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What T.V. Shows Have Your Attention?



  • edited May 2021
    A couple things. 

    First, Dave Barry better start paying me some attention or he will lose me forever to
    John Simm.  I love this actor. 

    Second, the show Life On Mars has me totally captivated by the creativity of this story.  It’s such a fascinating concept.

     Is this where Peggy Sue Got Married got the idea?  what other books, movies, tv have had a person trapped in the past trying desperately to change something? 

    Ahhh, as the show itself reveals— a man out of time — like The Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court is one of these stories. 
  • Notaro said:
    .....funny as hell!!!.....
    Notarodoyoulove19MarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Watching Line Of Duty season 1. so far so good. Somehow i missed this series earlier.
    NotaroGNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • Kurben said:
    Watching Line Of Duty season 1. so far so good. Somehow i missed this series earlier.
    Yeah, me, too -- I'm up to season 4. The ending of S3 is fantastic. 
    GNTLGNTMarshaHedda GablerFlakeNoirNeesy
  • If this actually gets released it could be a good one...

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Notaro said:
    If this actually gets released it could be a good one...

    That would be interesting
  • Line of Duty Season 3.
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirNotaroMarshaGNTLGNT
  • edited May 2021
    Kurben said:
    Line of Duty Season 3.
    Is each episode of this a new story or is this a continuing storyline throughout each season?
  • There is a continuing storyline for each season. The three main persons are the same throughout.
    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshaHedda GablerGNTLGNT
  • Each season involves a different supposedly "bent copper," but there is a through-line to all the seasons, too.

    In the US, Season 5 switches from Britbox to Hulu or Acorn and Season 6, supposedly the last, is back on Britbox, but they're only releasing an episode per week (episode 2 came out today), which is driving me bonkers because I want to see it all now! This final season has 7 episodes, all of which have already aired in the UK.
    FlakeNoirNotaroMarshaGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • I'm on season 1, it's really good. 
    NotaroMarshaBevVincentKurbenGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • Started watching The Pembrokeshire Murders, only watched one episode but I like it, great cast, excellent performances, based on true events.

    Documentary on the case. 

    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • I watched that a couple of weeks ago -- it's well done.
    NotaroFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda GablerNeesy
  • edited May 2021
    For you Line Of Duty watchers (i have it in my queue ) kelly Macdonald (sp?) is tapped to be the next Dr. Who — yay or nay , what say you? 
  • I like her, she's good, I haven't seen any doctor who in quite a few years, I think she'd be good in the role. I personally would love to see Sean Pertwee as the Doctor, his father Jon was my favourite and I think having Sean play the role would bring it full circle for me. 
    FlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gabler
  • I think she’d be a good Doctor Who. Very different from Jodie. 
    Hedda GablerNotaroGNTLGNT
  • edited May 2021
    Mare of Easttown has one more episode — i’m at a loss to what it’s going to be about. It seems everything is all wrapped up other than someone’s bullish behavior and i’m not sure i’m all that interested in why that person is that way. I think he’s just your typical asshole. 

    surely something is not as it seems or what’s the point?

    Very surprised at a character’s death. I do think there are some reveals— but are they story worthy?

    Like the author — something more there. Is he using Mare for writing ideas?
    The guy’s affair and who is it with? Will best friend take him back?
    What’s all the side eye at ye fishing hole?
    Daughter Bacon — what happens with the kid?
    Does lesbian girl find true love, educational opportunities and forgiveness?
    The priest? Can we have one damn good priest ever?
    Does Bethy get her memorabilia back?
    Does down syndrome girl triumph over the bullies?
    DJ — who gets the baby?
    And then weirdo book burning rebel without a cause — why all the teenage angst, dude?

     All of these  things are just hanging chadds. Are they burning questions or just fizzled asides? Does that sentence even make sense? 

    The real mystery for me at this point was — what game is jean smart always playing on her ipad?   

    Fruit Ninja. 

  • Damn you guys!

    just finished Life on Mars. Not one of you warned me i was gonna bawl like a bawling bawl baby.  

    It was such a great series. I loved it.  The attitudes of the 70s were funny, cringe-worthy things, but it was perfect. 

    Now i want to see the  spin- off Ashes to Ashes, but i can’t find it anywhere!!
  • It comes and goes...you’ll have to check the various platforms from time to time. 
    Hedda GablerFlakeNoirGNTLGNT
  • It comes and goes...you’ll have to check the various platforms from time to time. 
    Please, if you see it, would you let me know? I do searches for it but coming up empty handed on the services i have. 
  • Notaro said:
    The final season -- June 25

    My wife will be happy and sad, she adores the show, she'll be sad to see it end. 

    I wasn't aware this will be the last season, that's too bad, it's been a solid show. One of the best intro themes of any show I've ever watched.
    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda GablerNeesy
  • Bosch is set to end on Amazon’s Prime Video later this year, but the character of Harry Bosch will live on in a spinoff at the tech giant’s ad-supported streaming service, IMDb TV.

    Titus Welliver, Mimi Rogers and Madison Lintz will continue their roles on the spinoff, and much of the Bosch creative team, including series creator Eric Overmyer and author Michael Connelly, is also involved. The untitled spinoff is slated to begin filming later this year; the seventh and final season of Bosch will debut in the summer.

    GNTLGNTFlakeNoirHedda Gabler
  • Just watched the Friends Reunion on HBO max. I know there are lots of haters out there for this show, but...

    I was  20  when it started. I was mostly alone, with a kid...they were my friends. I grew up with them. Got married, had another kid while it was on. My daughter is super into it now, too and has seen all the episodes. We share a love of the show, which I love. I still let the reruns fry on the TV and laugh and laugh. Never get tired of them. 

    While I was a little disappointed it was a reunion type show instead of a new episode, it was awesome to see them all together again and reminiscing. It made me laugh, brought tears, had me feeling all the feels. Worth the watch if you were a fan. 
    KurbenFlakeNoirGNTLGNTHedda Gablerdoyoulove19Neesy
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