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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • When is your first day on new job Scott? Be sure to come tell us about it. 
    ....I start at the Developmental Center on July 6th.....it is going to be an intensive learning process for me, coming from Correctional Nursing to a vulnerable population like this.....certainly going to have to ride herd on my impatience and sarcastic commentary....temper will be an issue as well....these things haven't hemmed me up much in prison, but will be a detriment where I'm going-so not only learning a new system, new staff and residents, but trying to develop better coping skills of my own.....
    Notarodoyoulove19Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacatNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    When is your first day on new job Scott? Be sure to come tell us about it. 
    ....I start at the Developmental Center on July 6th.....it is going to be an intensive learning process for me, coming from Correctional Nursing to a vulnerable population like this.....certainly going to have to ride herd on my impatience and sarcastic commentary....temper will be an issue as well....these things haven't hemmed me up much in prison, but will be a detriment where I'm going-so not only learning a new system, new staff and residents, but trying to develop better coping skills of my own.....
    You can do it Scott, you're a good, honest, decent man, your new charges will respond well to you and bring out your best qualities. You've got it. 🙂
    GNTLGNTdoyoulove19Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacatNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    When is your first day on new job Scott? Be sure to come tell us about it. 
    ....I start at the Developmental Center on July 6th.....it is going to be an intensive learning process for me, coming from Correctional Nursing to a vulnerable population like this.....certainly going to have to ride herd on my impatience and sarcastic commentary....temper will be an issue as well....these things haven't hemmed me up much in prison, but will be a detriment where I'm going-so not only learning a new system, new staff and residents, but trying to develop better coping skills of my own.....
    You can do it Scott, you're a good, honest, decent man, your new charges will respond well to you and bring out your best qualities. You've got it. 🙂
    ....much appreciated bro....
    Notarodoyoulove19Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshacatNeesy
  • edited June 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    When is your first day on new job Scott? Be sure to come tell us about it. 
    ....I start at the Developmental Center on July 6th.....it is going to be an intensive learning process for me, coming from Correctional Nursing to a vulnerable population like this.....certainly going to have to ride herd on my impatience and sarcastic commentary....temper will be an issue as well....these things haven't hemmed me up much in prison, but will be a detriment where I'm going-so not only learning a new system, new staff and residents, but trying to develop better coping skills of my own.....
    You are going to do great, you know why? Right here in your words you express the desire to learn and grow.  You know where the areas that need improvement are in yourself. You accept responsibility for them. You want to be better, do better. 

    In todays’s world, certain people claim to be perfect. They are never wrong. It’s the other guy. It shows a total lack of integrity and honor.  A failing of character. And how unattractive! Boorish. Arrogant. Narcissistic. Shows a lack of mental and emotional maturity. There is a huge difference between intelligence and knowing how to take a test for a piece of paper.  Intelligent people keep expanding themselves. 

    Learning and growing — never stagnant — that’s going to help you be the best nurse for these people who will try your patience every single damn day. They will challenge you. Step back, focus , take a breath and soldier on. 
  • edited June 2021
    Michael’s had a new sale — buy one canvas, Get 2 more free of equal or lesser value.  So, i needed a fairly good sized  canvas. And i buy their highest quality canvas — they say if you spend the time to do it, do it right. Artists in art school are taught the 100 year rule. Make something of quality that will last someone a hundred years, especially if you are selling paintings. That’s an integrity thing. 

     I don’t sell, and i’m not an “artiste” but by golly, my shit is done right and will make my future ancestors groan — it’s YOUR turn to take great grandma’s crap!

    Pre gessoed canvases, for good adhesion and longevity should still get another coat of gesso at least !  Buy quality pigments. There IS a huge difference in saturation.  

    Crafting is another thing altogether.  Basic supplies work. But painting? Invest in your creativity.  Or thievery in my case. 

    Okay off art soap box. 🤪

    so, i got my big canvas— about 50 bucks. But, i got two of same size “free.”  So, about 16 bucks and some change for each.  All of you may inherit some art, 🤓😵
  • GNTLGNT said:
    When is your first day on new job Scott? Be sure to come tell us about it. 
    ....I start at the Developmental Center on July 6th.....it is going to be an intensive learning process for me, coming from Correctional Nursing to a vulnerable population like this.....certainly going to have to ride herd on my impatience and sarcastic commentary....temper will be an issue as well....these things haven't hemmed me up much in prison, but will be a detriment where I'm going-so not only learning a new system, new staff and residents, but trying to develop better coping skills of my own.....
    You are going to do great, you know why? Right here in your words you express the desire to learn and grow.  You know where the areas that need improvement are in yourself. You accept responsibility for them. You want to be better, do better. 

    In todays’s world, certain people claim to be perfect. They are never wrong. It’s the other guy. It shows a total lack of integrity and honor.  A failing of character. And how unattractive! Boorish. Arrogant. Narcissistic. Shows a lack of mental and emotional maturity. There is a huge difference between intelligence and knowing how to take a test for a piece of paper.  Intelligent people keep expanding themselves. 

    Learning and growing — never stagnant — that’s going to help you be the best nurse for these people who will try your patience every single damn day. They will challenge you. Step back, focus , take a breath and soldier on. 
    ....it's not enough to say, but......thank you...... <3
    FlakeNoirMarshaHedda Gablercatdoyoulove19Neesy
  • Michael’s had a new sale — buy one canvas, Get 2 more free of equal or lesser value.  So, i needed a fairly good sized  canvas. And i buy their highest quality canvas — they say if you spend the time to do it, do it right. Artists in art school are taught the 100 year rule. Make something of quality that will last someone a hundred years, especially if you are selling paintings. That’s an integrity thing. 

     I don’t sell, and i’m not an “artiste” but by golly, my shit is done right and will make my future ancestors groan — it’s YOUR turn to take great grandma’s crap!

    Pre gessoed canvases, for good adhesion and longevity should still get another coat of gesso at least !  Buy quality pigments. There IS a huge difference in saturation.  

    Crafting is another thing altogether.  Basic supplies work. But painting? Invest in your creativity.  Or thievery in my case. 

    Okay off art soap box. 🤪

    so, i got my big canvas— about 50 bucks. But, i got two of same size “free.”  So, about 16 bucks and some change for each.  All of you may inherit some art, 🤓😵
    You are famous for trying to get your friends to go with you  Knitting  quotes funny Craft memes Knitting quotes
    FlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablercatNeesy
  • edited June 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    When is your first day on new job Scott? Be sure to come tell us about it. 
    ....I start at the Developmental Center on July 6th.....it is going to be an intensive learning process for me, coming from Correctional Nursing to a vulnerable population like this.....certainly going to have to ride herd on my impatience and sarcastic commentary....temper will be an issue as well....these things haven't hemmed me up much in prison, but will be a detriment where I'm going-so not only learning a new system, new staff and residents, but trying to develop better coping skills of my own.....
    You will do fantastically Scott because of 2 things. 1) you have a good heart and 2) you are a professional. 
    Your clients will be seeing you through no fault of their own as opposed to many of your current and past patients. (though many of those would also have had huge challenges in their lives)
    When you look after the vulnerable professionally, the very best thing you can do for them is to want to make their lives better. Everything else falls into line behind that.

    Initially you might just have to remind yourself to try and turn work off once you walk out of the door, though I suspect this has been second nature to you for many years. But new learning situations have their own added stresses. 💚

    NotaroKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTHedda Gablercatdoyoulove19Neesy
  • ....thanks Flakers <3....I am by nature, an extremely routine guy.....so, once I adjust to a new set of "normal" things to do, I should settle down and move along ok....and yes, I want to make a difference....it's why I became a nurse.....fingers crossed.....
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshacatdoyoulove19Neesy
  • ....sooooo, since it rained like a cow pissin' on a flat rock yesterday-I decided I would tackle a "minor" home improvement project....needed to replace the vent pipe from the dryer to the outside.....eazy peazy laundry squeezy right?......not when your last name is Roller.....the one that was there, my dad had put in back when God was a boy, but still I managed to get it removed rather easily and without cutting myself to salad bar bits on any of the aluminum....lint issue not near as bad as I thought-so good for me....nah, the new flex pipe didn't want to mate up with the outside vent, even though my measurements were correct....so what should have been the legendary 20 minute install(BS!!!!)took myself, my son, the contractor and offers of fresh meat to the eldritch gods to remedy.......I'm gonna stick to chainsawing things.....

    Hedda GablerKurbenMarshacatNotarodoyoulove19Neesy
  • Happy belated Father's Day to our Dad's here. Hope you all had a wonderful day. 

    We had a busy weekend. Friday morning the plan was to get that last door stained while Scott slept a few hours, coming off of nights. But we realized when we got the door outside that we had bought the wrong one. We bought 2 right hand doors and 1 left, when we needed 2 left and 1 right. Thank goodness we noticed before I started staining. 

    So Scott slept a few hours then we took the door back and exchanged it. Ali and I stained the first side then ran to get gift bags and cards and food. Cooked dinner, ate then stained the other side of the door. 

    Saturday, the last door went in. But, as @GNTLGNT said above, nothing went right. First could not find the level. Then the door would not fit. Same size as the others. But the jamb was longer. Scott trimmed it. Then he had to shave drywall. Finally get it in. Then the last doorknob had disappeared. By now everyone's nerves are shot. I finally found it in a tote bag. Was totally my fault it was misplaced...when I have a bunch of stuff to carry downstairs I notoriously throw stuff in a bag or basket and make 1 trip instead of 3500 and maybe it gets put away...maybe it stays in the bag. This time it stayed in the bag. Whoops. 🙃😄

    Then had to make a salad and go to Miss Sage's 7th birthday party. Spent most of the afternoon there. 

    Yesterday, we mostly rested. I think Scott had a nice day. I made him chicken cordon Bleu for his dinner and Evan came over. Brandon and Marti and the kids spent their Father's Day with just their kids. 

    I talked to my dad finally. He sounded better. He said my stepmom is doing pretty good. Had to reschedule a couple chemo appts because her white cell count was too low. But that her cancer count (I'm not sure what that means, I was trying not to interrupt with tons of questions because this is the first update I have gotten in a while) had gone from 23000 (this number I am fuzzy on too, it was either 23000 or 32000) down to 3200. So she seems to be responding well. Next chemo appt is tomorrow, and she will also have a scan to see what it looks like. First scan since starting chemo. 

    Today a few chores. Going to be a busy week. We are going to Nebraska on Friday for my aunt's memorial service, the one who passed away in November. So hope to fit in some other family visiting too. 

    Thanks for reading my novel of our weekend adventures. 😀 Have a good day everyone!
  • edited June 2021
    Happy birthday Sage!   7!!!!

    good on chemo reports.

    travel safe. ❤️
  • I watched Dan Brown and Malcolm Gladwell’s Masterclasses.  So interesting. All these writers are so interesting.  If you want something fun for xmas, subscribe to a year of masterclass. How i wish stephen king would do one. 
  • NK Jemisin, a science fiction writer, has a masterclass i’m inching my way through .  Man oh man!  She is difficult to engage with because her attention to detail takes my Lazy Meter to the fuse blown department .   I am way too lazy to work as hard as she does.  Her world building alone is like listening to a doctoral dissertation. 

    I will get through these sections eventually because no matter the author, no matter  their genre, they have tips and techniques to teach. And they are interesting people to listen to. 
  • ...sounds too damned familiar Cat....arrrgh......not sure what a "cancer count" is either....if he could be more specific I'd be more than willing to walk you through it-but since that's not the correct terminology, I'll put my helpful little self in pause mode for the moment....
    catHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirMarshaKurbendoyoulove19Neesy
  • edited June 2021

    I have had a library book since the beginning of December.  I have been playing a strategic game with it.  

    When I checked it out, there were 4 copies available and no holds on any.  I check out the book.  Not sure how other libraries do it, but our library, if it's an old title, a person can have it for about a month PLUS two renewals of 2 weeks each.  I think that's how this goes. That's 2 months for 1 book.

    I have the book for a month.  I don't finish it.  I renew it.  Two weeks pass.  I don't finish it.  I use the second renewal.  I don't finish it.

    I get to the end of that time and I look at the book status online and it still shows 4 copies, 3 available, 1 checked out (mine.).  No holds on any of them.  I placed a hold on it and turned it back in.  A couple days later, I get a text my book is ready to pick up.  And the cycle starts again. 

    I get to the end of this second cycle and check out the book status online.  Nothing has changed.  I place a hold on the book.  But this time, I called in and said,  "I need to renew this book. I have no renews available but if you look, I have placed a hold on it. Can I just renew it over the phone?"  She allowed me to do that.  And we start the cycle again.  

    I still don't finish it.  So, if you're doing the math, that's 6 months of renewing.  I get to the end in May and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I call again.  This woman must have looked at my record with this book.  She said she would renew it one more time for a month only.   Even though there are 4 copies and no one else has placed a hold on it but me.  

    Today I was at the end of that extra month. I have not finished it.  I go and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I place a hold on it and turn it back in.

    I want to read this book.  Honest.  It's a good story.  But I have so much going on, I am having trouble focusing.  So today, I looked where I placed my bookmark.  I had 3 pages to go till the end of the chapter.  I couldn't even manage to read to the chapter last time I picked it up to read.  So, I finished those 3 pages and guess what? Friggin' cliffhanger!  

    Oh well, in a couple days, they will call me to pick up the book.  And the game will begin once more.

  • So....

    I have had a library book since the beginning of December.  I have been playing a strategic game with it.  

    When I checked it out, there were 4 copies available and no holds on any.  I check out the book.  Not sure how other libraries do it, but our library, if it's an old title, a person can have it for about a month PLUS two renewals of 2 weeks each.  I think that's how this goes. That's 2 months for 1 book.

    I have the book for a month.  I don't finish it.  I renew it.  Two weeks pass.  I don't finish it.  I use the second renewal.  I don't finish it.

    I get to the end of that time and I look at the book status online and it still shows 4 copies, 3 available, 1 checked out (mine.).  No holds on any of them.  I placed a hold on it and turned it back in.  A couple days later, I get a text my book is ready to pick up.  And the cycle starts again. 

    I get to the end of this second cycle and check out the book status online.  Nothing has changed.  I place a hold on the book.  But this time, I called in and said,  "I need to renew this book. I have no renews available but if you look, I have placed a hold on it. Can I just renew it over the phone?"  She allowed me to do that.  And we start the cycle again.  

    I still don't finish it.  So, if you're doing the math, that's 6 months of renewing.  I get to the end in May and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I call again.  This woman must have looked at my record with this book.  She said she would renew it one more time for a month only.   Even though there are 4 copies and no one else has placed a hold on it but me.  

    Today I was at the end of that extra month. I have not finished it.  I go and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I place a hold on it and turn it back in.

    I want to read this book.  Honest.  It's a good story.  But I have so much going on, I am having trouble focusing.  So today, I looked where I placed my bookmark.  I had 3 pages to go till the end of the chapter.  I couldn't even manage to read to the chapter last time I picked it up to read.  So, I finished those 3 pages and guess what? Friggin' cliffhanger!  

    Oh well, in a couple days, they will call me to pick up the book.  And the game will begin once more.

    I know this (your) story is part tragedy in that you can't get enough time to finish a book, but this made me laugh and nod in recognition. 

    Also, why the hell couldn't you take one copy in and another out again? Could you not get 6 months on each copy? 🤔😁
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTcatMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • edited June 2021
    FlakeNoir said:

    I have had a library book since the beginning of December.  I have been playing a strategic game with it.  

    When I checked it out, there were 4 copies available and no holds on any.  I check out the book.  Not sure how other libraries do it, but our library, if it's an old title, a person can have it for about a month PLUS two renewals of 2 weeks each.  I think that's how this goes. That's 2 months for 1 book.

    I have the book for a month.  I don't finish it.  I renew it.  Two weeks pass.  I don't finish it.  I use the second renewal.  I don't finish it.

    I get to the end of that time and I look at the book status online and it still shows 4 copies, 3 available, 1 checked out (mine.).  No holds on any of them.  I placed a hold on it and turned it back in.  A couple days later, I get a text my book is ready to pick up.  And the cycle starts again. 

    I get to the end of this second cycle and check out the book status online.  Nothing has changed.  I place a hold on the book.  But this time, I called in and said,  "I need to renew this book. I have no renews available but if you look, I have placed a hold on it. Can I just renew it over the phone?"  She allowed me to do that.  And we start the cycle again.  

    I still don't finish it.  So, if you're doing the math, that's 6 months of renewing.  I get to the end in May and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I call again.  This woman must have looked at my record with this book.  She said she would renew it one more time for a month only.   Even though there are 4 copies and no one else has placed a hold on it but me.  

    Today I was at the end of that extra month. I have not finished it.  I go and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I place a hold on it and turn it back in.

    I want to read this book.  Honest.  It's a good story.  But I have so much going on, I am having trouble focusing.  So today, I looked where I placed my bookmark.  I had 3 pages to go till the end of the chapter.  I couldn't even manage to read to the chapter last time I picked it up to read.  So, I finished those 3 pages and guess what? Friggin' cliffhanger!  

    Oh well, in a couple days, they will call me to pick up the book.  And the game will begin once more.

    I know this (your) story is part tragedy in that you can't get enough time to finish a book, but this made me laugh and nod in recognition. 

    Also, why the hell couldn't you take one copy in and another out again? Could you not get 6 months on each copy? 🤔😁
    Oh, good plan!  I think my final tally was 7 months I had that book.  I couldn't finish it.  But, I did read other things during that time.  I think it played mental games with me because it was a door stopper of a book.  The others were way shorter.  So, it was the scales of justice.  Read the big ass book or read the quick book.  I went quick.

    And guess what?  they just texted me.  My book is ready for pick up.
  • FlakeNoir said:

    I have had a library book since the beginning of December.  I have been playing a strategic game with it.  

    When I checked it out, there were 4 copies available and no holds on any.  I check out the book.  Not sure how other libraries do it, but our library, if it's an old title, a person can have it for about a month PLUS two renewals of 2 weeks each.  I think that's how this goes. That's 2 months for 1 book.

    I have the book for a month.  I don't finish it.  I renew it.  Two weeks pass.  I don't finish it.  I use the second renewal.  I don't finish it.

    I get to the end of that time and I look at the book status online and it still shows 4 copies, 3 available, 1 checked out (mine.).  No holds on any of them.  I placed a hold on it and turned it back in.  A couple days later, I get a text my book is ready to pick up.  And the cycle starts again. 

    I get to the end of this second cycle and check out the book status online.  Nothing has changed.  I place a hold on the book.  But this time, I called in and said,  "I need to renew this book. I have no renews available but if you look, I have placed a hold on it. Can I just renew it over the phone?"  She allowed me to do that.  And we start the cycle again.  

    I still don't finish it.  So, if you're doing the math, that's 6 months of renewing.  I get to the end in May and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I call again.  This woman must have looked at my record with this book.  She said she would renew it one more time for a month only.   Even though there are 4 copies and no one else has placed a hold on it but me.  

    Today I was at the end of that extra month. I have not finished it.  I go and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I place a hold on it and turn it back in.

    I want to read this book.  Honest.  It's a good story.  But I have so much going on, I am having trouble focusing.  So today, I looked where I placed my bookmark.  I had 3 pages to go till the end of the chapter.  I couldn't even manage to read to the chapter last time I picked it up to read.  So, I finished those 3 pages and guess what? Friggin' cliffhanger!  

    Oh well, in a couple days, they will call me to pick up the book.  And the game will begin once more.

    I know this (your) story is part tragedy in that you can't get enough time to finish a book, but this made me laugh and nod in recognition. 

    Also, why the hell couldn't you take one copy in and another out again? Could you not get 6 months on each copy? 🤔😁
    Oh, good plan!

    And guess what?  they just texted me.  My book is ready for pick up.
    Well, it's kinda late now, can't the librarian drop it in to you on their way home from work? 🤔😄💜
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenGNTLGNTcatMarshadoyoulove19Neesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:

    I have had a library book since the beginning of December.  I have been playing a strategic game with it.  

    When I checked it out, there were 4 copies available and no holds on any.  I check out the book.  Not sure how other libraries do it, but our library, if it's an old title, a person can have it for about a month PLUS two renewals of 2 weeks each.  I think that's how this goes. That's 2 months for 1 book.

    I have the book for a month.  I don't finish it.  I renew it.  Two weeks pass.  I don't finish it.  I use the second renewal.  I don't finish it.

    I get to the end of that time and I look at the book status online and it still shows 4 copies, 3 available, 1 checked out (mine.).  No holds on any of them.  I placed a hold on it and turned it back in.  A couple days later, I get a text my book is ready to pick up.  And the cycle starts again. 

    I get to the end of this second cycle and check out the book status online.  Nothing has changed.  I place a hold on the book.  But this time, I called in and said,  "I need to renew this book. I have no renews available but if you look, I have placed a hold on it. Can I just renew it over the phone?"  She allowed me to do that.  And we start the cycle again.  

    I still don't finish it.  So, if you're doing the math, that's 6 months of renewing.  I get to the end in May and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I call again.  This woman must have looked at my record with this book.  She said she would renew it one more time for a month only.   Even though there are 4 copies and no one else has placed a hold on it but me.  

    Today I was at the end of that extra month. I have not finished it.  I go and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I place a hold on it and turn it back in.

    I want to read this book.  Honest.  It's a good story.  But I have so much going on, I am having trouble focusing.  So today, I looked where I placed my bookmark.  I had 3 pages to go till the end of the chapter.  I couldn't even manage to read to the chapter last time I picked it up to read.  So, I finished those 3 pages and guess what? Friggin' cliffhanger!  

    Oh well, in a couple days, they will call me to pick up the book.  And the game will begin once more.

    I know this (your) story is part tragedy in that you can't get enough time to finish a book, but this made me laugh and nod in recognition. 

    Also, why the hell couldn't you take one copy in and another out again? Could you not get 6 months on each copy? 🤔😁
    Oh, good plan!

    And guess what?  they just texted me.  My book is ready for pick up.
    Well, it's kinda late now, can't the librarian drop it in to you on their way home from work? 🤔😄💜
    Yeah, I'm not getting out there now.  Too hot.  I'll go in the morning.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:

    I have had a library book since the beginning of December.  I have been playing a strategic game with it.  

    When I checked it out, there were 4 copies available and no holds on any.  I check out the book.  Not sure how other libraries do it, but our library, if it's an old title, a person can have it for about a month PLUS two renewals of 2 weeks each.  I think that's how this goes. That's 2 months for 1 book.

    I have the book for a month.  I don't finish it.  I renew it.  Two weeks pass.  I don't finish it.  I use the second renewal.  I don't finish it.

    I get to the end of that time and I look at the book status online and it still shows 4 copies, 3 available, 1 checked out (mine.).  No holds on any of them.  I placed a hold on it and turned it back in.  A couple days later, I get a text my book is ready to pick up.  And the cycle starts again. 

    I get to the end of this second cycle and check out the book status online.  Nothing has changed.  I place a hold on the book.  But this time, I called in and said,  "I need to renew this book. I have no renews available but if you look, I have placed a hold on it. Can I just renew it over the phone?"  She allowed me to do that.  And we start the cycle again.  

    I still don't finish it.  So, if you're doing the math, that's 6 months of renewing.  I get to the end in May and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I call again.  This woman must have looked at my record with this book.  She said she would renew it one more time for a month only.   Even though there are 4 copies and no one else has placed a hold on it but me.  

    Today I was at the end of that extra month. I have not finished it.  I go and look at the status.  Nothing has changed.  So, I place a hold on it and turn it back in.

    I want to read this book.  Honest.  It's a good story.  But I have so much going on, I am having trouble focusing.  So today, I looked where I placed my bookmark.  I had 3 pages to go till the end of the chapter.  I couldn't even manage to read to the chapter last time I picked it up to read.  So, I finished those 3 pages and guess what? Friggin' cliffhanger!  

    Oh well, in a couple days, they will call me to pick up the book.  And the game will begin once more.

    I know this (your) story is part tragedy in that you can't get enough time to finish a book, but this made me laugh and nod in recognition. 

    Also, why the hell couldn't you take one copy in and another out again? Could you not get 6 months on each copy? 🤔😁
    Oh, good plan!

    And guess what?  they just texted me.  My book is ready for pick up.
    Well, it's kinda late now, can't the librarian drop it in to you on their way home from work? 🤔😄💜
    Yeah, I'm not getting out there now.  Too hot.  I'll go in the morning.
    I was just kidding... 😬😃
  • ....is the title of this tome "The MARATHON Man"???....
    FlakeNoircatNotaroMarshaHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
  • I stained all the door jambs on the new doors today. They truly look "finished" now! It took me about 2 1/2 hours but I was trying to be really careful. 

    Other than that, dishes and a quick store run. Watched a few eps of Grey's Anatomy. 😀
    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshaKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Neesy
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