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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    The girls were good.  Nothing wildly exciting.  THe younger pup did a lot of dreaming this weekend.  Lots of twitches and leg kicks, and even some whimpering.  Of course, I'm waking her up to make sure she is okay, and she would look at me with her sleep-smoosh face and wonder why the hell I kept waking her up.

    About a year ago, I had given each of my little boys miniature mailboxes.  So, the last 3 weekends I've left them mail.  The flag up so they knew they had something. Well this weekend, I walked in and the mailboxes were sitting out with the flag up and I had mail!  They each made me a little ceramic pumpkin with all sorts of things painted on it and glued and they were little bat pumpkins.  Made my day.

    I rescued a mouse from the clutches of a neighbor cat.  I mean, I probably no sooner got in the house then the cat found it and sliced it up, but I just couldn't stand seeing it terrorize the little thing. 

     I walked out of their house in my pjs in the middle of the day (yes,  I was still in my pjs) and walked across the street and sure enough, the cat had a mouse on the defense.  The mouse was on its back and it was scratching and biting at the cat, so I chased the cat off and the mouse flipped right side up and took off.  I know, it was a mouse. A gross disease carrying mouse.  But I just had to stand up for the little guy.
    I love that they left you mail, that made me mist up... 💜

    Oh hell yes.... there's no way you could have left that mouse to save itself.  It's okay girl, at least one other person (me) in this world understands the siren call of The Animal Saviour mentality... gosh... that mouse might one day be destined to chew the ropes that binds the lion who's uncle's brother's best friends' insurance agent's dentist bought shares in the company that's leading the research looking to cure herpes.  (It was so difficult to not go the covid road which was leading me to a political comment but then the old stirrings (😳) of moderator days stepped in and I landed on herpes.
    Strange happenings these days.  I'm actually 2/3rds asleep on my couch after work, someone needs to take my phone off me. )
     :D  :D :D :D :D
    This is herpes.  This is your brain on herpes.  Any questions?

    Nope.  No visual to support my brain on herpes comment.  I got nuthin' here.
    I'm just hoping Scott doesn't come up with a meme for this. :D 
    And no... I don't have the herpes. Hahahahahahahahaaaa. 
    Hedda GablerNotarospideymancatGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Scott got sent home from work today. The guy he has been working side by side with the last several days called in with a fever today. So Scott has to quarantine until the coworker gets his covid results. 

    Prayers it is negative. The guy recently had a kidney transplant so would definitely fall into the high risk category.  Not sure how long ago his transplant was, but he has only been back at work for about 3 months. 

    So, we're kind of on pins and needles today. 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesydoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    Scott got sent home from work today. The guy he has been working side by side with the last several days called in with a fever today. So Scott has to quarantine until the coworker gets his covid results. 

    Prayers it is negative. The guy recently had a kidney transplant so would definitely fall into the high risk category.  Not sure how long ago his transplant was, but he has only been back at work for about 3 months. 

    So, we're kind of on pins and needles today. 
    Oh gosh... thinking of (((you all))) there, Cat. 💜 Let us know when you can please. 
    catGNTLGNTHedda GablerspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler how was the pup-sitting gig? We need to hear the dirt... :D 
    The girls were good.  Nothing wildly exciting.  THe younger pup did a lot of dreaming this weekend.  Lots of twitches and leg kicks, and even some whimpering.  Of course, I'm waking her up to make sure she is okay, and she would look at me with her sleep-smoosh face and wonder why the hell I kept waking her up.

    About a year ago, I had given each of my little boys miniature mailboxes.  So, the last 3 weekends I've left them mail.  The flag up so they knew they had something. Well this weekend, I walked in and the mailboxes were sitting out with the flag up and I had mail!  They each made me a little ceramic pumpkin with all sorts of things painted on it and glued and they were little bat pumpkins.  Made my day.

    I rescued a mouse from the clutches of a neighbor cat.  I mean, I probably no sooner got in the house then the cat found it and sliced it up, but I just couldn't stand seeing it terrorize the little thing. 

     I walked out of their house in my pjs in the middle of the day (yes,  I was still in my pjs) and walked across the street and sure enough, the cat had a mouse on the defense.  The mouse was on its back and it was scratching and biting at the cat, so I chased the cat off and the mouse flipped right side up and took off.  I know, it was a mouse. A gross disease carrying mouse.  But I just had to stand up for the little guy.
    I love that they left you mail, that made me mist up... 💜

    Oh hell yes.... there's no way you could have left that mouse to save itself.  It's okay girl, at least one other person (me) in this world understands the siren call of The Animal Saviour mentality... gosh... that mouse might one day be destined to chew the ropes that binds the lion who's uncle's brother's best friends' insurance agent's dentist bought shares in the company that's leading the research looking to cure herpes.  (It was so difficult to not go the covid road which was leading me to a political comment but then the old stirrings (😳) of moderator days stepped in and I landed on herpes.
    Strange happenings these days.  I'm actually 2/3rds asleep on my couch after work, someone needs to take my phone off me. )
     :D  :D :D :D :D
    This is herpes.  This is your brain on herpes.  Any questions?

    Nope.  No visual to support my brain on herpes comment.  I got nuthin' here.
    I'm just hoping Scott doesn't come up with a meme for this. :D 
    And no... I don't have the herpes. Hahahahahahahahaaaa. 

    Herpes her peas - Imgflip
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • cat said:
    Scott got sent home from work today. The guy he has been working side by side with the last several days called in with a fever today. So Scott has to quarantine until the coworker gets his covid results. 

    Prayers it is negative. The guy recently had a kidney transplant so would definitely fall into the high risk category.  Not sure how long ago his transplant was, but he has only been back at work for about 3 months. 

    So, we're kind of on pins and needles today. 
    ....any questions darlin', ask me.....I live around it 5 days a week......
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I love the mailbox "transactions" Deej....those small and loving gestures are what keep from giving up on humankind entirely....
    I also made them jello. bwhahaha!  One kid likes cherry and the other lime (who in the heck likes lime jello?). Anyway, I made them each their own surprise.  I didn't have any super cute molds or anything, but I knew a simple thing like jello would tickle them.  

    I write them letters and send cards to them in the actual mail too. 

    Remember when you were a kid and you got mail and how excited you were?

    ....heck yeah!......still get excited, cuz I order all sortsa crap for my "office"/toy room.....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Oh Cat.  I hope Scott is in the clear and that means the family is in the clear.  And that poor guy.  I hope he recovers from whatever this turns out to be.  

  • Well, Scott's boss just called. Co-worker tested positive. So I guess now, the health dept will be calling us and telling us what we need to do. 

    Scott feels fine, not showing any symptoms at all right now. I know that means nothing for a few days. 


    Thanks everyone, keep the good vibes coming our way please. ❤ And for the coworker, too. I hope he recovers ok, with his kidney issues. 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesydoyoulove19
  • Good vibes to all of you.  And hopefully nobody has an underlying condition they aren't aware they even have.  Scary stuff!

    I hope kidney guy gets through this exposure safely.
  • cat said:
    Well, Scott's boss just called. Co-worker tested positive. So I guess now, the health dept will be calling us and telling us what we need to do. 

    Scott feels fine, not showing any symptoms at all right now. I know that means nothing for a few days. 


    Thanks everyone, keep the good vibes coming our way please. ❤ And for the coworker, too. I hope he recovers ok, with his kidney issues. 
    .....all will be well and all manner of things will be well....
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirspideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • edited October 2020
    I trimmed my cat's toenails.  Now, one guy is very cooperative.  Not happy about it and might struggle a bit, but he lets me do it. 

    The other cat would gut me like a fish if he could.  I have to put a towel over his head and most of his body to keep myself safe.  If I had an extra couple hands, I would be slinging holy water on him and pressing a cross to his forehead while screaming into the demonic winds, may the power of christ compel you!  Oh man! is he ever angry!  And he is scary when he's in the Krueger Zone.  Here's a picture of a bald eagle.  Look at that face.  That is what my cat looks like.  No joke.  He has that bald eagle brow.  Exactly.  He is frightening. 

    Eagle face Postcard - Authentic Cards Inc

    Of course, he then has to punish me by running through the house like a mad man, ignoring my apologies and kissy noises. But, love wins in the end and he shows back up eventually for chin scritches and cuddles.  
  • Not doing an awful lot at the moment other than wishing I was somewhere else🙄
    FlakeNoirspideymancatGNTLGNTHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Not doing an awful lot at the moment other than wishing I was somewhere else🙄
    I have an idea... you could lasso a couple of those giant crows, train them to fetch you some Macca's from town and kick back with an M&M McFlurry.
    This should kill around 3 hours of work? 
    spideymancatGNTLGNTHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Wouldn't work Flakes, crows are notorious for being untrustworthy where McFlurrys are concerned 😃
    FlakeNoirspideymancatGNTLGNTHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Wouldn't work Flakes, crows are notorious for being untrustworthy where McFlurrys are concerned 😃
    I can identify with that. :D 
    NotarospideymancatGNTLGNTHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Good morning,

    The health dept called Scott last night. He is quarantined for 14 days. The kids and I are not. She told Scott he did not have to be tested but he asked to be. So he will go Friday to get tested. She said if he was going to show symptoms, he could be by Thurs or Friday. 

    If he gets sick or has a positive test, he is supposed to isolate from the rest of us and the timer begins again, resets to 14 days. If test is negative, he still has to ride out the original 14 days. 

    I'm going to get groceries today. Stock up just in case, while I'm still able to go out. I really hope Scott does not get sick. 

    NotarospideymanGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • cat said:
    Good morning,

    The health dept called Scott last night. He is quarantined for 14 days. The kids and I are not. She told Scott he did not have to be tested but he asked to be. So he will go Friday to get tested. She said if he was going to show symptoms, he could be by Thurs or Friday. 

    If he gets sick or has a positive test, he is supposed to isolate from the rest of us and the timer begins again, resets to 14 days. If test is negative, he still has to ride out the original 14 days. 

    I'm going to get groceries today. Stock up just in case, while I'm still able to go out. I really hope Scott does not get sick. 

    Manifesting only good vibes. 
    catGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • cat said:
    Good morning,

    The health dept called Scott last night. He is quarantined for 14 days. The kids and I are not. She told Scott he did not have to be tested but he asked to be. So he will go Friday to get tested. She said if he was going to show symptoms, he could be by Thurs or Friday. 

    If he gets sick or has a positive test, he is supposed to isolate from the rest of us and the timer begins again, resets to 14 days. If test is negative, he still has to ride out the original 14 days. 

    I'm going to get groceries today. Stock up just in case, while I'm still able to go out. I really hope Scott does not get sick. 

    Really hope Scott will be ok Cat, sending positive vibes and best wishes. 🤞
    spideymancatGNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • I trimmed my cat's toenails.  Now, one guy is very cooperative.  Not happy about it and might struggle a bit, but he lets me do it. 

    The other cat would gut me like a fish if he could.  I have to put a towel over his head and most of his body to keep myself safe.  If I had an extra couple hands, I would be slinging holy water on him and pressing a cross to his forehead while screaming into the demonic winds, may the power of christ compel you!  Oh man! is he ever angry!  And he is scary when he's in the Krueger Zone.  Here's a picture of a bald eagle.  Look at that face.  That is what my cat looks like.  No joke.  He has that bald eagle brow.  Exactly.  He is frightening. 

    Eagle face Postcard - Authentic Cards Inc

    Of course, he then has to punish me by running through the house like a mad man, ignoring my apologies and kissy noises. But, love wins in the end and he shows back up eventually for chin scritches and cuddles.  
    Pissed Off Towel Cat - Meme Guy
    NotarocatFlakeNoirHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Wouldn't work Flakes, crows are notorious for being untrustworthy where McFlurrys are concerned 😃
    ....I see what you mean....

    MCFlurry Instagram posts - Gramhocom
    NotarocatFlakeNoirHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • cat said:
    Good morning,

    The health dept called Scott last night. He is quarantined for 14 days. The kids and I are not. She told Scott he did not have to be tested but he asked to be. So he will go Friday to get tested. She said if he was going to show symptoms, he could be by Thurs or Friday. 

    If he gets sick or has a positive test, he is supposed to isolate from the rest of us and the timer begins again, resets to 14 days. If test is negative, he still has to ride out the original 14 days. 

    I'm going to get groceries today. Stock up just in case, while I'm still able to go out. I really hope Scott does not get sick. 

    ....I'm not a religious feller, but I manifest what prayers I can for the fam......
    NotarocatFlakeNoirHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • cat said:
    Good morning,

    The health dept called Scott last night. He is quarantined for 14 days. The kids and I are not. She told Scott he did not have to be tested but he asked to be. So he will go Friday to get tested. She said if he was going to show symptoms, he could be by Thurs or Friday. 

    If he gets sick or has a positive test, he is supposed to isolate from the rest of us and the timer begins again, resets to 14 days. If test is negative, he still has to ride out the original 14 days. 

    I'm going to get groceries today. Stock up just in case, while I'm still able to go out. I really hope Scott does not get sick. 

    Oh (((Cat)))... I'm thinking of you guys and have everything crossed that Scott stays well and that this ends here... also sending my best for Scott's work mate too, this is very scary. Please keep us posted, we love you girl. <3 
    Hedda GablercatGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    I trimmed my cat's toenails.  Now, one guy is very cooperative.  Not happy about it and might struggle a bit, but he lets me do it. 

    The other cat would gut me like a fish if he could.  I have to put a towel over his head and most of his body to keep myself safe.  If I had an extra couple hands, I would be slinging holy water on him and pressing a cross to his forehead while screaming into the demonic winds, may the power of christ compel you!  Oh man! is he ever angry!  And he is scary when he's in the Krueger Zone.  Here's a picture of a bald eagle.  Look at that face.  That is what my cat looks like.  No joke.  He has that bald eagle brow.  Exactly.  He is frightening. 

    Eagle face Postcard - Authentic Cards Inc

    Of course, he then has to punish me by running through the house like a mad man, ignoring my apologies and kissy noises. But, love wins in the end and he shows back up eventually for chin scritches and cuddles.  
    Pissed Off Towel Cat - Meme Guy
    That is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  • cat said:
    Good morning,

    The health dept called Scott last night. He is quarantined for 14 days. The kids and I are not. She told Scott he did not have to be tested but he asked to be. So he will go Friday to get tested. She said if he was going to show symptoms, he could be by Thurs or Friday. 

    If he gets sick or has a positive test, he is supposed to isolate from the rest of us and the timer begins again, resets to 14 days. If test is negative, he still has to ride out the original 14 days. 

    I'm going to get groceries today. Stock up just in case, while I'm still able to go out. I really hope Scott does not get sick. 

    Keep us posted on things. Check in when you can.   {{{{cat and family and friends and co-workers}}}}}
  • Thanks everyone. ❤ 

    Scott still feels fine. No symptoms. 

    He got an official quarantine order from Wyoming Dept of Health. Should I tack it to the front door??? 

    😅 I'm kidding. It was mostly to forward to work so they will pay him for these days. 

    I am trying not to freak out. Not borrow trouble. He is pretty healthy most of the time, so hopefully we dodge this. 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarospideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
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