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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Tagging doesn't work. Hmmm - how to summon a friend without quoting?  I'm going to concentrate - here I go....

    HeddaGabbler - you hit the jackpot with the Master Class!  I like Joyce Carol Oates very much.  And it would be sublime if Stephen King would do a class.  Laws yes. 

    I didn't know OoO's mom was ailing. 

    Notaro - that's sounds like a bummer of a day.  How did the spray foam insulation get on the windows in the first place? Maybe inside the wall, I'm thinking. Are you installing windows? 

    I can't believe you and Hedda have seen Racing with the Devil. 

    Scott - it must be pretty cool moving into the family home.  I've enjoyed your photos. It looks great. 

    Bev - your Sunday sounds like my Monday.  But add scraping the popcorn off ceilings.  Big fun.

    FlakeNoir, spidey, cat, neesy, nottie, e'rbody! - how you doing? nice to "see" you. miss you much.  

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanNotaroNeesyGNTLGNT

  • Tagging doesn't work. Hmmm - how to summon a friend without quoting?  I'm going to concentrate - here I go....

    HeddaGabbler - you hit the jackpot with the Master Class!  I like Joyce Carol Oates very much.  And it would be sublime if Stephen King would do a class.  Laws yes. 

    I didn't know OoO's mom was ailing. 

    Notaro - that's sounds like a bummer of a day.  How did the spray foam insulation get on the windows in the first place? Maybe inside the wall, I'm thinking. Are you installing windows? 

    I can't believe you and Hedda have seen Racing with the Devil. 

    Scott - it must be pretty cool moving into the family home.  I've enjoyed your photos. It looks great. 

    Bev - your Sunday sounds like my Monday.  But add scraping the popcorn off ceilings.  Big fun.

    FlakeNoir, spidey, cat, neesy, nottie, e'rbody! - how you doing? nice to "see" you. miss you much.  

    I don’t know if OoO’s mom is ailing, she’s just far away in a nursing home during Covid. I just wanted to know how she was doing. 
  • Hi @HollyGolightly, I've missed you too girl, I hope you're all doing great there and staying safe during this crazy time. Sending you big hugs from afar my lovely. <3 
    NeesyGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyHedda Gabler
  • Just shouting out a hi hi to all. Been busy between heat, and now the t storms each morning, afternoon, night.  Yardwork turns into a rainforest jungle.   Today, inside chores. 
    NeesyGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyHedda GablerFlakeNoirnot_nadineSundrop

  • Tagging doesn't work. Hmmm - how to summon a friend without quoting?  I'm going to concentrate - here I go....

    HeddaGabbler - you hit the jackpot with the Master Class!  I like Joyce Carol Oates very much.  And it would be sublime if Stephen King would do a class.  Laws yes. 

    I didn't know OoO's mom was ailing. 

    Notaro - that's sounds like a bummer of a day.  How did the spray foam insulation get on the windows in the first place? Maybe inside the wall, I'm thinking. Are you installing windows? 

    I can't believe you and Hedda have seen Racing with the Devil. 

    Scott - it must be pretty cool moving into the family home.  I've enjoyed your photos. It looks great. 

    Bev - your Sunday sounds like my Monday.  But add scraping the popcorn off ceilings.  Big fun.

    FlakeNoir, spidey, cat, neesy, nottie, e'rbody! - how you doing? nice to "see" you. miss you much.  

    Hi Holly, the spray foam got there because of the jackass who's job it is to spray insulate around the windows and in the attic. He's meant to completely seal up the windows before spraying but as he's a lazy SOB he doesn't bother, the result being that all the windows are covered in pinhead sized droplets of foam which then expand into small nibs all over the windows. Then muggins here comes along and sands and scrapes all that foam off and repsints the whole window. 
    FlakeNoirspideymannot_nadineNeesyGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyHedda Gabler
  •  <3 <3  Good to see ya, Hollys 
    spideymanNeesyFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyHedda GablerNotaro
  • spideyman said:
    Just shouting out a hi hi to all. Been busy between heat, and now the t storms each morning, afternoon, night.  Yardwork turns into a rainforest jungle.   Today, inside chores. 
    Hi Hello GIF - Tenor GIF Keyboard - Bring Personality To Your Conversations   Say more with Tenor
    HollyGolightlyHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirspideymanNeesy
  • edited September 2020
    Today I had a patio lunch at a Mediterranean cafe with a friend, we took our masks off and shared a meal.  The table put us nearly 6' apart.  I had falafel and lentil soup and their amazing spiced tea and it was a wonderful hour.  

    Nortaro - sounds like the lazy SOB should be doing the scraping. You're a good man.  I hope you're getting some sleep.
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTNeesy
  • spideyman said:
    Just shouting out a hi hi to all. Been busy between heat, and now the t storms each morning, afternoon, night.  Yardwork turns into a rainforest jungle.   Today, inside chores. 
    I hope you had a productive day and now can take some time for you.
  • Something I am doing here in Covidville is I'm using up beauty products I've bought.  I love to buy lotions and potions.  Take away my wrinkles! Exfoliate my ass! Peel the dead skin off my feet!  See that age spot? Zap it, please.

    I am a sucker for these things and some of them are quite expensive.  I decided before I get to buy anything new, I must use what I have.  So, I've been going through all these miracle products that are going to make me look 99 years old instead of 100. 

    Right now, I am sitting with a blue L'Oreal clay mask on my face.  I will take a shower and exfoliate my alien body and I will scrub off a layer of my face with a cleanser and then I will apply eye cream and night cream.  I did a Baby Feet foot peel last night. 

    I am watching Stephen King's and TCM's Night at the Movies.  Then I will continue with my Masterclass with instructor Jake Shimabukuro, Oo koo ley ley (real pronounciation of ukelele) maestro.

    I will play the sh*t out of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on my oo koo ley ley.

    And I might break out my kalimba and play Moon River.

  • Something I am doing here in Covidville is I'm using up beauty products I've bought.  I love to buy lotions and potions.  Take away my wrinkles! Exfoliate my ass! Peel the dead skin off my feet!  See that age spot? Zap it, please.

    I am a sucker for these things and some of them are quite expensive.  I decided before I get to buy anything new, I must use what I have.  So, I've been going through all these miracle products that are going to make me look 99 years old instead of 100. 

    Right now, I am sitting with a blue L'Oreal clay mask on my face.  I will take a shower and exfoliate my alien body and I will scrub off a layer of my face with a cleanser and then I will apply eye cream and night cream.  I did a Baby Feet foot peel last night. 

    I am watching Stephen King's and TCM's Night at the Movies.  Then I will continue with my Masterclass with instructor Jake Shimabukuro, Oo koo ley ley (real pronounciation of ukelele) maestro.

    I will play the sh*t out of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on my oo koo ley ley.

    And I might break out my kalimba and play Moon River.

    Girl, you crack me up! 🤣 Does any of this sh*t work? You can be my Guinea pig... let me know what works and where I can get my hands on it.
    I'm sick of my wrinkles, and I swear...losing weight is great... until your face takes the brunt of it. 🙄 😄
    not_nadineGNTLGNTHedda GablerSundropspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Something I am doing here in Covidville is I'm using up beauty products I've bought.  I love to buy lotions and potions.  Take away my wrinkles! Exfoliate my ass! Peel the dead skin off my feet!  See that age spot? Zap it, please.

    I am a sucker for these things and some of them are quite expensive.  I decided before I get to buy anything new, I must use what I have.  So, I've been going through all these miracle products that are going to make me look 99 years old instead of 100. 

    Right now, I am sitting with a blue L'Oreal clay mask on my face.  I will take a shower and exfoliate my alien body and I will scrub off a layer of my face with a cleanser and then I will apply eye cream and night cream.  I did a Baby Feet foot peel last night. 

    I am watching Stephen King's and TCM's Night at the Movies.  Then I will continue with my Masterclass with instructor Jake Shimabukuro, Oo koo ley ley (real pronounciation of ukelele) maestro.

    I will play the sh*t out of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on my oo koo ley ley.

    And I might break out my kalimba and play Moon River.

    ....somehow, I find myself strangely stirred by the image of baby feet, blue mask and a oookoooleilei..... 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Something I am doing here in Covidville is I'm using up beauty products I've bought.  I love to buy lotions and potions.  Take away my wrinkles! Exfoliate my ass! Peel the dead skin off my feet!  See that age spot? Zap it, please.

    I am a sucker for these things and some of them are quite expensive.  I decided before I get to buy anything new, I must use what I have.  So, I've been going through all these miracle products that are going to make me look 99 years old instead of 100. 

    Right now, I am sitting with a blue L'Oreal clay mask on my face.  I will take a shower and exfoliate my alien body and I will scrub off a layer of my face with a cleanser and then I will apply eye cream and night cream.  I did a Baby Feet foot peel last night. 

    I am watching Stephen King's and TCM's Night at the Movies.  Then I will continue with my Masterclass with instructor Jake Shimabukuro, Oo koo ley ley (real pronounciation of ukelele) maestro.

    I will play the sh*t out of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on my oo koo ley ley.

    And I might break out my kalimba and play Moon River.

    Girl, you crack me up! 🤣 Does any of this sh*t work? You can be my Guinea pig... let me know what works and where I can get my hands on it.
    I'm sick of my wrinkles, and I swear...losing weight is great... until your face takes the brunt of it. 🙄 😄
    21 Bizarre Pics Of Women Modeling Questionable Beauty Products - Memebase  - Funny Memes
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Something I am doing here in Covidville is I'm using up beauty products I've bought.  I love to buy lotions and potions.  Take away my wrinkles! Exfoliate my ass! Peel the dead skin off my feet!  See that age spot? Zap it, please.

    I am a sucker for these things and some of them are quite expensive.  I decided before I get to buy anything new, I must use what I have.  So, I've been going through all these miracle products that are going to make me look 99 years old instead of 100. 

    Right now, I am sitting with a blue L'Oreal clay mask on my face.  I will take a shower and exfoliate my alien body and I will scrub off a layer of my face with a cleanser and then I will apply eye cream and night cream.  I did a Baby Feet foot peel last night. 

    I am watching Stephen King's and TCM's Night at the Movies.  Then I will continue with my Masterclass with instructor Jake Shimabukuro, Oo koo ley ley (real pronounciation of ukelele) maestro.

    I will play the sh*t out of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on my oo koo ley ley.

    And I might break out my kalimba and play Moon River.

    Girl, you crack me up! 🤣 Does any of this sh*t work? You can be my Guinea pig... let me know what works and where I can get my hands on it.
    I'm sick of my wrinkles, and I swear...losing weight is great... until your face takes the brunt of it. 🙄 😄
    Who knows?  If i wasn’t using all these things, i might look 120 years old! 
  • Got my certification for concealed carry today.  I did pretty well on the target, and aced the written portion.  Feeling pretty good! 

    FlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightlyGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Sundrop said:
    Got my certification for concealed carry today.  I did pretty well on the target, and aced the written portion.  Feeling pretty good! 

    ....good for you girl!.....to much crazy out there not to be protected.....be happy to help you shop for a proper handgun if you haven't already got one, or one in mind.....

    funny concealed carry tip - Firearms
    SundropHedda GablerNeesyspideyman
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Sundrop said:
    Got my certification for concealed carry today.  I did pretty well on the target, and aced the written portion.  Feeling pretty good! 

    ....good for you girl!.....to much crazy out there not to be protected.....be happy to help you shop for a proper handgun if you haven't already got one, or one in mind.....

    funny concealed carry tip - Firearms
    I would love some help/advice.  I don't yet own a hand gun. I wanted to make sure I was steady enough and able to properly handle one, as it had been over 20 years since I had fired any kind of weapon.  Out of 30 rounds, only 4 weren't fatal.  I guess I did alright.   B)
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyspideymanFlakeNoirHollyGolightly
  • Sundrop said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    Sundrop said:
    Got my certification for concealed carry today.  I did pretty well on the target, and aced the written portion.  Feeling pretty good! 

    ....good for you girl!.....to much crazy out there not to be protected.....be happy to help you shop for a proper handgun if you haven't already got one, or one in mind.....

    funny concealed carry tip - Firearms
    I would love some help/advice.  I don't yet own a hand gun. I wanted to make sure I was steady enough and able to properly handle one, as it had been over 20 years since I had fired any kind of weapon.  Out of 30 rounds, only 4 weren't fatal.  I guess I did alright.   B)
    ....hell yeah!.....just PM me and we’ll gum about guns....oh yeah, no shootin’ irons around the stump....that there water is to valuable....
    Hedda GablerSundropNeesyspideymanFlakeNoirHollyGolightly
  • Sundrop said:
    Got my certification for concealed carry today.  I did pretty well on the target, and aced the written portion.  Feeling pretty good! 

    Good job.  It feels great to accomplish something we've worked hard at.
  • edited September 2020
    Got the car washed, vacuumed it out.  How does the inside of my car get so dirty when it's just me and I don't really go anywhere?  

    Went grocery shopping.  Everyone was great today.  Masks and distancing and respect.  Love to see care and concern for someone other than ourselves.

    I wear face masks I made.  They are super cute because I love cute fabric.  BUT, every single floating hair in the free world ends up trapped between the mask and my nose.  And I have a nose that has Troll nostrils.  Not the cute animated Troll Nostrils, but these things:

    Best Worst Movie A Documentary About the Best Worst Film Ever Troll 2 -  FilmTV - The Stranger

    So, I'm walking around the store and every inhale, a new hair finds it's way up my nose.  And you can't touch your face to take care of the wayward hair situation.  I swear, it ends up like Locks of Love up my nose!!!  I need one of those handheld Black and Decker jobs to tackle this unfortunate tickling situation.  

    I get out to my car and get a Lysol wipe and pull skeins of hair outta my nose first thing! It can be unbearable.
  • ....once I peel off the facemask at the end of a shift, my goatee looks like a methed up gopher has been burrowing about my chin.....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymancatHollyGolightly
  • Today's excitement includes a trip to my safe deposit box to look one more time for the title to my dead truck so I can get it hauled away, a massage at noon, and the afternoon will probably be finishing up a wrap bracelet I've been making. Loving retirement!
    FlakeNoirnot_nadineBevVincentspideymanNotarocatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesySundropand 1 other.
  • Good to know the sorts of things I have to look forward to in a few years! (The fewer the better.) Welcome on board!
    spideymanNotaroMarshaFlakeNoircatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesySundropHollyGolightly
  • General housework, then begin picking up branches and twigs that Sally so kindly felt I was in need of more bending exercise!  
    MarshaFlakeNoirNotarocatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesyHollyGolightly
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