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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • edited November 2021
    Notaro said:
    A new addition to the pet collection Flakes? 
    I'm not sure, though the fact he/she is now in a birdcage sitting next to the Canary and is being fed soaked cat biscuits every few hours and sits perched on the kids' shoulder or outstretched finger... hmmm, railroaded, right? 🤔

    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesy
  • Any idea what type of bird it is? 
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • Notaro said:
    Any idea what type of bird it is? 
    At first I thought Waxeye, but I think it's a sparrow.  (I so want to call it "Jack")
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurben
  • ....yep, yer a bird granny......

    A Much Deeper Level Random Muppet 3 Granny Bird
    NotaroHedda GablerFlakeNoirKurbenNeesy
  • Okay flakers, what’s the story behind the bird? Where was it found? Mom wasn’t out grocery shopping to come home and find her child snatched? Another face on a milk carton?
  • Another face on a milk carton?

    ...bag of birdseed rather....
    Hedda GablerNotaroFlakeNoir
  • Awww, 

    have you seen this kid? 

    They’re gonna haul flake’s boy before a judge — 
  • edited November 2021
    Okay flakers, what’s the story behind the bird? Where was it found? Mom wasn’t out grocery shopping to come home and find her child snatched? Another face on a milk carton?
    It went down like this:

    Scene:  mum pulled over on side of road, listening to David on Spotify enjoying the warm sun on her face, waiting for kid to arrive after school/work.

    Mum turns head as kid approaches, eyes unfamiliar lunch box clutched in kid's hands.

    "That better not be something that breathes."

    Kid climbs into car speaking as fast as he can.

    "We found it outside the library first thing this morning, there was no mother, no tree, no other birds, it was just sitting there tweeting and climbed right onto my hand!
    I had it with me for the whole school day, sometimes it would sit in my hand, then it would hop up onto my shoulder! My horticulture teacher said its mum would have abandoned it, or was probably dead or something so I should take it home."

    Mother replies....
    "Noooooooo, your teacher is wrong hon! The mum will keep coming back to it with food and she will encourage it to go to a safer place, she would have been watching from a safe distance."

    "But mum, it's been with me all day, (6 hours😳) what if the mum gave up?"

    "Honey we have to take it back to the spot where you found it,  she was probably off getting food in for the family, she'll be back and be frantically looking for him!"

    Removing lid from lunch box...
    "Look he's totally cool with handling..."

    "Put that lid back on... oh sh1t, he just jumped onto my hand..."
    Fuuuuuukkkkk... sigh, 
    "Dad is not going to be pleased."

    Mum flicks sun visor down to get the now irritating sun out of her eyes as she pulls into traffic already thinking of ways to break the news to the unsuspecting and less tolerant parent. 
    NotaroKurbennot_nadineHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • ....but just think Flakes, if you fall down a well the bird can summon help...like Lassie with a beak...................................or not................
    Hedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirNeesy
  • The bird is staying. At least until full maturity and then we may find a sanctuary that will take her,  I can't bear the thought she comes home to visit after release and winds up being a cat or dog victim. 
    NotaroHedda GablerKurbenGNTLGNTNeesy
  • I love the bird!!!  Have you named it? does it need nursing back to health? Lost his mom?  Stinkin' cute lil angry bird.
    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • @Hedda Gabler I think our friend Pat in the Hat hails from this same part of KY.  He and I spoke the native language. I wish I knew where he was. I'll bring some tales and photos to share. If I survive the haunted house.
    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • edited November 2021
    I love the bird!!!  Have you named it? does it need nursing back to health? Lost his mom?  Stinkin' cute lil angry bird.
    (S)he is called "Jack Sparrow". Appears healthy, is just still a baby. Couldn't find mum. (I think the post about how we got her might be above?) 💜
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • I wonder if Spidey might know Pat's current whereabouts? 
    NotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesy
  • I bet she does.

    My alarm went off - I stumbled into the kitchen at 5 am and made coffee. Only to realize that it is Thanksgiving and I am off work today   :# :

    Well Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 
    FlakeNoirNotaroGNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenNeesy
  • @FlakeNoir ; Yikes - I missed this entire page.  Cry yer pardon! Love the story! Your young man is very convincing and has most definitely inherited his mom's love of all creatures, especially those in most need of thy mercy (@not_nadine - did you hear the prayer there?)  I'm excited for you and the other parent was outnumbered on the vote 2:1.  

    @Neesy Hi you!! Got your email and will respond soon. I had hoped to do much internetting on this holiday but my sister tells me Uncle Bill has no internet. The Ogre has a gadget I can take with me if I can get Verizon cell service, but that is extremely doubtful.  A holler is a between two mountains or hills - it blocks everything and haints get caught in between and can't fly away.  

    @Hedda Gabler I do pork medallions often - get your pan nice and hot - like heat for a few minutes on med high (I do 5).  Put oil in pan firstly - I like a combo of olive oil and canola. I pound the medallions down a bit with a mallet so they aren't so thick but if your's are stuffed, you may want to skip that.  When pan is sizzling hot, add the meat and turn down the heat 1 notch. Sear about 2/ 3/4 minutes per side, (I have nifty sand timers for that - the squeal of the stove times is horrifying).  Using tongs, flip & repeat - if the meat is nicely seared it will lift off easily. I then add some butter and spoon over the seared meat- Gordon Ramsey taught me this trick. If you feel it needs more cooking - stick the entire pan in the oven for a bit, but don't overcook.   
    GNTLGNTHedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesy
  • ..."haints"...ain't heard that in a coon's age!!...
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirNeesy
  • @FlakeNoir ; Yikes - I missed this entire page.  Cry yer pardon! Love the story! Your young man is very convincing and has most definitely inherited his mom's love of all creatures, especially those in most need of thy mercy (@not_nadine - did you hear the prayer there?)  I'm excited for you and the other parent was outnumbered on the vote 2:1.  

    @Neesy Hi you!! Got your email and will respond soon. I had hoped to do much internetting on this holiday but my sister tells me Uncle Bill has no internet. The Ogre has a gadget I can take with me if I can get Verizon cell service, but that is extremely doubtful.  A holler is a between two mountains or hills - it blocks everything and haints get caught in between and can't fly away.  

    @Hedda Gabler I do pork medallions often - get your pan nice and hot - like heat for a few minutes on med high (I do 5).  Put oil in pan firstly - I like a combo of olive oil and canola. I pound the medallions down a bit with a mallet so they aren't so thick but if your's are stuffed, you may want to skip that.  When pan is sizzling hot, add the meat and turn down the heat 1 notch. Sear about 2/ 3/4 minutes per side, (I have nifty sand timers for that - the squeal of the stove times is horrifying).  Using tongs, flip & repeat - if the meat is nicely seared it will lift off easily. I then add some butter and spoon over the seared meat- Gordon Ramsey taught me this trick. If you feel it needs more cooking - stick the entire pan in the oven for a bit, but don't overcook.   
    Thank you! That sounds easy and fast. I hope i don’t dry them out. 
  • edited November 2021
    @FlakeNoir ; Yikes - I missed this entire page.  Cry yer pardon! Love the story! Your young man is very convincing and has most definitely inherited his mom's love of all creatures, especially those in most need of thy mercy (@not_nadine - did you hear the prayer there?)  I'm excited for you and the other parent was outnumbered on the vote 2:1.  

    @Neesy Hi you!! Got your email and will respond soon. I had hoped to do much internetting on this holiday but my sister tells me Uncle Bill has no internet. The Ogre has a gadget I can take with me if I can get Verizon cell service, but that is extremely doubtful.  A holler is a between two mountains or hills - it blocks everything and haints get caught in between and can't fly away.  

    @Hedda Gabler I do pork medallions often - get your pan nice and hot - like heat for a few minutes on med high (I do 5).  Put oil in pan firstly - I like a combo of olive oil and canola. I pound the medallions down a bit with a mallet so they aren't so thick but if your's are stuffed, you may want to skip that.  When pan is sizzling hot, add the meat and turn down the heat 1 notch. Sear about 2/ 3/4 minutes per side, (I have nifty sand timers for that - the squeal of the stove times is horrifying).  Using tongs, flip & repeat - if the meat is nicely seared it will lift off easily. I then add some butter and spoon over the seared meat- Gordon Ramsey taught me this trick. If you feel it needs more cooking - stick the entire pan in the oven for a bit, but don't overcook.   
    I did exactly as you said — they were terrific. Moist, deelish .  I will definitely have them again. Thank you again. 
  • Just home from a shopping expedition to the city centre....

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurbenNeesy
  • Beautiful. 
    NotaroHedda GablerGNTLGNTNeesy
  • edited November 2021
    Those were terrific. Sincerely — thank you for posting them and I sharing the season.  I will never get to travel to these places so it is very cool when everyone shares. 

    Two things:  in those buildings, the bottom levels are shops — the upper levels, apartments, offices? Or combo of both?

    second, you should have told us when you would be there, you could  have waved at us because there is a live cam outside Temple Bar! 🥰
  • Upper levels would be a combo of both plus over the big stores they'd use it as storage space.

    Next time I go in Hedda I'll do that☺️
  • ...next time, please share some pics....
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerNeesy
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