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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Got Ali mostly moved into her new room yesterday. She slept in her new room last night. Here are a few pics. Finished and what I started with. The bed is antique, and she and Scott repainted it. Hard to tell but just almond color with a champagne gold on the accent pieces. The dresser was navy blue, we painted it almond like the bed and Ali used the same champagne on the handles as the bed. 

    Scott put her new bookshelf together this morning, she is happily moving books now and then all that is left are her closet clothes. 

    Now to get Ty's room (the one they were sharing)  reconfigured and cleaned up for him. No painting, just rearranging. 

    First day of school for them tomorrow. I think they are ready. I'm nervous. 
    Out of OrderspideymanFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesySundrop
  • I love it cat. You guys did a terrific job and i can see she is loving it too. 
    catOut of OrderspideymanFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Great job on the room Cat. Hope the school reopening goes well tomorrow 🤞
    catOut of OrderHedda GablerspideymanFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Reading.  Watching Perry Mason.  Picking my jaw up off the floor.

    Working on my feet.  Deep conditioning my hair.  Doing a facial.  Drumming.  Lifting weights. Doing squats.  Eating pumpkin spice donuts with Lays chips every other bite.

    Harvested grapes.  Wondering if I could smoosh them between my minty fresh toes and make wine.  How does that work?   

  • @cat the room looks great, you guys did a fantastic job!
    Good luck with school,  I hope everything goes well.  

    @Hedda Gabler 🤣 send me pictures. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTcatNotarospideyman
  • cat said:

    Got Ali mostly moved into her new room yesterday. She slept in her new room last night. Here are a few pics. Finished and what I started with. The bed is antique, and she and Scott repainted it. Hard to tell but just almond color with a champagne gold on the accent pieces. The dresser was navy blue, we painted it almond like the bed and Ali used the same champagne on the handles as the bed. 

    Scott put her new bookshelf together this morning, she is happily moving books now and then all that is left are her closet clothes. 

    Now to get Ty's room (the one they were sharing)  reconfigured and cleaned up for him. No painting, just rearranging. 

    First day of school for them tomorrow. I think they are ready. I'm nervous. 
    ....HGTV quality baby!!....
    NeesyHedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoirspideyman

  • Reading.  Watching Perry Mason.  Picking my jaw up off the floor.

    Working on my feet.  Deep conditioning my hair.  Doing a facial.  Drumming.  Lifting weights. Doing squats.  Eating pumpkin spice donuts with Lays chips every other bite.

    Harvested grapes.  Wondering if I could smoosh them between my minty fresh toes and make wine.  How does that work?   

    ....minty fresh toes.....can ya brush mah teef????
    NeesyHedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoirspideyman
  • ....back to my goofy azz schedule...two 12’s on, two days off, two 12’s on and three dats off....then it rotates the next week before lathering, rinsing and repeating....confusing???....nah..... :#
    Hedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoirspideymanSundropNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....back to my goofy azz schedule...two 12’s on, two days off, two 12’s on and three dats off....then it rotates the next week before lathering, rinsing and repeating....confusing???....nah..... :#
    Do you rotate nights too? That sounds a lot like my Scott's schedule. He goes 4 night shifts, 3 off. 3 day shifts, 1 off. 3 night shifts, 3 off, then 4 days, then 7 off. All 12 hr shifts, that is his schedule every 28 days. It sucks. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTSundropNotaroNeesy
  • Got the kids off to their first day of school. Took a nice walk with Scott and the doggies. Now I guess I will shower and do some chores. 
    spideymanHedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirSundropOut of OrderNotaroNeesy
  • Feeling very pleased with myself. My car wouldn't start last week -- dead battery from little use (I haven't purchased gas since February and have only driven it a few times during lockdown.) I bought a battery charger for about $20 and plugged it in...it took three days to charge it, but it started again today. The nice thing about this charger is that I can leave it plugged in to the battery and it will maintain charge when I'm not driving it.
    catspideymanHedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirSundropOut of OrderNotaroNeesy
  • cat said:
    Got the kids off to their first day of school. Took a nice walk with Scott and the doggies. Now I guess I will shower and do some chores. 
    And so another year begins. I’m so glad you took a walk together. 

    If my husband suggested a walk, i might go “missing.”
    spideymancatGNTLGNTSundropOut of OrderNotaroNeesy
  • cat said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....back to my goofy azz schedule...two 12’s on, two days off, two 12’s on and three dats off....then it rotates the next week before lathering, rinsing and repeating....confusing???....nah..... :#
    Do you rotate nights too? That sounds a lot like my Scott's schedule. He goes 4 night shifts, 3 off. 3 day shifts, 1 off. 3 night shifts, 3 off, then 4 days, then 7 off. All 12 hr shifts, that is his schedule every 28 days. It sucks. 
    .....YUCK!!......I suggest we drink heavily.......and no honey, only night shift work is if I get mandated in and 1 am to 5 pm make fat guy here a dull(and irritable)boy.....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirSundropOut of OrderspideymanNotaroNeesy
  • Feeling very pleased with myself. My car wouldn't start last week -- dead battery from little use (I haven't purchased gas since February and have only driven it a few times during lockdown.) I bought a battery charger for about $20 and plugged it in...it took three days to charge it, but it started again today. The nice thing about this charger is that I can leave it plugged in to the battery and it will maintain charge when I'm not driving it.
    ......aren't trickle chargers wonderful?......
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirBevVincentOut of OrderspideymanNotaroNeesySundrop
  • cat said:
    Got the kids off to their first day of school. Took a nice walk with Scott and the doggies. Now I guess I will shower and do some chores. 
    And so another year begins. I’m so glad you took a walk together. 

    If my husband suggested a walk, i might go “missing.”
    Amazoncom Chili Print Ive Got A Perfect Body in The Trunk
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirOut of OrderspideymanNotaroNeesySundrop
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Feeling very pleased with myself. My car wouldn't start last week -- dead battery from little use (I haven't purchased gas since February and have only driven it a few times during lockdown.) I bought a battery charger for about $20 and plugged it in...it took three days to charge it, but it started again today. The nice thing about this charger is that I can leave it plugged in to the battery and it will maintain charge when I'm not driving it.
    ......aren't trickle chargers wonderful?......
    Did the late Dick Trickle invent those? 
    spideymanHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirNeesySundrop
  • edited August 2020
    cat said:
    Got the kids off to their first day of school. Took a nice walk with Scott and the doggies. Now I guess I will shower and do some chores. 
    So, what were the kid's thoughts about Covid learning?
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Feeling very pleased with myself. My car wouldn't start last week -- dead battery from little use (I haven't purchased gas since February and have only driven it a few times during lockdown.) I bought a battery charger for about $20 and plugged it in...it took three days to charge it, but it started again today. The nice thing about this charger is that I can leave it plugged in to the battery and it will maintain charge when I'm not driving it.
    ......aren't trickle chargers wonderful?......
    Did the late Dick Trickle invent those? 
    ...nope, late comedian Don Trickles.....
    Hedda GablerOut of OrderNotarospideymancatFlakeNoir
  • Watched my Gladys Kravitz neighbor go into her next door neighbor's yard and do something.  Couldn't quite see what she was doing.

    Now, you might say, "Dana, YOU were Gladys Kravitz by watching her."  And I tell you, no I wasn't.  I was already in my front yard watering my flowers.  It was very early in the morning and she didn't see me. 

    So, if I have a neighbor doing something wicked, and I'm standing out there anyway, I might as well watch the show.

    This is a woman who will turn people into the city for the most minor things. I know this is true because she has proudly told me she does it.  But, she claims Randy, a mutual neighbor, is the gossip in our hood.    She's just fibbing with that one.  She is so rude and will say absolutely whatever pops into her head -- one time I looked at her and said, "You have no filter, do you?"  Oh man! The look on her face was priceless.

     When my fence recently fell down and I had it hilly-billy zip-tied, I have no doubt she probably turned me in.  
    GNTLGNTOut of OrderNotarospideymancatFlakeNoirNeesySundrop
  • Watched my Gladys Kravitz neighbor go into her next door neighbor's yard and do something.  Couldn't quite see what she was doing.

    Now, you might say, "Dana, YOU were Gladys Kravitz by watching her."  And I tell you, no I wasn't.  I was already in my front yard watering my flowers.  It was very early in the morning and she didn't see me. 

    So, if I have a neighbor doing something wicked, and I'm standing out there anyway, I might as well watch the show.

    This is a woman who will turn people into the city for the most minor things. I know this is true because she has proudly told me she does it.  But, she claims Randy, a mutual neighbor, is the gossip in our hood.    She's just fibbing with that one.  She is so rude and will say absolutely whatever pops into her head -- one time I looked at her and said, "You have no filter, do you?"  Oh man! The look on her face was priceless.

     When my fence recently fell down and I had it hilly-billy zip-tied, I have no doubt she probably turned me in.  
    New Gladys Kravitz Meme Memes  Spirit Animal Memes Gif Memes
    Hedda GablerNotarospideymancatFlakeNoirnot_nadineNeesy
  • ....my Mom used to say she couldn't stand "gossips", yet she and Ms. Audrey would be on the phone everyday in long "high level" talks like Churchill and Truman, over goings on in the neighborhood....
    Hedda GablerNotarospideymancatFlakeNoirNeesySundrop
  • edited August 2020
    Anyone who says they don't gossip is lying.  Everyone gossips.  We talk about people.  We talk about our lives.  We talk about what is happening around us and that includes others.   It's how people do it that makes them different.

    There are the gossips (although gossip is such a harsh word to use)  who spread information out of kindness and support.  Helpers.

    Then there are the gossips who spread information or disinformation in a way that takes great glee in someone else's struggles and distress. 

    My neighbor loves when the universe is taking a nice healthy s*** on someone's head. She loves it.  And she can't wait to spread it and analyze it and critique the players and judge them. 

    She has a pitiful life and when someone's fortunes are worse than hers, she is in her happy element.  

  • Anyone who says they don't gossip is lying.  Everyone gossips.  We talk about people.  We talk about our lives.  We talk about what is happening around us and that includes others.   It's how people do it that makes them different.

    There are the gossips (although gossip is such a harsh word to use)  who spread information out of kindness and support.  Helpers.

    Then there are the gossips who spread information or disinformation in a way that takes great glee in someone else's struggles and distress. 

    My neighbor loves when the universe is taking a nice healthy s*** on someone's head. She loves it.  And she can't wait to spread it and analyze it and critique the players and judge them. 

    She has a pitiful life and when someone's fortunes are worse than hers, she is in her happy element.  

    ....on point analysis.....

    Why Is Gossiping So Much Fun  Science ABC
    Hedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoirNeesySundrop
  • edited August 2020
    Headed to the Golden Starches for a big breakfast.  

    I will sit in my car and watch people so I can gossip about them.  And some of these people I will send invisible good energy because they will trigger the loving side of me.  Others who I deem dumbasses, I will take great glee in watching them step in warm gum that stretches long past their step.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • cat said:
    Got the kids off to their first day of school. Took a nice walk with Scott and the doggies. Now I guess I will shower and do some chores. 
    So, what were the kid's thoughts about Covid learning?
    They both had good first days. 🙂 Ali is our brainiac. She is enrolled in 3 jr classes as a freshman. She hopefully will be able to get her requirements out of the way and start college courses in high school. Paid for by the district, she could potentially get her associate's degree the same time as her hs diploma. We're all for it as long as the pressure does not get to her. 

    Ty is a solid A and B student and he is ok with all his teachers so far except pe. He hates pe and the teacher is also a coach, and one who heavily favors his athletes. So Ty is not going to enjoy pe. 

    The mask thing, I just don't know. Ty said his was on all day, except for lunchtime. Ali had hers on most of the day too. They have plexiglass up on lunch tables, on desks. No one is getting a locker. Everyone is getting either an ipad or chromebook to drag to and from every day. No touching! Not each other. Not each others things. I get we need to be safe, careful, etc. But I worry about what we are doing to our kids' mental health through all this. Not to get all controversial. We believe it is important for our kids to be IN school. Everyone was given the choice of in school or more virtual stuff. I just wish they could have normal school days. Sports are a go here at least for now. Ali is in band, you know spit is flying there! Inevitable. We'll see how it goes. 

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTNotaroFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesySundrop
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