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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • spideyman said:
    FlakeNoir said:

    Totally not changing the subject... 😜

    Mac's new tag on his collar paid for itself tonight. 🙄

    I was sitting at the river looking for Eelvis, (after walking and feeding the dogs) and got a call on my cell from an unknown number:

    "Hi, I think I have your dog here." (WTF?! He was just with me!)
    "OMG... where are you?"
    "At ****'s fish and chip shop."
    "Does somebody have hold of him?"
    "Yeah, he's fine... enjoying lots of pats."
    "Little sh1t! I'll be right there..."

    I get there and he's inside,  yes... inside(!) the fish and chip shop being loved on by many people. 
    Friggggggging dog.

    I'm currently trying to win an auction for a double kennel and run to contain the little bundle of joy.
    Thankful Mac was found safe in the hands of kind and caring people. Do they make a fish and chip flavor dog kibble.? Fingers crossed you get the double kennel.
    Not sure on the fish n chip kibble. ☺
    I won the auction tonight though.
    Mac's Houdini days are numbered.
    GNTLGNTKurbenMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:

    Did you read the last line of the article? (after using a 10 pound log of meat as a weapon) - the comment was:

    "It is unknown what initially led to the beef between the two women," said the police in the post.

    KurbenNotarodoyoulove19FlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshaHedda Gabler
  • Neesy said:
    GNTLGNT said:

    Did you read the last line of the article? (after using a 10 pound log of meat as a weapon) - the comment was:

    "It is unknown what initially led to the beef between the two women," said the police in the post.

    ...yes I did and I thought it was genius.....
    FlakeNoirNotaroKurbenMarshadoyoulove19Hedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Scott's gall bladder surgery is set for the 20th. Don't have a time yet, they are calling with details in a few days. 
    ....most excellent!.....

    ....here's a sticker for his toolbox....after the deed is done...

    Surgery Meme Stickers  Redbubble
    🤣🤣 I will get this for him! He has stickers on his lunch box AND his hard hat! 🤣🤣
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Checking in, I swear I don't know where all my time went. I actually got to read today...have not read a word since Later was released. Not a word! 

    Surgery still set for Thursday, still don't know what time. He has to do bloodwork tomorrow, we think part of that is a covid test. So as soon as they know he's negative, I guess they'll tell us what time to be there Thursday. He has been feeling pretty good, so praying that continues. No more attacks til surgery. And praying everything goes smoothly...we both are having flashbacks/nightmares/bad thoughts about MY gall bladder surgery that turned into such a fiasco...Scott just told me the other day I was hemorrhaging, that it happened at least 2x...and I swear, 10 years later, this is the first time he used the word hemorrhage when talking about my surgery. Ugh...what a nightmare. Praying for no complications whatsoever. Quick and easy recovery. He has a good surgeon, so putting our faith in him. 

    No real progress on remodel. Waiting on Scott to be fully recovered. Kids have 7 days of school left. We had a HUGE mess with Ali's school last week. Some teen girls started a rumor and one of Ali's teachers ran with it, with zero evidence. Ali was called into principal's office, accused and no weight given to her denial. She called us upset and crying and Daddy went to school and handled it. It was just a rumor started by some mean girls but for whatever reason, Ali's previous conduct, grades (at least 4.0, but probably more than that, she has over 100% in several classes, PLUS 3 of her classes are Jr level, as a freshman!) none of that was considered before they pulled her in and made her feel like trash. 2 of Ali's other teachers said they had her back and that the school board needed involved, that they totally mishandled the situation.  The principal got read the riot act and her English teacher too. But the damage was done, the rumor mill churning....it has been a week now and things are calming down. But nothing in her permanent file, we made sure of that...not that they had anything anyway. They took the word of some b*^$@y little teen girls and ran with it. Despicable. It was handled completely wrong from the get go. They are on notice that we WILL go to the school board if necessary. They both apologized...but as of today, nothing has been done to the filthy little liars. 7 days left. Sigh. 

    Planted a new cottonwood tree in front yard, tore the dead aspen out and just used same spot for new tree. Got a crab apple tree for back yard, where my plum tree was. Haven't gotten it planted yet. Hopefully these take off! Makes me so sad the others died. Still don't know exactly what killed them. 

    Pretty much the news from here. Will try to let everyone know how Scott's surgery goes on Thursday! Thanks for all the good vibes!!! ❤
    NotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • All the best for Scotts surgery and recovery, Cat. Let us know how he gets on when you can. 
    NotarocatGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Best wishes for Scott tomorrow Cat, wishing him all the best.

    Hope Ali is ok, those ass clowns should know better than to behave like that, I expect that kind of cruelty from kids but the people in charge shouldn't run blindly into what was clearly a set up, they should be reprimanded, and the kids who instigated it should be suspended or expelled, there should be zero tolerance for bullies.

    Sending positive vibes ❤️
    doyoulove19catGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Best wishes for Scott's procedure tomorrow and calming vibes for you.  Hugs for Ali and butt aches for the teacher and principal!   (((cat)))
    NotarocatGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • I'm sorry cat, I'm so distracted. I read that about your daughter and was just disgusted by it, then then I went away before replying and neglected to mention anything when I came back in. Poor Ali, give that kid a hug from this community for us.💜
    doyoulove19NotarocatGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Thanks all. Seems like my life is so drama-filled these days! Ugh. 

    We are to be at the surgical center at 7:15 tomorrow morning. Thanks for all the good vibes! 😍
    FlakeNoirNotarodoyoulove19GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    Checking in, I swear I don't know where all my time went. I actually got to read today...have not read a word since Later was released. Not a word! 

    Surgery still set for Thursday, still don't know what time. He has to do bloodwork tomorrow, we think part of that is a covid test. So as soon as they know he's negative, I guess they'll tell us what time to be there Thursday. He has been feeling pretty good, so praying that continues. No more attacks til surgery. And praying everything goes smoothly...we both are having flashbacks/nightmares/bad thoughts about MY gall bladder surgery that turned into such a fiasco...Scott just told me the other day I was hemorrhaging, that it happened at least 2x...and I swear, 10 years later, this is the first time he used the word hemorrhage when talking about my surgery. Ugh...what a nightmare. Praying for no complications whatsoever. Quick and easy recovery. He has a good surgeon, so putting our faith in him. 

    No real progress on remodel. Waiting on Scott to be fully recovered. Kids have 7 days of school left. We had a HUGE mess with Ali's school last week. Some teen girls started a rumor and one of Ali's teachers ran with it, with zero evidence. Ali was called into principal's office, accused and no weight given to her denial. She called us upset and crying and Daddy went to school and handled it. It was just a rumor started by some mean girls but for whatever reason, Ali's previous conduct, grades (at least 4.0, but probably more than that, she has over 100% in several classes, PLUS 3 of her classes are Jr level, as a freshman!) none of that was considered before they pulled her in and made her feel like trash. 2 of Ali's other teachers said they had her back and that the school board needed involved, that they totally mishandled the situation.  The principal got read the riot act and her English teacher too. But the damage was done, the rumor mill churning....it has been a week now and things are calming down. But nothing in her permanent file, we made sure of that...not that they had anything anyway. They took the word of some b*^$@y little teen girls and ran with it. Despicable. It was handled completely wrong from the get go. They are on notice that we WILL go to the school board if necessary. They both apologized...but as of today, nothing has been done to the filthy little liars. 7 days left. Sigh. 

    Planted a new cottonwood tree in front yard, tore the dead aspen out and just used same spot for new tree. Got a crab apple tree for back yard, where my plum tree was. Haven't gotten it planted yet. Hopefully these take off! Makes me so sad the others died. Still don't know exactly what killed them. 

    Pretty much the news from here. Will try to let everyone know how Scott's surgery goes on Thursday! Thanks for all the good vibes!!! ❤
    ...hope all is a go for the surgery and good vibes passed along for the surgeon and Scott....as far as the school thing, I would still go to the school board-this is unacceptable on all levels and worlds....a simple apology doesn't make up for the hurt and emotional pain that will haunt Ali even after she graduates....I'm quite serious here, make the beeotches pay!!.....no innocent deserves this...
    KurbenNotaroHedda GablercatFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Neesy
  • edited May 2021
     Your gb surgery was a damn nightmare cat
     — scott will do great. Only one gallbladder horror story is allowed per family. It’s the law. 

    Obviously you didn’t say what was said about Ali and i totally respect that, but it sure does make me want to know — the actions of the adults has me baffled. 

    School is out soon — i guess it boils down to how much continued attention you want on this. 

    Ali has your strong support, she’ll badass her way through.  Female thugs are ruthless. 
  • Today we had my MIL's funeral service, it was a truly beautiful celebration of her life. She embraced the world with open arms, she was courageous, peaceful, loving, wise, gentle, soulful, gracious, funny and giving... I love her completely. And I miss her terribly. 
    But she is an adventurer and I know she has but just begun a new one.
    I hope she takes a little piece of everyone that loved her along for the journey. 

    "L"... I will forever hear your laughter in my head and heart, adventure on beautiful lady.⚘💜
    NotaroKurbenspideymandoyoulove19catGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Sending love and positive vibes over to you Flakes, I hope you find comfort in the love you shared with her❤️.

    I've always liked this quote from Robert Kennedy,, he quotes from the poet  Aeschylus,  it encapsulates grief for me, 

    "In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."
    FlakeNoirKurbennot_nadinedoyoulove19catGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Sending love and positive vibes over to you Flakes, I hope you find comfort in the love you shared with her❤️.

    I've always liked this quote from Robert Kennedy,, he quotes from the poet  Aeschylus,  it encapsulates grief for me, 

    "In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."
    Thank you Irish, she taught me so much. She was my support person during the birth of my 2nd child. She loved me as my own mother does. 
    I've been so lucky to know and love her back. 

    Your words are comforting, I appreciate this. ❤
    Kurbendoyoulove19catNotaroGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Today we had my MIL's funeral service, it was a truly beautiful celebration of her life. She embraced the world with open arms, she was courageous, peaceful, loving, wise, gentle, soulful, gracious, funny and giving... I love her completely. And I miss her terribly. 
    But she is an adventurer and I know she has but just begun a new one.
    I hope she takes a little piece of everyone that loved her along for the journey. 

    "L"... I will forever hear your laughter in my head and heart, adventure on beautiful lady.⚘💜
    A candle is lit for your MIL.  Thoughts of comfort for you and all the family. 
    doyoulove19catNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • (((Flake and family)))  May memories of your dear MIL bring you comfort. <3
    catNotaroKurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Today we had my MIL's funeral service, it was a truly beautiful celebration of her life. She embraced the world with open arms, she was courageous, peaceful, loving, wise, gentle, soulful, gracious, funny and giving... I love her completely. And I miss her terribly. 
    But she is an adventurer and I know she has but just begun a new one.
    I hope she takes a little piece of everyone that loved her along for the journey. 

    "L"... I will forever hear your laughter in my head and heart, adventure on beautiful lady.⚘💜
    ((((Flake and family)))) So very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you all and sending big hugs. ❤❤ She sounds like a wonderful MIL, you are very lucky. I know you will remember her well. 
    Notarodoyoulove19KurbenGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Everything went great with Scott's surgery. We are home, he is sore but really feeling not too bad. No issues with the procedure at all. Thank you for all the good vibes!! ❤
    NotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19KurbenMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • That's great news Cat, so glad everything went well. ❤️
    catGNTLGNTFlakeNoirdoyoulove19KurbenMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Today we had my MIL's funeral service, it was a truly beautiful celebration of her life. She embraced the world with open arms, she was courageous, peaceful, loving, wise, gentle, soulful, gracious, funny and giving... I love her completely. And I miss her terribly. 
    But she is an adventurer and I know she has but just begun a new one.
    I hope she takes a little piece of everyone that loved her along for the journey. 

    "L"... I will forever hear your laughter in my head and heart, adventure on beautiful lady.⚘💜
    ....those words of love are so beautiful.......hugs Flakes and a kiss on the cheek.....

    "I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death.
    They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make.
    Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.
    We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love."
    --Leo Buscaglia
    catFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NotaroMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    Everything went great with Scott's surgery. We are home, he is sore but really feeling not too bad. No issues with the procedure at all. Thank you for all the good vibes!! ❤
    ....I am damned happy!!....give him a bro hug for me....hell, give yerself one too.... <3
    catFlakeNoirdoyoulove19NotaroKurbenMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Today we had my MIL's funeral service, it was a truly beautiful celebration of her life. She embraced the world with open arms, she was courageous, peaceful, loving, wise, gentle, soulful, gracious, funny and giving... I love her completely. And I miss her terribly. 
    But she is an adventurer and I know she has but just begun a new one.
    I hope she takes a little piece of everyone that loved her along for the journey. 

    "L"... I will forever hear your laughter in my head and heart, adventure on beautiful lady.⚘💜
    ....those words of love are so beautiful.......hugs Flakes and a kiss on the cheek.....

    "I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death.
    They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make.
    Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.
    We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love."
    --Leo Buscaglia
    That's beautiful,  :'( thank you Scott.❤

    Thanks to everyone for your kind words of support, it's much appreciated. ❤

    @cat I'm very happy to hear things went well with Scott, wishing him a fast and pain-free recovery. 
    catNotaroKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTdoyoulove19Hedda GablerNeesy
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