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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • GNTLGNT said:
    Unbelievable. I am sitting in a parking lot. Stupid young bitch pulls up next to me and parks. 

    She gets out, runs into business. Gone a couple minutes. Comes back out gets in van and sits. She does this 3 more times — So Far — we aren’t done. 

    The third time she does it, I glance over. Sliding door of van wide open and there is a baby in a car seat and a twoish year old standing in the driver’s seat. No one is in the van with these
     kids.  I’m watching to make sure 2 year old doesn’t climb out of van.  

    I could steal these kids and be gone. 

    Oh, and it’s 37 degrees out. Door wide open.

    Slap That Bitch GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    GNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • edited April 2022
    FlakeNoir said:
    Unbelievable. I am sitting in a parking lot. Stupid young bitch pulls up next to me and parks. 

    She gets out, runs into business. Gone a couple minutes. Comes back out gets in van and sits. She does this 3 more times — So Far — we aren’t done. 

    The third time she does it, I glance over. Sliding door of van wide open and there is a baby in a car seat and a twoish year old standing in the driver’s seat. No one is in the van with these
     kids.  I’m watching to make sure 2 year old doesn’t climb out of van.  

    I could steal these kids and be gone. 

    Oh, and it’s 37 degrees out. Door wide open.

    Some adults could do with a bloody good slap. Fcuksake. 
    What this ended up being was a kid exchange.  Obviously a split custody thing.  Where it’s the other parent’s turn to have the kids in a break up/divorce situation. 
    Many times it is recommended the hand-off happen at a public place,  not at the homes where they live. 

    That right there is a big red flag for me. It is a powder keg situation that can go tits up pretty quick. 

    But, while WE (because now I’m involved) were all waiting for the hand off,  she was stepping into the business (which she was parked to the side of the building so no way she could see her vehicle from windows) i was keeping an eye on these adorable little pawns. 

    I cannot stress enough how easily they could have been snatched. Where this business was located, there was a graveyard of old house trailers and their broken, split in half bodies adjacent,  beyond that was a small overgrown field and right on the other side was the freeway.  

    Kidnapper could easily make his way there and it is a straight shot to another state in about 20 minutes. 

    Stellar parenting.  🤬
  • catcat
    edited April 2022
    I just got home from getting a bunch of groceries. Easter dinner stuff included. Now need to put it all away. 

    We went to Montana last Friday. Greta's funeral was Saturday morning. It was a very nice service, held in the church where she and my dad got married 30 years ago. My dad is struggling. He didn't want to leave her there. So far away. He did not go home until Monday. If I could please ask for continuing prayers for him, I would appreciate it. 

    We came home late Saturday. Mostly because we had to board the dogs while we were gone. Couldn't get them until Sunday morning, and when Scott went out to his truck all his consoles were open...so while he and the kids went to get the dogs, I went back through our ring footage and found someone got into the truck at 5:30 Saturday morning, while we were in Montana. He didn't take anything, but Scott did have boxes of ammo in there...but that didn't make the guy think (nor the lights on in the house or the fact that people are usually coming/going pretty steadily at 5:30 am in this town where everyone shift works) and he headed for the front door. He was wearing a mask. He got to the front door and our camera started talking...it says hi you are currently being recorded....and he kept right on going off the other side of the porch and out of view. That is all that saved us from having a home break in, I think. 

    We called the police and filed a report, forwarded the video. He was apparently very busy all weekend, there were 11 break ins reported. I hope they catch him soon. Makes me so angry. It has been such a hard couple weeks already and then to find out someone tried to rob us. Ugh! 🤬 We're going to be putting up more cameras and a big floodlight in the back yard. 

    Hope you all are well. I'm catching up a bit at a time. I'm still very heartsore myself and find myself staring off into space, just thinking, a lot. Guess we all just need time. 
    not_nadineFlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gabler
  • edited April 2022
    cat said:
    I just got home from getting a bunch of groceries. Easter dinner stuff included. Now need to put it all away. 

    We went to Montana last Friday. Greta's funeral was Saturday morning. It was a very nice service, held in the church where she and my dad got married 30 years ago. My dad is struggling. He didn't want to leave her there. So far away. He did not go home until Monday. If I could please ask for continuing prayers for him, I would appreciate it. 

    We came home late Saturday. Mostly because we had to board the dogs while we were gone. Couldn't get them until Sunday morning, and when Scott went out to his truck all his consoles were open...so while he and the kids went to get the dogs, I went back through our ring footage and found someone got into the truck at 5:30 Saturday morning, while we were in Montana. He didn't take anything, but Scott did have boxes of ammo in there...but that didn't make the guy think (nor the lights on in the house or the fact that people are usually coming/going pretty steadily at 5:30 am in this town where everyone shift works) and he headed for the front door. He was wearing a mask. He got to the front door and our camera started talking...it says hi you are currently being recorded....and he kept right on going off the other side of the porch and out of view. That is all that saved us from having a home break in, I think. 

    We called the police and filed a report, forwarded the video. He was apparently very busy all weekend, there were 11 break ins reported. I hope they catch him soon. Makes me so angry. It has been such a hard couple weeks already and then to find out someone tried to rob us. Ugh! 🤬 We're going to be putting up more cameras and a big floodlight in the back yard. 

    Hope you all are well. I'm catching up a bit at a time. I'm still very heartsore myself and find myself staring off into space, just thinking, a lot. Guess we all just need time. 
    OMG Cat, that is terrible! Jeez that scares the shit out of me.😳 I'm so glad you have a great security system. But just terrifying.
    My heart goes out to you all and your dad and yes, he's in my thoughts and I'm wishing him peace and comfort for you all.
    I hope you have a good Easter and can spend time with your loved ones. 💜
    catGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Unbelievable. I am sitting in a parking lot. Stupid young bitch pulls up next to me and parks. 

    She gets out, runs into business. Gone a couple minutes. Comes back out gets in van and sits. She does this 3 more times — So Far — we aren’t done. 

    The third time she does it, I glance over. Sliding door of van wide open and there is a baby in a car seat and a twoish year old standing in the driver’s seat. No one is in the van with these
     kids.  I’m watching to make sure 2 year old doesn’t climb out of van.  

    I could steal these kids and be gone. 

    Oh, and it’s 37 degrees out. Door wide open.

    Some adults could do with a bloody good slap. Fcuksake. 
    What this ended up being was a kid exchange.  Obviously a split custody thing.  Where it’s the other parent’s turn to have the kids in a break up/divorce situation. 
    Many times it is recommended the hand-off happen at a public place,  not at the homes where they live. 

    That right there is a big red flag for me. It is a powder keg situation that can go tits up pretty quick. 

    But, while WE (because now I’m involved) were all waiting for the hand off,  she was stepping into the business (which she was parked to the side of the building so no way she could see her vehicle from windows) i was keeping an eye on these adorable little pawns. 

    I cannot stress enough how easily they could have been snatched. Where this business was located, there was a graveyard of old house trailers and their broken, split in half bodies adjacent,  beyond that was a small overgrown field and right on the other side was the freeway.  

    Kidnapper could easily make his way there and it is a straight shot to another state in about 20 minutes. 

    Stellar parenting.  🤬
    Bloody hell. This is just so frigging sad. 😔
    Thank you for watching the babies, giving them the best chance, even just for a moment. 
    catGNTLGNTKurbenHedda Gabler
  • ...Deej, I like the thought of you having the innocents six....and Cat?....I have no words to convey how sorry I am for everyone in this situation.....not only does the Grim Reaper prey on your family, but some numbnuts goes on a grabathon....may he meet the Reaper soon....
    catKurbenFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • Cat, my thoughts are with everyone in this sad situation. Let lightning strike this idiotic intruder and make him a pile of ashes! And let your father find some comfort.

    Deej.... There is noone i would want to have my back more than you. I'm so glad you had the little childrens back when they needed a guardian.
    FlakeNoircatGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • ....to fold my laundry or not fold my laundry....truly a first world problem....

    Hilariously Funny Laundry Memes to Make You Laugh When the Laundry Struggle  Is Too Real
    catKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • How terribly unsettling cat. And during a vulnerable time. Trash. I hope they get them . 

    More prayers for dad and everyone. 
  • I've done absolutely nothing today! I have bought two books (the first two in a series of five) about The 100-Years War in an online bookstore but otherwise nothing but reading, watching and napping. I have always found the Hundred Years war a very interesting conflict. Lasted between 1337-1453 beteeen mainly England and France. Histories often concentrate on the big victories for the english, Crecy, Poitiers, Agincourt but somehow are rather short on the fact that the french actually won the war in the end. This history has gotten a lot of praise for not being bias and highlighting both sides and their main characters. Joan Of Arc plays a pivotal role at the end of the war even if she wouldn't live to see the end. Will be interesting.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • I always wanted an easy to read book on Joan of Arc. i really don’t know all that much about her. 
  • Just going to....

    ...be the Easter Bunny. 🐇🐰

    Happy Easter, everyone. 💚💜❤

    spideymanGNTLGNTHedda GablerNotaro
  • Have a beatiful Saturday to you allGod blesskeep safe    Fur baby  cat Cute animals Pet birds

    Happy Easter Down Under!!
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Thanks Spidey. 💜🐇
    spideymanGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • I always wanted an easy to read book on Joan of Arc. i really don’t know all that much about her. 
    Two to recommend are The Virgin Warrior by Larissa Juliet Taylor and Joan Of Arc by Helen Castor. The impact she had on the war was very big especially considering she was an illiterate teenage farmgirl. Earlier english historians tended to downplay her role as much as possible while the french tended to do the opposite (she is after all their nation saint). Now more wellrounded portraits are being written. The Virgin Warrior is more of a straight biography while Joan Of Arc starts with Agincourt (1415) to give you the context she grew up in and the miserable shape France was in at the time. She is thought to have been born in 1411 or 12 and was executed by fire by the english (after being raped many times) in 1431.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • I always wanted an easy to read book on Joan of Arc. i really don’t know all that much about her. 
    Best 30 Joan Of Arc fun on 9GAG
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoir
  • Kurben said:
    I always wanted an easy to read book on Joan of Arc. i really don’t know all that much about her. 
    Two to recommend are The Virgin Warrior by Larissa Juliet Taylor and Joan Of Arc by Helen Castor. The impact she had on the war was very big especially considering she was an illiterate teenage farmgirl. Earlier english historians tended to downplay her role as much as possible while the french tended to do the opposite (she is after all their nation saint). Now more wellrounded portraits are being written. The Virgin Warrior is more of a straight biography while Joan Of Arc starts with Agincourt (1415) to give you the context she grew up in and the miserable shape France was in at the time. She is thought to have been born in 1411 or 12 and was executed by fire by the english (after being raped many times) in 1431.
    I’ll see if my library has that second one. 
  • What have i been doing...... Taking a shower, cut my hair, paid my taxes and reflected upon the sad fact that tomorrow my little holiday is over and its back to work. Thats about all i have done and then thats more than the rest of my holiday days. Its been some lazy days!!!
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • Making dinner and sipping a cold brew....

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • edited April 2022
    I wish I liked beer.  Alcohol or alcohol free.  They always look so cold and refreshing.  And then you drink them....

      I think Guiness is very different from a beer, yes?  Maybe I would like that.  
  • I wish I liked beer.  Alcohol or alcohol free.  They always look so cold and refreshing.  And then you drink them....

      I think Guiness is very different from a beer, yes?  Maybe I would like that.  
    Beer will always be my favourite alcohol, but it sort of got to the point there for a while that if it was in the house, I'd drink it. Not all at once, but one a night. I decided one day that I didn't like doing it anymore.  So now when there's beer in the house, I don't bother.

    I first tasted Guinness when I was on a trip in the South Island, my then boyfriend was from the South and down there they like to drink two types of beer. Speights and Guinness. Both will put hairs on your chest! 😄 You almost have to chew Guinness, seriously... it's nearly its own food group. I liked it though. 😁
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurben
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