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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • edited March 2022
    cat said:
    I LOVE IT! I wasn't sure about the red...but it is gorgeous in person. 

     I got 50 mpg on the way home. 

    Just had a parent meeting for track with Ali and then I took her for a quick little ride and now we are back at school, she has a band concert soon. 

    Congrats! I see it's red and a VW but I don't know the make - that's a beautiful vehicle!

    Ooops - I mean the model, not the make :)

    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerKurbencat
  • Neesy said:
    cat said:
    I LOVE IT! I wasn't sure about the red...but it is gorgeous in person. 

     I got 50 mpg on the way home. 

    Just had a parent meeting for track with Ali and then I took her for a quick little ride and now we are back at school, she has a band concert soon. 

    Congrats! I see it's red and a VW but I don't know the make - that's a beautiful vehicle!

    Ooops - I mean the model, not the make :)

    Thanks, Neesy! It's another Jetta. 🙂
    FlakeNoirNeesyHedda Gabler
  • Today I took Lulu to the vet for her first vaccinations plus deworming. She is in great health and will be going back again on April 8th. I'm still trying to decide if I should get her microchipped or not since she will be an indoor cat only.

    Plus I ordered some parts for the old Jeep Liberty - front axle or differential output seal - found a good mechanic who does this on the side and it's going to be much less compared to when I used to take it to Midas.

    Happy Hump day everyone!

    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerSundrop
  • .....50 mpg??????????????......*swoon*.......*thud*.....
    NeesycatNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerKurben
  • ....wasn't today, but Monday....stepped into help a staff member that was being assaulted....she'd already been punched in the face once and another was coming when I blocked it....got kicked in the groin for my troubles, and when I hit the floor-was kicked in the head.....at least she's ok though....
    catNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbenSundropNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....50 mpg??????????????......*swoon*.......*thud*.....

    I'm sorry - I don't understand - are you talking about the gas mileage of a Jeep Liberty?

    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerKurbencat
  • Neesy said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    .....50 mpg??????????????......*swoon*.......*thud*.....

    I'm sorry - I don't understand - are you talking about the gas mileage of a Jeep Liberty?

    ...nope VW.....gas mileage and huge carbon footprint.... :D
    NeesyNotaroFlakeNoirHedda Gablercat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Neesy said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    .....50 mpg??????????????......*swoon*.......*thud*.....

    I'm sorry - I don't understand - are you talking about the gas mileage of a Jeep Liberty?

    ...nope VW.....gas mileage and huge carbon footprint.... :D
    Oh okay - I remember taking the Liberty to Ohio - it was a pretty good trip (except for getting lost on the "south side of Chicago" [face palm] :o

    GNTLGNTNotaroFlakeNoirHedda Gablercat
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....wasn't today, but Monday....stepped into help a staff member that was being assaulted....she'd already been punched in the face once and another was coming when I blocked it....got kicked in the groin for my troubles, and when I hit the floor-was kicked in the head.....at least she's ok though....
    Oh hell, I'm so sorry Scott it can be a scary business, this job. 🥺 Hope you're feeling better now? ❤
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablercatNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....wasn't today, but Monday....stepped into help a staff member that was being assaulted....she'd already been punched in the face once and another was coming when I blocked it....got kicked in the groin for my troubles, and when I hit the floor-was kicked in the head.....at least she's ok though....
    What the actual fcuk!!!!!!!😲, I thought you'd be clear of that kind of crappola when you switched jobs away from the correctional facility Scott?  Are you ok? 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablercatSundropNeesy
  • I was in work when I saw your above message earlier Scott so I couldn't stop and talk to you properly. 
    Do you use NVCI in work? It may be called something else?
    You poor thing, it's pretty scary when things get out of control, I'm really glad you were able to back up your colleague, but very sorry you were also hurt.
    It's hard to deal with the psychological aftermath... and the paperwork...ye God's.
    The people we support most often are not responsible and don't know what they're doing, but it's hard even so to deal with situations like these. 🥺
    Keep talking about the tough parts of your job to someone buddy, don't hold this stuff in. 🤗❤
    GNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerKurbencatSundropNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....wasn't today, but Monday....stepped into help a staff member that was being assaulted....she'd already been punched in the face once and another was coming when I blocked it....got kicked in the groin for my troubles, and when I hit the floor-was kicked in the head.....at least she's ok though....
    Oh hell, I'm so sorry Scott it can be a scary business, this job. 🥺 Hope you're feeling better now? ❤
    ....still some sore, but otherwise good....I was sucker kicked, watching the hand I hadn't blocked and took a foot instead....the resident and I had a long talk yesterday, and we're ok now....
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoircatSundropNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....wasn't today, but Monday....stepped into help a staff member that was being assaulted....she'd already been punched in the face once and another was coming when I blocked it....got kicked in the groin for my troubles, and when I hit the floor-was kicked in the head.....at least she's ok though....
    What the actual fcuk!!!!!!!😲, I thought you'd be clear of that kind of crappola when you switched jobs away from the correctional facility Scott?  Are you ok? 
    ....I'm OK, but no-this job has been far and away more personally violent in the 8 months I've been there, than the entire 15 years at the prison....
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoircatSundropNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I was in work when I saw your above message earlier Scott so I couldn't stop and talk to you properly. 
    Do you use NVCI in work? It may be called something else?
    You poor thing, it's pretty scary when things get out of control, I'm really glad you were able to back up your colleague, but very sorry you were also hurt.
    It's hard to deal with the psychological aftermath... and the paperwork...ye God's.
    The people we support most often are not responsible and don't know what they're doing, but it's hard even so to deal with situations like these. 🥺
    Keep talking about the tough parts of your job to someone buddy, don't hold this stuff in. 🤗❤
    ....thanks my friend.....you speak true.....not sure if there is an acronym for what we use, but we have basic holds for behaviors and work under a "trauma informed care" model...nursing usually isn't to be involved, but when floor staff is being attacked and overwhelmed, I can't sit idly by.....
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoircatNeesy
  • I am glad you weren’t more severely injured.  Have your head on a swivel and practice your cat-like agility . 
  • GNTLGNT said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    I was in work when I saw your above message earlier Scott so I couldn't stop and talk to you properly. 
    Do you use NVCI in work? It may be called something else?
    You poor thing, it's pretty scary when things get out of control, I'm really glad you were able to back up your colleague, but very sorry you were also hurt.
    It's hard to deal with the psychological aftermath... and the paperwork...ye God's.
    The people we support most often are not responsible and don't know what they're doing, but it's hard even so to deal with situations like these. 🥺
    Keep talking about the tough parts of your job to someone buddy, don't hold this stuff in. 🤗❤
    ....thanks my friend.....you speak true.....not sure if there is an acronym for what we use, but we have basic holds for behaviors and work under a "trauma informed care" model...nursing usually isn't to be involved, but when floor staff is being attacked and overwhelmed, I can't sit idly by.....
    Our models are probably similar but with different names? (And actually our model has gone through 2 name changes in the 5 .5 years I've been in this job. It went from NVCI, to MAPA, now to CPI Verbal Intervention and CPI Safety. It's all about crises prevention.)
    Basically the same thing though, verbal descalation whenever possible, blocks and holds when not.

    I hope you're well supported by your supervisors and other staff, it's a tough job you're doing, stay as safe as you can Scott. 
    GNTLGNTKurbenNotaroHedda GablercatSundropNeesy
  • I am glad you weren’t more severely injured.  Have your head on a swivel and practice your cat-like agility . 
    Cat Jump Fail GIF - Cat Jump Fail Just Do It - Discover  Share GIFs
    KurbenNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablercatSundropNeesy
  • ...grieving the loss of two more historic downtown buildings after a major fire last night...praise be to Gan that no-one was hurt.....

    Major Fire in Downtown Cambridge Saturday Evening Destroys 2 Buildings   YourRadioPlacecom  A Service of AVC Communications
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotarocatFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Oh no! Thankful no one hurt. Do they know how it started? 
  • edited March 2022
    Oh no! Thankful no one hurt. Do they know how it started? 
    ...not yet, 4 fire companies were on scene...3 boom trucks....dozens of personnel...still hosing down remains today....good friend of mine owned the shop directly below the white windows...
    KurbenHedda GablerNotarocatFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Oh man, just scary. 
  • Horrible, scary thing... 😔
    Scott I hope your friend's place wasn't destroyed? Oh please let everyone have insurance.  I know this can't replace everything lost, nor a heritage building, but hopefully people won't lose everything they have. 
    catHedda GablerNeesy
  • Glad no one was hurt in that fire. Wow. 

    I've just been cleaning the last few days. I do ok keeping basics done but between Scott's schedule and my other limitations, I just can't zip thru and do the whole house in 4-5 hours anymore. So I break it up. 

    Friday I washed the stairwell walls, the door. Lily and her slobber! 🙄 I swear...and scrubbed the entry floor.

    Yesterday I did most of the laundry and cleaned, dusted and vacuumed my room. Ty vacuumed the stairs for me, we still have carpet on them. Today, scrubbed the bathroom and dusted the living room and Ty swept the floor. 

    Ali had her first track meet yesterday, did well...3rd in the 100m, 3rd in the 4x100 relay, and 4th in hurdles. Those were her heats, but she said they didn't have final heats. And not sure where she placed in long jump but her coach said he's going to get her to regionals this year. He says she can do it, and possibly state. Pretty big expectations after 1st meet! And today she is helping a friend move. 

    The kids have spring break this week, so the littles are coming Wed for a sleepover. 

    Oh and Ali has been accepted into a 3 week summer program at the University of Wyoming for this summer. She will take a couple classes, stay in the dorm, eat at the cafeteria, field trips...get a taste of college life. We had a meeting last week at school for her schedule the next two years...she will be taking classes concurrently with the college here, plus possibly taking a couple dual enrollment classes on campus...the goal is to get her Associate's the same time as HS diploma. She should be able to do it easily, she has most of her requirements out of the way already. Take advantage of the district paying for her first 2 years of college ..our only cost will be textbooks. She works very hard! 

    Ty is also doing well in school. Mostly As and a couple Bs...proud of both of them. 

    That is what has been going on here! 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNeesy
  • Very busy there Cat! Enjoy the sleepover on Wed. 
    catGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    Horrible, scary thing... 😔
    Scott I hope your friend's place wasn't destroyed? Oh please let everyone have insurance.  I know this can't replace everything lost, nor a heritage building, but hopefully people won't lose everything they have. 
    ....appreciate the good thoughts, but both buildings were utterly gutted.....thankfully he hasn't lived above the store for some years now....Tracy and I went to have a look at the aftermath yesterday evening, and it's sobering....hoping all was insured....
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
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