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What T.V. Shows Have Your Attention?



  • Goliath was great. Nina Arianda is also terrific in the new movie about Lucille Ball.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Goliath was great. Nina Arianda is also terrific in the new movie about Lucille Ball.
    With Nicole Kidman? Thanks, I'll check it out.
    Hedda GablerNotaroMarshaGNTLGNT
  • Yes, that's the one. In fact, I thought she would have made a terrific Lucy.
    NotaroFlakeNoirMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNTKurben
  • Yes, that's the one. In fact, I thought she would have made a terrific Lucy.
    Ohhh, she would have!
    MarshaHedda GablerBevVincentGNTLGNT
  • ...and her take on Ethel was pretty damn good....
    KurbenFlakeNoirNotaroHedda GablerMarsha
  • Dexter finale 

    I was really diggin’ this season. When Dexter slowly started sharing with Harrison, I was suspicious that Harrison would kill him. But, i kept reassuring myself they wouldn’t do that. I just had this dread that was where we were headed. Don’t fix what ain’t broke!!! 
    So, is there another season? Because now Harrison will work the Code and Deb and Harry and Dexter and God knows who else are all gonna be talking to him, arguing with each other.  The room is gonna get crowded with ghosts . And I didn’t particularly find Harrison’s character that mesmerizing. He was so lackluster.  Dexter owned the storylines. This kid was just filler.  Unless they replace the actor with a more charismatic guy, i don’t know how the series can thrive.   And the cop let Harrison go? That went against everything about her. 
    This was a fail for me. But i will be right there for another season to see how they save this.  These writers are going to have to pull a rabbit out of the hat and miracles out of their asses. 
    I am very disappointed in this ending. 

  • Fkakeeeeee, i think you get to see season 3 AfterLife your Thursday morning???? The 14th — 1:00 a.m GMT —what time is that for you?
  • Fkakeeeeee, i think you get to see season 3 AfterLife your Thursday morning???? The 14th — 1:00 a.m GMT —what time is that for you?
    No, friday morning for you — i think . I’m so confused. 
  • Fkakeeeeee, i think you get to see season 3 AfterLife your Thursday morning???? The 14th — 1:00 a.m GMT —what time is that for you?
    Fkakeeeeee, i think you get to see season 3 AfterLife your Thursday morning???? The 14th — 1:00 a.m GMT —what time is that for you?
    No, friday morning for you — i think . I’m so confused. 
    Uhmmmm... I'm confused too.
    Today is (Thursday) the 13th. (7:30 pm right now)

    Is it on @ 1:00 am on the 14th GMT?
    That would be 1:00 pm here, same day.. I think(?) 
    Hedda GablerGNTLGNTMarshaKurben
  • Frick, I don't know now.  Wordle has thrown me off.  I blame Wordle.
  • Frick, I don't know now.  Wordle has thrown me off.  I blame Wordle.
    I got so friggen busy yesterday (today,  tomorrow--just staying relevant) that I forgot to go back and complete my Wordle. I missed a day. Gutted.
    I did today's (yesterday's, your tomorrow's) after 1:00 am (my time, now work that shit out 😂) so I wouldn't miss another.

    I'm going to try for more sleep now, not that this will help. 
    KurbenHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNT
  • I finished Hawkeye and enjoyed it.  I recently started watching Daredevil on Netflix, it's very violent but well written and engaging so far. 

    Other than that, I watch Top Gear when I get a chance.  I still watch The Conners but I'm enjoying it less and less lately...Darlene is just not an interesting or likable character.
    NotaroKurbenHedda GablerFlakeNoirMarshaGNTLGNTNeesy
  • I am taking a very late nap because i want to see Afterlife season 3 before i die, so i will be watching when it drops. 
  • I am taking a very late nap because i want to see Afterlife season 3 before i die, so i will be watching when it drops. 
    Is that tonight? 1:00 am your time (I'm so confused now😄)
    If whatsit doesn't turn up for a meal today, I'll try to watch with you. Will it just be the first episode today? (no binge?)
    Hedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNT
  • edited January 2022
    What platform?
    (and no frigging HP answers here....Scott😁😝😍)

    Found it... Netflix, just need to find the time.
    Hedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNT
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I am taking a very late nap because i want to see Afterlife season 3 before i die, so i will be watching when it drops. 
    Is that tonight? 1:00 am your time (I'm so confused now😄)
    If whatsit doesn't turn up for a meal today, I'll try to watch with you. Will it just be the first episode today? (no binge?)
    No. The whole season drops. 
  • FlakeNoir said:
    I am taking a very late nap because i want to see Afterlife season 3 before i die, so i will be watching when it drops. 
    Is that tonight? 1:00 am your time (I'm so confused now😄)
    If whatsit doesn't turn up for a meal today, I'll try to watch with you. Will it just be the first episode today? (no binge?)
    No. The whole season drops. 
    I don't think I'm going to be able to do this. Could you flick a message though when it drops? Nothing here on our Netflix yet.
    Hedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTKurben
  • Will do. 
    Oh wow, I've got this whole time thing screwed up 🙄 it's like 7(ish) hours away isn't it? I thought it was now.(ish) 
  • I was thinking it was everyone’s friday, but i think it’s your Saturday.

    And the popcorn jumped off The Golden Gate Bridge — twice. 

    In other words, this has turned into Alice in Wonderland nonsense. Nothing makes sense. 
  • I was thinking it was everyone’s friday, but i think it’s your Saturday.

    And the popcorn jumped off The Golden Gate Bridge — twice. 

    In other words, this has turned into Alice in Wonderland nonsense. Nothing makes sense. 
    I've tried to figure this out, but I'm still scratching my head. I even re-activated Twitter to read Ricky's tweets, but I panicked with all the noise, flashing lights and stranger-danger so quickly signed out again.
    NotaroHedda GablerMarshaGNTLGNTKurben
  • @Hedda Gabler it looks like Season 3 is lined up for me now.
    I'm going to watch the last episode of S2 now to make it fresh in my mind.
  • FlakeNoir said:
    @Hedda Gabler it looks like Season 3 is lined up for me now.
    I'm going to watch the last episode of S2 now to make it fresh in my mind.
    Oh good. Because, “the best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray” when the old lady rat falls asleep at 10:30.
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