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New member registration has been disabled due to heavy spammer activity. If you'd like to join the board, please email me at MaxDevore at hotmail dot com.
....bestest vibes I can squeeze outta me pitch black liddle heart💕.....
My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today.
We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again.
Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
I hope you are feeling perkier these days. Having some good laughs. I'm sure the littles give you smiles.
I make a nice little chunk of change doing it too. Sitting eating, watching TV and napping with the dogs. It's a great job. They pay me more than it would cost them to board them, but every time they've boarded, the dogs have ended up sick and they drop a 150 bucks in vet bills. So, they pay me extra to just hang out with the girls so they don't get sick. And they are so happy to be home.
Good for you! (and good for the dogs too)
I'm so sorry about your mom. Sending healing vibes your way.
I'm not sure if it's a reflection of our age or the times we're living in, but makes me a little sad to think that that's what seedy/shady shenanigans have become.