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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • GNTLGNT said:
    18 Best Clothes-Drying Racks 2022  The Strategist...collapsible clothes drying rack Kurb.....
    Wow!! The technology these days......
    catHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Happy birthday to evan!
  • edited January 2022
    Awake— here alone. What sort of shenanigans should i cause?  
    It’s like walking the halls of your school late at night.  Sort of daydrea….what was that?

    hello ?

    anybody there?

    The lights don’t work, i better head to the basement armed with no clue.  No clue and I will save the already dead janitor. 

    Bev will wander in and wonder what has been touched because clearly, everything’s been touched.  
    And I will be gone. 


    Sigh. Stfu, heddbutt. 

  • There might be something here that will help pass the time DJ.....

    catMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirHollyGolightly
  • I should have come and helped you move things, DJ. I was awake as well. My phone was almost dead though and I needed my alarm this morning so I never even picked it up. Taking Ty to the dentist this morning. Just a checkup and cleaning. Then will take him to school. Dinner was fun last night. I made 2 pans of enchiladas so no cooking for me today! Woo-hoo!
    MarshaGNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • Awake— here alone. What sort of shenanigans should i cause?  
    It’s like walking the halls of your school late at night.  Sort of daydrea….what was that?

    hello ?

    anybody there?

    The lights don’t work, i better head to the basement armed with no clue.  No clue and I will save the already dead janitor. 

    Bev will wander in and wonder what has been touched because clearly, everything’s been touched.  
    And I will be gone. 


    Sigh. Stfu, heddbutt. 

    tumblr_nu8fgoVccC1ueclrxo2_250gif 245142  Velma dinkley Velma Daphne  blake
    NotarocatHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaHollyGolightly
  • ....my day off, was still up early courtesy of the scheduling office at my job.....EVERY DAMN DAY I'm off-they call wanting overtime....M-O-O-N, that spells "day off" you schmucks!!.....made me so angry I whacked a school janitor before that meddling DJ made it to his basement office....
    NotarocatHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaHollyGolightly
  • Ty had a good checkup. No cavities. But, he has a corner of one bottom wisdom tooth poking through. He said he never felt any pain. We knew they were there, could see them on his x-rays, but the dentist thought it would be a while yet until they started to come through. But nope!  So now I get to make him an appt to have all 4 of them out. Yikes. That is going to be rough. 

    Thought maybe during spring break but wow that would be a sucky way to spend break! Good for the schedule but not for him. So we'll see I guess. 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • cat said:
    Ty had a good checkup. No cavities. But, he has a corner of one bottom wisdom tooth poking through. He said he never felt any pain. We knew they were there, could see them on his x-rays, but the dentist thought it would be a while yet until they started to come through. But nope!  So now I get to make him an appt to have all 4 of them out. Yikes. That is going to be rough. 

    Thought maybe during spring break but wow that would be a sucky way to spend break! Good for the schedule but not for him. So we'll see I guess. 
    ...are they going to get impacted?....if they come in with no issues, no need to yank....I have all 4 of mine, sans the actual wisdom......drove my dentist nuts back in the day....
    Hedda GablercatKurbenFlakeNoirMarshaHollyGolightly
  • GNTLGNT said:
    cat said:
    Ty had a good checkup. No cavities. But, he has a corner of one bottom wisdom tooth poking through. He said he never felt any pain. We knew they were there, could see them on his x-rays, but the dentist thought it would be a while yet until they started to come through. But nope!  So now I get to make him an appt to have all 4 of them out. Yikes. That is going to be rough. 

    Thought maybe during spring break but wow that would be a sucky way to spend break! Good for the schedule but not for him. So we'll see I guess. 
    ...are they going to get impacted?....if they come in with no issues, no need to yank....I have all 4 of mine, sans the actual wisdom......drove my dentist nuts back in the day....
    They never used the word "impacted" but they did say he did not have room. 
    KurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHollyGolightly
  • Unlucky for him! I also have mine left, except for one they had to take out 5 years ago but otherwise they have given me no trouble, but wisdom....., nope!
    Hedda GablercatGNTLGNTFlakeNoirMarshaHollyGolightlyNeesy
  • We are a remove wisdom teeth family. But at the right time. 

    My oldest son, the doctor said his mouth was not big enough for wisdom teeth. No room. If we let them erupt, they would crowd all his pretty naturally straight teeth into a line of crooked pickets. So, we had an oral surgeon remove them while they were still little corn pieces hidden in the gums. 

    My youngest had big spaces between his teeth. Our dentist said to let his wisdom teeth come in and push his teeth together.  And that’s what  we did. They closed the gaps, beautiful straight smile and then we yanked them out. 

    No braces for either kid. It was a win win. 
  • See, I do wonder about Ty. His bottom teeth are pretty straight. But he does have some gaps in his top row, and I thought that is what would happen...that the wisdom teeth would help move them together. So maybe just the bottom ones should come out now. 

    We have to choose an oral surgeon, then the dentist will send a referral. I did ask today if, when I called to make an appt, if I should just say he only has the one that has erupted come out and they told me no, say all four. We recommend they all come out. Maybe the oral surgeon will only want to take the bottom ones out, for now. 

  • cat said:
    See, I do wonder about Ty. His bottom teeth are pretty straight. But he does have some gaps in his top row, and I thought that is what would happen...that the wisdom teeth would help move them together. So maybe just the bottom ones should come out now. 

    We have to choose an oral surgeon, then the dentist will send a referral. I did ask today if, when I called to make an appt, if I should just say he only has the one that has erupted come out and they told me no, say all four. We recommend they all come out. Maybe the oral surgeon will only want to take the bottom ones out, for now. 

    I know you will do what’s best.  What we did worked perfect.

    so, if he has nice straight bottom teeth and that’s where the one is poking through, i would definitely get those out so they don’t mess up the others.   

    The top with the spaces— people pay a lot of money for braces and invest years into straightening or closing gaps.  Maybe letting the wisdom teeth do that for you is something  to think about.   If you leave top two, just keep an eye on the top teeth. When the spaces close up, get them out. 

  • Of course, if he’s in pain or xrays show they could cause trouble for jawbone, you may have no choice. 
  • ....make an informed decision of course, I just hate hearing about people having to get them removed, because it's such a painful procedure.....
  • I've must be a very lucky man toothwise. I have had 2 or three holes that needed fixing in my life and that wisdomtooth that was bad through and through (it practically echoed inside, so big was the cavity) but otherwise nothing, no rootcanals, no braces when little and i had my first hole in a tooth at the age of 35. They never really bothered me at all no matter how much soda, sugar and other bad things i expose them to.
  • edited January 2022
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....make an informed decision of course, I just hate hearing about people having to get them removed, because it's such a painful procedure.....
    Definitely people have problems.
    For the record, my sons had a couple  days of discomfort. No pain meds needed. Their biggest complaint was not being able to chow down because they were teenage boys with hollow legs. 😂
  • And just something to watch for cat with wisdom teeth removal — dry socket.

    i personally had that with one of mine. Easily treated but hurts like a son of a gun. But i had mine out years ago, so they might be better at preventing this now. My husband and kids avoided that. 
  • And just something to watch for cat with wisdom teeth removal — dry socket.

    i personally had that with one of mine. Easily treated but hurts like a son of a gun. But i had mine out years ago, so they might be better at preventing this now. My husband and kids avoided that. 
    Dear God the Dry Socket.  I had it twice.  At the dentist they said that the pain was like having twins at the same time - sideways - and good luck. 

     It was horrible.  Didn't produce any children thou,
    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTHollyGolightlycatNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    There might be something here that will help pass the time DJ.....

    Those are great! I listened to The illustrated Man
    and a vincent price story . 

    I will definitely listen to more. 
  • And just something to watch for cat with wisdom teeth removal — dry socket.

    i personally had that with one of mine. Easily treated but hurts like a son of a gun. But i had mine out years ago, so they might be better at preventing this now. My husband and kids avoided that. 
    Dear God the Dry Socket.  I had it twice.  At the dentist they said that the pain was like having twins at the same time - sideways - and good luck. 

     It was horrible.  Didn't produce any children thou,
    Even though I gave you a 😄, I want you to know that I was thinking 'oh no... that's awful!' Which also got you a 💜, but the laughy-guy just pipped the hearty-guy at the post.
    I'm sorry you went through that twice. 😳

    I've been very lucky with teeth, much like Kurben above.  Didn't get my first cavity until I was 50, never had any wisdom teeth out, though have some crowding, so maybe should have. 
    KurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTHollyGolightlycat
  • ....Dry Socket?......think I saw them play at Wembley back in '77.......

    Rocn N Roll GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
    KurbenFlakeNoirNotaroHollyGolightlyHedda GablercatNeesy

  • Morning, Tet!  I'm almost gone from my "old" job.  The morning Mass crew gave me a nice breakfast party yesterday - it was so sweet. The priest said an amazing prayer and gave me a blessing.  It's going to be so good from here on out.  My heart is light and I am peaceful. I got a job right away - interviewing in a corporate setting felt like going home.  I'm going to love it.  Meanwhile - I've had to train 2 new office staff members and that's been intense, and a portion of my job will be handled by an outside organization  - that's 2 people and an entity to take over my job.  I was definitely over worked. But it's almost over - Monday is my last day there.  I'm off Tuesday for a massage and shopping for a new handbag.  Then start the new job Wednesday Feb 2nd.  Looking forward to more productive and less stressful days, and perhaps some downtime.  Scott - I know just what you mean about those off day phone calls. I hope that will soon be part of my past.  You gotta take care of you and your family.  

    Ben had his wisdom teeth out last month - just 2 days of some pain, not unbearable.  Glad we got it done. Our oldest had to get it done so she could get braces. So far our youngest hasn't had it done, but probably will soon.  

    Have a wonderful weekend- may you all be well and have peace and joy in your life. I'm hoping to have more down time to visit here very soon.  

    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablercatMarshaNeesy
  • .....I'm so proud of and happy for you Holly!....
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroFlakeNoircatMarshaNeesy
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