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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • @Hedda Gabler - I am so happy for you and your boys and their family!  I know you've all been missing each other.  Well done on the walk to China!! Yea for the quail!

    @Marsha - so good to see you here!! Sounds like retirement is exactly as it should it be.  I'm envious.  I think once I retire, I'll have to get offline for a little bit to "reset".

    I went to see my mom and brother and sister yesterday. I'm trying visit them once a month.  Mom is fighting a cancer battle - but doing very well.  So she's not going anywhere or seeing anyone but us.  

    I took the Ogre's car because mine is nearly caput.  Right before I left my brother in law noticed my tire was low and told me to stop and get air before I hit the road (it's 2 hour trip). By the time I left it was completely flat. So he came back with  his compressor and fix a flat - but I had to stop twice and put air in it.  Egad. We've had so many blasted calamities these past couple of months, I've about had it.  

    Doom, despair & agony on me!
    ....bestest vibes I can squeeze outta me pitch black liddle heart💕.....
    Hedda GablerspideymanNeesyNotaroFlakeNoirHollyGolightly
  • Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
  • cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    ouch kabibble!  

    I hope you are feeling perkier these days.  Having some good laughs.  I'm sure the littles give you smiles.  
  • edited September 2020
    I have a dog sitting gig this weekend.  I am just spending an overnight with my little boy's dogs -- two white Westies who I haven't seen since February.  Goofy pups.  I've missed them.

    I make a nice little chunk of change doing it too.  Sitting eating, watching TV and napping with the dogs.  It's a great job.  They pay me more than it would cost them to board them, but every time they've boarded, the dogs have ended up sick and they drop a 150 bucks in vet bills.  So, they pay me extra to just hang out with the girls so they don't get sick.  And they are so happy to be home.

  • I have a dog sitting gig this weekend.  I am just spending an overnight with my little boy's dogs -- two white Westies who I haven't seen since February.  Goofy pups.  I've missed them.

    I make a nice little chunk of change doing it too.  Sitting eating, watching TV and napping with the dogs.  It's a great job.  They pay me more than it would cost them to board them, but every time they've boarded, the dogs have ended up sick and they drop a 150 bucks in vet bills.  So, they pay me extra to just hang out with the girls so they don't get sick.  And they are so happy to be home.

    Good for you! (and good for the dogs too) <3
    GNTLGNTcatNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerHollyGolightly
  • cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    ....one for the memory bank if it should happen again darlin'.....
    Amazoncom Finger and Toe Cold Gel Ice Pack by Penguin FingersCompression  Cold Pack for Fingers and Toes Arthritis Gout Injuries Cryotherapy  Sleeve Best Prices Single Double and Four Packs 1 Sports
    catspideymanNotaroHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
  • I have a dog sitting gig this weekend.  I am just spending an overnight with my little boy's dogs -- two white Westies who I haven't seen since February.  Goofy pups.  I've missed them.

    I make a nice little chunk of change doing it too.  Sitting eating, watching TV and napping with the dogs.  It's a great job.  They pay me more than it would cost them to board them, but every time they've boarded, the dogs have ended up sick and they drop a 150 bucks in vet bills.  So, they pay me extra to just hang out with the girls so they don't get sick.  And they are so happy to be home.

    DOG SITTING - I Has A Hotdog - Dog Pictures - Funny pictures of dogs - Dog  Memes - Puppy pictures - doge
    catspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
  • I have a dog sitting gig this weekend.  I am just spending an overnight with my little boy's dogs -- two white Westies who I haven't seen since February.  Goofy pups.  I've missed them.

    I make a nice little chunk of change doing it too.  Sitting eating, watching TV and napping with the dogs.  It's a great job.  They pay me more than it would cost them to board them, but every time they've boarded, the dogs have ended up sick and they drop a 150 bucks in vet bills.  So, they pay me extra to just hang out with the girls so they don't get sick.  And they are so happy to be home.

    I Has A Hotdog - dog sitting - Funny Dog Pictures  Dog Memes  Puppy  Pictures  Pictures of dogs - Dog Pictures - Funny pictures of dogs - Dog  Memes - Puppy pictures - doge - Cheezburger
    catspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
  • @Hedda Gabler - I am so happy for you and your boys and their family!  I know you've all been missing each other.  Well done on the walk to China!! Yea for the quail!

    @Marsha - so good to see you here!! Sounds like retirement is exactly as it should it be.  I'm envious.  I think once I retire, I'll have to get offline for a little bit to "reset".

    I went to see my mom and brother and sister yesterday. I'm trying visit them once a month.  Mom is fighting a cancer battle - but doing very well.  So she's not going anywhere or seeing anyone but us.  

    I took the Ogre's car because mine is nearly caput.  Right before I left my brother in law noticed my tire was low and told me to stop and get air before I hit the road (it's 2 hour trip). By the time I left it was completely flat. So he came back with  his compressor and fix a flat - but I had to stop twice and put air in it.  Egad. We've had so many blasted calamities these past couple of months, I've about had it.  

    Doom, despair & agony on me!

    I'm so sorry about your mom. Sending healing vibes your way.
    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymancatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyHollyGolightly
  • GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    ....one for the memory bank if it should happen again darlin'.....
    Amazoncom Finger and Toe Cold Gel Ice Pack by Penguin FingersCompression  Cold Pack for Fingers and Toes Arthritis Gout Injuries Cryotherapy  Sleeve Best Prices Single Double and Four Packs 1 Sports
    I've never seen this before but I wish we had one. During our first lockdown I injured my index finger and could have used one. (we think it was broken by the way the knuckle now sits) 
    NotarospideymancatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyHollyGolightly
  • cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    (((Cat))) glad it's feeling better, but I hope the swelling goes down for you soon. 
    NotarospideymancatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Healing vibes, Cat.
    catFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTHollyGolightly
  • Might actually get outside more today as the temps are forecast to be warmer. Time to put away all my pillows and decorations in my screen house which makes me sad. Have been writing again on the book I started about 12 years ago (with sometimes years in between doing anything on it) and think there's maybe 3 more chapters to finish the first rough draft so will try to get at least 1 chapter written. Will take my daily walk to try to keep my streak going--about 2 months now without missing a day--and then I have no idea but that still makes me smile that I can do that and not be doing "work" stuff.
    NotarospideymancatFlakeNoirBevVincentnot_nadineHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Have done not a thing yet today. Well, I cooked eggs and toast for breakfast. Nothing else though. Kids get out early from school today. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNeesyspideymanSundropHollyGolightly
  • Marsha said:
    Might actually get outside more today as the temps are forecast to be warmer. Time to put away all my pillows and decorations in my screen house which makes me sad. Have been writing again on the book I started about 12 years ago (with sometimes years in between doing anything on it) and think there's maybe 3 more chapters to finish the first rough draft so will try to get at least 1 chapter written. Will take my daily walk to try to keep my streak going--about 2 months now without missing a day--and then I have no idea but that still makes me smile that I can do that and not be doing "work" stuff.
    Way to go, keep up the good work.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    ....one for the memory bank if it should happen again darlin'.....
    Amazoncom Finger and Toe Cold Gel Ice Pack by Penguin FingersCompression  Cold Pack for Fingers and Toes Arthritis Gout Injuries Cryotherapy  Sleeve Best Prices Single Double and Four Packs 1 Sports
    I've never seen this before but I wish we had one. During our first lockdown I injured my index finger and could have used one. (we think it was broken by the way the knuckle now sits) 
    ....if there's a problem with flexibility, you could have dislocated the knuckle or have a fracture....what is commonly called a "boxers fracture" could well be the issue....have it x-rayed and see, cuz if there IS damage and left to heal on it's own, it'll be a misery later in your dotage......
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesycatHollyGolightly
  • FlakeNoir said:
    cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    (((Cat))) glad it's feeling better, but I hope the swelling goes down for you soon. 
    Thats What She Said GIFs  Tenor
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesycatHollyGolightly
  • Marsha said:
    Might actually get outside more today as the temps are forecast to be warmer. Time to put away all my pillows and decorations in my screen house which makes me sad. Have been writing again on the book I started about 12 years ago (with sometimes years in between doing anything on it) and think there's maybe 3 more chapters to finish the first rough draft so will try to get at least 1 chapter written. Will take my daily walk to try to keep my streak going--about 2 months now without missing a day--and then I have no idea but that still makes me smile that I can do that and not be doing "work" stuff.
    ....excellent!....all the behind the scenes seedy/shady shenanigans of the King Universe..... :D
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirnot_nadineNotaroMarshaNeesycatHollyGolightly
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    ....one for the memory bank if it should happen again darlin'.....
    Amazoncom Finger and Toe Cold Gel Ice Pack by Penguin FingersCompression  Cold Pack for Fingers and Toes Arthritis Gout Injuries Cryotherapy  Sleeve Best Prices Single Double and Four Packs 1 Sports
    I've never seen this before but I wish we had one. During our first lockdown I injured my index finger and could have used one. (we think it was broken by the way the knuckle now sits) 
    ....if there's a problem with flexibility, you could have dislocated the knuckle or have a fracture....what is commonly called a "boxers fracture" could well be the issue....have it x-rayed and see, cuz if there IS damage and left to heal on it's own, it'll be a misery later in your dotage......
    Yeah it won't quite bend all the the way now, it's the first knuckle and it kinda bulges out on the right side of the finger, the whole knuckle is bigger than all of the others now. I did it months ago and I'm supposed to have it x-rayed but keep putting it off for other things that need doing. :D I don't use that finger for typing much anymore.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroNeesycatSundrop
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    ....one for the memory bank if it should happen again darlin'.....
    Amazoncom Finger and Toe Cold Gel Ice Pack by Penguin FingersCompression  Cold Pack for Fingers and Toes Arthritis Gout Injuries Cryotherapy  Sleeve Best Prices Single Double and Four Packs 1 Sports
    I've never seen this before but I wish we had one. During our first lockdown I injured my index finger and could have used one. (we think it was broken by the way the knuckle now sits) 
    ....if there's a problem with flexibility, you could have dislocated the knuckle or have a fracture....what is commonly called a "boxers fracture" could well be the issue....have it x-rayed and see, cuz if there IS damage and left to heal on it's own, it'll be a misery later in your dotage......
    Yeah it won't quite bend all the the way now, it's the first knuckle and it kinda bulges out on the right side of the finger, the whole knuckle is bigger than all of the others now. I did it months ago and I'm supposed to have it x-rayed but keep putting it off for other things that need doing. :D I don't use that finger for typing much anymore.
    ....girl!......I very seldom scold, but consider yerself yelled at.......you must get that x-rayed or it will be permanently disfigured, painful and mostly useless.....it really does sound like it's dislocated and needs reduced......
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroNeesycatSundropHollyGolightly
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Good morning!! 

    My chores are mostly done even though Scott is home. 😀 One, maybe 2 loads of wash to do. I am maybe going to try a pumpkin bread recipe and read today. 

    We watched the littles play their sports on Saturday morning, RJ football, Sage soccer. Had a pretty good, restful weekend. Except Ty, Sunday night went to turn the air conditioner on and in a freak turn of events, either kicked my hand or banged it with his knee and I have a sprained finger. It is not awful, the pain and tenderness are nearly gone already but I did not take my ring off right away and now I can't get it off with the swelling. I am getting plenty circulation but it's going to be a few days before I get it off again. 

    Hope everyone is well!! Big hugs!
    ....one for the memory bank if it should happen again darlin'.....
    Amazoncom Finger and Toe Cold Gel Ice Pack by Penguin FingersCompression  Cold Pack for Fingers and Toes Arthritis Gout Injuries Cryotherapy  Sleeve Best Prices Single Double and Four Packs 1 Sports
    I've never seen this before but I wish we had one. During our first lockdown I injured my index finger and could have used one. (we think it was broken by the way the knuckle now sits) 
    ....if there's a problem with flexibility, you could have dislocated the knuckle or have a fracture....what is commonly called a "boxers fracture" could well be the issue....have it x-rayed and see, cuz if there IS damage and left to heal on it's own, it'll be a misery later in your dotage......
    Yeah it won't quite bend all the the way now, it's the first knuckle and it kinda bulges out on the right side of the finger, the whole knuckle is bigger than all of the others now. I did it months ago and I'm supposed to have it x-rayed but keep putting it off for other things that need doing. :D I don't use that finger for typing much anymore.
    ....girl!......I very seldom scold, but consider yerself yelled at.......you must get that x-rayed or it will be permanently disfigured, painful and mostly useless.....it really does sound like it's dislocated and needs reduced......
    I hear you papa! 😁 I'll put it on my to-do list. 💙
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaroNeesycatSundropHollyGolightly
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Marsha said:
    Might actually get outside more today as the temps are forecast to be warmer. Time to put away all my pillows and decorations in my screen house which makes me sad. Have been writing again on the book I started about 12 years ago (with sometimes years in between doing anything on it) and think there's maybe 3 more chapters to finish the first rough draft so will try to get at least 1 chapter written. Will take my daily walk to try to keep my streak going--about 2 months now without missing a day--and then I have no idea but that still makes me smile that I can do that and not be doing "work" stuff.
    ....excellent!....all the behind the scenes seedy/shady shenanigans of the King Universe..... :D

    I'm not sure if it's a reflection of our age or the times we're living in, but makes me a little sad to think that that's what seedy/shady shenanigans have become. :D I'd say I need to get out more but we all know where that leads.
    NeesyHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightly
  • Decided not to pack things up in the screen house as the forecast is looking better for the next few days. Finished the final chapter in the very rough first draft of my book, took my walk so still on a roll with that. Have a new book on my iPad to read but other than that just another day of "shenanigans" on the agenda. Have a good one everyone!
    not_nadineNeesyHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightly
  • Marsha said:
    Decided not to pack things up in the screen house as the forecast is looking better for the next few days. Finished the final chapter in the very rough first draft of my book, took my walk so still on a roll with that. Have a new book on my iPad to read but other than that just another day of "shenanigans" on the agenda. Have a good one everyone!
    .....oooooohhhhhhh, you're such a bad girl....... :smile:
    Watch out we got bad girls over here - bad ass - quickmeme

    catFlakeNoirNeesyHedda GablerMarshaHollyGolightly
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