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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Hi everyone! Thought I'd check in and let you all know I'm not dead. 😃😜 Just busy. 

    Sunday I shampooed the bedroom we are redoing. Monday I caught up on some regular housework I had gotten behind on. Tuesday morning I had a dr appointment. After that I picked up Ali and we went and bought the paint and supplies. She chose a color called Paper Heart. Behr paint because I love it. It wears extremely well, wipes off great. It is pricey but worth it because it lasts. 

    Waited to Wednesday to start painting. Got the first coat on yesterday. 2nd coat today. (Depending on the color, Behr also has  1 coat guarantee. But we were covering a blue with a much lighter shade so it took 2 coats. Plus, the color Ali chose was not one of those guaranteed one coat colors. So, not a criticism. ) 

    Ali also had her Freshman orientation today. I enlisted Evan's help to get her there and home so I could finish painting. 

    Tomorrow I hope to finish. The baseboards, the back of the door and the inside of the closet. Ali has her sports physical at 3. So hopefully can get it all done. Start moving her in on Saturday. 

    I'm beat and can't wait til we're all done. They start school Monday so hopefully will have more time then. 

    Hope everyone is well!! ❤
    Hedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTspideymanNeesyOut of OrderFlakeNoirSundrop
  • Safety vibes, @GNTLGNT
    Hedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTNeesyOut of Order
  • ...thank you dear heart....and it’s a crying shame you have to drudge through so much downtime.... :D
    Hedda GablercatNeesyOut of Order
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...thank you dear heart....and it’s a crying shame you have to drudge through so much downtime.... :D
    I know...I'm pretty spoiled. 😄 
    Hedda GablerspideymanNeesyNotaroOut of Order
  • cat said:
    Hi everyone! Thought I'd check in and let you all know I'm not dead. 😃😜 Just busy. 

    Sunday I shampooed the bedroom we are redoing. Monday I caught up on some regular housework I had gotten behind on. Tuesday morning I had a dr appointment. After that I picked up Ali and we went and bought the paint and supplies. She chose a color called Paper Heart. Behr paint because I love it. It wears extremely well, wipes off great. It is pricey but worth it because it lasts. 

    Waited to Wednesday to start painting. Got the first coat on yesterday. 2nd coat today. (Depending on the color, Behr also has  1 coat guarantee. But we were covering a blue with a much lighter shade so it took 2 coats. Plus, the color Ali chose was not one of those guaranteed one coat colors. So, not a criticism. ) 

    Ali also had her Freshman orientation today. I enlisted Evan's help to get her there and home so I could finish painting. 

    Tomorrow I hope to finish. The baseboards, the back of the door and the inside of the closet. Ali has her sports physical at 3. So hopefully can get it all done. Start moving her in on Saturday. 

    I'm beat and can't wait til we're all done. They start school Monday so hopefully will have more time then. 

    Hope everyone is well!! ❤
    Going to have to start calling you WonderCat ( wonderwoman ) for sure.  That has been one busy week. Wow-- Bet the room looks awesome. Your  children are growing up so fast. May it be a successful school year for both.  Now, on Monday, grab some tea and a good book, put your feet up and enjoy the serenity. 
    Hedda GablercatNeesyNotaroGNTLGNTOut of Order
  • Reading.  Reading.  and more Reading.  

    Plucking my eyebrows and these rogue hairs that taunt me from my upper lip.

    Staring at the heat waves off my patio. 

    Avoiding scrutinization (is that even a word?) of my feet wondering how the hell they got in such ghastly shape.

    Stuffed myself like a butterball turkey and now thinking about a nap.  A serious nap.

    How could you let your feet go?! I'm so disappointed, girl... unacceptable behaviour. 


    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTspideymancatOut of Order
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....being pissed off....that's what fat boy is doing......a second case of CoVid has popped up at work and now we're going back to mandatory 12 hour shifts and all the shite that comes along with it......someday, I might have a life again....not trying to be Donnie Downer here, but DAMN!.....
    😣 Sorry to hear this Scott. 
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTspideymancatOut of Order
  • In work, getting ready to go into an occupied house to fix up a utility room after a leaking washing machine destroyed the skirting and the bottom of the walls, the fun never stops🙄
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTspideymancatOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Reading.  Reading.  and more Reading.  

    Plucking my eyebrows and these rogue hairs that taunt me from my upper lip.

    Staring at the heat waves off my patio. 

    Avoiding scrutinization (is that even a word?) of my feet wondering how the hell they got in such ghastly shape.

    Stuffed myself like a butterball turkey and now thinking about a nap.  A serious nap.

    How could you let your feet go?! I'm so disappointed, girl... unacceptable behaviour. 


    NovoNail on Twitter FootNote Friday Funny Pedicure NovoNail  NailHealth prettytoes prettynails
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • Yeah, you would think I'd have all the time in the world to keep those feet looking cute.  But I look at them, they look back.... it seems we've broken up and need our space.
    catGNTLGNTFlakeNoirOut of OrderSundrop
  • edited August 2020
    Dentist appointment today.  Should be quick and easy.  

    And just because I said that, some COVID hell of gingivitis is lurking --  all arrogant and uncaring.
    catGNTLGNTFlakeNoirOut of Order
  • Finishing up the painting in the bedroom today. Ali has her sports physical for school this afternoon. Requiring it for marching band now. I am also going to ask for a referral for an ultrasound to check her gallbladder. She has had some pain off and on in her chest which is how it presents in our family. I expect some push back given her age plus because of where the pain is but I am going to get what I want. They f'd me around with mine for 8 months until it was an emergency and I will NOT have that go on with my daughter. Some good vibes would be appreciated. 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • Dentist appointment today.  Should be quick and easy.  

    And just because I said that, some COVID hell of gingivitis is lurking --  all arrogant and uncaring.
    ....maybe they could take that dentist tool that scrapes teeth and give you a quick pedi?....then you swish and spit the demon gingivitis from your mouth like an unholy fountain in celebration......MAN, I come up with some damned good ideas!.....
    Hedda GablercatspideymanFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • cat said:
    Finishing up the painting in the bedroom today. Ali has her sports physical for school this afternoon. Requiring it for marching band now. I am also going to ask for a referral for an ultrasound to check her gallbladder. She has had some pain off and on in her chest which is how it presents in our family. I expect some push back given her age plus because of where the pain is but I am going to get what I want. They f'd me around with mine for 8 months until it was an emergency and I will NOT have that go on with my daughter. Some good vibes would be appreciated. 
    ...always!.....stand your ground....you know your family intimately, and not just on a electronic chart....
    Hedda GablercatspideymanFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • cat said:
    Finishing up the painting in the bedroom today. Ali has her sports physical for school this afternoon. Requiring it for marching band now. I am also going to ask for a referral for an ultrasound to check her gallbladder. She has had some pain off and on in her chest which is how it presents in our family. I expect some push back given her age plus because of where the pain is but I am going to get what I want. They f'd me around with mine for 8 months until it was an emergency and I will NOT have that go on with my daughter. Some good vibes would be appreciated. 
    When my gallbladder staged its coup, i thought i was having a heart attack so i hear ya. Yep, you are her advocate. Advocate the hell out of them! Keep us posted momma bear.
    catspideymanGNTLGNTFlakeNoirOut of OrderNeesy
  • edited August 2020
    well, I have a cavity.  I haven't had a cavity in 30 years.  No pain or anything, but apparently it is there.  I think they are lying.  They need to pay a Covid bill so they are padding dental procedures.   Fraud! I go in tomorrow to get it taken car of.

    Then, my car was giving me a "Bulb fault brake light" message.  So, I drive to the dealer and tell them I need a new bulb.  The guy started to tell me there was a 4 hour wait but one of the garage guys said, "go get the bulb in the parts department and bring it here and we will get it in, it only takes a minute."

    So, I walk across the garage and buy the only remaining bulb.

    Then, I watched through the windows as 4 guys beat the hell out of my car.   And the guys at the counter were watching them beat the hell out of my car.  And then the next thing I know, the 4 guys scatter.  I knew something was wrong.

     I said, "they are roughing my girl up, they could at least buy her a drink."  No one laughed.  Apparently they were having a hard time removing the cover and getting it back on.  After they replaced the bulb, they were shoving the cover on and broke the new bulb. So, because that was the only bulb they had in stock, they had to order me a new bulb.

    I am trying very very hard to embrace that if this is the worst thing that is ever going to happen to me, I am blessed.  

    They will call when the new bulb is in.  They did wash my car.  It needed it. But they had ulterior motives, they also removed DNA from their gang bang.

    spideymanFlakeNoirGNTLGNTOut of OrdercatSundrop
  • well, I have a cavity.  I haven't had a cavity in 30 years.  No pain or anything, but apparently it is there.  I think they are lying.  They need to pay a Covid bill so they are padding dental procedures.   Fraud! I go in tomorrow to get it taken car of.

    Then, my car was giving me a "Bulb fault brake light" message.  So, I drive to the dealer and tell them I need a new bulb.  The guy started to tell me there was a 4 hour wait but one of the garage guys said, "go get the bulb in the parts department and bring it here and we will get it in, it only takes a minute."

    So, I walk across the garage and buy the only remaining bulb.

    Then, I watched through the windows as 4 guys beat the hell out of my car.   And the guys at the counter were watching them beat the hell out of my car.  And then the next thing I know, the 4 guys scatter.  I knew something was wrong.

     I said, "they are roughing my girl up, they could at least buy her a drink."  No one laughed.  Apparently they were having a hard time removing the cover and getting it back on.  After they replaced the bulb, they were shoving the cover on and broke the new bulb. So, because that was the only bulb they had in stock, they had to order me a new bulb.

    I am trying very very hard to embrace that if this is the worst thing that is ever going to happen to me, I am blessed.  

    They will call when the new bulb is in.  They did wash my car.  It needed it. But they had ulterior motives, they also removed DNA from their gang bang.

    Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. ― Dalai Lama
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTOut of OrdercatNeesy
  • well, I have a cavity.  I haven't had a cavity in 30 years.  No pain or anything, but apparently it is there.  I think they are lying.  They need to pay a Covid bill so they are padding dental procedures.   Fraud! I go in tomorrow to get it taken car of.

    Then, my car was giving me a "Bulb fault brake light" message.  So, I drive to the dealer and tell them I need a new bulb.  The guy started to tell me there was a 4 hour wait but one of the garage guys said, "go get the bulb in the parts department and bring it here and we will get it in, it only takes a minute."

    So, I walk across the garage and buy the only remaining bulb.

    Then, I watched through the windows as 4 guys beat the hell out of my car.   And the guys at the counter were watching them beat the hell out of my car.  And then the next thing I know, the 4 guys scatter.  I knew something was wrong.

     I said, "they are roughing my girl up, they could at least buy her a drink."  No one laughed.  Apparently they were having a hard time removing the cover and getting it back on.  After they replaced the bulb, they were shoving the cover on and broke the new bulb. So, because that was the only bulb they had in stock, they had to order me a new bulb.

    I am trying very very hard to embrace that if this is the worst thing that is ever going to happen to me, I am blessed.  

    They will call when the new bulb is in.  They did wash my car.  It needed it. But they had ulterior motives, they also removed DNA from their gang bang.

    ....sooo, you and your car both have a cavity.....maybe your dentist would do a "two for one deal"?......
    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymanHedda GablerOut of Ordercat
  • Cleaning out gutters!
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerOut of OrderFlakeNoircatNeesySundrop
  • ....fed the birds and helped Tracy re-pot a couple of bigazz flowers.....also watched a 10 point symmetrical buck enjoy a lovely luncheon of pears and such from our orchard....the deer and bees are the only reason I haven't given that acre or so a "haircut".....
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotarospideymancatOut of OrderNeesySundrop
  • Got the tooth taken care of.  3 and a half hours later, the numb is almost gone.  Not quite, but close.

    Got my girl's brake light fixed.  And yes, when you know what you are doing, it only takes a minute to get it fixed.  

    I wanted to ask if they were going to pay for her PTSD counseling, but since my first joke fell flat, I left it alone.

  • Got the tooth taken care of.  3 and a half hours later, the numb is almost gone.  Not quite, but close.

    Got my girl's brake light fixed.  And yes, when you know what you are doing, it only takes a minute to get it fixed.  

    I wanted to ask if they were going to pay for her PTSD counseling, but since my first joke fell flat, I left it alone.

    ...here’s hoping for a tolerable pain kinda night....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarospideymancat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Got the tooth taken care of.  3 and a half hours later, the numb is almost gone.  Not quite, but close.

    Got my girl's brake light fixed.  And yes, when you know what you are doing, it only takes a minute to get it fixed.  

    I wanted to ask if they were going to pay for her PTSD counseling, but since my first joke fell flat, I left it alone.

    ...here’s hoping for a tolerable pain kinda night....
    No pain for me. Now the car?  She's got a long road ahead....
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Got the tooth taken care of.  3 and a half hours later, the numb is almost gone.  Not quite, but close.

    Got my girl's brake light fixed.  And yes, when you know what you are doing, it only takes a minute to get it fixed.  

    I wanted to ask if they were going to pay for her PTSD counseling, but since my first joke fell flat, I left it alone.

    ...here’s hoping for a tolerable pain kinda night....
    No pain for me. Now the car?  She's got a long road ahead....
    ....well yeah, I.....uh.....ummm....meant the car, yeah the car.....that’s the ticket..... :D
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarospideymancat
  • Got the tooth taken care of.  3 and a half hours later, the numb is almost gone.  Not quite, but close.

    Got my girl's brake light fixed.  And yes, when you know what you are doing, it only takes a minute to get it fixed.  

    I wanted to ask if they were going to pay for her PTSD counseling, but since my first joke fell flat, I left it alone.

    Some people just can't appreciate a good joke... think of how good our abs would be if we only belly-laughed more?
    Abs... lol... who am I kidding? The only abs I have are in the braking system in my car.
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