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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • edited December 2021
    FlakeNoir said:
    You were a kind and fast first responder. 
    We were first on the scene and he had some fairly significant injuries, honestly covid did not enter my mind until ambulance comms told me over the phone to be wearing a mask when the crews turned up. 😳

    Even now just a few weeks out from that, it's spreading to more regions, it's possible the mask would already be sitting under my chin while driving, when I exit the car now, the mask goes up. (We don't have to wear them around our client all of the time, it frightens them)
    This is why bubbles of people work. You know who’s in your bubble and proceed accordingly — mask or no mask. 
  • Kurben said:
    Here a New mutation is beginning to spread, Omikron its called, And a lot of regulations is back in effect that were released in the fall. Sigh! But i gues it was way to optimistic to hope for a back to normal mode. Now the christmas party at work in next week is cancelled and i do understand the reasons but i miss being able to go to a gathering of people, shake strangers hands, hug friends and so on. I still feel so incredible silly doing that elbow-touchy-shaky thing that people do instead now, at least here. 

    Flake, you are the hero of the day! Anyone who has you as a first responder is a real lucky person. 

    Also, yesterday i had my first fall of the season. On my way to lunch i stepped on some invisible ice and there i was, lying in the gutter after my feet went up and my back came down. Luckily only pride was hurt.
    Ouch! I'm glad you weren't hurt Kurben.

    We're training a new staff member and they had a fall while we were walking a couple of days ago... I was horrified,  I'd much rather be the one to fall than see someone else go down. They laughed it off too... but it always worries me.
  • Kurben said:
    Here a New mutation is beginning to spread, Omikron its called, And a lot of regulations is back in effect that were released in the fall. Sigh! But i gues it was way to optimistic to hope for a back to normal mode. Now the christmas party at work in next week is cancelled and i do understand the reasons but i miss being able to go to a gathering of people, shake strangers hands, hug friends and so on. I still feel so incredible silly doing that elbow-touchy-shaky thing that people do instead now, at least here. 

    Flake, you are the hero of the day! Anyone who has you as a first responder is a real lucky person. 

    Also, yesterday i had my first fall of the season. On my way to lunch i stepped on some invisible ice and there i was, lying in the gutter after my feet went up and my back came down. Luckily only pride was hurt.
    Oh hell! We must  be a falling bunch of Laurel and Hardy’s!  I’m glad you weren’t hurt. 
  • This is why bubbles of people work. You know who’s in your bubble and proceed accordingly — mask or no mask. 
    We're all sick of the "bubble" word here, but it works! So does using the covid tracer and vaccine pass apps, it means we can be a bit freer.
    Hedda GablerNotaroMarshaGNTLGNT
  • edited December 2021
    And glad you  weren’t  hurt either,

    i have to tell all of you, if i see you trip and  fall — i will laugh .   I can’t help it. But i will damn well pick you up if it’s okay to touch you. 🥰
  • And glad you  weren’t  hurt either,

    i have to tell all of you, if i see you trip and  fall — i will laugh .   I can’t help it. But i will damn well pick you up if it’s okay to touch you. 🥰
    Oh ditto! After my initial horror and check if you're okay, I'm going to laugh for weeks about it... continously bringing it back up. Good luck with forgetting your embarrassing moments around me. 😄💜
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Oh man, when the assessment is “i’m okay” — i’ll laugh like a loon. 
  • Oh man, when the assessment is “i’m okay” — i’ll laugh like a loon. 
    My coworker has nearly wet their pants after some of my falls. 😄
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • FlakeNoir said:
    We're all sick of the "bubble" word here, but it works! So does using the covid tracer and vaccine pass apps, it means we can be a bit freer.
  • ...today's secret word is "pratfall"....damn y'all!!...glad everybody has nothing worse than fractured dignity.....I crashed and burned recently as well....(this remind anyone of the "my boo-boo is bigger than your boo-boo scene" on Quint's boat in Jaws?)...Tracy was helping me cut down some seasonal foliage from a trellis and I tripped over a hidden rock in some leaves....tiiiiimmmmmbrrrrrr....went the GNT.....Richter Scales across the region registered a disturbance in The Force, while I lay in the yard.....no injury except some mottled bruising on my pride....at least it was a graceful fall according to Tracy....
    NotaroKurbenFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...today's secret word is "pratfall"....damn y'all!!...glad everybody has nothing worse than fractured dignity.....I crashed and burned recently as well....(this remind anyone of the "my boo-boo is bigger than your boo-boo scene" on Quint's boat in Jaws?)...Tracy was helping me cut down some seasonal foliage from a trellis and I tripped over a hidden rock in some leaves....tiiiiimmmmmbrrrrrr....went the GNT.....Richter Scales across the region registered a disturbance in The Force, while I lay in the yard.....no injury except some mottled bruising on my pride....at least it was a graceful fall according to Tracy....
    Tracy is a very kind person.... How can any fall be graceful????
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...today's secret word is "pratfall"....damn y'all!!...glad everybody has nothing worse than fractured dignity.....I crashed and burned recently as well....(this remind anyone of the "my boo-boo is bigger than your boo-boo scene" on Quint's boat in Jaws?)...Tracy was helping me cut down some seasonal foliage from a trellis and I tripped over a hidden rock in some leaves....tiiiiimmmmmbrrrrrr....went the GNT.....Richter Scales across the region registered a disturbance in The Force, while I lay in the yard.....no injury except some mottled bruising on my pride....at least it was a graceful fall according to Tracy....
    I'm so glad you weren't hurt Scott. 
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerGNTLGNTMarsha
  • Welcome to the Klutz Club Scott .  Only the cools kids can join. 
  • And glad you weren’t hurt either Scott. 

    Ghost is in this club too.  Maybe he’ll stop by snd share one of his falling stories. 🤣
  • Healing vibes for all of you who have recently fallen! 

    We got 5.5 inches of snow overnight and Scott took me grocery shopping. I managed not to fall in any parking lot. I was afraid I would fall.  I did last time it snowed. 

    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshaNeesy
  • cat said:
    Healing vibes for all of you who have recently fallen! 

    We got 5.5 inches of snow overnight and Scott took me grocery shopping. I managed not to fall in any parking lot. I was afraid I would fall.  I did last time it snowed. 

    So glad you didn’t fall and yay for scott! I hate driving on snow. 
  • edited December 2021
    cat said:
    Healing vibes for all of you who have recently fallen! 

    We got 5.5 inches of snow overnight and Scott took me grocery shopping. I managed not to fall in any parking lot. I was afraid I would fall.  I did last time it snowed. 

    How’s your boy doing ? Brandon, right? I hope he feels terrific now. 
  • How’s your boy doing ? Brandon, right? I hope he feels terrific now. 
    He feels great. Can't tell anything ever happened. He just got a promotion at work, he is now supervisor over maintenance and grounds for the school district. Pretty proud of him. 🙂

    Not sure if it should be called a promotion or a new job. He was in maintenance and grounds already, plus did all the locksmithing. But he did have to interview and have letters of recommendation so it is like a new job. 

    Thanks for asking!
    KurbenFlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerMarshaNeesy
  • That's great Cat, congratulations to Brandon! 
    NotarocatGNTLGNTKurbenHedda GablerMarsha
  • ...yahoo for Brandon!!....
    KurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarsha
  • GNTLGNT said:
    Klutz T-Shirts Sweaters Sweatshirts Hoodies Tank Top
    OK, I'm Team Klutz! Always have been.
    Hedda GablercatFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Congratulations to Brandon!
    KurbenGNTLGNTcatHedda GablerNeesy
  • ....I am working.....another round of COVID has hit the Center hard, both staff and residents....skeleton crew on the weekends anyway and we are stretched way too thin...gives me pause, because there's no rhyme or reason to the clients affected...all age ranges AND with the exception of one-have all had the vaccines and their boosters....staff(nurses excluded), not so much and a lot are lackadaisical at best with their PPE....dumb, dumber, dumbest.....
    KurbenNotarocatHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaNeesy
  • My daughter's BF tested positive today, he had another PCR test last week which came back negative, then during this week he started feeling unwell and did an antigen test, which showed positive, so he went for another PCR on Friday. My daughter hadn't seen him last week but she did an antigen anyway which showed negative. 
    KurbencatHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
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