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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • It's Saturday and today I'll be doing absolutely fcuk all😎
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
  • I am getting my roots dyed and my fringe trimmed.  People are being respectful of others, i love to see true kindness!
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Funny Coffee Memes  POPSUGAR Fitness
    OMG... more true than you would believe. 
    NotaroHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNTHollyGolightlycat
  • I am getting my roots dyed and my fringe trimmed.  People are being respectful of others, i love to see true kindness!
    It's funny hearing you call it "fringe", that's what we say here.
    (I probably shouldn't start up the "bangs" conversation at Bev's place though.  😁)
    NotaroHedda GablerNeesyGNTLGNTHollyGolightlycat
  • ...nor any commentary from me on "fringe".....
    HollyGolightlyFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablercatNeesy
  • ....let's see...yesterday, went to Amish Country and got some apples, met up with some friends for dinner and chit-chat and on the way home, assisted at the site of a car wreck....so, pretty average day..... :D
    HollyGolightlyFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablercatNeesy
  • Dear Friends, (looking @FlakeNoir ; and @Hedda Gabler why are you hating on caffeine?  What happened? My morning coffee is nearly the only thing I look forward to - in addition to getting my roots done, fringe trimmed, and chin hairs plucked (I just got my hair done Tuesday - feeling fresh!).  I've looked about the board a bit to see if I can understand. Has something happened?  Other than the spider webs, I thought caffeine was mostly good.  Brown sadness water indeed.

    @cat Yay for Ally! I'm glad she got to do something almost normal - I worry about the kids/teens during this weird time.

    @GNTLGNT Bless you for helping! So many people just drive on by.  Hope everyone was  OK. 

    Our boy is in paramedic school.  We're so proud of/happy for him.  He's found something he really loves to do. He spent 12 hours with an ambulance crew Thursday night to Friday morning and loved it - all the gross, weird, sad, frightening situations - he likes to be helpful during troubling times. 
    In other news, I made myself a bowl of waffles this morn.  My waffle iron said they were ready, but they were still a little drippy and sticky.  But I WANTED WAFFLES NOW. So I scooped them into a bowl, and vola! Bowl of waffles.  Still tasty. 

    And that made me think of this:

    I should start an Instagram of oddities that pop into my head.

    Well, that's a recap of everything this week.  Exciting stuff. 

    Happy Sunday!
    not_nadineGNTLGNTFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablercatNeesy
  • ....good on him for wanting to work as as a paramedic!.....hard and emotional work, but rewarding as well.....no-one was injured in the mishap Tracy and I attended to....couple of young goofballs going too fast couldn't negotiate a curve and ended up in a ditch.....
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablercatHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....let's see...yesterday, went to Amish Country and got some apples, met up with some friends for dinner and chit-chat and on the way home, assisted at the site of a car wreck....so, pretty average day..... :D
    Whoa... full on day! (Was worried about the car accident and then thankfully saw your follow up message.)
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotarocatHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Dear Friends, (looking @FlakeNoir ; and @Hedda Gabler why are you hating on caffeine?  What happened? My morning coffee is nearly the only thing I look forward to - in addition to getting my roots done, fringe trimmed, and chin hairs plucked (I just got my hair done Tuesday - feeling fresh!).  I've looked about the board a bit to see if I can understand. Has something happened?  Other than the spider webs, I thought caffeine was mostly good.  Brown sadness water indeed.

    @cat Yay for Ally! I'm glad she got to do something almost normal - I worry about the kids/teens during this weird time.

    @GNTLGNT Bless you for helping! So many people just drive on by.  Hope everyone was  OK. 

    Our boy is in paramedic school.  We're so proud of/happy for him.  He's found something he really loves to do. He spent 12 hours with an ambulance crew Thursday night to Friday morning and loved it - all the gross, weird, sad, frightening situations - he likes to be helpful during troubling times. 
    In other news, I made myself a bowl of waffles this morn.  My waffle iron said they were ready, but they were still a little drippy and sticky.  But I WANTED WAFFLES NOW. So I scooped them into a bowl, and vola! Bowl of waffles.  Still tasty. 

    And that made me think of this:

    I should start an Instagram of oddities that pop into my head.

    Well, that's a recap of everything this week.  Exciting stuff. 

    Happy Sunday!
    Hey Holly girl... you carry on the good work with that great relationship you have going there with coffee. No need to go through a painful break-up unless that honey decides to try and break your very heart... if so, then kick that motherf@k3r out and lock the door. :D 

    I'm just having some old-girl issues with my heart and caffeine seems to be one of the contributing factors, I'll be seeing a cardiologist once the hospital gets it's public health sh*t together and gets me in.

    Also, yay on the paramedic thing with your son, that's great! (my partner is an EMT and is about a 1/3 of the way through his paramedic degree.

    Loved your waffles story. :D Great hearing from you girl. <3 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotarocatHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNotarocatHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    ....it'll be epic.......I laying in the gummy bears and cheese doodles now......
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotarocatHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    The girls were good.  Nothing wildly exciting.  THe younger pup did a lot of dreaming this weekend.  Lots of twitches and leg kicks, and even some whimpering.  Of course, I'm waking her up to make sure she is okay, and she would look at me with her sleep-smoosh face and wonder why the hell I kept waking her up.

    About a year ago, I had given each of my little boys miniature mailboxes.  So, the last 3 weekends I've left them mail.  The flag up so they knew they had something. Well this weekend, I walked in and the mailboxes were sitting out with the flag up and I had mail!  They each made me a little ceramic pumpkin with all sorts of things painted on it and glued and they were little bat pumpkins.  Made my day.

    I rescued a mouse from the clutches of a neighbor cat.  I mean, I probably no sooner got in the house then the cat found it and sliced it up, but I just couldn't stand seeing it terrorize the little thing. 

     I walked out of their house in my pjs in the middle of the day (yes,  I was still in my pjs) and walked across the street and sure enough, the cat had a mouse on the defense.  The mouse was on its back and it was scratching and biting at the cat, so I chased the cat off and the mouse flipped right side up and took off.  I know, it was a mouse. A gross disease carrying mouse.  But I just had to stand up for the little guy.
  • Dear Friends, (looking @FlakeNoir ; and @Hedda Gabler why are you hating on caffeine?  What happened? My morning coffee is nearly the only thing I look forward to - in addition to getting my roots done, fringe trimmed, and chin hairs plucked (I just got my hair done Tuesday - feeling fresh!).  I've looked about the board a bit to see if I can understand. Has something happened?  Other than the spider webs, I thought caffeine was mostly good.  Brown sadness water indeed.

    @cat Yay for Ally! I'm glad she got to do something almost normal - I worry about the kids/teens during this weird time.

    @GNTLGNT Bless you for helping! So many people just drive on by.  Hope everyone was  OK. 

    Our boy is in paramedic school.  We're so proud of/happy for him.  He's found something he really loves to do. He spent 12 hours with an ambulance crew Thursday night to Friday morning and loved it - all the gross, weird, sad, frightening situations - he likes to be helpful during troubling times. 
    In other news, I made myself a bowl of waffles this morn.  My waffle iron said they were ready, but they were still a little drippy and sticky.  But I WANTED WAFFLES NOW. So I scooped them into a bowl, and vola! Bowl of waffles.  Still tasty. 

    And that made me think of this:

    I should start an Instagram of oddities that pop into my head.

    Well, that's a recap of everything this week.  Exciting stuff. 

    Happy Sunday!
    I love your check ins.  You are a unique and interesting person, Holly.  
  • FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    The girls were good.  Nothing wildly exciting.  THe younger pup did a lot of dreaming this weekend.  Lots of twitches and leg kicks, and even some whimpering.  Of course, I'm waking her up to make sure she is okay, and she would look at me with her sleep-smoosh face and wonder why the hell I kept waking her up.

    About a year ago, I had given each of my little boys miniature mailboxes.  So, the last 3 weekends I've left them mail.  The flag up so they knew they had something. Well this weekend, I walked in and the mailboxes were sitting out with the flag up and I had mail!  They each made me a little ceramic pumpkin with all sorts of things painted on it and glued and they were little bat pumpkins.  Made my day.

    I rescued a mouse from the clutches of a neighbor cat.  I mean, I probably no sooner got in the house then the cat found it and sliced it up, but I just couldn't stand seeing it terrorize the little thing. 

     I walked out of their house in my pjs in the middle of the day (yes,  I was still in my pjs) and walked across the street and sure enough, the cat had a mouse on the defense.  The mouse was on its back and it was scratching and biting at the cat, so I chased the cat off and the mouse flipped right side up and took off.  I know, it was a mouse. A gross disease carrying mouse.  But I just had to stand up for the little guy.
    I love that they left you mail, that made me mist up... πŸ’œ

    Oh hell yes.... there's no way you could have left that mouse to save itself.  It's okay girl, at least one other person (me) in this world understands the siren call of The Animal Saviour mentality... gosh... that mouse might one day be destined to chew the ropes that binds the lion who's uncle's brother's best friends' insurance agent's dentist bought shares in the company that's leading the research looking to cure herpes.  (It was so difficult to not go the covid road which was leading me to a political comment but then the old stirrings (😳) of moderator days stepped in and I landed on herpes.
    Strange happenings these days.  I'm actually 2/3rds asleep on my couch after work, someone needs to take my phone off me. )
    NotarocatspideymanHedda GablerGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Grocery shopping, getting gas for the car, thinking about food.  Watching TV. Taking in some movies for the marathon.  Maybe try to read.   Did I mention I was thinking about food?

    My cats have been all over me since I got home last night.  I think they were worried I had abandoned them.  

    Oh yeah, and before I forget, I'm thinking about food.
  • Grocery shopping, getting gas for the car, thinking about food.  Watching TV. Taking in some movies for the marathon.  Maybe try to read.   Did I mention I was thinking about food?

    My cats have been all over me since I got home last night.  I think they were worried I had abandoned them.  

    Oh yeah, and before I forget, I'm thinking about food.
    You spend more time thinking about food than youve ever spent thinking  about a person  Funny quotes Foodie quotes Funny girl quotes
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirspideymancatHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • ....I love the mailbox "transactions" Deej....those small and loving gestures are what keep from giving up on humankind entirely....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirspideymancatHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    The girls were good.  Nothing wildly exciting.  THe younger pup did a lot of dreaming this weekend.  Lots of twitches and leg kicks, and even some whimpering.  Of course, I'm waking her up to make sure she is okay, and she would look at me with her sleep-smoosh face and wonder why the hell I kept waking her up.

    About a year ago, I had given each of my little boys miniature mailboxes.  So, the last 3 weekends I've left them mail.  The flag up so they knew they had something. Well this weekend, I walked in and the mailboxes were sitting out with the flag up and I had mail!  They each made me a little ceramic pumpkin with all sorts of things painted on it and glued and they were little bat pumpkins.  Made my day.

    I rescued a mouse from the clutches of a neighbor cat.  I mean, I probably no sooner got in the house then the cat found it and sliced it up, but I just couldn't stand seeing it terrorize the little thing. 

     I walked out of their house in my pjs in the middle of the day (yes,  I was still in my pjs) and walked across the street and sure enough, the cat had a mouse on the defense.  The mouse was on its back and it was scratching and biting at the cat, so I chased the cat off and the mouse flipped right side up and took off.  I know, it was a mouse. A gross disease carrying mouse.  But I just had to stand up for the little guy.
    I love that they left you mail, that made me mist up... πŸ’œ

    Oh hell yes.... there's no way you could have left that mouse to save itself.  It's okay girl, at least one other person (me) in this world understands the siren call of The Animal Saviour mentality... gosh... that mouse might one day be destined to chew the ropes that binds the lion who's uncle's brother's best friends' insurance agent's dentist bought shares in the company that's leading the research looking to cure herpes.  (It was so difficult to not go the covid road which was leading me to a political comment but then the old stirrings (😳) of moderator days stepped in and I landed on herpes.
    Strange happenings these days.  I'm actually 2/3rds asleep on my couch after work, someone needs to take my phone off me. )
    Free Minimal Phone Wallpaper Put the Phone Down  Funny phone  wallpaper Locked wallpaper Phone wallpaper
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirspideymancatHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I love the mailbox "transactions" Deej....those small and loving gestures are what keep from giving up on humankind entirely....
    I love these little boys with all my heart.   I don't want them to forget me.  You're never really gone if someone remembers you.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    The girls were good.  Nothing wildly exciting.  THe younger pup did a lot of dreaming this weekend.  Lots of twitches and leg kicks, and even some whimpering.  Of course, I'm waking her up to make sure she is okay, and she would look at me with her sleep-smoosh face and wonder why the hell I kept waking her up.

    About a year ago, I had given each of my little boys miniature mailboxes.  So, the last 3 weekends I've left them mail.  The flag up so they knew they had something. Well this weekend, I walked in and the mailboxes were sitting out with the flag up and I had mail!  They each made me a little ceramic pumpkin with all sorts of things painted on it and glued and they were little bat pumpkins.  Made my day.

    I rescued a mouse from the clutches of a neighbor cat.  I mean, I probably no sooner got in the house then the cat found it and sliced it up, but I just couldn't stand seeing it terrorize the little thing. 

     I walked out of their house in my pjs in the middle of the day (yes,  I was still in my pjs) and walked across the street and sure enough, the cat had a mouse on the defense.  The mouse was on its back and it was scratching and biting at the cat, so I chased the cat off and the mouse flipped right side up and took off.  I know, it was a mouse. A gross disease carrying mouse.  But I just had to stand up for the little guy.
    I love that they left you mail, that made me mist up... πŸ’œ

    Oh hell yes.... there's no way you could have left that mouse to save itself.  It's okay girl, at least one other person (me) in this world understands the siren call of The Animal Saviour mentality... gosh... that mouse might one day be destined to chew the ropes that binds the lion who's uncle's brother's best friends' insurance agent's dentist bought shares in the company that's leading the research looking to cure herpes.  (It was so difficult to not go the covid road which was leading me to a political comment but then the old stirrings (😳) of moderator days stepped in and I landed on herpes.
    Strange happenings these days.  I'm actually 2/3rds asleep on my couch after work, someone needs to take my phone off me. )
     :D  :D :D :D :D
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    The girls were good.  Nothing wildly exciting.  THe younger pup did a lot of dreaming this weekend.  Lots of twitches and leg kicks, and even some whimpering.  Of course, I'm waking her up to make sure she is okay, and she would look at me with her sleep-smoosh face and wonder why the hell I kept waking her up.

    About a year ago, I had given each of my little boys miniature mailboxes.  So, the last 3 weekends I've left them mail.  The flag up so they knew they had something. Well this weekend, I walked in and the mailboxes were sitting out with the flag up and I had mail!  They each made me a little ceramic pumpkin with all sorts of things painted on it and glued and they were little bat pumpkins.  Made my day.

    I rescued a mouse from the clutches of a neighbor cat.  I mean, I probably no sooner got in the house then the cat found it and sliced it up, but I just couldn't stand seeing it terrorize the little thing. 

     I walked out of their house in my pjs in the middle of the day (yes,  I was still in my pjs) and walked across the street and sure enough, the cat had a mouse on the defense.  The mouse was on its back and it was scratching and biting at the cat, so I chased the cat off and the mouse flipped right side up and took off.  I know, it was a mouse. A gross disease carrying mouse.  But I just had to stand up for the little guy.
    I love that they left you mail, that made me mist up... πŸ’œ

    Oh hell yes.... there's no way you could have left that mouse to save itself.  It's okay girl, at least one other person (me) in this world understands the siren call of The Animal Saviour mentality... gosh... that mouse might one day be destined to chew the ropes that binds the lion who's uncle's brother's best friends' insurance agent's dentist bought shares in the company that's leading the research looking to cure herpes.  (It was so difficult to not go the covid road which was leading me to a political comment but then the old stirrings (😳) of moderator days stepped in and I landed on herpes.
    Strange happenings these days.  I'm actually 2/3rds asleep on my couch after work, someone needs to take my phone off me. )
     :D  :D :D :D :D
    This is herpes.  This is your brain on herpes.  Any questions?

    Nope.  No visual to support my brain on herpes comment.  I got nuthin' here.
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I love the mailbox "transactions" Deej....those small and loving gestures are what keep from giving up on humankind entirely....
    I also made them jello. bwhahaha!  One kid likes cherry and the other lime (who in the heck likes lime jello?). Anyway, I made them each their own surprise.  I didn't have any super cute molds or anything, but I knew a simple thing like jello would tickle them.  

    I write them letters and send cards to them in the actual mail too. 

    Remember when you were a kid and you got mail and how excited you were?

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