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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Home after my evening on the town. Feel a bit tired but had a wonderful time. He liked the whisky. Hopefully it taste good too. After midnight here and i'm ready for some healing sleep. Good Night!!
    FlakeNoircatNotaroSundropHollyGolightlyGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    Home after my evening on the town. Feel a bit tired but had a wonderful time. He liked the whisky. Hopefully it taste good too. After midnight here and i'm ready for some healing sleep. Good Night!!
    So glad you all had a wonderful night, Kurben, sleep... heal, drink lots of water tomorrow. 😊
    catNotaroHollyGolightlyKurbenGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • Good to see @Neesy and @Sundrop - good to see you!

    As I sit here contemplating all the housework I need to do, I wonder if you all have housekeepers, or are you super tidy and don't make a mess?  Am I doing it wrong?  If I get 15 mins a day to sit and chill out, it's an amazing feat.  Today is our daughter's baby shower, so I have to get all my housework done before noon.  My online car buying experience fell apart.  So yesterday we spent the day doing in person car shopping.  I found exactly what I wanted, but lost a whole Saturday in the process, so now I am behind.  So much to get done before I can sit down again.

    The new job is fantastic.  I feel so much better.  I hadn't realized how much work stress I'd been carrying around.  I'm sleeping better, have more energy.  It's all good.  And good thing - I'm going to need that energy to get my housework done so I can sit down at 7pm to watch a movie with the Ogre.  The French Dispatch.  

    Have a great Sunday!

    catKurbenGNTLGNTNotaroFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerNeesySundrop
  • GNTLGNT said:
    12 Funny Memes About Housework That Are 39Spot-On39

    Well.... Any shortcut to get rid of housework is a good one, right? Right!
    FlakeNoirNotarocatGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....I guess we had a housekeeper when I was a little GNT.....never thought of her that way, she was just like an extended family member....I think my Mom decided to hire someone to help out, because her dad and mom had employed a lady for years....Grandpa did so because of a busy medical practice and he was old fashioned in that he didn't want Grandma to have to worry over it because she was supposed to be doing the "high society" thing...as befitted the wife of a successful physician....funny thing about my mom was....she would go around and re-do all the work that the our housekeeper had done, once she left.....that's how particular she was....sweet baby jeebus....it's a wonder I didn't end up in a clock tower with a rifle....
    catMarshaKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerNeesySundrop
  • We had a housekeeper too. She got paid in food and a bed. When we moved to living in and running a motel when I was 7, my employers were told they had to give me a tax number and pay me in actual dollars too.
    My mum had arthritis in her spine from a very early age and couldn't do all the work on her own . We kids worked weekends, after school and holidays. We both had 2nd jobs (and then 3rd) by the time I was 13.  
    MarshaGNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablercatNeesySundrop
  • .....that's true grit ma'am.....pure dee sweat equity of life....
    FlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablercatSundrop
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....that's true grit ma'am.....pure dee sweat equity of life....
    I'm so sorry, 🥺 that was supposed to come out all light-hearted and jokey, then I fell down a crack in the pavement. 
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTcatNeesy
  • ...honest sharing need never be apologized for....
  • edited February 2022
    Finished up Levar burton’s masterclass on storytelling.  Smart, lovely man.

    what was fun, he used another masterclass alumni’s work as an example — science fiction writer NK Jemisin.  She was the one that took world building very serious and absolutely believes in hiring sensitivity readers for cultures you don’t belong to.  She was smart and passionate, i enjoyed her classes even though i work smart, not hard. She was a firm believer in work hard AND smart. That’s why she is sitting on a stack of published books and i am sitting on a whole lotta lazy. 

    Anyway, levar read an excerpt from a short story she wrote —I would  love the opportunity to read the whole thing, interesting premise. 

    I’m telling you — short stories sell me on whether or not  i want to spend a big chunk of time with you.  More short story anthologies, authors.  I learn everything i need to know about your story telling abilities by sampling your short stories.  Give me more and chances are, you’ve got me. 
    So, i’ve been listening to Levar Burton Reads. And he loves NK Jemisin. So, i got to hear 3 of her short stories and one was the completed story he gave us a sampling of in his masterclass.  She is a terrific short story writer and I’m going to go purchase her collection. 

    I don’t know anything about her Broken Earth Trilogy, but it must be great because she has won big awards for it. 

    Levar Burton Reads is a free podcast — pick out a story and while you lay in bed tonight, let him read to you. 
  • I've been reorganizing my library of history books. I have now collected all the books on english, french, american, german, italian and spanish history in one big bookshelf. It makes more sense to have them all collected together. Easier to find. Sadly i could not make room for the russian history books too. So these is in one big bookshelf and Viking, Roman, Greek, Chinese, Mongol, Byzantian, russian, egyptian, Mesoamerican, mesopotamian, swedish and southamerican is in another big bookshelf plus the original sources like Tacitus or Herodotus and some more. 
    Felt very good to be doing that. i dont know why, it was relaxing and it is the best therapy i know of. Always work on me.
  • edited February 2022
     Very nice kurben.  Organizing always makes the chi feel better. 

    Your books are intimidating . My shelves are filled with
    Dick and Jane Beat Sally and feed her to Spot sorts of books. 

  •  Very nice kurben.  Organizing always makes the chi feel better. 

    Your books are intimidating . My shelves are filled with
    Dick and Jane Beat Sally and feed her to Spot sorts of books. 

    I just really enjoy reading good history. But sometimes you get some bad ones. Read a swedish author about the roman republic a while back, it was a mess. I could have written better about it than she and i'm not really a historian, i have just read a lot of it. 
    And really, Deej, what our shelves are filled with is not the important part. The important part is that they are filled with books we read!
    catHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    I just really enjoy reading good history. But sometimes you get some bad ones. Read a swedish author about the roman republic a while back, it was a mess. I could have written better about it than she and i'm not really a historian, i have just read a lot of it. 
    And really, Deej, what our shelves are filled with is not the important part. The important part is that they are filled with books we read!
    Yep, very true. I never completely trust people if I can walk into their home and I see no books. 

  • Messie Condo 😂
    I just learned that emoji is called face with tears of joy so fits right in with spark of joy. :)
    KurbenHedda GablercatGNTLGNTNotaroNeesySundrop
  • Today i got invited to the Opera!! A work mate had 9 free tickets to Mozarts Cosi Fan Tutte and offered them to the interested. We have decided to make it a fun evening and will walk there in a group from work as a kind of teambuilding thing. And i love Mozart! Have seen Figaro and The Magic Flute several times but this will be a first. The date is 7,th of March. Looking forward to it.
    catHedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNTNeesyMarshaSundrop
  • Good to see @Neesy and @Sundrop - good to see you!

    As I sit here contemplating all the housework I need to do, I wonder if you all have housekeepers, or are you super tidy and don't make a mess?  Am I doing it wrong?  If I get 15 mins a day to sit and chill out, it's an amazing feat.  Today is our daughter's baby shower, so I have to get all my housework done before noon.  My online car buying experience fell apart.  So yesterday we spent the day doing in person car shopping.  I found exactly what I wanted, but lost a whole Saturday in the process, so now I am behind.  So much to get done before I can sit down again.

    The new job is fantastic.  I feel so much better.  I hadn't realized how much work stress I'd been carrying around.  I'm sleeping better, have more energy.  It's all good.  And good thing - I'm going to need that energy to get my housework done so I can sit down at 7pm to watch a movie with the Ogre.  The French Dispatch.  

    Have a great Sunday!

    Hi Holly!

    Sounds like you are doing much better now and I am glad to hear it. Andy is still hanging in there, waiting to hear about chemotherapy. Josh is fine.

     My cat Bailey had to be put to sleep but that was at the beginning of the month, so I am feeling a bit better about it now - it was the only thing I could do for him and at least he is not suffering now. (He was 17 and had kidney failure)

    We watched the news recently to see the sh*t show that was going on in Ottawa and one guy actually had on a tin foil hat! (But enough about that) :o

    About housework - I only wish I had a housekeeper. That would be a lovely luxury, eh?

    Well - better go see if anything funny is over at the Jealous of the Big Threads thread...

    Arrivaderci and I hope you and all the folks here are doing okay and making it through this cold and dreary month of February

    catGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerMarshaSundrop
  • cat said:
    I am going shopping. For fun stuff not groceries. 😄 Our anniversary is Tuesday and I'm getting Scott a hand made wood American flag from a local guy who makes them. There is a craft show today, I was hoping to buy it there, but he isn't participating. So I'm getting it from a little boutique type store that is made up of local vendors selling their stuff. I called and they have several. Maybe find something for the kiddos there too. 

    Then maybe going to another little specialty store, a cheese store to get him a little basket of cheese for Valentines Day. He doesn't like much chocolate but he loves cheese. 😀 

    And I have chores to do. Boo hiss. 

    Happy Belated Anniversary Cat!

    catspideymanKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • So cold. But the sky is blue. There is that. Off for coffee and some people watching . 
  • After reading Deej's post above I feel like driving to Starbucks - a grande Caramel Macchiato (skinny decaf) sounds good

    Other than that I should drop off a few overdue books at the library

    Hedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTMarshaSundrop
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