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What Are You Doing Today? (an SKMB greatest hits)



  • ....tell you how my imagination works....the reclining figure on the floor?...what if that were a real person that they caught by surprise and encased in plaster of paris???....yeah, YEAH!....there's yer next Netflix movie by god!.....
    Hedda GablerKurbenFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Great photos. I love art. I love to see what people do. Some speaks to me; some doesn’t. But that’s art’s job. Challenge. 
  • I am trying to get myself back on track. After a nightmare — my fence  between me and my neighbor is replaced. It was being held together with zip ties. 

      We were splitting cost when the bid came back — brace yourselves— 23,000.00 dollars. What? Is this a gold plated gang compound?  Now, my neighbor was doing some extra— but way shorter than what was between her and me. The breakdown of just the cost of 98 linear feet between us was 18,000.00. 9,000.00 a piece for 98 linear feet!!!

    no f’ing way. I told her she was on her own if she wanted to pay that.  I called my brother— and as always, he came to my rescue. We did not skimp on materials, quality all the way, superior attention to details. He and his wife and i built it. It is absolutely gorgeous.  But, we are old so it took us a week. And i can’t help like i used to. So really mostly them. They did all the selecting of boards and hauling everything  — so much work! Did not charge us labor. Just had to pay for supplies. My cost? 966.00. 

    How does some gouging asshole think we would agree to 18,000.00?

    i hate ignorant, asshole people.  If i like you, you are a rare unicorn  in my world. 🥰
  • .....dafuq???.....apparently they were quoting for the diamond encrusted rhodium divider...material cost has skyrocketed but it sure as hell didn't ride with Elon Musk!!!!...
  • GNTLGNT said:
    .....dafuq???.....apparently they were quoting for the diamond encrusted rhodium divider...material cost has skyrocketed but it sure as hell didn't ride with Elon Musk!!!!...
    I know!!!!
  • I've spent about 6 hours gardening over the last two days and really all I have to show for it are bruises upon my bruises. (Work mishap, totally mea culpa... Best forgotten)

    So after a hot shower and change of clothes, I've just sat down to some brunch... and hallelujah, I've spilled boysenberry jam on my new t-shirt. F'kkkk.
    After I've soaked my t-shirt and hung out the load of clothes (that has just finished washing arrrrrrgh) I'll watch a movie. And lick my wounds. Not literally,  I'm strange...  not weird.😜😁
    Hedda GablerKurbenNotaroGNTLGNTMarshaNeesy
  • ....my bad, forgot to mention that my eldest son and his wife that are expecting their latest baby, had their reveal party Sunday....and to no-one's surprise-we're having another grandson!....I say no surprise because Roller men apparently can only "produce" lil fellas.....4 grandsons now!!....Ryland Jean Roller will be his name....the Jean is to honor Seth's late Aunt Kassie, whose middle name was Jean.....
    KurbenMarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroNeesycat
  • Congratulations, Big fella!!!
    MarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNTNeesy
  • Awwwww.  Little boys are great.
  • Congratulations Grandpa 🎉🎊😉
    FlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • That's wonderful Scott, congratulations to you all.❤
    MarshaGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesyNotaro
  • ...well, I got my DNA results back....and I was a bit surprised......


    ....as I had mentioned, my Mom's side was German-but in retrospect, only her birth mother.....so, the low percentage makes sense....I'm tickled that I have roots in Scotland and I am going to dabble in investigating connections as time permits....I still say they missed the Bigfoot DNA......
    not_nadineHedda GablerNotaroKurbenFlakeNoirMarsha
  • Can’t see the rest???
  • ...what "rest" hun?....
  • edited November 2021
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...what "rest" hun?....
    You left a link, it just takes us to log in  screen
  • GNTLGNT said:
    ...what "rest" hun?....
    You left a link, it just takes us to log in  screen
    ...well WTF....lemmee see....

    KurbenNotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarsha
  • Delighted to see that your second largest contributor is some solid swedish roots!!
    NotaroFlakeNoirHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNT
  • GNTLGNT said:
    GNTLGNT said:
    ...what "rest" hun?....
    You left a link, it just takes us to log in  screen
    ...well WTF....lemmee see....

    Stay tuned. Next update you’ll be asian. 
  • edited November 2021

    Dear friends – there's no excuse, just begging your forgiveness with hope that I can begin again.

    There’s 60+ pages in this thread since the last time I posted, so I can’t even begin at the beginning. Maybe I’ll just start fresh.

    @GNTLGNT – I knew it – you are part druid, all that Scot in yer blood.  Mayhap just clansman, but hey – anyone seen Jamie on Outlander?   Those clansmen were bada$$.  If you’ve read Anne Rice’s witch series, you might know that Druids were also incredibly tall. I don’t know if she took artistic liberties there – if Dana (KRF) is hereabouts he might could tell us.  Has anyone heard/seen from him?

    @HeddaGabbler – how is that DNA analysis changes? Do we morph? I’m certain I’m from a line of ancient aliens – I am O negative, lefthanded, and cilantro tastes like soap to me.  I have not had my strands analyzed, but my sister did. She also dredged up some relatives we never knew we had – that’s been interesting. They are the product of  either 1 living uncle (who denies it)  or 2 dead uncles who aren’t around to say much about it. DNA doesn’t lie Uncle Bill – or does it? 

    I’ll quit thread hogging and post somewhere else so I don’t appear to be weird. (as if!)

    I’m just happy to be here a moment.  You don’t know unless you’ve ever pulled a runner yourself and had to crawl back to a happy place. 

    Flake, Kurb, bev, Notaro, Nottie, Spidey, DoYa, Sunny (who else is? Neesy? ghost? OoO?)  Onward!

    FlakeNoirHedda GablerNotaroKurbenMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • We’ve missed you little girl. 
  • Welcome back Holly🙂
    KurbenFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTHollyGolightly
  • Hey Hollys! Great to see you
    FlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTHollyGolightly
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