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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Super job with the jab nb, so proud!!!

    sounds lovely scott. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Yesterday I attended a second funeral in 2 weeks. And the day before yesterday my daughter-in-law's grandmother passed away in Japan, the kids had booked flights to go see her pre-covid but had to cancel for obvious reasons. 
    That's 3 losses in 3 weeks, I'd like it to stop now. They say it comes in threes, don't they?
    That's 3, please move on now universe.

    Healing vibes - saying a prayer Flake - hope things will get better

    Notarocatdoyoulove19GNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....thank you all.....it was a wonderful service full of music, laughter and love....I learned an awful lot about our buddy.....woodworker, magician, musician and painter, but most of all a dad and a friend.....

    It sounds like your friend had a good life; ♥

    by the way that pic Tracy took of the raccoon at the feeder is so cute - she has a good eye

    TGIF to all!

    Notarocatdoyoulove19GNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHedda Gabler
  • Scott went back to work today. I did a few chores and cleaned Lily slobber off of stuff. 🙄🙄 I love her but I wish when she shakes her head, drool didn't go everywhere. 🤦‍♀️

    Started a pork tenderloin for pulled pork sammies in the crock pot, so supper is mostly handled. 

    Now I'm going to relax and catch up on some TV, I think. 
    doyoulove19NotaroNeesyGNTLGNTFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaHedda Gabler
  • cat said:
    Scott went back to work today. I did a few chores and cleaned Lily slobber off of stuff. 🙄🙄 I love her but I wish when she shakes her head, drool didn't go everywhere. 🤦‍♀️

    Started a pork tenderloin for pulled pork sammies in the crock pot, so supper is mostly handled. 

    Now I'm going to relax and catch up on some TV, I think. 

    That pork sounds good - I think I will copy you and go buy a roast then pop it in the crock pot - yum!

    catNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHedda Gabler
  • ....I came to a decision the other day....a position opened up at the Cambridge Developmental Center(Developmental Disabilities)for a Psych/DD Nurse and I applied, was offered the job and took it....so after 15 plus years, I'll be leaving the prison behind on July 1 and embarking on what should be the final chapter in my nursing career...I am nervous, but also hopeful-that this move allows me to gain back my love for nursing....my patients coming up, are not there because of poor choices and human fuc*ery....but because they need caregivers........
    doyoulove19Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaspideymancatNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I came to a decision the other day....a position opened up at the Cambridge Developmental Center(Developmental Disabilities)for a Psych/DD Nurse and I applied, was offered the job and took it....so after 15 plus years, I'll be leaving the prison behind on July 1 and embarking on what should be the final chapter in my nursing career...I am nervous, but also hopeful-that this move allows me to gain back my love for nursing....my patients coming up, are not there because of poor choices and human fuc*ery....but because they need caregivers........
    Awesome news, Scott!! Congratulations and best of luck!  Those patients will be lucky to be in your big, caring, capable hands!!!   <3
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaspideymancatGNTLGNTNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I came to a decision the other day....a position opened up at the Cambridge Developmental Center(Developmental Disabilities)for a Psych/DD Nurse and I applied, was offered the job and took it....so after 15 plus years, I'll be leaving the prison behind on July 1 and embarking on what should be the final chapter in my nursing career...I am nervous, but also hopeful-that this move allows me to gain back my love for nursing....my patients coming up, are not there because of poor choices and human fuc*ery....but because they need caregivers........
    That is excellent news Scott, congratulations👏🍻
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenMarshaspideymandoyoulove19catGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Stoked for you Scott, this is terrific news, you will be fantastic, congratulations! 💚
    KurbenHedda GablerMarshaspideymandoyoulove19catGNTLGNTNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I came to a decision the other day....a position opened up at the Cambridge Developmental Center(Developmental Disabilities)for a Psych/DD Nurse and I applied, was offered the job and took it....so after 15 plus years, I'll be leaving the prison behind on July 1 and embarking on what should be the final chapter in my nursing career...I am nervous, but also hopeful-that this move allows me to gain back my love for nursing....my patients coming up, are not there because of poor choices and human fuc*ery....but because they need caregivers........

    Congratulations! Wishing you all the best on this new chapter of your life. <3
    FlakeNoirNotarospideymandoyoulove19Hedda GablercatGNTLGNTNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I came to a decision the other day....a position opened up at the Cambridge Developmental Center(Developmental Disabilities)for a Psych/DD Nurse and I applied, was offered the job and took it....so after 15 plus years, I'll be leaving the prison behind on July 1 and embarking on what should be the final chapter in my nursing career...I am nervous, but also hopeful-that this move allows me to gain back my love for nursing....my patients coming up, are not there because of poor choices and human fuc*ery....but because they need caregivers........
    Congratulations, Scott. Much success in the new job. 
    NotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Hedda GablercatGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I came to a decision the other day....a position opened up at the Cambridge Developmental Center(Developmental Disabilities)for a Psych/DD Nurse and I applied, was offered the job and took it....so after 15 plus years, I'll be leaving the prison behind on July 1 and embarking on what should be the final chapter in my nursing career...I am nervous, but also hopeful-that this move allows me to gain back my love for nursing....my patients coming up, are not there because of poor choices and human fuc*ery....but because they need caregivers........
    Congratulations! I think this is a great move. I hope it will bring you much fulfillment and happiness! 
    Notarodoyoulove19FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • Had the grandbabies yesterday and overnight. I'm worn out. 😉 Spencer is all potty-trained now. Such a big boy. 

    Scott took Ali to the DMV this morning, she got her learners permit. I am not ready to teach another kid to drive. 

    Have to go to the dealership where we got my car at some point today. The person who bought my old car apparently moved and when the courthouse sent the title to them, it went to the wrong address. And the new residents, instead of trying to forward it on or return to sender, threw it away. So they have to do a new title, we have to go sign it again. 

    Have a great day!
    Notarodoyoulove19FlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • ....thank you all, I'm pretty confident in my nursing skills....just hate having to break another staff into my sarcastic love fest.... :D
  • cat said:
    Had the grandbabies yesterday and overnight. I'm worn out. 😉 Spencer is all potty-trained now. Such a big boy. 

    Scott took Ali to the DMV this morning, she got her learners permit. I am not ready to teach another kid to drive. 

    Have to go to the dealership where we got my car at some point today. The person who bought my old car apparently moved and when the courthouse sent the title to them, it went to the wrong address. And the new residents, instead of trying to forward it on or return to sender, threw it away. So they have to do a new title, we have to go sign it again. 

    Have a great day!
    ....that last paragraph?.....only thing I can say about the new folk is...."Da Fu*k"???....
    catKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerNeesy
  • Drinking coffee still, but going to get my chores done very soon, it will be too hot today to do much. Hope to get some good reading time in. 
    Notarodoyoulove19KurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • I need some awesomely magical things to start happening right now.  I’m at the end of a very frayed, used and abused rope. If there were enough threads left in it to support my massive weight, i’d hang myself. 

    If you feel so inclined, please send out a hearty good cheer for me.  I sure could use it. 
  • I need some awesomely magical things to start happening right now.  I’m at the end of a very frayed, used and abused rope. If there were enough threads left in it to support my massive weight, i’d hang myself. 

    If you feel so inclined, please send out a hearty good cheer for me.  I sure could use it. 
    Right... I've got it, hold on... just ordering my thoughts.
    Hedda GablercatNotaroGNTLGNTKurbenMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • Okay @Hedda Gabler I have the answer to all of your problems, well alright, a portion of your problems. 

    "Liam Neeson ".

    Isn't he recently(ish) widowed?
    He's an Irishman, he's older and a gentleman. He's gorgeous, has a voice that could... well nevermind, you said you don't want him for that.
    AND... he has a particular set of skills (in case you change your mind) and he will find you, so you don't even need his number!

    Write him a letter, girl. Do it now, tell him Flakes sent you and she knows a really nice Irishman who might also have a particular set of skills... so Mr. Neeson had better be nice to you, or else.

    Also, you've got this, I've got you girl. ❤
    catHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • Always here for you Hedda, anything I can do to help just say the word🌹❤️
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • Sending all my best vibes to you @Hedda Gabler Give me a shout if I can help. Biggest hugs. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • ....Deej, you are always in my heart and I hold you fast in hopes and dreams....know that I'm here and will do my best to help in any way..... <3
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoircatMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • .....doing?....me?......cleaned the gutters on my other garage that my stupid self forgot about.....they were full of varied flora and fauna, but in a single word-ICK!!.....to put it mildly, I sent a raging rapid of black devil spunk down the spout..... :s
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatKurbenMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • Thank you — all of you. I know we’re all just internet people,  but sometimes a kind thought or word can get someone through another tough day.  
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