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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • I was semi-lazy this morning. But then I got into gear and tidied everything up, got myself ready, stopped at post office and then got groceries. Put everything away, did 3 loads of wash and cleaned my kitchen. 

    Talked on the phone to the oldest a while, too. 😊 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTNotarospideymanNeesyHedda GablerSundrop
  • cat said:
    I was semi-lazy this morning. But then I got into gear and tidied everything up, got myself ready, stopped at post office and then got groceries. Put everything away, did 3 loads of wash and cleaned my kitchen. 

    Talked on the phone to the oldest a while, too. 😊 
    ....I burned trash.......

    Now Im just showing my age  - Funny Meme House  Facebook
    FlakeNoircatNotarospideymanNeesyHedda GablerSundrop
  • GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    I was semi-lazy this morning. But then I got into gear and tidied everything up, got myself ready, stopped at post office and then got groceries. Put everything away, did 3 loads of wash and cleaned my kitchen. 

    Talked on the phone to the oldest a while, too. 😊 
    ....I burned trash.......

    Now Im just showing my age  - Funny Meme House  Facebook
    We had one of these, it was here at the house when we moved in, oh around 27 years ago. It eventually burned down to almost nothing.  :o
    catGNTLGNTNotarospideymanNeesyHedda GablerSundrop
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    I was semi-lazy this morning. But then I got into gear and tidied everything up, got myself ready, stopped at post office and then got groceries. Put everything away, did 3 loads of wash and cleaned my kitchen. 

    Talked on the phone to the oldest a while, too. 😊 
    ....I burned trash.......

    Now Im just showing my age  - Funny Meme House  Facebook
    We had one of these, it was here at the house when we moved in, oh around 27 years ago. It eventually burned down to almost nothing.  :o
    .....we have a great spot in a clearing below the house, I can sit there and watch the flames.....then go back to the house and wet the bed......
    FlakeNoirNotarocatspideymanNeesyHedda GablerSundrop
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    I was semi-lazy this morning. But then I got into gear and tidied everything up, got myself ready, stopped at post office and then got groceries. Put everything away, did 3 loads of wash and cleaned my kitchen. 

    Talked on the phone to the oldest a while, too. 😊 
    ....I burned trash.......

    Now Im just showing my age  - Funny Meme House  Facebook
    We had one of these, it was here at the house when we moved in, oh around 27 years ago. It eventually burned down to almost nothing.  :o
    .....we have a great spot in a clearing below the house, I can sit there and watch the flames.....then go back to the house and wet the bed......
    What?! Hahahahahahahahahaha :D 
    GNTLGNTNotarocatspideymanNeesyHedda GablerSundrop
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    I was semi-lazy this morning. But then I got into gear and tidied everything up, got myself ready, stopped at post office and then got groceries. Put everything away, did 3 loads of wash and cleaned my kitchen. 

    Talked on the phone to the oldest a while, too. 😊 
    ....I burned trash.......

    Now Im just showing my age  - Funny Meme House  Facebook
    We had one of these, it was here at the house when we moved in, oh around 27 years ago. It eventually burned down to almost nothing.  :o
    When I lived in the country, we had a burn barrel.  When I moved back into the city, no burning in city limits.
  • edited September 2020
    This was spend-the-night-with-the-dogs weekend.  Pups I haven't seen in almost 8 months.  They belong to my little boys I nanny.

    They remembered me!  They were furious balls of silly around my legs! A blur of white and smiles.  It felt great to know the dogs and I were still tight.

    First thing and with great immediacy, I raided their pantry because they have fantastic junk food.  I ate one individual package of fruit snacks and a handful of M & M's. I also scarfed down various other sugar and carb bombs.  I am high on sugar.  I think I saw John Lennon doing the hokey pokey.

    I used their iFit torture device - the one that makes you think you are shooshing down the French Alps.  I think I French Alped some amazing glutes in 10 minutes.  I'm sure of it.  After I got up off the floor from the coma I lapsed into,  I've been Kim Kardashian-ing all over their house.  In fact, my ass is so voluptuous, I can't judge distances anymore and frequently knock over furniture when making turns. 

    The girls and I all snuggled in for the night.  It was like a slumber party.  We girl-giggled and told each other outrageous lies and then we played, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" -- I think the older dog wanted to "accidentally" drop the younger one, but she knew I was watching for any shenanigans closely. I was reluctant to fall asleep for fear they would put my bra in the freezer.

    I woke in the night to the two of them exchanging heated words with each other:  someone drank too much, someone cheated with someone's boyfriend -- it was getting ugly.  I played peace maker with the immortal words of Rodney King:  "can't we just quit snarling at each other?"

    Overall, I'm having a pretty great time.  Of course, "great time" in the year of COVID is subjective. 

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    I was semi-lazy this morning. But then I got into gear and tidied everything up, got myself ready, stopped at post office and then got groceries. Put everything away, did 3 loads of wash and cleaned my kitchen. 

    Talked on the phone to the oldest a while, too. 😊 
    ....I burned trash.......

    Now Im just showing my age  - Funny Meme House  Facebook
    We had one of these, it was here at the house when we moved in, oh around 27 years ago. It eventually burned down to almost nothing.  :o
    When I lived in the country, we had a burn barrel.  When I moved back into the city, no burning in city limits.
    ....my Dad had one when I was a kid, not sure why he ever got out of the habit....maybe that 40 acre neighborhood inferno swayed his decision.....
    catFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroSundropSusanNortonNeesy
  • This was spend-the-night-with-the-dogs weekend.  Pups I haven't seen in almost 8 months.  They belong to my little boys I nanny.

    They remembered me!  They were furious balls of silly around my legs! A blur of white and smiles.  It felt great to know the dogs and I were still tight.

    First thing and with great immediacy, I raided their pantry because they have fantastic junk food.  I ate one individual package of fruit snacks and a handful of M & M's. I also scarfed down various other sugar and carb bombs.  I am high on sugar.  I think I saw John Lennon doing the hokey pokey.

    I used their iFit torture device - the one that makes you think you are shooshing down the French Alps.  I think I French Alped some amazing glutes in 10 minutes.  I'm sure of it.  After I got up off the floor from the coma I lapsed into,  I've been Kim Kardashian-ing all over their house.  In fact, my ass is so voluptuous, I can't judge distances anymore and frequently knock over furniture when making turns. 

    The girls and I all snuggled in for the night.  It was like a slumber party.  We girl-giggled and told each other outrageous lies and then we played, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" -- I think the older dog wanted to "accidentally" drop the younger one, but she knew I was watching for any shenanigans closely. I was reluctant to fall asleep for fear they would put my bra in the freezer.

    I woke in the night to the two of them exchanging heated words with each other:  someone drank too much, someone cheated with someone's boyfriend -- it was getting ugly.  I played peace maker with the immortal words of Rodney King:  "can't we just quit snarling at each other?"

    Overall, I'm having a pretty great time.  Of course, "great time" in the year of COVID is subjective. 

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    ...if I never read another thing in my life, I can die happy.....this is just classic....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    This was spend-the-night-with-the-dogs weekend.  Pups I haven't seen in almost 8 months.  They belong to my little boys I nanny.

    They remembered me!  They were furious balls of silly around my legs! A blur of white and smiles.  It felt great to know the dogs and I were still tight.

    First thing and with great immediacy, I raided their pantry because they have fantastic junk food.  I ate one individual package of fruit snacks and a handful of M & M's. I also scarfed down various other sugar and carb bombs.  I am high on sugar.  I think I saw John Lennon doing the hokey pokey.

    I used their iFit torture device - the one that makes you think you are shooshing down the French Alps.  I think I French Alped some amazing glutes in 10 minutes.  I'm sure of it.  After I got up off the floor from the coma I lapsed into,  I've been Kim Kardashian-ing all over their house.  In fact, my ass is so voluptuous, I can't judge distances anymore and frequently knock over furniture when making turns. 

    The girls and I all snuggled in for the night.  It was like a slumber party.  We girl-giggled and told each other outrageous lies and then we played, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" -- I think the older dog wanted to "accidentally" drop the younger one, but she knew I was watching for any shenanigans closely. I was reluctant to fall asleep for fear they would put my bra in the freezer.

    I woke in the night to the two of them exchanging heated words with each other:  someone drank too much, someone cheated with someone's boyfriend -- it was getting ugly.  I played peace maker with the immortal words of Rodney King:  "can't we just quit snarling at each other?"

    Overall, I'm having a pretty great time.  Of course, "great time" in the year of COVID is subjective. 

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    ...if I never read another thing in my life, I can die happy.....this is just classic....
    Flatterer. ☺️
  • This was spend-the-night-with-the-dogs weekend.  Pups I haven't seen in almost 8 months.  They belong to my little boys I nanny.

    They remembered me!  They were furious balls of silly around my legs! A blur of white and smiles.  It felt great to know the dogs and I were still tight.

    First thing and with great immediacy, I raided their pantry because they have fantastic junk food.  I ate one individual package of fruit snacks and a handful of M & M's. I also scarfed down various other sugar and carb bombs.  I am high on sugar.  I think I saw John Lennon doing the hokey pokey.

    I used their iFit torture device - the one that makes you think you are shooshing down the French Alps.  I think I French Alped some amazing glutes in 10 minutes.  I'm sure of it.  After I got up off the floor from the coma I lapsed into,  I've been Kim Kardashian-ing all over their house.  In fact, my ass is so voluptuous, I can't judge distances anymore and frequently knock over furniture when making turns. 

    The girls and I all snuggled in for the night.  It was like a slumber party.  We girl-giggled and told each other outrageous lies and then we played, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" -- I think the older dog wanted to "accidentally" drop the younger one, but she knew I was watching for any shenanigans closely. I was reluctant to fall asleep for fear they would put my bra in the freezer.

    I woke in the night to the two of them exchanging heated words with each other:  someone drank too much, someone cheated with someone's boyfriend -- it was getting ugly.  I played peace maker with the immortal words of Rodney King:  "can't we just quit snarling at each other?"

    Overall, I'm having a pretty great time.  Of course, "great time" in the year of COVID is subjective. 

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    This was another struggle for me between <3 and :D, I gave it my heart because you clearly did too in the writing of it. 

    I'm so glad you were able to do this... :) 
    catHedda GablerNotaroSundropGNTLGNTNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    This was spend-the-night-with-the-dogs weekend.  Pups I haven't seen in almost 8 months.  They belong to my little boys I nanny.

    They remembered me!  They were furious balls of silly around my legs! A blur of white and smiles.  It felt great to know the dogs and I were still tight.

    First thing and with great immediacy, I raided their pantry because they have fantastic junk food.  I ate one individual package of fruit snacks and a handful of M & M's. I also scarfed down various other sugar and carb bombs.  I am high on sugar.  I think I saw John Lennon doing the hokey pokey.

    I used their iFit torture device - the one that makes you think you are shooshing down the French Alps.  I think I French Alped some amazing glutes in 10 minutes.  I'm sure of it.  After I got up off the floor from the coma I lapsed into,  I've been Kim Kardashian-ing all over their house.  In fact, my ass is so voluptuous, I can't judge distances anymore and frequently knock over furniture when making turns. 

    The girls and I all snuggled in for the night.  It was like a slumber party.  We girl-giggled and told each other outrageous lies and then we played, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" -- I think the older dog wanted to "accidentally" drop the younger one, but she knew I was watching for any shenanigans closely. I was reluctant to fall asleep for fear they would put my bra in the freezer.

    I woke in the night to the two of them exchanging heated words with each other:  someone drank too much, someone cheated with someone's boyfriend -- it was getting ugly.  I played peace maker with the immortal words of Rodney King:  "can't we just quit snarling at each other?"

    Overall, I'm having a pretty great time.  Of course, "great time" in the year of COVID is subjective. 

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    This was another struggle for me between <3 and :D, I gave it my heart because you clearly did too in the writing of it. 

    I'm so glad you were able to do this... :) 
    It was so good to walk into that house. I just wish i could watch my little boys, but i can’t yet.

    the girls and i had a great time. We sang Seasons in the Sun, cried, hugged and promised each other not to smoke cigarettes. 
  • Turned in my concealed carry application and was fingerprinted this morning. Now, I wait 30-45 days for the background check.  

    Snoopy has an appointment at the vet this afternoon for regular vaccines.  It's a new vet in the same office.  Our regular vet retired and sold the practice due to covid.  I hope Snoop like the new one.  He's still awfully skittish around new people, and I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to go in with him.

    Starting to make some rustic Christmas ornaments to give as gifts this year, as I think that's a better option than homemade treats in the age of covid.

    spideymanNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoircatHedda GablerNeesy
  • I'm trying to buy a car today. As expected, the process is stressful and I'm losing patience. The dealership only has black, white and gray cars, and for long-story-trauma reasons, I don't want any of those colors. They said they could call the Baton Rouge dealership because they have a green one, but I haven't heard anything. I'm guessing, since it's a different dealership, they're not jumping through hoops to make this sale. :(
    Hedda GablerNotaroSundropGNTLGNTFlakeNoirspideymancatNeesy
  • I'm trying to buy a car today. As expected, the process is stressful and I'm losing patience. The dealership only has black, white and gray cars, and for long-story-trauma reasons, I don't want any of those colors. They said they could call the Baton Rouge dealership because they have a green one, but I haven't heard anything. I'm guessing, since it's a different dealership, they're not jumping through hoops to make this sale. :(
    I hope you get exactly what you want. You would think they would be busting their buns to make you happy. Don’t let them talk you into something you don’t want. Be prepared to walk away.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    This was spend-the-night-with-the-dogs weekend.  Pups I haven't seen in almost 8 months.  They belong to my little boys I nanny.

    They remembered me!  They were furious balls of silly around my legs! A blur of white and smiles.  It felt great to know the dogs and I were still tight.

    First thing and with great immediacy, I raided their pantry because they have fantastic junk food.  I ate one individual package of fruit snacks and a handful of M & M's. I also scarfed down various other sugar and carb bombs.  I am high on sugar.  I think I saw John Lennon doing the hokey pokey.

    I used their iFit torture device - the one that makes you think you are shooshing down the French Alps.  I think I French Alped some amazing glutes in 10 minutes.  I'm sure of it.  After I got up off the floor from the coma I lapsed into,  I've been Kim Kardashian-ing all over their house.  In fact, my ass is so voluptuous, I can't judge distances anymore and frequently knock over furniture when making turns. 

    The girls and I all snuggled in for the night.  It was like a slumber party.  We girl-giggled and told each other outrageous lies and then we played, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" -- I think the older dog wanted to "accidentally" drop the younger one, but she knew I was watching for any shenanigans closely. I was reluctant to fall asleep for fear they would put my bra in the freezer.

    I woke in the night to the two of them exchanging heated words with each other:  someone drank too much, someone cheated with someone's boyfriend -- it was getting ugly.  I played peace maker with the immortal words of Rodney King:  "can't we just quit snarling at each other?"

    Overall, I'm having a pretty great time.  Of course, "great time" in the year of COVID is subjective. 

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    This was another struggle for me between <3 and :D, I gave it my heart because you clearly did too in the writing of it. 

    I'm so glad you were able to do this... :) 
    It was so good to walk into that house. I just wish i could watch my little boys, but i can’t yet.

    the girls and i had a great time. We sang Seasons in the Sun, cried, hugged and promised each other not to smoke cigarettes. 
    .....What????.....no "Billy Don't Be A Hero" and Teen Beat magazine???.....oh hell....and fuzzy socks??.....
    Hedda GablerSundropFlakeNoirNotarospideymancatNeesy
  • I'm trying to buy a car today. As expected, the process is stressful and I'm losing patience. The dealership only has black, white and gray cars, and for long-story-trauma reasons, I don't want any of those colors. They said they could call the Baton Rouge dealership because they have a green one, but I haven't heard anything. I'm guessing, since it's a different dealership, they're not jumping through hoops to make this sale. :(
    ...if I can help, lemmee know.....I've been dicked around by the best and won.....
    Hedda GablerSusanNortonFlakeNoirNotarospideymancatNeesy
  • ....I am sitting watching my grandson eat Chipotle.....big whoop, right?.....well, ya ain't lived till you've seen a 20 month old in a t-shirt and diaper, flop down on his butt on the concrete and hold the bowl down with his feet on and IN the bowl.....
    Hedda GablerSusanNortonSundropFlakeNoirNotarospideymancatNeesy
  • I'm trying to buy a car today. As expected, the process is stressful and I'm losing patience. The dealership only has black, white and gray cars, and for long-story-trauma reasons, I don't want any of those colors. They said they could call the Baton Rouge dealership because they have a green one, but I haven't heard anything. I'm guessing, since it's a different dealership, they're not jumping through hoops to make this sale. :(
    I hope you get exactly what you want. You would think they would be busting their buns to make you happy. Don’t let them talk you into something you don’t want. Be prepared to walk away.
    I got it! But now I'm a nervous wreck because I spent money on myself. Well, we live once, and it's the car I've dreamed about for years. It's a green Subaru. <3
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarospideymancatNeesy
  • I'm trying to buy a car today. As expected, the process is stressful and I'm losing patience. The dealership only has black, white and gray cars, and for long-story-trauma reasons, I don't want any of those colors. They said they could call the Baton Rouge dealership because they have a green one, but I haven't heard anything. I'm guessing, since it's a different dealership, they're not jumping through hoops to make this sale. :(
    I hope you get exactly what you want. You would think they would be busting their buns to make you happy. Don’t let them talk you into something you don’t want. Be prepared to walk away.
    I got it! But now I'm a nervous wreck because I spent money on myself. Well, we live once, and it's the car I've dreamed about for years. It's a green Subaru. <3
    ....good on you!...and good choice....Forester or Outback?....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarospideymancatNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    This was spend-the-night-with-the-dogs weekend.  Pups I haven't seen in almost 8 months.  They belong to my little boys I nanny.

    They remembered me!  They were furious balls of silly around my legs! A blur of white and smiles.  It felt great to know the dogs and I were still tight.

    First thing and with great immediacy, I raided their pantry because they have fantastic junk food.  I ate one individual package of fruit snacks and a handful of M & M's. I also scarfed down various other sugar and carb bombs.  I am high on sugar.  I think I saw John Lennon doing the hokey pokey.

    I used their iFit torture device - the one that makes you think you are shooshing down the French Alps.  I think I French Alped some amazing glutes in 10 minutes.  I'm sure of it.  After I got up off the floor from the coma I lapsed into,  I've been Kim Kardashian-ing all over their house.  In fact, my ass is so voluptuous, I can't judge distances anymore and frequently knock over furniture when making turns. 

    The girls and I all snuggled in for the night.  It was like a slumber party.  We girl-giggled and told each other outrageous lies and then we played, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" -- I think the older dog wanted to "accidentally" drop the younger one, but she knew I was watching for any shenanigans closely. I was reluctant to fall asleep for fear they would put my bra in the freezer.

    I woke in the night to the two of them exchanging heated words with each other:  someone drank too much, someone cheated with someone's boyfriend -- it was getting ugly.  I played peace maker with the immortal words of Rodney King:  "can't we just quit snarling at each other?"

    Overall, I'm having a pretty great time.  Of course, "great time" in the year of COVID is subjective. 

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    This was another struggle for me between <3 and :D, I gave it my heart because you clearly did too in the writing of it. 

    I'm so glad you were able to do this... :) 
    It was so good to walk into that house. I just wish i could watch my little boys, but i can’t yet.

    the girls and i had a great time. We sang Seasons in the Sun, cried, hugged and promised each other not to smoke cigarettes. 
    .....What????.....no "Billy Don't Be A Hero" and Teen Beat magazine???.....oh hell....and fuzzy socks??.....
    I still love that song... it's a great singing in the shower, or bathtub song. :D

    NotarospideymancatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • I'm trying to buy a car today. As expected, the process is stressful and I'm losing patience. The dealership only has black, white and gray cars, and for long-story-trauma reasons, I don't want any of those colors. They said they could call the Baton Rouge dealership because they have a green one, but I haven't heard anything. I'm guessing, since it's a different dealership, they're not jumping through hoops to make this sale. :(
    I hope you get exactly what you want. You would think they would be busting their buns to make you happy. Don’t let them talk you into something you don’t want. Be prepared to walk away.
    I got it! But now I'm a nervous wreck because I spent money on myself. Well, we live once, and it's the car I've dreamed about for years. It's a green Subaru. <3
    Oh you upgraded, girl I'm so stoked for you! I still remember my Soobie 4WD with love and... lots of fun! :D 
    NotarospideymancatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • I'm trying to buy a car today. As expected, the process is stressful and I'm losing patience. The dealership only has black, white and gray cars, and for long-story-trauma reasons, I don't want any of those colors. They said they could call the Baton Rouge dealership because they have a green one, but I haven't heard anything. I'm guessing, since it's a different dealership, they're not jumping through hoops to make this sale. :(
    I hope you get exactly what you want. You would think they would be busting their buns to make you happy. Don’t let them talk you into something you don’t want. Be prepared to walk away.
    I got it! But now I'm a nervous wreck because I spent money on myself. Well, we live once, and it's the car I've dreamed about for years. It's a green Subaru. <3
    Totally awesome! Life is to short not to treat yourself. Safe driving. Enjoy. 
    catHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Busy day today! It is Brandon and Marti's anniversary. Their 3rd. 🙂 So they are getting the two bigger littles on the bus and then bringing Spencer here and heading out for the day. 

    I will have Spencer all day, then need to head over to their house to pick up Riddik and Sage when they get off the school bus this afternoon and bring them back here. Then will have to pick Ali up from marching band practice. 

    Should be a fun day! 
    spideymanSundropHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesy
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