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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Notaro said:
    What am I doing today? Not much to be honest, just about to have a cup of tea and a sandwich and I'm pretty sure that will be the highlight of my day🙄
    What's in the sandwich?  
    Notarodoyoulove19GNTLGNTHedda GablerOut of OrderSundropcat
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    What am I doing today? Not much to be honest, just about to have a cup of tea and a sandwich and I'm pretty sure that will be the highlight of my day🙄
    What's in the sandwich?  
    It's a prairie sandwich, two bits of bread with a wide open space in between. I'm trying a high protein bread, hmmm... Not really doing it for me. 😞
    FlakeNoirdoyoulove19GNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablerOut of OrderSundropcat
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    What am I doing today? Not much to be honest, just about to have a cup of tea and a sandwich and I'm pretty sure that will be the highlight of my day🙄
    What's in the sandwich?  
    It's a prairie sandwich, two bits of bread with a wide open space in between. I'm trying a high protein bread, hmmm... Not really doing it for me. 😞
    I'm not laughing at your misery, I'm laughing at the name you gave the sandwich. (brilliant) 

    Notarodoyoulove19GNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablerOut of OrderSundropcat
  • Notaro said:
    What am I doing today? Not much to be honest, just about to have a cup of tea and a sandwich and I'm pretty sure that will be the highlight of my day🙄
    ....and watching it rain.....there's always that to look forward to......
    spideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Out of OrderFlakeNoirSundropcat
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    What am I doing today? Not much to be honest, just about to have a cup of tea and a sandwich and I'm pretty sure that will be the highlight of my day🙄
    What's in the sandwich?  
    It's a prairie sandwich, two bits of bread with a wide open space in between. I'm trying a high protein bread, hmmm... Not really doing it for me. 😞
    What is a wish sandwich - Quora
    spideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Out of OrderFlakeNoirSundropcat
  • Yesterday was a great day for kayaking on the river.  Laura & Amanda decided we wanted a longer float, so we met our friend Judy got in about 5,000 miles (okay, maybe only 15 or so miles) from where we usually get out.  The trip took us about seven hours.   We laughed, we drank, we admired the beauty of the day.  We paddled our arms off.  At one point, Laura, Amanda, and I all had our kayaks connected in a row.  We were going through some rapids, and there was this huge rock jutting up out of the water.  All of a sudden, Amanda shoves my kayak toward the rock.  I was airborne for about two seconds, and landed on that rock perfectly tilted, just like some kind of Chevrolet truck commercial.  We all laughed so hard. Amanda was saying omg, don't kill me, but I just had to do it.  Judy missed the photo op because she was laughing and drinking at the same time, and almost choked on her beer.  After I got down from the rock and caught up to them, Laura asked how I got the kayak off the rock.  I told her I just put it in reverse and backed up.......It was a really fun day.  

    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19GNTLGNTspideymancat
  • 2am here, just back in from dropping my friends home, they came over for homemade pizza🍕 and a few beers🍻. A good night had by all🙂
    Hedda GablerSundropFlakeNoirdoyoulove19GNTLGNTspideymancat
  • Sundrop said:
    Yesterday was a great day for kayaking on the river.  Laura & Amanda decided we wanted a longer float, so we met our friend Judy got in about 5,000 miles (okay, maybe only 15 or so miles) from where we usually get out.  The trip took us about seven hours.   We laughed, we drank, we admired the beauty of the day.  We paddled our arms off.  At one point, Laura, Amanda, and I all had our kayaks connected in a row.  We were going through some rapids, and there was this huge rock jutting up out of the water.  All of a sudden, Amanda shoves my kayak toward the rock.  I was airborne for about two seconds, and landed on that rock perfectly tilted, just like some kind of Chevrolet truck commercial.  We all laughed so hard. Amanda was saying omg, don't kill me, but I just had to do it.  Judy missed the photo op because she was laughing and drinking at the same time, and almost choked on her beer.  After I got down from the rock and caught up to them, Laura asked how I got the kayak off the rock.  I told her I just put it in reverse and backed up.......It was a really fun day.  

    That sounds like you guys had just the best day. I'm so glad. You needed some good laughs with friends.  Very tickled for you.
  • Notaro said:
    2am here, just back in from dropping my friends home, they came over for homemade pizza🍕 and a few beers🍻. A good night had by all🙂
    You also needed some good times with friends.  What kind of pizza? What kind of beer?
  • Thin base with passata, serrano ham, salami, chorizo, pepperoni, sweet onions, green peppers, mushrooms, plenty of mozzarella, my buddy was drinking Rock shore, I had a couple of non alcoholic beers, one called Implosion and another called Wicklow Wolf non alcoholic hoppy ale. The wives were having wine and our daughters had gin and bulmers cider respectively. 
  • Notaro said:
    Thin base with passata, serrano ham, salami, chorizo, pepperoni, sweet onions, green peppers, mushrooms, plenty of mozzarella, my buddy was drinking Rock shore, I had a couple of non alcoholic beers, one called Implosion and another called Wicklow Wolf non alcoholic hoppy ale. The wives were having wine and our daughters had gin and bulmers cider respectively. 
    That sounds good.  All of the above.   :D

  • Notaro said:
    Thin base with passata, serrano ham, salami, chorizo, pepperoni, sweet onions, green peppers, mushrooms, plenty of mozzarella, my buddy was drinking Rock shore, I had a couple of non alcoholic beers, one called Implosion and another called Wicklow Wolf non alcoholic hoppy ale. The wives were having wine and our daughters had gin and bulmers cider respectively. 
    That sounds good.  All of the above.   :D

    It was indeed Hedda, every morsel. 👅
    Hedda GablerSundropFlakeNoirdoyoulove19GNTLGNTspideymancat
  • Sundrop said:
    Yesterday was a great day for kayaking on the river.  Laura & Amanda decided we wanted a longer float, so we met our friend Judy got in about 5,000 miles (okay, maybe only 15 or so miles) from where we usually get out.  The trip took us about seven hours.   We laughed, we drank, we admired the beauty of the day.  We paddled our arms off.  At one point, Laura, Amanda, and I all had our kayaks connected in a row.  We were going through some rapids, and there was this huge rock jutting up out of the water.  All of a sudden, Amanda shoves my kayak toward the rock.  I was airborne for about two seconds, and landed on that rock perfectly tilted, just like some kind of Chevrolet truck commercial.  We all laughed so hard. Amanda was saying omg, don't kill me, but I just had to do it.  Judy missed the photo op because she was laughing and drinking at the same time, and almost choked on her beer.  After I got down from the rock and caught up to them, Laura asked how I got the kayak off the rock.  I told her I just put it in reverse and backed up.......It was a really fun day.  

    That sounds like so much fun!! B) <3
    NotaroHedda GablerSundropGNTLGNTspideymancatFlakeNoir
  • Sundrop said:
    Yesterday was a great day for kayaking on the river.  Laura & Amanda decided we wanted a longer float, so we met our friend Judy got in about 5,000 miles (okay, maybe only 15 or so miles) from where we usually get out.  The trip took us about seven hours.   We laughed, we drank, we admired the beauty of the day.  We paddled our arms off.  At one point, Laura, Amanda, and I all had our kayaks connected in a row.  We were going through some rapids, and there was this huge rock jutting up out of the water.  All of a sudden, Amanda shoves my kayak toward the rock.  I was airborne for about two seconds, and landed on that rock perfectly tilted, just like some kind of Chevrolet truck commercial.  We all laughed so hard. Amanda was saying omg, don't kill me, but I just had to do it.  Judy missed the photo op because she was laughing and drinking at the same time, and almost choked on her beer.  After I got down from the rock and caught up to them, Laura asked how I got the kayak off the rock.  I told her I just put it in reverse and backed up.......It was a really fun day.  

    That sounds like so much fun!! B) <3
    It was so much fun.....and yesterday, my arms and legs were so sore that I couldn't even crawl to the river if I had wanted to  :D
    Notarodoyoulove19GNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablercatFlakeNoir
  • Sundrop said:
    Sundrop said:
    Yesterday was a great day for kayaking on the river.  Laura & Amanda decided we wanted a longer float, so we met our friend Judy got in about 5,000 miles (okay, maybe only 15 or so miles) from where we usually get out.  The trip took us about seven hours.   We laughed, we drank, we admired the beauty of the day.  We paddled our arms off.  At one point, Laura, Amanda, and I all had our kayaks connected in a row.  We were going through some rapids, and there was this huge rock jutting up out of the water.  All of a sudden, Amanda shoves my kayak toward the rock.  I was airborne for about two seconds, and landed on that rock perfectly tilted, just like some kind of Chevrolet truck commercial.  We all laughed so hard. Amanda was saying omg, don't kill me, but I just had to do it.  Judy missed the photo op because she was laughing and drinking at the same time, and almost choked on her beer.  After I got down from the rock and caught up to them, Laura asked how I got the kayak off the rock.  I told her I just put it in reverse and backed up.......It was a really fun day.  

    That sounds like so much fun!! B) <3
    It was so much fun.....and yesterday, my arms and legs were so sore that I couldn't even crawl to the river if I had wanted to  :D
    Good deal you don't have to lift scissors until tomorrow!  B)
    SundropGNTLGNTspideymanHedda GablercatFlakeNoir
  • .....Sunny, alcohol, river & a kayak.......I'm tellin' ya....it's a number one Country hit!!....and Bri?.....next time, send a brother a slice wouldja?.....
    doyoulove19spideymanSundropHedda GablercatNotaroFlakeNoir
  • Sundrop said:
    Sundrop said:
    Yesterday was a great day for kayaking on the river.  Laura & Amanda decided we wanted a longer float, so we met our friend Judy got in about 5,000 miles (okay, maybe only 15 or so miles) from where we usually get out.  The trip took us about seven hours.   We laughed, we drank, we admired the beauty of the day.  We paddled our arms off.  At one point, Laura, Amanda, and I all had our kayaks connected in a row.  We were going through some rapids, and there was this huge rock jutting up out of the water.  All of a sudden, Amanda shoves my kayak toward the rock.  I was airborne for about two seconds, and landed on that rock perfectly tilted, just like some kind of Chevrolet truck commercial.  We all laughed so hard. Amanda was saying omg, don't kill me, but I just had to do it.  Judy missed the photo op because she was laughing and drinking at the same time, and almost choked on her beer.  After I got down from the rock and caught up to them, Laura asked how I got the kayak off the rock.  I told her I just put it in reverse and backed up.......It was a really fun day.  

    That sounds like so much fun!! B) <3
    It was so much fun.....and yesterday, my arms and legs were so sore that I couldn't even crawl to the river if I had wanted to  :D
    Kayaking Paddling Funny Saying Kayak Paddle Gifts Womens Vintage Sport  T-Shirt  Spreadshirt

    doyoulove19spideymanSundropHedda GablercatFlakeNoir
  • Notaro said:
    Thin base with passata, serrano ham, salami, chorizo, pepperoni, sweet onions, green peppers, mushrooms, plenty of mozzarella, my buddy was drinking Rock shore, I had a couple of non alcoholic beers, one called Implosion and another called Wicklow Wolf non alcoholic hoppy ale. The wives were having wine and our daughters had gin and bulmers cider respectively. 
    Love me some pizza  Never let me go Funny meme pictures Funny memes
    Notarodoyoulove19spideymanSundropHedda GablercatFlakeNoir
  • All the sandwich and bread talk earlier got me renembering... 

    I went with Scott to Walmart today. On our way out, we were following an elderly gentleman on one of those scooter thingies. Right outside the door, a loaf of bread fell off his cart. So Scott says, "Sir, you dropped this, and you are about to lose another one." (It was hanging off his seat by a thread) 

    The gentleman said thank you and then said, "oh shit! (While simultaneously standing up) I'm sittin' on it!" (He indeed was, sitting on 2 more loaves of bread, pretty much squished flat.) He finished, "My wife is gonna beat the hell out me for this!" 

    I swear I laughed all the way home. That man made the whole trip to WM 100% worth it. 

    I hope his wife found the same humor in it. 😄
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda Gablerdoyoulove19GNTLGNTSundrop
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....Sunny, alcohol, river & a kayak.......I'm tellin' ya....it's a number one Country hit!!....and Bri?.....next time, send a brother a slice wouldja?.....
    That's a tall order Scott, her pizzas are legend round these here parts, there's normally an argument over the last slice😀
    FlakeNoircatspideymanHedda Gablerdoyoulove19GNTLGNTSundrop
  • cat said:
    All the sandwich and bread talk earlier got me renembering... 

    I went with Scott to Walmart today. On our way out, we were following an elderly gentleman on one of those scooter thingies. Right outside the door, a loaf of bread fell off his cart. So Scott says, "Sir, you dropped this, and you are about to lose another one." (It was hanging off his seat by a thread) 

    The gentleman said thank you and then said, "oh shit! (While simultaneously standing up) I'm sittin' on it!" (He indeed was, sitting on 2 more loaves of bread, pretty much squished flat.) He finished, "My wife is gonna beat the hell out me for this!" 

    I swear I laughed all the way home. That man made the whole trip to WM 100% worth it. 

    I hope his wife found the same humor in it. 😄
    I think he did a bread heist.  How do you sit on your bread?  How does that happen.  Lalallalallaaaa I'm just shopping here and oooopsss, loaves of bread end up under my ass.  Nope.  I'm not buying that.  He was making a run for the state line with stolen "dough."
  • cat said:
    All the sandwich and bread talk earlier got me renembering... 

    I went with Scott to Walmart today. On our way out, we were following an elderly gentleman on one of those scooter thingies. Right outside the door, a loaf of bread fell off his cart. So Scott says, "Sir, you dropped this, and you are about to lose another one." (It was hanging off his seat by a thread) 

    The gentleman said thank you and then said, "oh shit! (While simultaneously standing up) I'm sittin' on it!" (He indeed was, sitting on 2 more loaves of bread, pretty much squished flat.) He finished, "My wife is gonna beat the hell out me for this!" 

    I swear I laughed all the way home. That man made the whole trip to WM 100% worth it. 

    I hope his wife found the same humor in it. 😄
    RJ That Smushed Bread Be Hittin Different AK F Only the REAL Know Theres a  Difference 71418 618 PM  Blackpeopletwitter Meme on MEME
    catNotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Hedda Gabler
  • cat said:
    All the sandwich and bread talk earlier got me renembering... 

    I went with Scott to Walmart today. On our way out, we were following an elderly gentleman on one of those scooter thingies. Right outside the door, a loaf of bread fell off his cart. So Scott says, "Sir, you dropped this, and you are about to lose another one." (It was hanging off his seat by a thread) 

    The gentleman said thank you and then said, "oh shit! (While simultaneously standing up) I'm sittin' on it!" (He indeed was, sitting on 2 more loaves of bread, pretty much squished flat.) He finished, "My wife is gonna beat the hell out me for this!" 

    I swear I laughed all the way home. That man made the whole trip to WM 100% worth it. 

    I hope his wife found the same humor in it. 😄
    I think he did a bread heist.  How do you sit on your bread?  How does that happen.  Lalallalallaaaa I'm just shopping here and oooopsss, loaves of bread end up under my ass.  Nope.  I'm not buying that.  He was making a run for the state line with stolen "dough."
    Doh  Simpsons Wiki  Fandom
    catNotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19Hedda Gabler
  • ....you could be like the one Inmate at work, that years ago.....smuggled Chow Hall hamburgers back to his dorm in the lining of his back brace.....YUM-YUM!......
    catNotaroFlakeNoirdoyoulove19SundropHedda Gabler
  • We have our Lily back home. She was a handful for the vet. Scott had to go back this morning after we dropped her off to get her out of the kennel for them so they could do the surgery. She was scared to death. 

    She came through everything ok. We will be babying her! Poor girl. 
    GNTLGNTNotaroFlakeNoirspideymandoyoulove19SundropHedda Gabler
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