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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • cat said:
    Thanks everyone. ❤ 

    Scott still feels fine. No symptoms. 

    He got an official quarantine order from Wyoming Dept of Health. Should I tack it to the front door??? 

    😅 I'm kidding. It was mostly to forward to work so they will pay him for these days. 

    I am trying not to freak out. Not borrow trouble. He is pretty healthy most of the time, so hopefully we dodge this. 
    ...sit on the porch in a plague doctor costume...that’d be fun....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotarospideymanHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Doing a little catch up work in the house today. Scott still feeling good. He texted with the coworker yesterday. He is feeling pretty rough but not bad enough to be admitted to the hospital, which is good, with his issues. He apologized profusely for getting Scott quarantined. 

    Feels like we are sitting on a time bomb, waiting to see Scott will start to show symptoms or get a positive test tomorrow. Plus, being Friday tomorrow, we may not know until Monday. Kind of feeling the stress and am a little snappish today. 
    spideymanNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesydoyoulove19
  • cat said:
    Doing a little catch up work in the house today. Scott still feeling good. He texted with the coworker yesterday. He is feeling pretty rough but not bad enough to be admitted to the hospital, which is good, with his issues. He apologized profusely for getting Scott quarantined. 

    Feels like we are sitting on a time bomb, waiting to see Scott will start to show symptoms or get a positive test tomorrow. Plus, being Friday tomorrow, we may not know until Monday. Kind of feeling the stress and am a little snappish today. 
    Calming  vibes. Find your POOH
    catNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Try to keep good energy flowing Cat, Scott feels good so hopefully he's in the clear. Continous healing and calming vibes being sent your way 🤞🙂
    catFlakeNoirspideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • (((Cat))) my heart goes out to you, it's a stressful time  and I'm sorry you're going through this.  
    I'm holding on to hope and sending positive vibes for Scott to stay healthy and for his coworker to have a full recovery.  
    catspideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablerHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • cat said:
    Doing a little catch up work in the house today. Scott still feeling good. He texted with the coworker yesterday. He is feeling pretty rough but not bad enough to be admitted to the hospital, which is good, with his issues. He apologized profusely for getting Scott quarantined. 

    Feels like we are sitting on a time bomb, waiting to see Scott will start to show symptoms or get a positive test tomorrow. Plus, being Friday tomorrow, we may not know until Monday. Kind of feeling the stress and am a little snappish today. 
    Inner Peace  Funny memes Funny animals Funny pictures
    catHedda GablerHollyGolightlyFlakeNoirspideymanNeesy
  • cat said:
    Doing a little catch up work in the house today. Scott still feeling good. He texted with the coworker yesterday. He is feeling pretty rough but not bad enough to be admitted to the hospital, which is good, with his issues. He apologized profusely for getting Scott quarantined. 

    Feels like we are sitting on a time bomb, waiting to see Scott will start to show symptoms or get a positive test tomorrow. Plus, being Friday tomorrow, we may not know until Monday. Kind of feeling the stress and am a little snappish today. 
    come vent.  It feels so much better to get all that out of your head, it takes the power away from the unknown.

    Scott will be just fine.  And his co workers will be fine.  
  • Hola, friends!  I have learned to space bar click with my left thumb now - try that, won't you? New skills keep your brains sharp.

    @FlakeNoir your heart? Do take care, even if that means no caffeine - I'm worried about you and your precious heart.  <3 

    @Hedda Gabler" You and those boys are something magical! You're blessed to have each other - I loved getting mail - still do. Cute lil ceramic pumpkins - perfect!

    @cat sending all the calming vibes and prayers I got! You're all going to be fine.  I know a bunch of people who've had it and recovered.  It surely can be very bad but way more often it's not.  Statistics are on your side - likely he doesn't have it.  My kids have both had to quarantine and test - but they were negative and doing fine.  I gave blood 2 Fridays ago - and tomorrow I should know if I have COVID antibodies - they are testing all donors now.

    @Notaro - you got crows? We've got 3 who show up in our backyard for peanuts every day. Here's how it happened - we love the birds, so we have a lot of bird feeders. The squirrels kept stealing the bird seed, so the Ogre got them some peanuts.  Now the crows have shown up for the peanuts.  Every morning and evening the Ogre goes out in his rain boots (so he's doesn't get itchy bug bites) and fills the feeders.  Something with hands (raccoon? Sasquatch?) opens the woodpecker feeder takes the cake out - so he has to take the woodpecker cake out every night and hide it in the grill. I'm just waiting for them (raccoon or Sasquatch) to figure out where he hides it. I'm really dying to mess with him and take it myself. It would be fun to watch him get all jiggy about it.

    NotaroFlakeNoirspideymancatGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesydoyoulove19
  • Hola, friends!  I have learned to space bar click with my left thumb now - try that, won't you? New skills keep your brains sharp.

    @FlakeNoir your heart? Do take care, even if that means no caffeine - I'm worried about you and your precious heart.  <3 

    @Hedda Gabler" You and those boys are something magical! You're blessed to have each other - I loved getting mail - still do. Cute lil ceramic pumpkins - perfect!

    @cat sending all the calming vibes and prayers I got! You're all going to be fine.  I know a bunch of people who've had it and recovered.  It surely can be very bad but way more often it's not.  Statistics are on your side - likely he doesn't have it.  My kids have both had to quarantine and test - but they were negative and doing fine.  I gave blood 2 Fridays ago - and tomorrow I should know if I have COVID antibodies - they are testing all donors now.

    @Notaro - you got crows? We've got 3 who show up in our backyard for peanuts every day. Here's how it happened - we love the birds, so we have a lot of bird feeders. The squirrels kept stealing the bird seed, so the Ogre got them some peanuts.  Now the crows have shown up for the peanuts.  Every morning and evening the Ogre goes out in his rain boots (so he's doesn't get itchy bug bites) and fills the feeders.  Something with hands (raccoon? Sasquatch?) opens the woodpecker feeder takes the cake out - so he has to take the woodpecker cake out every night and hide it in the grill. I'm just waiting for them (raccoon or Sasquatch) to figure out where he hides it. I'm really dying to mess with him and take it myself. It would be fun to watch him get all jiggy about it.

    Holly you have to do it, hide the cake and see how he reacts..... 🤣🤣🤣
    FlakeNoirspideymancatGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Hola, friends!  I have learned to space bar click with my left thumb now - try that, won't you? New skills keep your brains sharp.

    @FlakeNoir your heart? Do take care, even if that means no caffeine - I'm worried about you and your precious heart.  <3 

    @Hedda Gabler" You and those boys are something magical! You're blessed to have each other - I loved getting mail - still do. Cute lil ceramic pumpkins - perfect!

    @cat sending all the calming vibes and prayers I got! You're all going to be fine.  I know a bunch of people who've had it and recovered.  It surely can be very bad but way more often it's not.  Statistics are on your side - likely he doesn't have it.  My kids have both had to quarantine and test - but they were negative and doing fine.  I gave blood 2 Fridays ago - and tomorrow I should know if I have COVID antibodies - they are testing all donors now.

    @Notaro - you got crows? We've got 3 who show up in our backyard for peanuts every day. Here's how it happened - we love the birds, so we have a lot of bird feeders. The squirrels kept stealing the bird seed, so the Ogre got them some peanuts.  Now the crows have shown up for the peanuts.  Every morning and evening the Ogre goes out in his rain boots (so he's doesn't get itchy bug bites) and fills the feeders.  Something with hands (raccoon? Sasquatch?) opens the woodpecker feeder takes the cake out - so he has to take the woodpecker cake out every night and hide it in the grill. I'm just waiting for them (raccoon or Sasquatch) to figure out where he hides it. I'm really dying to mess with him and take it myself. It would be fun to watch him get all jiggy about it.

    ....it is raccoons.....we had the same issue here m'dear and I watched out security system and caught the lil guys on night vision.....we solved the problem by just getting tiny little padlocks and securing the cages that way....only takes a couple of extra seconds to open them and is a lotless fuss than emptying them every day.....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Scott's test is done. They said results probably Monday morning. He is still feeling A-OK.  

    I'm beat. This week has taken it out of me. Hoping to do very little this weekend. 
  • cat said:
    Scott's test is done. They said results probably Monday morning. He is still feeling A-OK.  

    I'm beat. This week has taken it out of me. Hoping to do very little this weekend. 
    I'm sending positive vibes for a negative test, Cat. Try to rest, you can't alter the outcome, so take back some of its power over you by putting your feet up and giving a big F U gesture.
    Keep us posted my friend. 💜
  • cat said:
    Scott's test is done. They said results probably Monday morning. He is still feeling A-OK.  

    I'm beat. This week has taken it out of me. Hoping to do very little this weekend. 
  • cat said:
    Scott's test is done. They said results probably Monday morning. He is still feeling A-OK.  

    I'm beat. This week has taken it out of me. Hoping to do very little this weekend. 
    Good thoughts. Take care of you.  
    FlakeNoirHedda GablercatGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Continuous calming and healing vibes being sent Cat, everything is going to be ok. 🙂
    FlakeNoirHedda GablercatGNTLGNTspideymanNeesy
  • ...be the baboon Cat.....

    Calm Mood GIF - Find  Share on GIPHY
    not_nadineFlakeNoirNotarocatHedda GablerspideymanNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Voting -- already done. Polls opened at 8:00 -- we arrived at 7:00 with portable chairs and cups of tea. Good social distancing, although one a$$hole candidate advocate had the nerve to stand near the line unmasked. There were about 100 people in front of us and, by the time the doors opened, the line behind us was very, very, very long. We were in and out by 8:15 -- far faster than I expected.
    GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaronot_nadinespideymanNeesydoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • edited October 2020
    I'll be heading over to watch the dogs for the night.  I have made a good chunk of change watching these pooches. 

    I wonder what junk food feast I'll gorge myself with tonight?

    What horrible horror movie will I watch on Amazon Prime? Any recommends on a good one?  A really good new one?

    Which dog is going to be snarling at the other, "bitches get stitches!"?

    Ah, the excitement of it all.  

  • I wonder what junk food feast I'll gorge myself with tonight?

    15 Funny Diet-Related Memes That We Can All Identify With
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerspideymancatNeesydoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • What horrible horror movie will I watch

    'Death Bed: The Bed That Eats' (1977)

    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablercatNeesyHollyGolightly
  • Voting -- already done. Polls opened at 8:00 -- we arrived at 7:00 with portable chairs and cups of tea. Good social distancing, although one a$$hole candidate advocate had the nerve to stand near the line unmasked. There were about 100 people in front of us and, by the time the doors opened, the line behind us was very, very, very long. We were in and out by 8:15 -- far faster than I expected.
    Good for you two Bev. 🙂

    Our general election is this weekend, I voted about a week ago, didn't want to do the line thing. 
    NotaroHedda GablerspideymancatNeesyGNTLGNTdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
  • edited October 2020
    I'll be heading over to watch the dogs for the night.  I have made a good chunk of change watching these pooches. 

    I wonder what junk food feast I'll gorge myself with tonight?

    What horrible horror movie will I watch on Amazon Prime? Any recommends on a good one?  A really good new one?

    Which dog is going to be snarling at the other, "bitches get stitches!"?

    Ah, the excitement of it all.  

    Hope you have fun with your pups... take it easy on the junk food, that sh*t has a habit of biting back . 

    I'd recommend that Irish comedy I watched the other night (Extra Ordinary) it is rofl laughing material. 
    There is however one very unfortunate exploding goat scene that may rule this out for you. Sorry about that... (oh and actually I struggled with some magpie violence too... other than these things, it was brilliant)
    NotaroHedda GablerspideymancatNeesyGNTLGNTHollyGolightly
  • I'll be heading over to watch the dogs for the night.  I have made a good chunk of change watching these pooches. 

    I wonder what junk food feast I'll gorge myself with tonight?

    What horrible horror movie will I watch on Amazon Prime? Any recommends on a good one?  A really good new one?

    Which dog is going to be snarling at the other, "bitches get stitches!"?

    Ah, the excitement of it all.  

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerspideymancatNeesyGNTLGNTHollyGolightly
  • Notaro said:
    I'll be heading over to watch the dogs for the night.  I have made a good chunk of change watching these pooches. 

    I wonder what junk food feast I'll gorge myself with tonight?

    What horrible horror movie will I watch on Amazon Prime? Any recommends on a good one?  A really good new one?

    Which dog is going to be snarling at the other, "bitches get stitches!"?

    Ah, the excitement of it all.  

    In reading this list, ruling out the ones i’ve seen, i picked 7 of them.   Big bad wolves and coherence are the two that tweaked my interest  the most. I will report back.

  • very unfortunate exploding goat scene

    Sorry Flake, I laughed right out loud.   :lol:   I wasn't expecting that.

    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerspideymancatNeesyGNTLGNTdoyoulove19HollyGolightly
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