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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Oh and Ty said his library is closed. I forgot to ask Ali about her school library. I don't understand that logic. 

    Hedda GablerspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • Good for Ali! I love brainiac girls!  And i don’t blame Ty one bit on the PE thing. It was so irritating watching all the jock straps get away with doing nothing and earning the grade.

    fast forward 20 years and see who’s where. And all in one piece.

    I don’t understand closing a library either.  Okay, limit the crowd. When books are checked in, wipe them down.  

    And band!!!! Yes!!! Spit is flying .  Reminds me of an old SNL sketch on drool buckets. If you can find it, so funny but disgusting!

    catspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • I used up my quota of exclamation points for the rest of the 2020 season in the post above.
    catspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • Headed to the Golden Starches for a big breakfast.  

    I will sit in my car and watch people so I can gossip about them.  And some of these people I will send invisible good energy because they will trigger the loving side of me.  Others who I deem dumbasses, I will take great glee in watching them step in warm gum that stretches long past their step.

    Have a great day everyone!
    ...note to self......never wear the tight tank top in front of Deej......that much flubber will disgrace me in the gossip columns.....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • cat said:
    cat said:
    Got the kids off to their first day of school. Took a nice walk with Scott and the doggies. Now I guess I will shower and do some chores. 
    So, what were the kid's thoughts about Covid learning?
    They both had good first days. 🙂 Ali is our brainiac. She is enrolled in 3 jr classes as a freshman. She hopefully will be able to get her requirements out of the way and start college courses in high school. Paid for by the district, she could potentially get her associate's degree the same time as her hs diploma. We're all for it as long as the pressure does not get to her. 

    Ty is a solid A and B student and he is ok with all his teachers so far except pe. He hates pe and the teacher is also a coach, and one who heavily favors his athletes. So Ty is not going to enjoy pe. 

    The mask thing, I just don't know. Ty said his was on all day, except for lunchtime. Ali had hers on most of the day too. They have plexiglass up on lunch tables, on desks. No one is getting a locker. Everyone is getting either an ipad or chromebook to drag to and from every day. No touching! Not each other. Not each others things. I get we need to be safe, careful, etc. But I worry about what we are doing to our kids' mental health through all this. Not to get all controversial. We believe it is important for our kids to be IN school. Everyone was given the choice of in school or more virtual stuff. I just wish they could have normal school days. Sports are a go here at least for now. Ali is in band, you know spit is flying there! Inevitable. We'll see how it goes. 

    ....well said Cat.....kids are gonna be kids despite everyone's best efforts...imagine pre-school....masks?......HA!......more like portable/wearable snack flingers......
    catspideymanHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • Just got back from the grocery store. It is hot as hades outside. Ugh. Still have to put everything away. I miss my kids for this part! 🤣🤣 

    Little Miss Sage has a volleyball game this evening. It is going to be miserable hot. Outside, no shade. 
    GNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • ...we share the same weather......my sweat is sweating..... :s
    spideymanHedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • heat index 107F  Full sun. Had some breezes from Laura yesterday on  103F index.  
    Good thoughts to all in path of Laura, which is building strength.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • spideyman said:
    heat index 107F  Full sun. Had some breezes from Laura yesterday on  103F index.  
    Good thoughts to all in path of Laura, which is building strength.
    ...ok, you win..... :#
    Hedda GablercatspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • 93 here. I dreamt we got 13 ft of snow the other night. I guess my subconscious is done with summer. 😆
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • cat said:
    93 here. I dreamt we got 13 ft of snow the other night. I guess my subconscious is done with summer. 😆
    Two Feet Of Snow - Share Its Funny
    Hedda GablercatspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • cat said:
    Finishing up the painting in the bedroom today. Ali has her sports physical for school this afternoon. Requiring it for marching band now. I am also going to ask for a referral for an ultrasound to check her gallbladder. She has had some pain off and on in her chest which is how it presents in our family. I expect some push back given her age plus because of where the pain is but I am going to get what I want. They f'd me around with mine for 8 months until it was an emergency and I will NOT have that go on with my daughter. Some good vibes would be appreciated. 
    Did you get the referral for the ultrasound?
    spideymanNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderGNTLGNTNeesySundrop
  • cat said:
    Finishing up the painting in the bedroom today. Ali has her sports physical for school this afternoon. Requiring it for marching band now. I am also going to ask for a referral for an ultrasound to check her gallbladder. She has had some pain off and on in her chest which is how it presents in our family. I expect some push back given her age plus because of where the pain is but I am going to get what I want. They f'd me around with mine for 8 months until it was an emergency and I will NOT have that go on with my daughter. Some good vibes would be appreciated. 
    Did you get the referral for the ultrasound?
    No not yet. She told him the attacks only lasted 20 minutes. I thought they lasted hours, like mine did. He asked about anxiety. 🙄 She does put pressure on herself with school BUT she just sits down and does what needs done. She does not fret, whine, freak out. So I disagreed with that and told him she has a level head on her shoulders. They gave her an ekg, it was normal. He wants her to log when she has an attack, what she ate, how long it lasts. That seemed reasonable to me. 

    We will revisit after she logs for a while, and then I will insist. He cleared her for her marching band and for track. 
    Hedda GablerspideymanNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderGNTLGNTNeesySundrop
  • Getting the car loaded up to go to an occupied house, full room redec. I'll spend more time moving furniture out of my way and putting dust sheets down than I will actually painting🙄
    Out of OrderFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideymancatNeesySundrop
  • cat said:
    cat said:
    Finishing up the painting in the bedroom today. Ali has her sports physical for school this afternoon. Requiring it for marching band now. I am also going to ask for a referral for an ultrasound to check her gallbladder. She has had some pain off and on in her chest which is how it presents in our family. I expect some push back given her age plus because of where the pain is but I am going to get what I want. They f'd me around with mine for 8 months until it was an emergency and I will NOT have that go on with my daughter. Some good vibes would be appreciated. 
    Did you get the referral for the ultrasound?
    No not yet. She told him the attacks only lasted 20 minutes. I thought they lasted hours, like mine did. He asked about anxiety. 🙄 She does put pressure on herself with school BUT she just sits down and does what needs done. She does not fret, whine, freak out. So I disagreed with that and told him she has a level head on her shoulders. They gave her an ekg, it was normal. He wants her to log when she has an attack, what she ate, how long it lasts. That seemed reasonable to me. 

    We will revisit after she logs for a while, and then I will insist. He cleared her for her marching band and for track. 
    ....this is SOP, glad the EKG was clear.....but you are correct, either get the US or a hida scan......
    spideymancatHedda GablerNotaroNeesyFlakeNoirSundrop
  • Cleaning out pantries, rearranging items to expo dates. See what needs to be bought.
    GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNotaroOut of OrderNeesyFlakeNoirSundrop
  • spideyman said:
    Cleaning out pantries, rearranging items to expo dates. See what needs to be bought.
    I have a story called "Expiration Date" that features the scene-of-crime officers searching through a poisoning victim's refrigerator and commenting on the vintage of certain items they find at the back.

    “I think we have a winner,” the CSI said, holding up another jar. “Maple butter from 2008.”
    “Not likely. But it’s older than my kid, and she’s in second grade.”

    Note: this is not drawn from real life. Not at all.
    GNTLGNTspideymancatHedda GablerNotaroOut of OrderNeesyFlakeNoirSundrop
  • spideyman said:
    Cleaning out pantries, rearranging items to expo dates. See what needs to be bought.
    I have a story called "Expiration Date" that features the scene-of-crime officers searching through a poisoning victim's refrigerator and commenting on the vintage of certain items they find at the back.

    “I think we have a winner,” the CSI said, holding up another jar. “Maple butter from 2008.”
    “Not likely. But it’s older than my kid, and she’s in second grade.”

    Note: this is not drawn from real life. Not at all.
    Oh Right GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    Hedda GablerNotarospideymancatOut of OrderNeesyFlakeNoirSundrop
  • Grocery shopping. Post office. I have enough points for a free mocha chocolate chip frappachino (sp?) Venti.  

    Forcing people to talk to me.  
    spideymanSundropOut of OrderNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Grocery shopping. Post office. I have enough points for a free mocha chocolate chip frappachino (sp?) Venti.  

    Forcing people to talk to me.  
    35 Funniest Starbucks Memes - scrollbreak
    FlakeNoirnot_nadineHedda GablerNotaroNeesyOut of OrdercatSundrop
  • Anyone have any Labor Day Weekend plans?  

  • Anyone have any Labor Day Weekend plans?  

    Not really - it's been getting pretty cool here in the evening lately so I worry about my plants. Brought two basil plants in (in pots of course). Then I take them back out to the deck during the day.

    Wondering if the "Pumpkin on a stick" plant will get to the point where I actually get some little pumpkins.

    So apart from checking up on those guys I don't have any plans. Really should get out there with the "urban poles" or geek sticks and get a bit of exercise in. :)

    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTcat
  • Neesy said:
    Anyone have any Labor Day Weekend plans?  

    Not really - it's been getting pretty cool here in the evening lately so I worry about my plants. Brought two basil plants in (in pots of course). Then I take them back out to the deck during the day.

    Wondering if the "Pumpkin on a stick" plant will get to the point where I actually get some little pumpkins.

    So apart from checking up on those guys I don't have any plans. Really should get out there with the "urban poles" or geek sticks and get a bit of exercise in. :)

    I hope your pumpkin on s stick make it. I had never heard of those — they are cool and i want to grow them now.
  • It's Father's Day here today, some of the kids will be over for dinner tonight, we're just going to have a pizza evening. 
  • edited September 2020
    ....work and more work....very seldom get a holiday in my biz....Tracy is staying with her dad for a few days because he just had a pacemaker put in yesterday and my kids?....work or dicking around.....
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