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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • Happy New Year! May this be a better year for us all. 

    I have been working on laundry today. Took my tree down and put everything away and now just reading. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNotaroNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    I had the years first pizza today!! A Salami with extra cheese. Perfect after all christmas food.
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoircatMarshaNotaroNeesy
  • I finished Spike Lee’s Masterclass.  I can’t stand Spike Lee. Do i think he is smart?  Yes. Talented? Yes. A go-getter? Yes. But his lack of manners and grace about these awards he doesn’t get nominated for or win is just embarrassing and I lose respect. 

    My issues with him started with his sad-ass comments about Driving Miss Daisy. He and i saw two very different movies, we viewed the characters from different worlds. 

    He’s a black man and I’m a white woman,  but don’t immediately think because I loved the movie that means I’m racist. Talk to me muthaf*cker before you make some sweeping condemnation about who I am. I might surprise you if you are willing to listen. 

    Now, having babbled that — i took this class because I wanted to understand Spike Lee.  I knew there was more to him than some classless asshat.  Before going in, i knew a lot of his issues would be all about race. And they were, rightly so, but I listened to him as he talked about the business of Hollywood. You have to walk in other’s shoes, you have to if you don’t want to be a stagnant asshat yourself. 

    So, i came away no longer loathing Spike Lee. I actually like him. He spoke intelligently, calmly and I heard his frustration and can see why he’s got that chip on his shoulder.  Now, does it excuse his behavior and lack of manners at award time? No, Spike. Have class. And just keep at it.  

    Good class and very interesting. And yes Spike, i googled Kwame Ture because you asked “me” to. 

  • ....re: Spike....you're not a genius, nor a champion of race if you are unwilling or unable to see from other's viewpoints....makes you no different than them....
    catMarshaKurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaro
  • edited January 2022
    I am watching a Masterclass given by an artist, JeffKoons. 

    Art is so interesting. What I love, some people would find to be junk — and vice versa.  

    I have always championed the artists out there. No matter what they do.  But it’s hard sometimes.  This guy has some really fun pieces — and then he has sh*t that makes me wonder — how in the holy hell am I not making millions ? 

    Do you think if I glued a Butterfinger wrapper to the side of my face and called it performance art,   I could grift my way into MOMA?  Grifters seem to be the new “cool” thing. Plenty of suckers born (and dying) every minute. Interesting phenomenon. 
  • Y'all. I've had a day, what a day I've had. Have I told you I quit my job? I don't think I have. I did that right before I went to KY.  I'm wrapping up my calendar year end duties, and that's it.  Likely it will be Jan 31st or thereabouts.  But I have to find something else.  We can coast a little while if we need to, but I can't retire - I am resigning.  My boss keeps saying that I'm retiring - the truth hurts.

    I got sick right after we got home from KY after Thanksgiving. Then we had company for 2 weekends in a row. Then we got Covid sick just in time for Christmas. Our youngest  daughter and I got it (the boys have had their boosters, I had to wait because I was sick with something not covid.) Bah humbug.  Then my coworker got sick, so work is just killing me hard. 

    @Hedda Gabler so true about art.  What kind of art are you drawn to - what to you like to have in your house and surroundings.  I like all things steampunk. But I also like bright colors. And anthropomorphic art (taheens!).  Have you seen the documentary on Amazon Prime about the Met?  I liked it.

    I'm about to go marinate in a bubble bath with a glass of wine.  I was so tense all day, all my muscles are aching.  I hope it's the job making me stressed and just me. I've been there so long, I'm not sure.  You know what they say:  Wherever you go...there you are. Here's hoping it's not me. Cheers!

    catKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshaNeesy
  • edited January 2022
    @HollyGolightly that's a lot going on. I'm sorry you guys were unwell, I hope nobody has any on-going health complications from it.
    And your job! I know you hadn't been happy there for awhile, far too much heaped on your shoulders.
    Girl the anxiety is most likely the job stuff, you've lived and breathed this, put your heart and soul into it for so long.
    I hope the bubbles (x2) helped ease your worries. Keep breathing Holly girl, things will come right. 💜
    NotaroGNTLGNTHollyGolightlyHedda GablerKurbenMarshacat
  • ....Holy Shite!.....lots goin' on Holly, and all I can do is offer hugs from a distance....dagfraginnabit!.....
    HollyGolightlyHedda GablerKurbenMarshaFlakeNoircatNotaroNeesy
  • Be well Holly girl. 
  • Thank you, friends.  I feel certain I've made the right decision, but it's tense and awkward around the office.  I hope to be a better friend here, as well as off screen. 
    GNTLGNTKurbenMarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoircatNotaroNeesy
  • Wow, Holly!!! That was a lot on your plate!! I hope everything comes right for you and yours and sends you a comfort hug in the meantime. 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoircatHollyGolightlyNotaroNeesy
  • @HollyGolightly ; Wishing you all the best in your job hunt!  You've got skills that should make finding that new job easy. Life is too short to deal with a job that stresses you out on a daily basis like that.
    KurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoircatHollyGolightlyNotaroNeesy
  • edited January 2022
    You're the best, Tet.  Thank you.  I have moments of "WTH" did I just do.   I know this will be better though.  I have that grandbaby on the horizon- I don't want to be fretting about work when I'm trying to enjoy her!  
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTcatNeesy
  • Sending positive vibes Holly❤️
    FlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablercatNeesy
  • You're the best, Tet.  Thank you.  I have moments of "WTH" did I just do.   I know this will be better though.  I have that grandbaby on the horizon- I don't want to be fretting about work when I'm trying to enjoy her!  

     "In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger - something better, pushing right back."

    - Albert Camus.

    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoircatMarshaNeesy
  • Went with Scott to have the oil changed in his truck. Then went and bought a few little things, some cleaning supplies and a couple new totes. Then did chores. 

    Spencer is spending the night tonight.  Brandon's follow up with the cardiologist is tomorrow morning, first thing. His time with the heart monitor is done, so they are driving over tonight rather than super early in the morning. 

    Going to make chicken enchiladas, rice and beans for supper. 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Sounds yummy Cat.💜
     I hope Brandon has a good cardiac appointment, let us know what they say.
    catKurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNT
  • ...yep, want to know how the appointment goes....not the oil change one either....that's sort of predictable.....going to help Tracy throw the rest of the Christmas decos back into storage today as they have overtaken our spare bedroom like Tribbles on speed...
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...yep, want to know how the appointment goes....not the oil change one either....that's sort of predictable.....going to help Tracy throw the rest of the Christmas decos back into storage today as they have overtaken our spare bedroom like Tribbles on speed...
    Sounds like they are a living, growing organism!!
  • Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...yep, want to know how the appointment goes....not the oil change one either....that's sort of predictable.....going to help Tracy throw the rest of the Christmas decos back into storage today as they have overtaken our spare bedroom like Tribbles on speed...
    Sounds like they are a living, growing organism!!
    ...and if I don't help out, I'll quickly be added to the extinction list....
  • Brandon called about an hour ago. Nothing abnormal on the heart monitor. The cardiologist said he was good to try the surgery again if he wanted. 

    So I guess the next step is to get back with the ortho surgeon. Brandon is still in considerable pain so he wants to do the surgery. He did say they would be using something different, if the surgeon signs off on it. I know he needs relief but it makes me very nervous to have him under anesthesia again. 
  • ...is it possible to just do a local block instead of general anesthesia?...I can't recall the type of work needing done....
  • edited January 2022
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...yep, want to know how the appointment goes....not the oil change one either....that's sort of predictable.....going to help Tracy throw the rest of the Christmas decos back into storage today as they have overtaken our spare bedroom like Tribbles on speed...
    Sounds like they are a living, growing organism!!
    ...and if I don't help out, I'll quickly be added to the extinction list....
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...yep, want to know how the appointment goes....not the oil change one either....that's sort of predictable.....going to help Tracy throw the rest of the Christmas decos back into storage today as they have overtaken our spare bedroom like Tribbles on speed...
    Sounds like they are a living, growing organism!!
    ...and if I don't help out, I'll quickly be added to the extinction list....
    GNTLGNT said:
    Kurben said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...yep, want to know how the appointment goes....not the oil change one either....that's sort of predictable.....going to help Tracy throw the rest of the Christmas decos back into storage today as they have overtaken our spare bedroom like Tribbles on speed...
    Sounds like they are a living, growing organism!!
    ...and if I don't help out, I'll quickly be added to the extinction list....
    Ah, well, at least that should be good motivation. There is nothing like the survival instinct!!
    (and i dont know why it became thrice as many as needed....)
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