer meat tastes can be greatly affected by what their diet is. What they’ve been grazing on.  

    If i was made into a bag of soylent green chips, they would taste like coffee, gummi bears and failure. 
    Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
    I don’t know if you’ve eaten a deer — but they say deer meat tastes can be greatly affected by what their diet is. What they’ve been grazing on.  

    If i was made into a bag of soylent green chips, they would taste like coffee, gummi bears and failure. 
    Failure?? Anyone who can do such amazing artwork that you do can never have a taste of failure!! 
    Oh thanks. I didn’t live up to my potential— i could’ve been somebody Kurben, i could’ve been a contender. 

    Well, I can  you you are 100% correct about a deer's diet changing how they taste. But you are 100% wrong about not being a contender...I am inspired by you every day! 

    I do, however get where you are coming from. I have been pretty melancholy about my kids getting older, I am within 4 years of being an empty nester and I am freaking out about it. Did I make the right choice, staying home even after they started school? I think yes, they are good students, have great heads on their shoulders and I have no doubt they will be ready to take on the real world and not be looking for "safe spaces" at every turn. But I have no personal accomplishments beyond that (not that it is a small thing to raise good kids but I used to have a pretty good brain of my own) but it does weigh on me from time to time. I think we are alike in that way. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroMarshadoyoulove19NeesyGNTLGNTspideyman
  • cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
    I don’t know if you’ve eaten a deer — but they say deer meat tastes can be greatly affected by what their diet is. What they’ve been grazing on.  

    If i was made into a bag of soylent green chips, they would taste like coffee, gummi bears and failure. 
    Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
    I don’t know if you’ve eaten a deer — but they say deer meat tastes can be greatly affected by what their diet is. What they’ve been grazing on.  

    If i was made into a bag of soylent green chips, they would taste like coffee, gummi bears and failure. 
    Failure?? Anyone who can do such amazing artwork that you do can never have a taste of failure!! 
    Oh thanks. I didn’t live up to my potential— i could’ve been somebody Kurben, i could’ve been a contender. 

    Well, I can  you you are 100% correct about a deer's diet changing how they taste. But you are 100% wrong about not being a contender...I am inspired by you every day! 

    I do, however get where you are coming from. I have been pretty melancholy about my kids getting older, I am within 4 years of being an empty nester and I am freaking out about it. Did I make the right choice, staying home even after they started school? I think yes, they are good students, have great heads on their shoulders and I have no doubt they will be ready to take on the real world and not be looking for "safe spaces" at every turn. But I have no personal accomplishments beyond that (not that it is a small thing to raise good kids but I used to have a pretty good brain of my own) but it does weigh on me from time to time. I think we are alike in that way. 
    I hear you. Exactly the same feelings. I’ve always thought you are very bright, witty — great sense of humor. Those good things we did count,  but there was more for us. 
  • Was a busy day here. A few busy days. Got our new fridge Monday. Today did a few chores, got some groceries, Scott and Ali stained the first set of trim pieces for the new interior doors.  Scott had his follow up appt. Dr said the pathology on his gall bladder was amazing, that he did not know how Scott went as long as he did, that it was maybe working at 20% for the last few years, at least . But he never had any attacks until the one that sent us to the ER...but now he is thinking all the indigestion and heartburn were signs. Anyway, he is healing well. Will go back to work the 8th. 

    After that we went and got some flowers for the outside pots, planted them. Scott grilled.  Has been a good day. 
    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshadoyoulove19NeesyHedda GablerGNTLGNTspideyman
  • Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    My first day back in Maine. Not sure what my SO has been eating while I've been away but the cupboards are pretty bare now. As I look around the house, he's been in full (stereotypical) bachelor mode for the past 5 months as well. *sigh* Looks like my day will be grocery shopping and cleaning house. Yay  :/
    ...Soylent Green?.....

    Soylent Green  Know Your Meme
    I don’t know if you’ve eaten a deer — but they say deer meat tastes can be greatly affected by what their diet is. What they’ve been grazing on.  

    If i was made into a bag of soylent green chips, they would taste like coffee, gummi bears and failure. 
    Failure?? Anyone who can do such amazing artwork that you do can never have a taste of failure!! 
    Oh thanks. I didn’t live up to my potential— i could’ve been somebody Kurben, i could’ve been a contender. 

    I think you constantly fail to see what you actually are. 
    NotarocatMarshadoyoulove19NeesyHedda GablerGNTLGNTspideyman
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Tail-Wagging Doggo Memes 32 Dog Memes  Dog jokes Dog memes Funny  animal jokes

    I think I am a 4 today

    We've just been dealing with a bit of a heat wave here - Andy has been in full gardening mode

    We are still waiting for Windeck to start on the balcony - apparently they had an outbreak of Covid in their office and were locked down for awhile.

    Said they will try to start next week, but the guy is going to get back to me, once they have a production meeting at the end of this week

    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaspideyman
  • ....Flaker, I have to agree...both Deej and Cat(AND you)want to post wonderings about whether you've amounted to anything, made a difference, been a failure etc.....as someone who has grown tremendously fond of each of you over the years, I will say that unequivocally-you ALL are tremendously wonderful women...and this isn't coming from just being your friend, it comes from someone who has never seen any of you in person, yet can read between the many lines of posting....your hearts are there, and I'm proud to know every damn one of ya....life is a continuous muddle of highs and lows-but ladies?....you're still slugging away, and if that doesn't smell of success and wonder-then I'll never know what does... <3 <3 <3
    catNotaroFlakeNoirKurbenMarshadoyoulove19spideymanHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....Flaker, I have to agree...both Deej and Cat(AND you)want to post wonderings about whether you've amounted to anything, made a difference, been a failure etc.....as someone who has grown tremendously fond of each of you over the years, I will say that unequivocally-you ALL are tremendously wonderful women...and this isn't coming from just being your friend, it comes from someone who has never seen any of you in person, yet can read between the many lines of posting....your hearts are there, and I'm proud to know every damn one of ya....life is a continuous muddle of highs and lows-but ladies?....you're still slugging away, and if that doesn't smell of success and wonder-then I'll never know what does... <3 <3 <3
    You made me cry. Thank you. ❤
    NotaroFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19spideymanHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....What today?......laundry, phone calls and cutting brush....maybe all at the same time!!....
    FlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19spideymancatHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....Flaker, I have to agree...both Deej and Cat(AND you)want to post wonderings about whether you've amounted to anything, made a difference, been a failure etc.....as someone who has grown tremendously fond of each of you over the years, I will say that unequivocally-you ALL are tremendously wonderful women...and this isn't coming from just being your friend, it comes from someone who has never seen any of you in person, yet can read between the many lines of posting....your hearts are there, and I'm proud to know every damn one of ya....life is a continuous muddle of highs and lows-but ladies?....you're still slugging away, and if that doesn't smell of success and wonder-then I'll never know what does... <3 <3 <3
    😘 Thank you.  :'(
    GNTLGNTNotarodoyoulove19spideymanKurbencatHedda GablerNeesyMarsha
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