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My thoughts are also with the coworker, I'm sorry he's having a rough time of it.
Please check in with us when you can. 💜💚
My fever broke last night. I am super exhausted too. Slept most of the day away yesterday and still slept through the night too. I am hungry but everything tastes icky. Scott says his sense of taste is back to normal. Mine is not gone but everything tastes like trash. Some tummy issues for me too.
Neither of us has had any respiratory issues at all. We are both still fighting the awful body aches. It seems like we are on the downside of it already. I hope so. I hope it doesn't come roaring back for another round.
All in all, I think we've been very lucky to have such mild cases. Even so, it has been no fun and miserable.
The kids are ok so far. No symptoms. They are stuck at home with us though. Zooming their classes. Scott's isolation order is thru 28th. Public health told him yesterday I needed to stay isolated 14 days from onset, so 29th for me and the kids, unless they show symptoms.
Last time Scott talked to the coworker, was on Sunday. He had a fever for 6 days. He is definitely sicker than we are but still at home. Hasn't needed to be hospitalized which is great, given his health issues. He said he still felt really rough but he thought he was getting better.
Thanks to everyone for caring how we're doing. Means a lot. ❤
Continued healing vibes for you all🙂
I'm still sending you all healthy, healing vibes... I hope this is on its way out and stays away--hopefully the kids won't get it at all either.
(& just that so nobody else loses their sh*t such as I did, I've heard from her now and she will be back soon. She doesn't have The 19, The Herpes, or a fungal toenail infection. In fact I suspect she's putting up her Christmas tree in her garage, BEFORE Thanksgiving. Ooooooh, I'm telling Santa!
"A bag of coal, a bag of coal, Deejer's gonna get a bag of coal..."
Both of us are still super tired though.
Kids have early release from school today, so all zoom classes are at double time today. No school tomorrow or Friday, for parent teacher conferences. Will be missing those, but both kids doing well...Ali is straight A+ across the board, even in her junior level classes. And Ty doing great with As and Bs.
Evan is going to do a little shopping for us today and leave the stuff at the door. The cold weather snuck up on us and we still need to winterize the camper so he is bringing the stuff for that, and a few odds and ends for the house. Thankful he can do that for us and thankful Scott feels well enough to go outside and do it.
Have a great day. ❤
Yay for Ali & Ty and good grades!