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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • edited March 2022
    Who in the hell stole Hattie McDaniel’s Oscar?

    Give it back to Howard University, scumbag. 

  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....wasn't today, but Monday....stepped into help a staff member that was being assaulted....she'd already been punched in the face once and another was coming when I blocked it....got kicked in the groin for my troubles, and when I hit the floor-was kicked in the head.....at least she's ok though....

    Yikes! Just seeing this now - hope you're all right Scott

  • cat said:
    Glad no one was hurt in that fire. Wow. 

    I've just been cleaning the last few days. I do ok keeping basics done but between Scott's schedule and my other limitations, I just can't zip thru and do the whole house in 4-5 hours anymore. So I break it up. 

    Friday I washed the stairwell walls, the door. Lily and her slobber! 🙄 I swear...and scrubbed the entry floor.

    Yesterday I did most of the laundry and cleaned, dusted and vacuumed my room. Ty vacuumed the stairs for me, we still have carpet on them. Today, scrubbed the bathroom and dusted the living room and Ty swept the floor. 

    Ali had her first track meet yesterday, did well...3rd in the 100m, 3rd in the 4x100 relay, and 4th in hurdles. Those were her heats, but she said they didn't have final heats. And not sure where she placed in long jump but her coach said he's going to get her to regionals this year. He says she can do it, and possibly state. Pretty big expectations after 1st meet! And today she is helping a friend move. 

    The kids have spring break this week, so the littles are coming Wed for a sleepover. 

    Oh and Ali has been accepted into a 3 week summer program at the University of Wyoming for this summer. She will take a couple classes, stay in the dorm, eat at the cafeteria, field trips...get a taste of college life. We had a meeting last week at school for her schedule the next two years...she will be taking classes concurrently with the college here, plus possibly taking a couple dual enrollment classes on campus...the goal is to get her Associate's the same time as HS diploma. She should be able to do it easily, she has most of her requirements out of the way already. Take advantage of the district paying for her first 2 years of college ..our only cost will be textbooks. She works very hard! 

    Ty is also doing well in school. Mostly As and a couple Bs...proud of both of them. 

    That is what has been going on here! 

    Wow! You're a real busy beaver Cat!

  • Marsha said:
    Taking the morning off to see The Lost City with my cousin.

    If you and your cousin are going to see it, then the city can't be lost, right?

    Just call me Wiley Coyote (genius)

    hyuk hyuk

    But seriously I have never heard of this movie - I am not keeping up with the times, it seems

    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenFlakeNoirNotaro
  • edited March 2022
    Okay , the Coda guy won. That was brilliant. 😭
    What I found charming and hilarious, the little old lady who presented him the award, as they left the stage arm in arm, was talking to him the whole way. He couldn’t see her lips to lip read (if he is a lipreader which not all deaf people are). 

     He’s deaf sweetheart, he has no idea what you are saying. And he was a complete and lovely gentleman, nodding and smiling. 
  • edited March 2022
    Oh. my. god. 

    Will smith just punched Chris Rock in the face!   Not a joke.  Chris made a joke about Jada and Will got on stage and punched him. And there were lots of words exchanged that were bleeped. 

    Oh my god. I have never seen this happen on an Oscar. 
  • edited March 2022
    That was just disgusting.  I understand Will standing up for his wife, but he was a thug. Way to go Will. You’re a f*cking comedian and couldn’t take a joke.

    you could’ve handled it like an adult but I guess not. 

    I guess Will went and sat back down and said, “keep my wife’s name out if your fucking mouth.”


  • edited March 2022
    Hated the In memoriam. 

    Loved the beautiful voices. But, i don’t want to watch them dance. I want to be able to see and read the names of the people and their jobs. 
  • edited March 2022
    People are saying will slapped chris. It looked like a punch but replay looks open handed. 

    Wow. Jada has openly talked about her hair loss.  It must be a lot more sensitive to Jada than she has let on.  Again, i completely understand standing up for your wife, but violence — in this situation — crosses the line. I’m not sure it is ever appropriate. 
  • Will won best actor. 

    He is struggling. There’s a lot under the surface there.  A lot of pressure, but that action was uncalled for.  

    There is more to this story. I will show him grace. 
  • That was just disgusting.  I understand Will standing up for his wife, but he was a thug. Way to go Will. You’re a f*cking comedian and couldn’t take a joke.

    you could’ve handled it like an adult but I guess not. 

    I guess Will went and sat back down and said, “keep my wife’s name out if your fucking mouth.”


    ...apparently he flashed back to ALI.....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesyNotaro
  • What are you doing  up scott? Usually I’m alone at this time of night. 
  • .... Why am I posting at 0254???....oh maybe because I got mandated into another 8 hour shift....16 straight, couple of hours nap and right back for another 8....hell, I wanna slap Chris Rock now....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesyNotaro
  • What are you doing  up scott? Usually I’m alone at this time of night. 
    ...see my latest piquant post....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesyNotaro
  • ...throwing some nonsense out now, because I plan on blowing Z's during my regularly scheduled posting time....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesyNotaro
  • GNTLGNT said:
    That was just disgusting.  I understand Will standing up for his wife, but he was a thug. Way to go Will. You’re a f*cking comedian and couldn’t take a joke.

    you could’ve handled it like an adult but I guess not. 

    I guess Will went and sat back down and said, “keep my wife’s name out if your fucking mouth.”


    ...apparently he flashed back to ALI.....
    Jada has alopecia. She has talked about it and made the comment that she just has to laugh about it. So, maybe Chris rock thought she could laugh at it. People are saying it was in poor taste, but Jada herself said she just had to laugh. 

    And, after rock said the joke, will laughed. And then delayed reaction, made his move. 

    Violence is not love. “ oh gosh. He must really love me because he hit a human for me.” That can turn into, “gosh he hit me, he loves me so much.” Violence of any kind is NOT love.

    and then he had the audacity to get up on stage and use his acceptance speech as a — i love my family. I protect my family. I’m about love. What a hypocrite.   He tried to excuse his behavior like he was some protective papa bear. Well, he isn’t an animal. Or are you Will? Let us know. 

     violence is NOT love. 

    His emotional reaction afterwards, i think he was feeling overwhelmed and in reading some articles about him, will admitted to being suicidal in October 2021. Not that long ago.  Something deeper was happening here.

    if it bothered them that much, they could’ve asked Rock to publicly apologize. But he hit him. Laid his hands on another person at an event where the host or presenters are known for taking jabs at the celebs. If you can’t be mentally stable to take a possible jab you know might happen because it’s happened for many years now, don’t show up. 

    I’m curious what Ricky Gervais is going to say. If anyone was going to  be beat to a pulp, it’d be him at the oscars. They’d line up like that scene in Airplane. 

    I hope Will gets therapy before he totally derails .

    Defending your wife is good. But violence is NOT love. 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ..and ogle Channing's abs...... :D

    Not to mention his tush.... ;)
  • Marsha said:
    Taking the morning off to see The Lost City with my cousin.
    How was it? I'll probably wait until it's streaming somewhere, but it looks like fun.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesyNotaro
  • I've just watched the video from the Oscars last night. That left me feeling physically sick. For all of them. Poor Chris, he shouldn't have had that happen to him. Poor Jada, public humiliation both with her insecurity with her hair loss and with Will"s response. I know how this feels, soul destroying. (not the hair loss)
    I feel for Will too, and have always loved his work. There's obviously a lot going on for him. 
    Violence destroys lives though, in so many different ways. Seeing this just made me sad and sick.
    Damn Will, I wish you could turn back time and change your response. 🥺
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesyNotaro
  • ....he has certainly sullied what should have been the pinnacle of his professional life....that was stupid for the ages right there....he came off like a dog turd in the yard of life....
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenNeesyNotaro
  • Will has apologized to Chris. Go read what he says. It’s a good, solid apology. This makes me feel so much better and I truly hope he means it.

    now maybe chris can apologize also for how this joke made them feel.  

    I struggle with saying that because I have very strong feelings about creativity — but in this case, i think chris needs to take the higher ground.  Will needs help and hopefully he’ll get it. Something is not right.  

  • ...I will go in search of....he has demons, it's obvious....those of us so possessed, know our brethren....
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesyNotaro
  • Will has apologized to Chris. Go read what he says. It’s a good, solid apology. This makes me feel so much better and I truly hope he means it.

    now maybe chris can apologize also for how this joke made them feel.  

    I struggle with saying that because I have very strong feelings about creativity — but in this case, i think chris needs to take the higher ground.  Will needs help and hopefully he’ll get it. Something is not right.  

    Will's apology was a good one and I'm so glad he did. I'm feeling very worried about him though. I think he's a decent bloke who absolutely lost control, I'm concerned that he's going to hate himself so deeply about this that he might make a terrible mistake. I hope he will accept some help if he gets that low. 🥺
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenNeesyNotaro
  • edited March 2022
    Gorgeous day. Opened the windows for a fresh breeze.  Just lazed around all day. 
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