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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • downloaded my covidvaccination certificate into my mobile. Have a feeling it might be needed. 
    catNotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • We are having Alison's little boyfriend over for dinner tonight. Sigh. Daughter is dating...no one is ready for that. 🙄 

    Before that happens tonight, we are going to the library to see Craig Johnson read his annual Longmire Christmas story. Looking forward to that. 🙂 Weather is crappy, the wind is blowing and plows can't keep up with the drifting, so all the North/South roads into town are closed. But he is coming in from the west, so is still on as of now. 
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTKurbenNeesy
    1. Revised and submitted a short story 
    2. Finished an essay and submitted it
    3. Wrote my first blog post in ages
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • edited December 2021
    Yep. Vaccinated people can get and pass on covid. The point of the vaccine is to keep your ass from dying and even that can fail depending on a number of factors.

    I’ve read about covid deaths. They are brutal. I love my kids too much to put them through that long drawn-out hell. I will do everything in my power for my kids.  Why would anyone choose anything different ?  Baffles me. So odd to me. 

    1. Revised and submitted a short story 
    2. Finished an essay and submitted it
    3. Wrote my first blog post in ages
    Good update. 
  • Notaro said:
    My daughter's BF tested positive today, he had another PCR test last week which came back negative, then during this week he started feeling unwell and did an antigen test, which showed positive, so he went for another PCR on Friday. My daughter hadn't seen him last week but she did an antigen anyway which showed negative. 
    Hopefully BF will have a minor bout and your daughter will continue to test negative. 

    Be safe. Do your part
  • edited December 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    ....I am working.....another round of COVID has hit the Center hard, both staff and residents....skeleton crew on the weekends anyway and we are stretched way too thin...gives me pause, because there's no rhyme or reason to the clients affected...all age ranges AND with the exception of one-have all had the vaccines and their boosters....staff(nurses excluded), not so much and a lot are lackadaisical at best with their PPE....dumb, dumber, dumbest.....
    You can’t fix stupid. 

    Work smart  scott, stay  safe. 
  • Notaro said:
    My daughter's BF tested positive today, he had another PCR test last week which came back negative, then during this week he started feeling unwell and did an antigen test, which showed positive, so he went for another PCR on Friday. My daughter hadn't seen him last week but she did an antigen anyway which showed negative. 
    Oh no... I'm sorry to hear this, 🥺 I hope he'll have a mild case of it, stay safe there our Irish friends, hunker down. 
    Hedda GablerMarshaNotaroGNTLGNTKurben
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ....I am working.....another round of COVID has hit the Center hard, both staff and residents....skeleton crew on the weekends anyway and we are stretched way too thin...gives me pause, because there's no rhyme or reason to the clients affected...all age ranges AND with the exception of one-have all had the vaccines and their boosters....staff(nurses excluded), not so much and a lot are lackadaisical at best with their PPE....dumb, dumber, dumbest.....
    Keep up with your own PPE Scott, lead by example... be safe my friend. 
    Hedda GablerMarshaNotaroGNTLGNTKurben
  • ....I am grudgingly donning the damn gowns, switching out between cottages.....look like a blue sausage.....Yeti in a blue plastic mini-skirt....can't even escape the prison at this job because the gowns are produced by Ohio Penal Industries....
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarsha
  • .....soooo, it's December......yet Tracy is standing at the window watching at least a dozen robin's foraging around in the front yard......strange.......
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbencatFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • cat said:
    We are having Alison's little boyfriend over for dinner tonight. Sigh. Daughter is dating...no one is ready for that. 🙄 

    Before that happens tonight, we are going to the library to see Craig Johnson read his annual Longmire Christmas story. Looking forward to that. 🙂 Weather is crappy, the wind is blowing and plows can't keep up with the drifting, so all the North/South roads into town are closed. But he is coming in from the west, so is still on as of now. 
    Did you get to see craig? 

    Boyfriend = danger zone. 😳😄🥰
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....soooo, it's December......yet Tracy is standing at the window watching at least a dozen robin's foraging around in the front yard......strange.......
    That is weird. 
  • Watched the Lucia choir at the court. In sweden practically every resonable big working place and schools and the like celebrate Lucia. Its a big deal here. Not sure how it is elsewhere...  There are a lot of songs that are Lucia songs, not Christmas songs. Originally she was a sicilian martyr that died for her faith in about 300 but many here have forgotten her origin and just remembers the swedish version.

    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Happy Lucia Day, Kurben!

    ( is that appropriate to say?)
  • cat said:
    We are having Alison's little boyfriend over for dinner tonight. Sigh. Daughter is dating...no one is ready for that. 🙄 

    Before that happens tonight, we are going to the library to see Craig Johnson read his annual Longmire Christmas story. Looking forward to that. 🙂 Weather is crappy, the wind is blowing and plows can't keep up with the drifting, so all the North/South roads into town are closed. But he is coming in from the west, so is still on as of now. 
    Did you get to see craig? 

    Boyfriend = danger zone. 😳😄🥰
    We did! He is always so gracious and kind. The story was cute...investigating some stolen firewood,  but turned out the guy who was getting his firewood stolen was also being naughty...he was putting bits of dynamite inside the wood. 😀 

    And boyfriend was very polite. He (I won't say impressed 😆) but passed Daddy's inspection. Scott only made him a little uncomfortable. 😂😂 The evening was a success. 

    Ali took the pics. 
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoirMarshaKurbenGNTLGNTNeesy
  • That sounds  like a great story!!!😂
  • cat said:
    We are having Alison's little boyfriend over for dinner tonight. Sigh. Daughter is dating...no one is ready for that. 🙄 

    Before that happens tonight, we are going to the library to see Craig Johnson read his annual Longmire Christmas story. Looking forward to that. 🙂 Weather is crappy, the wind is blowing and plows can't keep up with the drifting, so all the North/South roads into town are closed. But he is coming in from the west, so is still on as of now. 

    One of my Christmas traditions is to read the Longmire Christmas story to my wife. I have a picture with him somewhere from one of his visits to Murder By the Book.
    catNotaroKurbenGNTLGNTHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • I went christmas shopping today. Or i should say i intended to buy presents but ended up buying things for myself instead......  I went to Old Towns Christmas Market where they have some fun specialities. I got myself some Whiskycheddar cheese. Tasted great!!! Also some Must, a very traditional drink here around christmas but this was not the ordinary one, it was flavored with honey and tasted divine, also some heavenly tasting Vanilla Fudge and a book (I wouldn't be me if i didn't bought a book while out shopping), The Real And The Unreal, a collection of Ursula K. Leguins short stories. She is, IMO, one of the alltime greats in her field. Sadly missed. I have always thought that if a SF writer deserves the Nobel it is only she and Atwood that really deserves it. But i doubt it will ever happen. The Committe does not have the guts
    GNTLGNTNotaroHedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • Scott only made him a little uncomfortable. 

    Warning Tampering with my Daughter  Daughter quotes Mother quotes  Jokes quotes
    NotaroHedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Kurben said:
    I went christmas shopping today. Or i should say i intended to buy presents but ended up buying things for myself instead......  I went to Old Towns Christmas Market where they have some fun specialities. I got myself some Whiskycheddar cheese. Tasted great!!! Also some Must, a very traditional drink here around christmas but this was not the ordinary one, it was flavored with honey and tasted divine, also some heavenly tasting Vanilla Fudge and a book (I wouldn't be me if i didn't bought a book while out shopping), The Real And The Unreal, a collection of Ursula K. Leguins short stories. She is, IMO, one of the alltime greats in her field. Sadly missed. I have always thought that if a SF writer deserves the Nobel it is only she and Atwood that really deserves it. But i doubt it will ever happen. The Committe does not have the guts
    Dear Snarky  Jerk Alert An Almost Family Member is Planning on Using  Supply Chain Issues as an Excuse to Not Buy Christmas Gifts  Snarky in the  Suburbs
    KurbenNotaroHedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • My son isn't coming home for xmas, but we are doing a blind xmas story.  I started it.  350 word limit.  This is going to be challenging as my son, mr jokey joke joke, will take this story boldly where no man has gone before.  And I will try to salvage it, get it back on track.  

    He has the next 2 weeks off, so we will go back and forth until it is totally off the rails and unsalvageable, or until he goes back to work, or until the story says The End.  Whichever comes first.

    Wish me godspeed.
  • Sounds wonderful Deejers, I hope you both have a lot of fun. 🎄🎁
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTcat
  • edited December 2021
    The problem with this though, my son will take my segment and add some really bizarre situation. He will make it so difficult. When i get his addition back, i’ll read it and think — what the hell am i supposed to do with that? 

    He does it on purpose to make it almost undoable. Not to be mean at all, just as an ornery challenge. And he will cackle like a cackling cackler. 

    Challenge … accepted. 
  • Yesterday my christmas present to myself arrived. 7 books i havent read and really want to read. I was afraid they wouldn't arrive before christmas because every package gets delayed in christmas time but it did!! Now the holiday is saved. I just started on The Outward Urge by John Wyndham. An author King called "Probably the best British SF-writer ever". That is great praise considering, that H.G.Wells, C.S. Lewis, Michael Moorcock, Brian Aldiss, Douglas Adams, J.G. Ballard and Stephen Baxter all are very good. I guess King recognizes a great storyteller when he sees one, add imagination plus a knowing how to end a story without it running on for too long and you got a great SF author. The Chrysalids is, IMO, his masterpiece. One of the best SF novels ever! I dont expect The Outward Urge to be as good but i have hopes.
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