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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • ...good lord Cat!....I need a nap after just reading your post, let alone living it....glad the gang is doing so awesome....
  • edited March 2022
    Keep us posted on cause scott.

    sounds like a busy bunch of energy cat! Have the best time with the littles.  Congrats on the kid’s achievements. 
  • edited March 2022
    Every day I do a routine. It doesn’t always have to be in the same order, but i try very hard to do them all.

    parking lot sit — soooo many weirdos!
    grocery store
    read and investigate topics from The Lyrics, listen to every song. 
    Read from at least 2 other books. 
    Watch at least 3 episodes of Dark Shadows.
    Listen to one of my many podcasts
    Listen to a radio drama
    Watch a couple episodes of Masterclass. (Currently watching Steve Martin on stand-up comedy) he wasn’t ever that funny to me as a stand-up but he is endearing. Enjoyed his movies more. He’s fantastic in Only Murders In The Building. 
    Read Twitterers
    Visit a handful of big web sites I take great glee in reading. 
    i solve NYT mini crossword. I was doing big crossword but my attention span is nil and I want to fill in every blank with “fuck you capital of Nicaragua.”
    Do nyt vertex
    do wordle
    do nyt spelling bee just till I get to genius level. I don’t care about queen bee status. 
    Watching a gamer play Elden Ring. I’m 12 hours deep in that. 
    Rage against the machine. 

    every once in a while, i don’t get all of this in because i will give more time to one activity.  For instance, raging takes a lot of energy away from Paul McCartney. 
     Barnabus Collins’s eyeliner mesmerizes me to watch 2 additional episodes, sorry Mick Garris. 

    So it goes….

  • Every day I do a routine. It doesn’t always have to be in the same order, but i try very hard to do them all.

    parking lot sit — soooo many weirdos!
    grocery store
    read and investigate topics from The Lyrics, listen to every song. 
    Read from at least 2 other books. 
    Watch at least 3 episodes of Dark Shadows.
    Listen to one of my many podcasts
    Listen to a radio drama
    Watch a couple episodes of Masterclass. (Currently watching Steve Martin on stand-up comedy) he wasn’t ever that funny to me as a stand-up but he is endearing. Enjoyed his movies more. He’s fantastic in Only Murders In The Building. 
    Read Twitterers
    Visit a handful of big web sites I take great glee in reading. 
    i solve NYT mini crossword. I was doing big crossword but my attention span is nil and I want to fill in every blank with “fuck you capital of Nicaragua.”
    Do nyt vertex
    do wordle
    do nyt spelling bee just till I get to genius level. I don’t care about queen bee status. 
    Watching a gamer play Elden Ring. I’m 12 hours deep in that. 
    Rage against the machine. 

    every once in a while, i don’t get all of this in because i will give more time to one activity.  For instance, raging takes a lot of energy away from Paul McCartney. 
     Barnabus Collins’s eyeliner mesmerizes me to watch 2 additional episodes, sorry Mick Garris. 

    So it goes….

    You must only sleep 3.14 minutes out of 24 hrs. (and dream of pi 🥧while doing so)
    There's no way I could fit all this into a 24 hour period. 😳
    Hedda GablerKurbencatNotaroGNTLGNTNeesy
  • ....and she has to worry about Nicaraguan mercenaries infiltrating her domicile cuz she dissed their 'hood....
    catHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirSundropNeesy
  • I got my coffee. It’s a Trenta iced coffee and I use straws. I no sooner pull away than I have broken my straw above the coffee line.

    if you break a straw low, you can still get suck action. But above? You’re sucking pure air, kitten. 

    I don’t want to sippy cup it, the cold hurts my teeth, so I pull back in line (thank All the holy bean gods it wasn’t long like it usually is) and ask in a very sheepish voice, “may I have another?” 

    My life is full, bitches. 
  • Let Ali drive the new car today. 😬 She is still on her learners permit. We need to get her ready to get her license. She does pretty well, I don't have to correct much but I was not very keen on turning her loose with my brand new car today. 

    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTSundropKurbenNotaroNeesy
  • cat said:
    Let Ali drive the new car today. 😬 She is still on her learners permit. We need to get her ready to get her license. She does pretty well, I don't have to correct much but I was not very keen on turning her loose with my brand new car today. 

    Soooo scary... I feel you on this. Though my car is not new, it most certainly is new to me. [shivers at mere memory]
    catHedda GablerGNTLGNTSundropKurbenNotaroNeesy
  • I got my coffee. It’s a Trenta iced coffee and I use straws. I no sooner pull away than I have broken my straw above the coffee line.

    if you break a straw low, you can still get suck action. But above? You’re sucking pure air, kitten. 

    I don’t want to sippy cup it, the cold hurts my teeth, so I pull back in line (thank All the holy bean gods it wasn’t long like it usually is) and ask in a very sheepish voice, “may I have another?” 

    My life is full, bitches. 
    The Holy Bean BeanHoly  Twitter
    Hedda GablercatKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirNeesy
  • cat said:
    Let Ali drive the new car today. 😬 She is still on her learners permit. We need to get her ready to get her license. She does pretty well, I don't have to correct much but I was not very keen on turning her loose with my brand new car today. 

    Pin on Have a Little Fun
    Hedda GablerSundropcatKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirNeesy
  • I got my coffee. It’s a Trenta iced coffee and I use straws. I no sooner pull away than I have broken my straw above the coffee line.

    if you break a straw low, you can still get suck action. But above? You’re sucking pure air, kitten. 

    I don’t want to sippy cup it, the cold hurts my teeth, so I pull back in line (thank All the holy bean gods it wasn’t long like it usually is) and ask in a very sheepish voice, “may I have another?” 

    My life is full, bitches. 
    Or, you could just turn the straw upside down, and keep moving.
     You'd get in about 5 extra minutes of parking lot sitting.  I may or may not be speaking from experience   :D
    GNTLGNTcatKurbenNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • Sundrop said:
    I got my coffee. It’s a Trenta iced coffee and I use straws. I no sooner pull away than I have broken my straw above the coffee line.

    if you break a straw low, you can still get suck action. But above? You’re sucking pure air, kitten. 

    I don’t want to sippy cup it, the cold hurts my teeth, so I pull back in line (thank All the holy bean gods it wasn’t long like it usually is) and ask in a very sheepish voice, “may I have another?” 

    My life is full, bitches. 
    Or, you could just turn the straw upside down, and keep moving.
     You'd get in about 5 extra minutes of parking lot sitting.  I may or may not be speaking from experience   :D
    You are a genius.  It definitely would have bought me time. 
  • cat said:
    Let Ali drive the new car today. 😬 She is still on her learners permit. We need to get her ready to get her license. She does pretty well, I don't have to correct much but I was not very keen on turning her loose with my brand new car today. 

    I remember when Munchkin had her learner's permit......and how I made the mistake of letting her drive me to Wilmington.  All was well until she took that exit at about mach 10, and acted like she didn't know the car was equipped with brakes.  I still remember grabbing the Oh Sh*t bar, and yelling "BRAKES" at the top of my lungs.  She wasn't phased at all.  She just calmly said that she thought you were supposed to accelerate on an exit ramp. I had to explain to her that was correct, but accelerating AFTER the curve is preferred, and much safer.  
    GNTLGNTcatKurbenHedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirNeesy
  • My main occupation at work today has been to try not to fall asleep. No sleep for a long time and my eyelids felt, from the first hour, as if there was little leadweights hanging in them by some invisible thread. Not nice. Anyway i managed by an heroical will of effort to stay awake and know my next plan is to fall asleep early and recapture some hours. This frame sourly needs it!!!
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcatNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    My main occupation at work today has been to try not to fall asleep. No sleep for a long time and my eyelids felt, from the first hour, as if there was little leadweights hanging in them by some invisible thread. Not nice. Anyway i managed by an heroical will of effort to stay awake and know my next plan is to fall asleep early and recapture some hours. This frame sourly needs it!!!
    Oh no, might this mean you sleep through alarms and work in the morning again?
    @Kurben do you need us all to gather pot lids to collectively wake you?
    GNTLGNTcatHedda GablerKurbenNeesy
  • Thinking about trying glass painting this weekend.  A while back, I saw some mixed media art, and my mind took it in all different directions......so many ideas, so little time

    GNTLGNTMarshacatHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Sundrop said:
    I got my coffee. It’s a Trenta iced coffee and I use straws. I no sooner pull away than I have broken my straw above the coffee line.

    if you break a straw low, you can still get suck action. But above? You’re sucking pure air, kitten. 

    I don’t want to sippy cup it, the cold hurts my teeth, so I pull back in line (thank All the holy bean gods it wasn’t long like it usually is) and ask in a very sheepish voice, “may I have another?” 

    My life is full, bitches. 
    Or, you could just turn the straw upside down, and keep moving.
     You'd get in about 5 extra minutes of parking lot sitting.  I may or may not be speaking from experience   :D
    You are a genius.  It definitely would have bought me time. 
    You do realize the repercussions of calling me a genius, right?   :D
    GNTLGNTMarshacatHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Sundrop said:
    Thinking about trying glass painting this weekend.  A while back, I saw some mixed media art, and my mind took it in all different directions......so many ideas, so little time

    19 Painted Wine Glass Ideas To Try This Season
    MarshacatHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesySundrop
  • Sundrop said:
    Sundrop said:
    I got my coffee. It’s a Trenta iced coffee and I use straws. I no sooner pull away than I have broken my straw above the coffee line.

    if you break a straw low, you can still get suck action. But above? You’re sucking pure air, kitten. 

    I don’t want to sippy cup it, the cold hurts my teeth, so I pull back in line (thank All the holy bean gods it wasn’t long like it usually is) and ask in a very sheepish voice, “may I have another?” 

    My life is full, bitches. 
    Or, you could just turn the straw upside down, and keep moving.
     You'd get in about 5 extra minutes of parking lot sitting.  I may or may not be speaking from experience   :D
    You are a genius.  It definitely would have bought me time. 
    You do realize the repercussions of calling me a genius, right?   :D
    Wile E Coyote Genius Business Card  Old school cartoons Old cartoons  Classic cartoons
    MarshacatHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesySundrop
  • Taking the morning off to see The Lost City with my cousin.
    catGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ..and ogle Channing's abs...... :D
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoircatNeesyMarsha
  • Sundrop said:
    Thinking about trying glass painting this weekend.  A while back, I saw some mixed media art, and my mind took it in all different directions......so many ideas, so little time

  • edited March 2022
    Like you said @Sundrop , it would’ve bought about 5 minutes because the crack ran up the straw destroying most of it. It was really brittle like they found a box of straws in a hot attic from 1970 and decided , good enough.   Crazy brittle. 
  • edited March 2022
    Yes. I will be watching The Oscars. 

    I will love every second. I will choose my favorite dresses, i will love the controversies and the speeches.

    My head won’t explode nor will my panties wad up when someone takes advantage of their moment to get political or talk about toenails or scream “free all giraffes!” I will love it!

    And as Alan Tudyk said:

    “I don't want to miss the part where Sean Penn starts smelting shit.”

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