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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • I'm hosting Christmas dinner so starting the food prep. Today will be making the cranberry sauce and white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. Tomorrow will make the vegetable sides and Ina Garten's Mushroom and Leek Bread Pudding and a seafood chowder.
  • Notaro said:
    FlakeNoir said:
    Notaro said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....those pod-appearing gimracks in the 11th pic down, are those like bus shelters bro?....(yeah I know....all the pretty lights, and I'm lookin' at that kind of stuff...)....
    They're actually booths for eating in, there's a few food vans and stalls, and a McDonald's and Burger King, so when Covid kicked in they put some enclosed booths around the place so people could eat feeling secure. 
    Cute. But I can't help be a little disappointed it wasn't aliens.
    Well if ypu saw some of the people that ate in them you'd stick with your aliens theory 🤔
    Hear You Ice Cream  Ice cream tshirt Horror show Aliens funny
  • Notaro said:
    Finished in work today, not back in until the 4th of January. Now it's just preparing for Christmas day, gotta collect the turkey and ham and all the veg required. No pressure😃
    ....yep, gotta survive another 8 hours today-then I'm out till the 3rd....I'm going to try to be invisible....seriously, how hard can it be for a 300 pounds plus guy?....my brethren the Sasquatch can do it...so can I!....
  • Marsha said:
    I'm hosting Christmas dinner so starting the food prep. Today will be making the cranberry sauce and white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. Tomorrow will make the vegetable sides and Ina Garten's Mushroom and Leek Bread Pudding and a seafood chowder.
    May I Have Some More GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
  • Neesy said:
    @FlakeNoir ; Yikes - I missed this entire page.  Cry yer pardon! Love the story! Your young man is very convincing and has most definitely inherited his mom's love of all creatures, especially those in most need of thy mercy (@not_nadine - did you hear the prayer there?)  I'm excited for you and the other parent was outnumbered on the vote 2:1.  

    @Neesy Hi you!! Got your email and will respond soon. I had hoped to do much internetting on this holiday but my sister tells me Uncle Bill has no internet. The Ogre has a gadget I can take with me if I can get Verizon cell service, but that is extremely doubtful.  A holler is a between two mountains or hills - it blocks everything and haints get caught in between and can't fly away.  

    @Hedda Gabler I do pork medallions often - get your pan nice and hot - like heat for a few minutes on med high (I do 5).  Put oil in pan firstly - I like a combo of olive oil and canola. I pound the medallions down a bit with a mallet so they aren't so thick but if your's are stuffed, you may want to skip that.  When pan is sizzling hot, add the meat and turn down the heat 1 notch. Sear about 2/ 3/4 minutes per side, (I have nifty sand timers for that - the squeal of the stove times is horrifying).  Using tongs, flip & repeat - if the meat is nicely seared it will lift off easily. I then add some butter and spoon over the seared meat- Gordon Ramsey taught me this trick. If you feel it needs more cooking - stick the entire pan in the oven for a bit, but don't overcook.   

    Thanks Holly - I am going to be starting the Christmas cards soon - hope all is well!

    Update - December 23rd - yikes (facepalm) - I have not sent out one single card - we got some bad news lately regarding Andy's health and I just haven't felt very Christmasy - we don't have a tree up and the house is not decorated.

    We will at least have a nice meal on Christmas - we usually have good food all year round anyway

    Oh yeah - back to the "What are you doing today?" thread - today Josh and I are going to donate blood at Canadian Blood Services - we are both O positive

  • Neesy said:
    @FlakeNoir ; Yikes - I missed this entire page.  Cry yer pardon! Love the story! Your young man is very convincing and has most definitely inherited his mom's love of all creatures, especially those in most need of thy mercy (@not_nadine - did you hear the prayer there?)  I'm excited for you and the other parent was outnumbered on the vote 2:1.  

    @Neesy Hi you!! Got your email and will respond soon. I had hoped to do much internetting on this holiday but my sister tells me Uncle Bill has no internet. The Ogre has a gadget I can take with me if I can get Verizon cell service, but that is extremely doubtful.  A holler is a between two mountains or hills - it blocks everything and haints get caught in between and can't fly away.  

    @Hedda Gabler I do pork medallions often - get your pan nice and hot - like heat for a few minutes on med high (I do 5).  Put oil in pan firstly - I like a combo of olive oil and canola. I pound the medallions down a bit with a mallet so they aren't so thick but if your's are stuffed, you may want a to skip that.  When pan is sizzling hot, add the meat and turn down the heat 1 notch. Sear about 2/ 3/4 minutes per side, (I have nifty sand timers for that - the squeal of the stove times is horrifying).  Using tongs, flip & repeat - if the meat is nicely seared it will lift off easily. I then add some butter and spoon over the seared meat- Gordon Ramsey taught me this trick. If you feel it needs more cooking - stick the entire pan in the oven for a bit, but don't overcook.   

    Thanks Holly - I am going to be starting the Christmas cards soon - hope all is well!

    Thanks Nees for mentioning me.  Not quit sure about the message?  Other Parent? Not sure what you mean.  I am Cornfuaed

    I'm confused too - I think your name got mixed in there accidentally - was trying to reply to HollyGolightly

    Merry Christmas!

    Hedda GablerMarshaNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcat
  • Last day of work for 2021! Well, day-job work, that is.
    NeesyHedda GablerMarshaNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTcat
  • Ahhhh, Christmas-day people. We were xmas -eve people. 

    And while not Jewish — my dad had us opening presents days and days in advance, one a day for a week or two.  He was so silly! 
  • Neesy said:
    Neesy said:
    @FlakeNoir ; Yikes - I missed this entire page.  Cry yer pardon! Love the story! Your young man is very convincing and has most definitely inherited his mom's love of all creatures, especially those in most need of thy mercy (@not_nadine - did you hear the prayer there?)  I'm excited for you and the other parent was outnumbered on the vote 2:1.  

    @Neesy Hi you!! Got your email and will respond soon. I had hoped to do much internetting on this holiday but my sister tells me Uncle Bill has no internet. The Ogre has a gadget I can take with me if I can get Verizon cell service, but that is extremely doubtful.  A holler is a between two mountains or hills - it blocks everything and haints get caught in between and can't fly away.  

    @Hedda Gabler I do pork medallions often - get your pan nice and hot - like heat for a few minutes on med high (I do 5).  Put oil in pan firstly - I like a combo of olive oil and canola. I pound the medallions down a bit with a mallet so they aren't so thick but if your's are stuffed, you may want to skip that.  When pan is sizzling hot, add the meat and turn down the heat 1 notch. Sear about 2/ 3/4 minutes per side, (I have nifty sand timers for that - the squeal of the stove times is horrifying).  Using tongs, flip & repeat - if the meat is nicely seared it will lift off easily. I then add some butter and spoon over the seared meat- Gordon Ramsey taught me this trick. If you feel it needs more cooking - stick the entire pan in the oven for a bit, but don't overcook.   

    Thanks Holly - I am going to be starting the Christmas cards soon - hope all is well!

    Update - December 23rd - yikes (facepalm) - I have not sent out one single card - we got some bad news lately regarding Andy's health and I just haven't felt very Christmasy - we don't have a tree up and the house is not decorated.

    We will at least have a nice meal on Christmas - we usually have good food all year round anyway

    Oh yeah - back to the "What are you doing today?" thread - today Josh and I are going to donate blood at Canadian Blood Services - we are both O positive

    I hope everything will be good for andy — be of good cheer, Xmas miracles coming your way!
  • Not long home, took a trip to the city centre...

    FlakeNoirKurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTNeesycat
  • Notaro said:
    Not long home, took a trip to the city centre...

    I always choose to believe-- choose to believe-- that I will have a next life.  My next life is going to be so fascinating.  So full of adventure and learning and joy, discovery.   I will visit this beautiful place in my next life.

    Sincerely, nb and all of you who share shots from far away places, I appreciate it.  My traveling days are done.  But I can share your adventures with you through your snaps.  Through the little glimpses into life, home improvement, pets, happy family moments -- all of it.  Thank you for sharing everyone.  I take it to heart and mind.

  • edited December 2021
    Just finished Ron Howard's Masterclass on directing. Almost 8 hours, 32 lessons.  Do I want to be a director? Do I have any interest in directing others.  No flipping way.  But, I love movies.  I love creativity. I love watching what others are so passionate about.  And there are lessons that can translate to other areas of life in every single class I've taken.

    Ron was absolutely frickin' terrific.  And it made me appreciate the creativity of the big and small screen.  How much effort and planning and serendipity happens to bring us all the different kinds of entertainment.  I learned a lot from him.

    I'm telling you, Masterclass is so worth my time.  Maybe others wouldn't share my enthusiasm, but man, I just fall into these worlds these professionals have dedicated themselves to.  And it does make me a little wistful that I didn't fulfill some big destiny.  That I didn't see something more in myself, or someone didn't see more in me and grab me up and say here!  here it is!  This is your thing!

    sigh.  next life.  
  • ...Neesy, I hope that the light of the season can push away the darkness of your situation and that Andy will be on the mend....Irish?.....thanks for those shots, I am jazzed by seeing the old architecture juxtaposed with modern lights and such....Deej, I think we all hope we can return in a better form and place....I plan on coming back as a conveyor belt in a cookie factory....
    NotaroHedda GablerMarshaFlakeNoirKurbenNeesycatdoyoulove19
  • And you get a heart, too.

  • Neesy said:
    Neesy said:
    @FlakeNoir ; Yikes - I missed this entire page.  Cry yer pardon! Love the story! Your young man is very convincing and has most definitely inherited his mom's love of all creatures, especially those in most need of thy mercy (@not_nadine - did you hear the prayer there?)  I'm excited for you and the other parent was outnumbered on the vote 2:1.  

    @Neesy Hi you!! Got your email and will respond soon. I had hoped to do much internetting on this holiday but my sister tells me Uncle Bill has no internet. The Ogre has a gadget I can take with me if I can get Verizon cell service, but that is extremely doubtful.  A holler is a between two mountains or hills - it blocks everything and haints get caught in between and can't fly away.  

    @Hedda Gabler I do pork medallions often - get your pan nice and hot - like heat for a few minutes on med high (I do 5).  Put oil in pan firstly - I like a combo of olive oil and canola. I pound the medallions down a bit with a mallet so they aren't so thick but if your's are stuffed, you may want to skip that.  When pan is sizzling hot, add the meat and turn down the heat 1 notch. Sear about 2/ 3/4 minutes per side, (I have nifty sand timers for that - the squeal of the stove times is horrifying).  Using tongs, flip & repeat - if the meat is nicely seared it will lift off easily. I then add some butter and spoon over the seared meat- Gordon Ramsey taught me this trick. If you feel it needs more cooking - stick the entire pan in the oven for a bit, but don't overcook.   

    Thanks Holly - I am going to be starting the Christmas cards soon - hope all is well!

    Update - December 23rd - yikes (facepalm) - I have not sent out one single card - we got some bad news lately regarding Andy's health and I just haven't felt very Christmasy - we don't have a tree up and the house is not decorated.

    We will at least have a nice meal on Christmas - we usually have good food all year round anyway

    Oh yeah - back to the "What are you doing today?" thread - today Josh and I are going to donate blood at Canadian Blood Services - we are both O positive

    I hope everything will be good for andy — be of good cheer, Xmas miracles coming your way!

    Thanks - I have decided to look at it in a positive light i.e. hoping the chemo will work for him - I appreciate the good thoughts <3

    Merry Christmas to all!

    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTMarshacat
  • edited December 2021
    Finished up Levar burton’s masterclass on storytelling.  Smart, lovely man.

    what was fun, he used another masterclass alumni’s work as an example — science fiction writer NK Jemisin.  She was the one that took world building very serious and absolutely believes in hiring sensitivity readers for cultures you don’t belong to.  She was smart and passionate, i enjoyed her classes even though i work smart, not hard. She was a firm believer in work hard AND smart. That’s why she is sitting on a stack of published books and i am sitting on a whole lotta lazy. 

    Anyway, levar read an excerpt from a short story she wrote —I would  love the opportunity to read the whole thing, interesting premise. 

    I’m telling you — short stories sell me on whether or not  i want to spend a big chunk of time with you.  More short story anthologies, authors.  I learn everything i need to know about your story telling abilities by sampling your short stories.  Give me more and chances are, you’ve got me. 
  • Neesy said:
    Neesy said:
    Neesy said:
    @FlakeNoir ; Yikes - I missed this entire page.  Cry yer pardon! Love the story! Your young man is very convincing and has most definitely inherited his mom's love of all creatures, especially those in most need of thy mercy (@not_nadine - did you hear the prayer there?)  I'm excited for you and the other parent was outnumbered on the vote 2:1.  

    @Neesy Hi you!! Got your email and will respond soon. I had hoped to do much internetting on this holiday but my sister tells me Uncle Bill has no internet. The Ogre has a gadget I can take with me if I can get Verizon cell service, but that is extremely doubtful.  A holler is a between two mountains or hills - it blocks everything and haints get caught in between and can't fly away.  

    @Hedda Gabler I do pork medallions often - get your pan nice and hot - like heat for a few minutes on med high (I do 5).  Put oil in pan firstly - I like a combo of olive oil and canola. I pound the medallions down a bit with a mallet so they aren't so thick but if your's are stuffed, you may want to skip that.  When pan is sizzling hot, add the meat and turn down the heat 1 notch. Sear about 2/ 3/4 minutes per side, (I have nifty sand timers for that - the squeal of the stove times is horrifying).  Using tongs, flip & repeat - if the meat is nicely seared it will lift off easily. I then add some butter and spoon over the seared meat- Gordon Ramsey taught me this trick. If you feel it needs more cooking - stick the entire pan in the oven for a bit, but don't overcook.   

    Thanks Holly - I am going to be starting the Christmas cards soon - hope all is well!

    Update - December 23rd - yikes (facepalm) - I have not sent out one single card - we got some bad news lately regarding Andy's health and I just haven't felt very Christmasy - we don't have a tree up and the house is not decorated.

    We will at least have a nice meal on Christmas - we usually have good food all year round anyway

    Oh yeah - back to the "What are you doing today?" thread - today Josh and I are going to donate blood at Canadian Blood Services - we are both O positive

    I hope everything will be good for andy — be of good cheer, Xmas miracles coming your way!

    Thanks - I have decided to look at it in a positive light i.e. hoping the chemo will work for him - I appreciate the good thoughts <3

    Merry Christmas to all!

    I'm sorry to hear you're both on this journey, Neesy. My best wishes that Andy's treatment will be successful and I hope he'll have minimal side effects. Be kind to yourselves and each other, it's a very stressful experience for you both. 💜
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTMarshacatNeesy

  • Thanks - I have decided to look at it in a positive light i.e. hoping the chemo will work for him - I appreciate the good thoughts <3

    Merry Christmas to all!

    I'm so sorry to see that Andy is needing chemo again. Sending positive healing vibes to (((all of you))).
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablercatFlakeNoirNeesy
  • edited December 2021
    I carefully made my way to grocery shop on frozen streets. I managed to walk without falling. 

    I forgot to pick up my prescription. 🤓

    tomorrow is another day, Scarlet. 
  • After the christmas celebrations i have taken it very slow. Reading, watching and eating whats in the house. I think tomorrow i must venture outside reluctantly. And the day after tomorrow i must get up early to go to work :'(. How that will go is written in the stars.... I'm very bad at getting up!!
    FlakeNoirNotarocatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • I carefully made my way to grocery shop on frozen streets. I managed to walk without falling. 

    I forgot to pick up my prescription. 🤓

    tomorrow is another day, Scarlet. 
    Be very careful there Deejers! 😮
    Do they have a delivery system for medication? Our chemists will deliver for a very small fee.
    KurbenNotarocatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    After the christmas celebrations i have taken it very slow. Reading, watching and eating whats in the house. I think tomorrow i must venture outside reluctantly. And the day after tomorrow i must get up early to go to work :'(. How that will go is written in the stars.... I'm very bad at getting up!!
    Sounds like a great holiday at home! I'm looking forward to mine, I go on leave on Jan 6th.
    You'll be fine with the wake up, you love your job and it'll be on your radar.
    KurbenNotarocatHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • @Neesy. Sending good vibes your way for Andy and for you, too as you help him through. Big hugs. ❤ 
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Got some groceries. I also forgot to stop and pick up prescriptions. Sigh. 

    Still need to make Ty's bday cake and get stuff ready to cook his dinner. He wanted breakfast burritos so that's what we're having. Breakfast burritos and chocolate cake! What a combo! 😆
    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
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