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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • edited June 2021
    Sunny and less humid today so will try to walk my usual 2 loops of the neighborhood instead of the 1 I did yesterday before the humidity got to me. Then back to the grindstone--in this case, my sewing machine--to continue quilting a quilt. The top was pieced probably in the '70s judging by the fabrics used. It was given to the quilter's son who asked if I would finish it as she had passed away some time ago. That's been my priority to get that finished before moving on to other projects but have been listening to audiobooks while I sew. It's hard on my shoulders/arms, though, and can't work as long as I used to be able to do so taking longer than I would like. Patience, Grasshopper is my current mantra but I really will be happy to start something new.

    The deer ticks have been plentiful this year which is keeping me inside more than I would like but guess I should be looking at the bright side of that since it justifies being inside at my sewing machine instead of enjoying the summer sunshine. Have found several of the *#^%ers on me (not all at once) but got to them before they had a chance to bite.  How ironic that would be to have escaped the past 15 months from getting COVID just to get Lyme's Disease.
    FlakeNoirNotaroKurbenBevVincentHedda GablercatGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Neesy
  • be sure and show us end results with the quilt.  I know it's going to be fantastic.  
  • Gave the camper a good cleaning this morning. End of winter, get it ready to go cleaning. Got too hot so now I have a headache. 😒 Working on laundry too. Watching more Grey's Anatomy. 
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NeesyMarsha
  • cat said:
    Gave the camper a good cleaning this morning. End of winter, get it ready to go cleaning. Got too hot so now I have a headache. 😒 Working on laundry too. Watching more Grey's Anatomy. 
    I dont know where you get all the energy!!! Sometimes reading about all you do gets me tired. Impressive!!
    Hedda GablercatNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NeesyMarsha
  • cat said:
    Gave the camper a good cleaning this morning. End of winter, get it ready to go cleaning. Got too hot so now I have a headache. 😒 Working on laundry too. Watching more Grey's Anatomy. 
    ....no, no, no Missy!....no Heat exhaustion for you!...
    Seinfeld39s Soup Nazi Could39ve Been an Actual Nazi
    catHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19NeesyMarsha
  • Marsha said:
    Sunny and less humid today so will try to walk my usual 2 loops of the neighborhood instead of the 1 I did yesterday before the humidity got to me. Then back to the grindstone--in this case, my sewing machine--to continue quilting a quilt. The top was pieced probably in the '70s judging by the fabrics used. It was given to the quilter's son who asked if I would finish it as she had passed away some time ago. That's been my priority to get that finished before moving on to other projects but have been listening to audiobooks while I sew. It's hard on my shoulders/arms, though, and can't work as long as I used to be able to do so taking longer than I would like. Patience, Grasshopper is my current mantra but I really will be happy to start something new.

    The deer ticks have been plentiful this year which is keeping me inside more than I would like but guess I should be looking at the bright side of that since it justifies being inside at my sewing machine instead of enjoying the summer sunshine. Have found several of the *#^%ers on me (not all at once) but got to them before they had a chance to bite.  How ironic that would be to have escaped the past 15 months from getting COVID just to get Lyme's Disease.
    ....little(for real)suckers are bad here as well....constant scanning of the critters and family if we have spent anytime outside...tweezers are a man's best friend....
    catHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19NeesyMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    Sunny and less humid today so will try to walk my usual 2 loops of the neighborhood instead of the 1 I did yesterday before the humidity got to me. Then back to the grindstone--in this case, my sewing machine--to continue quilting a quilt. The top was pieced probably in the '70s judging by the fabrics used. It was given to the quilter's son who asked if I would finish it as she had passed away some time ago. That's been my priority to get that finished before moving on to other projects but have been listening to audiobooks while I sew. It's hard on my shoulders/arms, though, and can't work as long as I used to be able to do so taking longer than I would like. Patience, Grasshopper is my current mantra but I really will be happy to start something new.

    The deer ticks have been plentiful this year which is keeping me inside more than I would like but guess I should be looking at the bright side of that since it justifies being inside at my sewing machine instead of enjoying the summer sunshine. Have found several of the *#^%ers on me (not all at once) but got to them before they had a chance to bite.  How ironic that would be to have escaped the past 15 months from getting COVID just to get Lyme's Disease.
    ....little(for real)suckers are bad here as well....constant scanning of the critters and family if we have spent anytime outside...tweezers are a man's best friend....
    How’s hubby doing from gallbladder surgery? 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    Sunny and less humid today so will try to walk my usual 2 loops of the neighborhood instead of the 1 I did yesterday before the humidity got to me. Then back to the grindstone--in this case, my sewing machine--to continue quilting a quilt. The top was pieced probably in the '70s judging by the fabrics used. It was given to the quilter's son who asked if I would finish it as she had passed away some time ago. That's been my priority to get that finished before moving on to other projects but have been listening to audiobooks while I sew. It's hard on my shoulders/arms, though, and can't work as long as I used to be able to do so taking longer than I would like. Patience, Grasshopper is my current mantra but I really will be happy to start something new.

    The deer ticks have been plentiful this year which is keeping me inside more than I would like but guess I should be looking at the bright side of that since it justifies being inside at my sewing machine instead of enjoying the summer sunshine. Have found several of the *#^%ers on me (not all at once) but got to them before they had a chance to bite.  How ironic that would be to have escaped the past 15 months from getting COVID just to get Lyme's Disease.
    ....little(for real)suckers are bad here as well....constant scanning of the critters and family if we have spent anytime outside...tweezers are a man's best friend....
    How’s hubby doing from gallbladder surgery? 
    He's doing very well, thanks! Back to work for a couple weeks, the first few days were pretty hard to get back in the swing of things. He is one of those who the dissolving sutures do not dissolve, so he is still clipping off ends here and there but he did tell the surgeon about it at his follow up and the surgeon was not concerned. Told him just to clip as they push through but not to pull. He has a little pain still in the belly button incision area and the right side incision but he feels so much better, overall. 
    FlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19NeesyHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....is the title of this tome "The MARATHON Man"???....
    I would truly love to know the title as well! Heddeeej - if it's too embarrassing, you can PM me! :D
    NotaroFlakeNoirNeesycatHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • @cat - glad your Scott is doing well!

    @Marsha - good luck on the quilt.  What a nice thing for her son to have!  We have had a bunch of ticks as well, and about a month ago, one did manage to bite me, but we got it off before long and so far, no ill effects.  I poured a bunch of alcohol, then peroxide on it!

    Went down Tuesday to my mom's to pick up kiddo and drove her back yesterday.  It's about 5 hours each way, so I was there from noon until 10am, but it was so worth it! I hadn't been down since August of last year and just needed to get away.  At one point, D looked at me and said, "Mom, I haven't seen you look this happy since the cyberattack in January!"  <3

    Happy Friday Eve, love and green lights to all!!!

    KurbenNotaroFlakeNoirNeesycatHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I came to a decision the other day....a position opened up at the Cambridge Developmental Center(Developmental Disabilities)for a Psych/DD Nurse and I applied, was offered the job and took it....so after 15 plus years, I'll be leaving the prison behind on July 1 and embarking on what should be the final chapter in my nursing career...I am nervous, but also hopeful-that this move allows me to gain back my love for nursing....my patients coming up, are not there because of poor choices and human fuc*ery....but because they need caregivers........

    Congratulations Scott!

    FlakeNoircatHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • I need some awesomely magical things to start happening right now.  I’m at the end of a very frayed, used and abused rope. If there were enough threads left in it to support my massive weight, i’d hang myself. 

    If you feel so inclined, please send out a hearty good cheer for me.  I sure could use it. 

    Sending you some healing vibes and good wishes - hang in there! ♥

    FlakeNoirKurbencatHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • What am I doing today?  Well, sent my baby girl off to visit my mom for a week.  Working (always). Made some banana/chocolate chip muffins to use up my stinky bananas.  Pulling Tomato Hornworm caterpillars off my tomato plants.  (Scott, we finally figured out what they are.  Let Tracy know!) Working (some more).  And sending massive good thoughts and vibes into the universe for my dear Heddeej!!!  (((@Hedda Gabler)))  <3  

    Love and green lights, y'all!

    Try planting some marigolds around the tomatoes - many bugs dislike the smell of that plant

    They are interesting looking creatures, aren't they?

    FlakeNoirKurbencatHedda GablerGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Marsha
  • I can see the new horror movie of the year: The Worm!! It never stops, it just keeps on eating and the terrorizes a small canadian town.....
    NeesycatHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Marsha
  • Kurben said:
    I can see the new horror movie of the year: The Worm!! It never stops, it just keeps on eating and the terrorizes a small canadian town.....

    Hi Kurby - you really do have a very active imagination lol B)

    Today I didn't do much yet but I do have an extensive list to get at - so far I have put a whole chicken in the crock pot for supper with carrots, onions, shallots, garlic, bay leaf and spices etc. It takes six hours but it smells good already

    Hope everyone is doing well ♥
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Marsha
  • Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    NeesyHedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Marsha
  • cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤

    You are so lucky! We have a tent trailer sitting in our back yard that has been closed up for two years.

    I love camping so maybe once all this Covid horror is finally over we can take the camper up to Bird's Hill Park - it's only a 25 or 30 minute drive from here.

    Have a great trip @cat

    (Not sure why we haven't gone camping but I'm going to ask Andy how he would feel about getting away for a weekend or even some days through the week)

    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Marsha
  • cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    Sunny and less humid today so will try to walk my usual 2 loops of the neighborhood instead of the 1 I did yesterday before the humidity got to me. Then back to the grindstone--in this case, my sewing machine--to continue quilting a quilt. The top was pieced probably in the '70s judging by the fabrics used. It was given to the quilter's son who asked if I would finish it as she had passed away some time ago. That's been my priority to get that finished before moving on to other projects but have been listening to audiobooks while I sew. It's hard on my shoulders/arms, though, and can't work as long as I used to be able to do so taking longer than I would like. Patience, Grasshopper is my current mantra but I really will be happy to start something new.

    The deer ticks have been plentiful this year which is keeping me inside more than I would like but guess I should be looking at the bright side of that since it justifies being inside at my sewing machine instead of enjoying the summer sunshine. Have found several of the *#^%ers on me (not all at once) but got to them before they had a chance to bite.  How ironic that would be to have escaped the past 15 months from getting COVID just to get Lyme's Disease.
    ....little(for real)suckers are bad here as well....constant scanning of the critters and family if we have spent anytime outside...tweezers are a man's best friend....
    How’s hubby doing from gallbladder surgery? 
    He's doing very well, thanks! Back to work for a couple weeks, the first few days were pretty hard to get back in the swing of things. He is one of those who the dissolving sutures do not dissolve, so he is still clipping off ends here and there but he did tell the surgeon about it at his follow up and the surgeon was not concerned. Told him just to clip as they push through but not to pull. He has a little pain still in the belly button incision area and the right side incision but he feels so much better, overall. 
    I had that in my belly button too.  Definitely don't pull, we don't want Scott to unravel.
  • Neesy said:
    I need some awesomely magical things to start happening right now.  I’m at the end of a very frayed, used and abused rope. If there were enough threads left in it to support my massive weight, i’d hang myself. 

    If you feel so inclined, please send out a hearty good cheer for me.  I sure could use it. 

    Sending you some healing vibes and good wishes - hang in there! ♥

    Thank you so much.
  • cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    Neesy said:
    cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤

    You are so lucky! We have a tent trailer sitting in our back yard that has been closed up for two years.

    I love camping so maybe once all this Covid horror is finally over we can take the camper up to Bird's Hill Park - it's only a 25 or 30 minute drive from here.

    Have a great trip @cat

    (Not sure why we haven't gone camping but I'm going to ask Andy how he would feel about getting away for a weekend or even some days through the week)

    You sons of $%)&@)%&;) and your camping.   <3 <3 <3.  I say that with love because there are damn vampires out there.  VAMPIRES.  VAM. PIRES.   They are out there, they are.  Vampires.  Camping and vampires.  

    My anxiety just shot up because.... well.... VAMPIRES DAMMIT!
  • Neesy said:
    cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤

    You are so lucky! We have a tent trailer sitting in our back yard that has been closed up for two years.

    I love camping so maybe once all this Covid horror is finally over we can take the camper up to Bird's Hill Park - it's only a 25 or 30 minute drive from here.

    Have a great trip @cat

    (Not sure why we haven't gone camping but I'm going to ask Andy how he would feel about getting away for a weekend or even some days through the week)

    cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    Neesy said:
    cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤

    You are so lucky! We have a tent trailer sitting in our back yard that has been closed up for two years.

    I love camping so maybe once all this Covid horror is finally over we can take the camper up to Bird's Hill Park - it's only a 25 or 30 minute drive from here.

    Have a great trip @cat

    (Not sure why we haven't gone camping but I'm going to ask Andy how he would feel about getting away for a weekend or even some days through the week)

    You sons of $%)&@)%&;) and your camping.   <3 <3 <3.  I say that with love because there are damn vampires out there.  VAMPIRES.  VAM. PIRES.   They are out there, they are.  Vampires.  Camping and vampires.  

    My anxiety just shot up because.... well.... VAMPIRES DAMMIT!

    No vampires this trip! We're not camping, just going home for my aunt's memorial. Taking the camper so that my mom has enough room for people in her house. Just my family...the 4 of us and the dogs, Evan and his girlfriend, Brandon and Marti and their 3 kids....11 extra people at my mom's.  So the 4 of us will sleep in the camper, everyone else in the house. 

    I want to go to the mountains so so bad though. Hopefully soon. Maybe in a month. Might be the only trip up this year, because kids will be back in school by the time Scott's 7 off rolls around in August. Unless we can manage a weekend here or there. Sigh. Summer goes too fast. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTdoyoulove19NeesyMarsha
  • That’s good that you have that extra “home” for times like these.  Have a safe trip. I hope the memorial service is lovely. 

    While my fear of camping is based on a movie i saw and campers stalked by a forrest-loving vampire — i know they aren’t real. Sort of. Weirdo sex pit mtn men = modern day vampires.  Same diff. 
  • cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    Neesy said:
    cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤

    You are so lucky! We have a tent trailer sitting in our back yard that has been closed up for two years.

    I love camping so maybe once all this Covid horror is finally over we can take the camper up to Bird's Hill Park - it's only a 25 or 30 minute drive from here.

    Have a great trip @cat

    (Not sure why we haven't gone camping but I'm going to ask Andy how he would feel about getting away for a weekend or even some days through the week)

    You sons of $%)&@)%&;) and your camping.   <3 <3 <3.  I say that with love because there are damn vampires out there.  VAMPIRES.  VAM. PIRES.   They are out there, they are.  Vampires.  Camping and vampires.  

    My anxiety just shot up because.... well.... VAMPIRES DAMMIT!
    VAMPIRE CAMPING - Updated 2021 Campground Reviews Bran Romania -  TripadvisorPin by Carmen Stefanescu - Author on Dracula39s Country  Places worth  visiting Romania Transylvania
  • GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤
    Neesy said:
    cat said:
    Today I ran to eye dr to pick up safety glasses for Scott, they had to redo them on warranty, the frames were too tight and cracked the lens in the corner.  Then had a grad gift to buy, stuff for supper and went to the courthouse to get tags for the camper. Then ate lunch, did dishes. Still have to go remake all the beds in the camper.

    I probably won't have a chance tomorrow to say happy weekend so I will say it now. Not sure what time we're leaving in the morning, hopefully no later than 9. Coming home Sunday. 

    Have a great weekend! Big hugs and positive vibes to all! ❤

    You are so lucky! We have a tent trailer sitting in our back yard that has been closed up for two years.

    I love camping so maybe once all this Covid horror is finally over we can take the camper up to Bird's Hill Park - it's only a 25 or 30 minute drive from here.

    Have a great trip @cat

    (Not sure why we haven't gone camping but I'm going to ask Andy how he would feel about getting away for a weekend or even some days through the week)

    You sons of $%)&@)%&;) and your camping.   <3 <3 <3.  I say that with love because there are damn vampires out there.  VAMPIRES.  VAM. PIRES.   They are out there, they are.  Vampires.  Camping and vampires.  

    My anxiety just shot up because.... well.... VAMPIRES DAMMIT!
    VAMPIRE CAMPING - Updated 2021 Campground Reviews Bran Romania -  TripadvisorPin by Carmen Stefanescu - Author on Dracula39s Country  Places worth  visiting Romania Transylvania
    Okay. I feel totally vindicated. If there is vampire camping, there are f’ing vampires. 
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