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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • @cat I'm so sorry for this result and that you're now unwell too, you're going to be fine though my girl, you will both make a good recovery and be just fine again... keep drinking lots of water and rest as much as possible. 
    My thoughts are also with the coworker, I'm sorry he's having a rough time of it. 

    Please check in with us when you can. 💜💚
    NotarocatGNTLGNTspideymanHedda Gabler
  • cat said:
    Hi everyone,

    Scott's test came back positive. We figured, given he had symptoms starting Fri night. He is doing pretty good. OTC stuff is sufficient. 

    It hit me like a freight train Sat night too. I was fine and then I had 102.9 fever. Got it down but it keeps returning. Not as high...last night it was 100.9. I also have the terrible body aches. I did have some chest congestion and cough but those things are getting better. OTC stuff is helping me, too. 

    Since it was the weekend, I imagine public health will be calling today about Scott's test. I am keeping the kids home. I think that is what I'm supposed to do. 

    Scott must have come home Monday (the day he was exposed) and given me a direct virus present. Otherwise the timeline does not work. But, the email with test results said to contact anyone you had been in contact with the previous 48 hrs from onset of symptoms and I haven't been out since last Wed. So just my kids. 

    Anyway. Doing ok. It is miserable but medicine does give relief. I think we'll both be ok. 

    Big hugs to everyone. 
    ....if I can be of ANY help, please let me know.....keep hydrated like you've been doing and pour the Tylenol down your gullets.....any breathing issues-get to an ER post-haste....blessings to all.....
    catFlakeNoirspideymandoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gabler
  • ....Nottie, unsure if I can be of any assistance now in your car buying adventure, but like Notaro said, tell them it's a cash deal and that will save you right away, then let them know what you want and stick to your guns....do NOT let them play you cuz "yer just a silly woman"......ask about warranties and after the sale service deals-but don't let them pull the upsell game....."well you need this and HAVE to have that".....no you don't, and if they won't cooperate-find another dealer.....
    Notarocatnot_nadineFlakeNoirspideymandoyoulove19NeesyHedda Gabler
  • @cat how are you and Scott doing today? How is his coworker? Thinking of you all. <3 
    NotarospideymancatGNTLGNTNeesyHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    @cat how are you and Scott doing today? How is his coworker? Thinking of you all. <3 
    We're doing ok. Scott says he feels a bunch better today. He has some tummy issues still and he says he just feels TIRED now, like his body is saying, ok we've been fighting hard, now SLEEP. He never had too much of a fever, a degree or so is all but he has been fever free for over 24 hrs. 

    My fever broke last night. I am super exhausted too. Slept most of the day away yesterday and still slept through the night too.  I am hungry but everything tastes icky. Scott says his sense of taste is back to normal. Mine is not gone but everything tastes like trash. Some tummy issues for me too. 

    Neither of us has had any respiratory issues at all. We are both still fighting the awful body aches. It seems like we are on the downside of it already. I hope so. I hope it doesn't come roaring back for another round. 

    All in all, I think we've been very lucky to have such mild cases. Even so, it has been no fun and miserable. 

    The kids are ok so far. No symptoms. They are stuck at home with us though. Zooming their classes. Scott's isolation order is thru 28th. Public health told him yesterday I needed to stay isolated 14 days from onset, so 29th for me and the kids, unless they show symptoms.  

    Last time Scott talked to the coworker, was on Sunday. He had a fever for 6 days. He is definitely sicker than we are but still at home. Hasn't needed to be hospitalized which is great, given his health issues. He said he still felt really rough but he thought he was getting better. 

    Thanks to everyone for caring how we're doing. Means a lot. ❤ 

    not_nadineNotaroGNTLGNTdoyoulove19FlakeNoirspideymanNeesyHedda Gabler
  • Glad to hear you are both feeling a bit better Cat, keep doing what you're doing and you'll be on the other side of this in no time❤️

    Continued healing vibes for you all🙂
    catGNTLGNTFlakeNoirspideymanNeesyHedda Gabler
  • cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @cat how are you and Scott doing today? How is his coworker? Thinking of you all. <3 
    We're doing ok. Scott says he feels a bunch better today. He has some tummy issues still and he says he just feels TIRED now, like his body is saying, ok we've been fighting hard, now SLEEP. He never had too much of a fever, a degree or so is all but he has been fever free for over 24 hrs. 

    My fever broke last night. I am super exhausted too. Slept most of the day away yesterday and still slept through the night too.  I am hungry but everything tastes icky. Scott says his sense of taste is back to normal. Mine is not gone but everything tastes like trash. Some tummy issues for me too. 

    Neither of us has had any respiratory issues at all. We are both still fighting the awful body aches. It seems like we are on the downside of it already. I hope so. I hope it doesn't come roaring back for another round. 

    All in all, I think we've been very lucky to have such mild cases. Even so, it has been no fun and miserable. 

    The kids are ok so far. No symptoms. They are stuck at home with us though. Zooming their classes. Scott's isolation order is thru 28th. Public health told him yesterday I needed to stay isolated 14 days from onset, so 29th for me and the kids, unless they show symptoms.  

    Last time Scott talked to the coworker, was on Sunday. He had a fever for 6 days. He is definitely sicker than we are but still at home. Hasn't needed to be hospitalized which is great, given his health issues. He said he still felt really rough but he thought he was getting better. 

    Thanks to everyone for caring how we're doing. Means a lot. ❤ 

    (((cat, scott and family))) I am just learning of this.  Sending you all healing vibes and good wishes.   <3
    GNTLGNTcatFlakeNoirspideymanNeesyHedda Gabler
  • cat said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @cat how are you and Scott doing today? How is his coworker? Thinking of you all. <3 
    We're doing ok. Scott says he feels a bunch better today. He has some tummy issues still and he says he just feels TIRED now, like his body is saying, ok we've been fighting hard, now SLEEP. He never had too much of a fever, a degree or so is all but he has been fever free for over 24 hrs. 

    My fever broke last night. I am super exhausted too. Slept most of the day away yesterday and still slept through the night too.  I am hungry but everything tastes icky. Scott says his sense of taste is back to normal. Mine is not gone but everything tastes like trash. Some tummy issues for me too. 

    Neither of us has had any respiratory issues at all. We are both still fighting the awful body aches. It seems like we are on the downside of it already. I hope so. I hope it doesn't come roaring back for another round. 

    All in all, I think we've been very lucky to have such mild cases. Even so, it has been no fun and miserable. 

    The kids are ok so far. No symptoms. They are stuck at home with us though. Zooming their classes. Scott's isolation order is thru 28th. Public health told him yesterday I needed to stay isolated 14 days from onset, so 29th for me and the kids, unless they show symptoms.  

    Last time Scott talked to the coworker, was on Sunday. He had a fever for 6 days. He is definitely sicker than we are but still at home. Hasn't needed to be hospitalized which is great, given his health issues. He said he still felt really rough but he thought he was getting better. 

    Thanks to everyone for caring how we're doing. Means a lot. ❤ 

    ...good news!.....it's the trend I've been seeing at work for the most part.....short and miserable run of symptoms before rounding the corner.....OTC analgesics are your best friend.....
    catFlakeNoirspideymanNeesydoyoulove19Hedda Gabler
  • Thank you for checking in @cat I'm so glad that you're both starting to feel a little better now and that Scott's coworker hasn't had to have hospital care.
    I'm still sending you all healthy, healing vibes... I hope this is on its way out and stays away--hopefully the kids won't get it at all either.  <3
    NotarocatGNTLGNTNeesydoyoulove19HollyGolightlyHedda Gabler
  • @Hedda Gabler where are you, girl? You're freaking me out... pick up yer damn phone. 
    NotarocatGNTLGNTspideymanNeesydoyoulove19HollyGolightlyHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler where are you, girl? You're freaking me out... pick up yer damn phone. 
    ....the dogs slipped her licker.....errr......liquor....
    NotaroFlakeNoircatspideymanNeesydoyoulove19HollyGolightlyHedda Gabler
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler where are you, girl? You're freaking me out... pick up yer damn phone. 
    ....the dogs slipped her licker.....errr......liquor....
    Consider my WTF face an on-behalf-of-Deejers-gesture... in her absence. 

    (& just that so nobody else loses their sh*t such as I did, I've heard from her now and she will be back soon. She doesn't have The 19, The Herpes, or a fungal toenail infection. In fact I suspect she's putting up her Christmas tree in her garage, BEFORE Thanksgiving. Ooooooh, I'm telling Santa!
    "A bag of coal, a bag of coal, Deejer's gonna get a bag of coal..." 
    :o WTF was in that coffee?)
    NotarocatspideymanNeesydoyoulove19GNTLGNTHollyGolightlyHedda Gabler
  • F'k#ng hell... I seriously need an upgrade on my editing time.  :#
    catNotarospideymanNeesyGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyHedda Gabler
  • edited October 2020
    Hi there - I brought some plants inside from my garage - looks like winter might officially be here as we got snow (yuck)

    My two "pumpkin on a stick plants" are still alive and looking much better now that they're inside where the temperature is above 40F

    Also brought in one bergamot plant and thinking this morning I better go out and rescue the second one. I have two geraniums that I will probably bring inside as well (I wonder how they will do down in the basement if I put them near a light bulb?)

    Cat - so glad to hear that you and Scott are getting better - did you get the results back from Scott's test? Maybe it is just regular flu? Keeping my fingers crossed for you both

    Oh crap - edit time (I see up above his test did come back positive) - sorry!

    doyoulove19catNotaroGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • Scott and I both feeling a bit better. Both fever free, him for 48 hrs, me about 36. Body aches much better today. I have some sinus pressure now but it even seems less this morning. I was able to eat yesterday without the food tasting like garbage. Think we're kicking it! 

    Both of us are still super tired though. 

    Kids have early release from school today, so all zoom classes are at double time today. No school tomorrow or Friday, for parent teacher conferences. Will be missing those, but both kids doing well...Ali is straight A+ across the board, even in her junior level classes. And Ty doing great with As and Bs. 

    Evan is going to do a little shopping for us today and leave the stuff at the door. The cold weather snuck up on us and we still need to winterize the camper so he is bringing the stuff for that, and a few odds and ends for the house. Thankful he can do that for us and thankful Scott feels well enough to go outside and do it. 

    Have a great day. ❤
    NotaroGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    Scott and I both feeling a bit better. Both fever free, him for 48 hrs, me about 36. Body aches much better today. I have some sinus pressure now but it even seems less this morning. I was able to eat yesterday without the food tasting like garbage. Think we're kicking it! 

    Both of us are still super tired though. 

    Kids have early release from school today, so all zoom classes are at double time today. No school tomorrow or Friday, for parent teacher conferences. Will be missing those, but both kids doing well...Ali is straight A+ across the board, even in her junior level classes. And Ty doing great with As and Bs. 

    Evan is going to do a little shopping for us today and leave the stuff at the door. The cold weather snuck up on us and we still need to winterize the camper so he is bringing the stuff for that, and a few odds and ends for the house. Thankful he can do that for us and thankful Scott feels well enough to go outside and do it. 

    Have a great day. ❤
    That's great news Cat, you'll both be back to full strength in no time at all 🙂
    catGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    Scott and I both feeling a bit better. Both fever free, him for 48 hrs, me about 36. Body aches much better today. I have some sinus pressure now but it even seems less this morning. I was able to eat yesterday without the food tasting like garbage. Think we're kicking it! 

    Both of us are still super tired though. 

    Kids have early release from school today, so all zoom classes are at double time today. No school tomorrow or Friday, for parent teacher conferences. Will be missing those, but both kids doing well...Ali is straight A+ across the board, even in her junior level classes. And Ty doing great with As and Bs. 

    Evan is going to do a little shopping for us today and leave the stuff at the door. The cold weather snuck up on us and we still need to winterize the camper so he is bringing the stuff for that, and a few odds and ends for the house. Thankful he can do that for us and thankful Scott feels well enough to go outside and do it. 

    Have a great day. ❤
    ...all positives dear heart!....so glad, glad, glad!.....did I mention I'm glad?.....
    catHollyGolightlyFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler where are you, girl? You're freaking me out... pick up yer damn phone. 
    ....the dogs slipped her licker.....errr......liquor....
    Consider my WTF face an on-behalf-of-Deejers-gesture... in her absence. 

    (& just that so nobody else loses their sh*t such as I did, I've heard from her now and she will be back soon. She doesn't have The 19, The Herpes, or a fungal toenail infection. In fact I suspect she's putting up her Christmas tree in her garage, BEFORE Thanksgiving. Ooooooh, I'm telling Santa!
    "A bag of coal, a bag of coal, Deejer's gonna get a bag of coal..." 
    :o WTF was in that coffee?)
    ....if yer gonna do a WTF face do a good'un....likes dis here......

    Wtf Face - YouTube
    catHollyGolightlyFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    What am I doing today?  Sweet F all. I'm still in my p'jama's at a quarter to three in the afternoon. :o
    Watched a little Netflix, ignored the ice-cream truck and got some out of the freezer for the kid and I.
    Yesterday was busy, today I am making up for it by doing double nothing.
    I may pay for this later, but for now it's worth it. 
    That sounds like a dreamy perfect day to me. 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • cat said:
    Scott and I both feeling a bit better. Both fever free, him for 48 hrs, me about 36. Body aches much better today. I have some sinus pressure now but it even seems less this morning. I was able to eat yesterday without the food tasting like garbage. Think we're kicking it! 

    Both of us are still super tired though. 

    Kids have early release from school today, so all zoom classes are at double time today. No school tomorrow or Friday, for parent teacher conferences. Will be missing those, but both kids doing well...Ali is straight A+ across the board, even in her junior level classes. And Ty doing great with As and Bs. 

    Evan is going to do a little shopping for us today and leave the stuff at the door. The cold weather snuck up on us and we still need to winterize the camper so he is bringing the stuff for that, and a few odds and ends for the house. Thankful he can do that for us and thankful Scott feels well enough to go outside and do it. 

    Have a great day. ❤
    So glad to hear fever & body aches are better.  Y'all are healing.  Hoping Scott's co-worker gets ahead of it soon.  I've been worried about him too.

    Yay for Ali & Ty and good grades! 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerNeesy
  • edited October 2020
    Doing sweet FA, builder's holiday, I may change my name to Rip Van Kelly to see if it will help me sleep today🤔
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Notaro said:
    Doing sweet FA, builder's holiday, I may change my name to Rip Van Kelly to see if it will help me sleep today🤔
    I had some very boring study to work through at the start of this week, I could hook you up with it if you think it'd help you to sleep? 
    GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Many thanks Flakes but being Irish I'm intrinsically lazy and I'm going to stick with the name change as opposed to studying to try and help me nod off😁🤣🤣🤣..... But I appreciate the offer😀
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Notaro said:
    Many thanks Flakes but being Irish I'm intrinsically lazy and I'm going to stick with the name change as opposed to studying to try and help me nod off😁🤣🤣🤣..... But I appreciate the offer😀
    🤣🤣🤣 I did not know this about the Irish... what other little gems should we know about? 
    NotaroGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
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